history final

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Barack Obama

Barack Obama is an American politician who was the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017 serving 2 terms. He is very known for his ObamaCare system and being the first black president.

Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton was the 42nd president of the united states from 1993 to 2001. He was originally the Governor of Arkansas from 1979 to 1981, and then again from 1983 to 1992. He was apart of the Democratic Party and was a New Democrat. Many of his policies reflected a "Third Way" political philosophy.

freedom riders

In 1961, freedom riders were groups of black and white northern idealists who were participating in the civil rights movement. They rode buses into the South to challenge racial segregation.

John F. Kennedy

John F.Kennedy or JFK was the 35th president of the United States in 1961. He served at the height of the Cold War and spent a lot of his presidency focused on managing a relation with the Soviet Union. He was shot and assassinated in November of 1963

the Afghanistan war

after 9/11 attacks The United States invaded Afghanistan in 2001 and was supported by allies including the United Kingdom. U.S. President George W. Bush demanded that the Taliban hand over Osama bin Laden and expel al-Qaeda from Afghanistan.

"insider nation v outsider nation"

"insider nation v outsider nation" was written by Michael Lind on April 29 2016. it is about how there is growing recognition of the need for more widespread sharing of the gains from economic growth In the political spectrum In the United States and "reformicons" propose new or expanded wage subsidies and child tax credits. He says the insider Nation is hostile to politics, as it has traditionally been practiced in modern democracies and these voters are ignorant and dangerous. Outsider nation is different and is full of Membership in political parties, churches, local community groups, charities, and clubs has declined in all Western nations.

"no one was killed the democratic national convention august 1968"

"no one was killed the democratic national convention august 1968" was a book written by John Schultz. It talked about the democratic nation convention in august 1968 this day in 1968 in Chicago. thousands of Vietnam War protesters battled police in the streets and the Democratic Party fell apart over an internal disagreement concerning its stance on Vietnam. With the amount of people protesting, lucky, "no one was killed"

"What made them of their duty?"

"what made them do their duty" was a journal written in 2001 by victor Davis Hanson after the September 11th attacks on the twin towers. it was about how hundreds of cops and fireman showed bravery to helping these people who were trapped inside the towers as they collapsed. Many died but their heroism lives on in memory of these selfless and patriotic men and women during their time of duty

the crisis of confidence or malaise speech

On July 15, 1979, Jimmy carter made a speech of 1in which he said that the country had not come together to solve its problems. It was called "the crisis of confidence" because he used the phrase "crisis of confidence" in the speech. He said people would have to pull together to see the country through its energy problems.

september 11th 2001

On september 11th 2001, four coordinated terrorist attacks were made by the Islamic terrorist group against the United States. The most known attack was the attack on the twin towers when planes were flown into them. Almost 3,000 people died and another 6,000 others were injured.

"I have a dream" MLKJ

The "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King, Jr. was gave in August of 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. His speech was to express his hope for American change between blacks and whites as well as an end to racism in the United States and called for civil and economic rights. He wanted both jobs and freedom for all. His speech brought great attention to the Civil Rights Movement than it has had in years.

The Vietnam war

The Vietnam war or the American War, was a war between North Vietnam and South Vietnam in 1955 to 1975. The North Vietnamese army was supported by communist allies and the South Vietnamese army was supported by the United States and other anti-communist allies. It was war considered a Cold War-era war. Many Americans believe the war was unjustified.

The civil rights act of 1964

The civil rights act was created in July 1964 in the United States that outlawed discrimination on race color religion and gender. It prohibited unequal application of voting, segregated schools and employment

National Organization for women

in 1966 the national organization for women was founded as an American feminist organization.


isis is an islamic terrorist organization that gained global prominence in 2014 when it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in its Western Iraq offensive, followed by its capture of Mosul and the Sinjar massacre

Obama care

signed by President Barack Obama in 2010, "Obamacare" represented the U.S. healthcare system's most significant regulatory overhaul and expansion of coverage since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965

"the great society"

the Great Society was a speech by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964 about domestic programs in the United States. He called for a war on poverty and the creation of a "Great Society," a prosperous nation that had overcome racial divisions. His main goals were to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. It ended in 1965 when he proposed an expansion in the federal government's role in domestic policy.

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