History final

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The Freedom Rides of 1961 traveled through which of the following states?

Alabama and Mississippi

How was American life different in the 1920s than in the years prior?

Although Americans worked hard in an industrial world, they also enjoyed more vacations.

Which of the following did Barack Obama and Donald Trump's presidential campaigns have in common?

Both appealed to the voters' feeling that the country was moving in the wrong direction

When Ford took office in 1974, what occurred for the first time in U.S. history?

Both the president and vice president took office without being voted in

Assess the state of individual American financial savings by the end of the 1920s.

By the end of the 1920s, the majority of American families had no savings whatsoever

What setback did the advocates of the Roe v. Wade decision of 1973 suffer in 1976?

Congress overrode Ford's veto and ended federal funding for abortion in the Medicaid program

How did mass consumption in the Progressive era result in new consumer freedoms?

Department stores provided city residents with access to electric washing machines

What did the term "white man's burden" mean?

Domination of nonwhites by white people was necessary for the progress of civilization

After the Spanish-American War, who established the Philippines' provisional government with a constitution modeled on that of the United States?

Emilio Aguinaldo

The coming of the railroad to the Far West had little to do with the rapid expansion of corporate timber production.


Which of the following statements accurately describes farming in the Great Plains?

Farmers were a homogenous group mainly comprising easterners.

Which statement about farms in the 1920s is accurate?

For the first time in U.S. history, the number of farmers declined

What led England and France to declare war on Germany, marking the start of World War II?

Germany invaded Poland, a country Britain and France had promised to protect

As a result of Watergate, what happened to Richard Nixon?

He resigned as president

Which of the following statements about President Obama's inaugural address are true?

He spoke of the need to combat income inequality and lack of access to health care

What did events surrounding the Watergate break-in and cover-up suggest about Richard Nixon?

He was willing to condone illegal activity if it would silence his political enemies

Why was it inevitable that the United States and the Soviet Union would eventually come into conflict after the war ended?

Historically, both nations had never shared long-term interests or values

Which of the following contributed to the banking crisis of 2008?

Public and private policies favored economic speculation and get-rich-quick schemes

Which of the following statements best describes Japan's overseas actions in the 1930s?

Japan invaded China hoping to expand militarily and economically

Which statement about the Japanese-American internment is correct?

Japan used it as proof that America was racist toward nonwhite people.

What event forced John F. Kennedy to take meaningful action in support of the civil rights movement?

King's demonstrations in Birmingham

By the early twenty-first century, what was the status of union membership in the private sector?

Less than 10 percent of workers in the private sector belonged to unions

Why did Los Angeles's population increase significantly during the 1920s?

Many misplaced Midwest farmers came looking for jobs

Which of the following is true of the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s?

Many of its members held respected positions in their communities

Which of the following statements describes the Black Lives Matter movement?

Members demanded that police practices be changed and officers using excessive force be held accountable

What caused the oil embargo in 1973?

Middle Eastern Arab countries were unhappy with U.S. support for Israel

How did World War II affect the West Coast of the United States?

Millions of Americans moved to California for jobs and military service.

What about the golden age of capitalism between 1946 and 1960 was most beneficial for Americans?

Most monetary gains reached ordinary citizens through rising wages

"Vietnamization" was

Nixon's Vietnam strategy to have American troops gradually withdraw and South Vietnamese troops assume the fighting

What allowed Donald Trump to be chosen as the Republican presidential candidate?

Other candidates within the party believed he had no chance at winning the nomination

Why were American suburbs of the 1950s so heavily segregated?

Residents, brokers, and realtors dealt in contracts and mortgages that barred sales to nonwhite residents

Prior to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, what experience did Rosa Parks have with the civil rights movement?

She had been involved in civil rights protests since the 1930s

Where did the turning point of World War II in Europe occur?


About which of the following did Ida Tarbell write an investigative journalistic story?

Standard Oil

What statement best summarizes the ideas behind the term "New Negro"?

Stereotypes were to be rejected

How did World War II change the role of corporations in American life?

Technological innovation and high productivity in the war effort restored the reputations of corporations from their Depression lows.

What did Alice Paul propose regarding women's rights?

That all gender-based legal distinctions should be eliminated

Which of the following is the message of this political cartoon?

That the naval officers aboard the USS Maine were murdered by the Spanish

What resulted from the Pentagon Papers' release?

The Supreme Court reached a landmark freedom-of-the-press decision

Which statement about the Korean conflict is correct?

