History Exam

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War of attrition

A conflict in which each side tried to wear the other down by killing as many of its men as possible.


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.


France, Serbia, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, romania, usa

What was the League of Nations?

an international association whose goal would be to keep peace among nations

Effects of WW1

every European country became bankrupt and no longer dominated world affairs, revolutions threatened Eastern Europe, old aristocratic order was dead, new boundaries were drawn.

Why did Britain get involved in the Ottoman Empire?

"This position of the Ottoman Empire meant to be a potential sea power in the Mediter- ranean, the Black Sea and the Red Sea. After taking part in the war alongside Germany, Ottoman control of these strategic regions was perceived as a threat to the British realpolitik by policy mak- ers for the future." ?

What were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

1. Germany had to take blame for the war. 2. Germany had to pay reparations (payment), which was $33 Billion. 3. Germany had its military taken away. 4. Map of Europe was redrawn 5. League of Nations was created


A person killed or injured in a war or accident


An agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting for a certain time.

Immediate cause of war

Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Central Powers

Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

Why did several countries have an issue with Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points?

Because it forced Germany to pay all reparations since they were blamed for the war ?

Why did Russia withdraw from the war?

Because revolution had broken out in Russia

Where was the Eastern Front?

Between Germany and Russia

What was one thing the Navy could use colonies for?

Coal refueling

What type of territory is Puerto Rico of the U.S. today?



Created to help maintain balance between countries

American imperialistic urges go against what central belief of the U.S.?


Why did the Spanish flu have such an impact on both soldiers and civilians?

Due to the fact that it killed so many people

What was one of the primary causes of the American phenomenon of Imperialism?


Examples of issues soldiers faced in the trenches and at the front

Equipment like mines, barbed wire, and heavy artillery; diseases like trench foot and syphilis; horrible living conditions with unclean environments


Extending a country's influence or control over the other countries influence or people by military force or political or economic control.

Who assassinated Franz Ferdinand?

Gavrilo Princip, member of the Black Hand

What happened with the schlieffen plan

Germany was slowed down at Belgium because of smaller armies, for

Schlieffen Plan

Germany's military plan at the outbreak of World War I, according to which German troops would rapidly defeat France and then move east to attack Russia.

Countries in the triple alliance

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

What countries were involved in the Paris Peace Conference?

Great Britain, France, Italy, and the U.S.

What countries were involved in the Paris peace conference?

Great Britain, France, Italy, and the U.S.

Countries in the triple entente

Great Britain, France, Russia

What territory in the Pacific did the U.S. annex in 1898 for pineapples, sugar& a naval base?



Identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.


Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or points of view

What country did the U.S. open to trade in 1854 by sending a floatilla of ships under Commodore Matthew C. Perry?


What day was Franz Ferdinand assassinated?

June 28, 1914


Movement where people of the same ethnic group and background want their own nation instead of being a part of someone else's nation

Be able to label the trench diagram+leaders of countries


Who were the obvious early victims of American Expansion/Imperialism?

Native Americans

Where did the U.S. decide to build a canal?


Due to defeating the Spanish, the U.S. took on the Philippines, Guam, & what Caribbean island?

Puerto Rico

Who did most Americans blame for the sinking of the U.S.S. Maine?


What war began due to Cuban rebels fighting against terrible treatment by the Spanish?

Spanish-American War

What country did America fight 4 years to take over as a colony?

The Phillipines


The action of a country or its government preparing and organizing troops for active source


The belief or desire of a government or people that a country should make a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests


The build up or military forces and armaments along with the belief that force was the answer to conflict.

What was Woodrow Wilson's purpose for creating the Fourteen points?

To create a fair plan for world peace


The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged


The principle or advocacy of the union of all Slavs or all Slavic peoples in one political organization

Who led the American attack on Cuban San Juan hill in 1898 during the Spanish-American War?

Theodore Roosevelt

What were primary roles for women during the war and after the war?

Took over the jobs of the men that were fighting in the war, had to give up these jobs after the war

Possible discussion questions

What battles seem most significant to the war and why? What events seem most relevant to current events today(ex. Tension in the Middle East, etc.) why? How did the way the Allies handled the end of WW1 pave a way for WWII? Was there a way that they could have done things differently that may have prevented another "Great War?

What was the Armenian Genocide

When Ottoman government accused the Armenians of supporting the Russians and used these allegations to kill 1 million Armenians

Who was President during the Spanish-American War?

William McKinley

examples of new technology in WWI

airplanes, machine guns, barbed wire, poison gas, artillery (cannons, sea and land), trench warfare, tanks, airships, u-boats

Where was the Western Front?

between Germany and France

Main causes of war

militarism, alliances, imperialism, nationalism

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