History exam review cards

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Temporary RI governer

Thomas Dorr

attacked the Sedition Act as unconstitutional

Virginia resolution

called for a declaration of war with Great Britain

War Hawks

Jackson's inauguration was:

a large, rowdy event

What was not part of Alexander Hamilton's financial program?

a national capital city with experimental manufacturing

Seeing the events as an extension of their own progress of liberty, white Americans supported the Haitian Revolution and the establishment of Haiti as an independent nation in 1804


Women and placks fully enjoyed the fruits of the market revolution


the Battle of Washington D.C., valiantly fought by the Americans, was a much needed victory


the Revolution of 1800 was quite violent


the U.S. military was well prepared for the War of 1812.


the journey from 1804 to 1806 of Lewis and Clark did not produce much valuable info


what was not a way that the market revolution changed western farming?

farmers in the Old Northwest used slave labor to expand their production

by 1860, free black men could vote on the same basis as whites only in:

four states in the lower south

thoreau believed that:

genuine freedom lay within the individual

the majority of the nearly 4 million immigrants that entered the U.S. between 1840 and 1860 were mostly:

german an irish

What is true of Lafayette's 1824 visit to the U.S.?

he negotiated a trade agreenent that demonstrated the rising economic influence of the united states

what was not true about John quincy Adams?

he was a firm believer in strict construction of the Constitution

what helped encourage Richard Allen to establish the African methodist episcipal church?

he was forcibly ermoved from praying at the alter rail at his former church

forced American sailors into the British Navy


What was true about the Whiskey Rebellion of 1794?

it was the only time in U.S. history that the president commanded an army in the field

When George Washington took office as the first president, American leaders believed that the new nation's success depended on:

maintaining political harmony

Alexander Hamilton's long-term goal was to:

make the U.S. a major commercial and military power

a belief that American expansion was divinely appointed

manifest destiny

maintained the balance of power between slave and free states

missouri compromise

americas diplomatic decloration of independence

monroe doctrine

president of the second bank of the US

nicholas biddle

the Independence movements in Latin America between 1810 and 1822:

paralleled in some ways the independence movement that created the US

the Dorr War:

pitted proponents of expanded voting rights for whites against the status quo in RI

the panic of 1819:

prompted some states to suspend debt collections, which helped debtors but hurt creditors

When Andrew Jackson had the chance to obtain African-American help to fight the British in the Battle of New Orleans, he:

recruited free men of color and promised them the same pay that white recruits recieved


set up farms on unoccupied land

groups chained together while migrating to the Deep South

slave coffles

the Kentucky resolution originally stated that

states could nullify laws of Congress

what encouraged the building of factories in coastal towns such as New Bedford and even large inland cities such as Chicago by the 1840s?

steam power meant factories no longer had to be near waterways to generate electicity

the land involved in the Louisiana Purchase:

stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to Canada and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains

government could only do exactly what the Constitution stated

strict constructionist

the first industry to be shaped by a large factory system was:


a primary reason that both women and blacks were excluded from the expansion of democracy was

that both groups were viewed as being naturally incapable and this unfit for sufferage

With whom did Alexander Hamilton and his supporters believe that the U.S. needed to cultivate a firm relationship in order to survive as a nation?

the British

Why did the U.S. become a one-party nation following the War of 1812?

the Hartford Convention's allegedly treasonous activities fatally damaged the Federalist Party's reputation

What was the significance of the case of Marbury V. Madison?

the Supreme Court asserted the power of judicial review

Cherokee trek to Oklahoma

trail of tears

a literary and philosophical movement


the catalyst for the market revolution was a series of innovations in:

transportation and communication

Irish immigrants tended to be more skilled then then German immigrants arriving around the same time


Most of the Public government buildings constructed around 1800 in Washington, D.C., were built by using slave labor.


Newspapers and pamphlets were a primary vehicle for political debate in the early republic


Samual slater memorized the plans for the power-driven spinning jenny before immigrating to America


Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa tried to revive a pan-Indian movement and unite against the white man


free trade and sailors' rights were the 2 issues that drew the U.S. into the War of 1812


in order to satisfy the need of slave labor in the Cotton Kingdom, an estimated 1 million slaves were relocated to the Deep South from the older slave states between 1800 and 1860


the catalyst for the market revolution was a series of innovations in transportation and communication


the early industrial revolution in America was largely confined to New England and a few cities outside it


the market revolution produced a new middle class


the religious revivals of the early nineteenth century were originally organized by established religious leaders alarmed by the low levels of church attendance in the young republic


a personal moral quality associated with woman


the term citizen in America had become synonymous with the right to:


the Sedition Act:

was declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court 2 years later

the Erie Canal

was far larger than any other canal in the U.S. at that time

in the first half of the 19th century, paper money:

was illegal

Mary Wollstonecraft's (A Vindication of the Rights of Woman):

was inspired by Thomas Paine's (Right of Man)

the national political parties of the second American party system were:

Democrats and whigs

waterway linking NYC to the Great Lakes

Erie Canal

Pennsylvania farmer uprising

Fries's Rebellion

How did the market revolution affect the lives of artisans?

Gathered in factories, they faced constant supervision and the breakdown of craftsmanship in specialized tasks

What happened to King Louis XVI during the French Revolution?

He was executed

what was not an objection raised by critics of Hamilton's proposals?

His program would create a corrupt alliance between gov't and large commercial interests

his proposal sparked the Missouri contraversy

James Tallmadge

negotiated with Britain

Jay's Treaty

theorist behind nullification contraversy

John Calhoun

Cherokee resistance leader

John Ross

bought for $15 million

Louisiana territory

judicial review

Marbury v. Madison

held Bank of the US was constitutional

McCulloch v. Maryland

in Gibbson v. Ogden, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that:

NY could not grant a monopoly on steamboat navigation between NY and NJ

prejudice against immigrants


unofficial conflict with France


Who believed that freedom was an open-ended process of self-realization by which individuals could remake themselves and their own lives?

Ralph waldo emerson

religious revival

Second Great Awakening

restrictions placed on freedom of the press

Sedition Act

a decree that labor organization was legal

Commonwealth v. Hunt

what was the most important export from the U.S. by the mid-nineteenth century?


revolutionized American slavery

cotton gin

the Democratic-Republican Societies of the 1790's:

criticized the Washington administration

a celebration of the home

cult of domesticity

by 1830's, approximately _____________ percent of adult white men were eligible to vote


How did Americans respond to the French Revolution?

Almost everyone supported it at first, because the French seemed to be following in Americans' footsteps

mass production of interchangeable parts

American system

political program for economic developement

American system

what did nativists not blame immigrants for in the 1840s?

alchohol abuses

john Astor, who seemed to exemplify the "self-made man":

became wealth by trading goods between US and China

what improvement most dramatically increased the speed and lowered the expense of commerce in the first half of the nineteenth century?

canals and steamboats

Jefferson's Embargo Act:

caused economic depression within the U.S.

How did the market revolution change the way Americans conceived of time?

clocks increasingly regulated the seperation of work and leisure time

a charted entity that has rights and liabilities distinct from those of its members


Pierre Charles L'Enfant is well known for:

designing Washington, D.C.

Judith Sargent Murray argued that women's apparent mental inferiority to men simply reflected the fact that women had been denied:

educational opportunities

Jay's Treaty abandoned any American alliance with Britain by positioning the U.S. close to France


John O'Sullivan coined the term "manifest destiny" to describe America's divinely appointed mission to settle all of North America


National boundaries made westward expansion difficult as they erected a barrier to settlement


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