The United Nations authorized the use of force to repel the North Koreans

What brought about a new wave of sympathy for the plight of women in the garment industry in Lawrence, Massachusetts?

The appearance of malnourished children who had been evacuated from Lawrence shocked the public

Which of the following statements describes settlement and development of the American West most accurately?

The federal government actively acquired Indian territories, distributed land to companies, and helped to open large areas to commercial farming

Why did President Eisenhower use the CIA to overthrow the government of Iran in the early 1950s?

The government had attempted to nationalize British-owned oil fields

What changes did railroads bring to American society during the Gilded Age?

The introduction of railroads enabled a national market for goods and led to the creation of time zones

What were the results of the U.S. invasion of neutral Cambodia in 1970?

The invasion destabilized the nation and ushered in a murderous regime

Why did the United States drop an atomic bomb on Hiroshima?

The invasion of Japan was certain to cost as many as 250,000 American lives

How did the African-American civil rights protesters that marched in June 1963 in more than 186 cities feel about the danger of getting arrested?

The very point of the protests was to illustrate the punitive nature of southern Jim Crow justice

How did the women's liberation movement inspire a major expansion of the idea of freedom?

The women's movement brought considerations of power and justice inside the family

Immigration policies changed during the 1920s as the government started to restrict wholesale immigration. How did employers react to these changes in policy?

They accepted the changes, as their fear of immigrant radicalism outweighed their desire for cheap labor

Why did businesses support the Pure Food and Drug Act?

They understood that greater public confidence in the quality of their products helped sales

What did the members of the new United Nations Security Council all have in common?

They were all part of the allies that won World War II

How did the mortgage crisis affect minorities during the Great Recession?

They were pushed into subprime mortgages

One important conclusion that can be drawn as a result of the Spanish American War is that

The media are a powerful influence in shaping American public opinion toward war

"The Significance of the Frontier in American History" lecture concluded what about the West?

The movement westward acted as a safety valve that counteracted the threat of social unrest

Which of the following is true regarding women in the workforce during World War II?

The overwhelming majority of working women were employed in industrial professions.

Why did France and other European nations understand NATO as a form of double containment?

The pact would guard them against Soviet aggression as well as Germany's resurgence

Between 1950 and 1973 there was a reduction in income inequality. This was in part due to the federal government's progressive income tax policy. In practice, how did this policy work?

Wealthy Americans paid higher taxes than others

Why did cigarettes become known as "torches of freedom" during the 1920s?

Women began to smoke cigarettes as an expression of personal freedom

Trump's victory signified that the contested issue of who is entitled to full freedom and equality in America remained unresolved.


The Pearl Harbor bombing was the first attack on U.S. territory by a foreign power since which conflict?

War of 1812

What was key to the election of Richard Nixon?

a backlash among formerly Democratic voters

In his eulogy for the shooting victims at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, to what larger trend did Barack Obama connect the tragic events?

a long history of violence aimed at churches as a means of oppression

The "living wage" and the "American standard of living" were an outgrowth of

a mature consumer economy

After the Stonewall riot

a militant gay liberation movement was born

Which of the following descriptions accurately characterized the West during the Gilded Age?

a variety of regions such as plains, mountains, and desert

Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller

accumulated fortunes, grew powerful, and donated most of their money to charity.

The Black Panther Party

advocated armed self-defense

The Sixteenth Amendment

authorized a graduated income tax

The Lend-Lease Act

authorized military aid as long as countries promised to return it after the war.

The Gulf of Tonkin resolution

authorized the president to take "all necessary measures to repel armed attack" in Vietnam

During the 1950s, television

became the most common source of information

Why did General Motors (GM) surpass Ford in sales of automobiles in the 1920s?

because GM designed and produced several models with stylish designs

The free speech movement

began in Berkeley to protest a campus ban on political activism

How did the United States violate the UN Charter in 1954?

by organizing a military attack to depose Jacobo Arbenz Guzmán in Guatemala

Which of the following motivated U.S. control over Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines?

control of gateways for American commerce

The Great Society

included new health care, education, and urban development initiatives paid for with federal funds

The second industrial revolution was marked by

increased activity in the mining and railroad industries

American farmers in the 1920s

increasingly migrated out of rural areas

As soon as the United States entered World War II,

its troops lost important battles.

In the 1920s, immigration restriction included which of the following?

legislation that severely limited immigration from southern and eastern Europe

Most new immigrants who arrived during the early years of the twentieth century

lived in close-knit communities

Newspaper and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life, fueling the Progressive movement, were known as


In 2012, how many people in the United States were murdered with guns?

nearly 10,000

Artists captured the transformation of urban landscapes in the Progressive era through which of the following?

photographs of electric lights and skyscrapers

Progressive-era immigration was part of a larger process of worldwide migration set in motion by which of the following forces?

political turmoil

The policy of "containment" can best be described as

preventing the spread of communism worldwide

American foreign policy during the 1920s

reflected the close ties between government and business

To create national parks such as Yellowstone, Yosemite, and Glacier, the federal government

removed Indians who hunted and fished on these lands

The Affordable Care Act, also known as "Obamacare,"

required all Americans to purchase health insurance

Which of the following groups voted overwhelmingly for Trump?

residents of rural areas and small towns

What introduced the concept of human rights to the broader world?

the American and French Revolutions

After Nixon's 1972 visit to China

the Beijing government took China's place at the UN

After World War II, the only nation that could rival the United States was

the Soviet Union

The Berlin Blockade was

the Soviet Union's reaction to the establishment of a separate currency in the western occupied zones

In 1921, Congress imposed country-by-country immigration quotas. Which of the following regions was not subject to them?

the Western Hemisphere

What turned the tide of the Pacific naval war in favor of the Allies?

the destruction of Japanese aircraft carriers at Midway Island

The shopping mall was the inevitable result of

the growth of the suburbs

"D-Day" refers to

the largest sea-land military operation in history.

In his 1961 farewell address, President Eisenhower warned Americans about

the military-industrial complex

The Bretton Woods conference created the framework for what?

the postwar capitalist economic system

What did students of the New Left movement think was missing in American liberalism in the 1960s?

the practice of true participatory democracy

For the feminist woman in the 1920s, freedom meant

the right to choose her lifestyle

What was the purpose and approach of the Dawes Act?

to attack "tribalism" by dividing the land of nearly all tribes and distributing it to Indian families

The Office of War Information

used radio, film, and the press as propaganda media to support the US role in the war

The Bay of Pigs invasion

was a complete failure

The Berlin Wall

was a tangible symbol of Cold War dynamics

Sonia Sotomayor

was the first Hispanic to be appointed to the Supreme Court

During the Cold War, American culture

witnessed how the Central Intelligence Agency and Defense Department emerged as patrons of the arts.

Japan's constitution, which Americans had written, provided for the first time in Japanese history

women's suffrage

By 1890, the majority of the American workforce

worked for wages

John Muir did which of the following?

founded the Sierra Club to help preserve forests

Which, according to Trump, were the issues of most concern to voters?

globalization and immigration

During the "Age of Empire," American racial attitudes

had a global impact

How was Truman's national health insurance plan defeated?

It was painted as socialist

By 1880, Chinese immigrants to the West

concentrated in California, where they made up over half of the farmworkers.

enacted during the Civil War in 1862, provided that any adult citizen, or intended citizen, who had never borne arms against the U.S. government could claim 160 acres of surveyed government land.. Most of the land went to speculators, cattlemen, miners, lumbermen, and railroads. Of some 500 million acres dispersed by the General Land Office between 1862 and 1904, only 80 million acres went to homesteaders. Indeed, small farmers acquired more land under the Homestead Act in the 20th century than in the 19th.

Homestead Act

After World War II, which country gained its independence from Great Britain?


What explains the appeal of the Lost Cause mythology for Southern whites in the late nineteenth century?

It allowed southern governments to preserve white supremacy while coping with defeat

Why is the characterization of the war on terror as a "clash of civilizations"—the West versus Islam—unhistorical?

It denies a long past of cultural exchanges between the two

Which of the following statements is accurate of the 1965 Voting Rights Act?

It empowered federal officials to oversee voter registration.

What is the status of Puerto Rico today?

It is a commonwealth controlled by the United States.

How did the War Powers Act of 1973 change the powers of the presidency?

It required congressional approval for the commitment of troops overseas

Which of the following statements describes the Occupy movement?

It tapped into a widespread feeling of alienation, especially among the young

What was essential to the growth of suburbs?


The term "Fordism"

describes an economic system based on mass production and mass consumption

The impact of the second industrial revolution on the trans-Mississippi West was

dramatic in agriculture

The Cuban Missile Crisis

ended when the Soviet Union agreed to dismantle the missiles it had installed in Cuba

During the 1920s, the U.S. economy

enjoyed prosperity

Rachel Carson's Silent Spring inspired the ________ movement.


The Grange was an organization that

established cooperatives for storing and marketing farm output

The Progressive era was a period of explosive growth. Which of the following fueled this process?

expansion of the consumer market

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