history final

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What measure did the selective service system take to address these criticism of the draft 1969?

A "lottery" system was implemented

Why did it take some time before the provision lowering the voting age would apply nationwide?

An amendment requires ratification by individual states

How was 1972 presidential election most like the 1968 election?

Nixon used promises to end the war to his advantage

According to Soviet propaganda, what was to blame for the poverty and inequalities prevalent in Third World counties in Asia, Africa, and Latin America

Western capitalism

How was the Peace Corps different from other foreign aid initiatives such as the Alliance for Progress

Its emphasis on public service and volunteering

what best describe the main difference between many American troops stationed in Vietnam before 1965 and those stationed there after that date?

Many troops stationed there before 1965 were volunteers, while many of those after were drafted into the service

what was the main reason for the failure of the Bays of Pigs?

At the last minute, President Kennedy pulled vital air cover, which left the Cuban exiles exposed without support or supplies

What strategy did president Johnson's advisors Robert McNamara and General Westmoreland insist was necessary to winning the war in vietnam

Committing more troops and taking more role in combat activities

What was President Kennedy's response to perceived "missile gap" between the US and Soviet Union

He adopted a "flexible response" policy to prepare the military for any type of conflict

HCM strats toward 'Murican Military

He believed that if the NV wore the American forces down enough they would eventually leave

How did the War Powers Act of 1973 affect the president's ability to conduct military operations?

It forced him to consult with Congress before ordering any military strikes

What impact did George Wallace's third-party candidacy have on the 1968 presidential election?

It siphoned votes from Humphrey;s candidacy, allowing Nixon to win

what impact did defense spending for Vietnam War have on education in the US?

Paying for the war affected education spending

How did US policy in Vietnam change following the Tet Offensive

Policy makers thought the war unwinnable and began to negotiate for peace

What military strategy did president Nixon employ in Vietnam early on in his presidency?

The "Vietnamization" of combat operations

Why did the US ultimately decide to support the french rather than HCM forces in the Indochina War?

The US wanted to top the spread of communism in Asia

In what way was the US's decision to support the French in Indochina a departure from its usual foreign policy

The US was generally in favor of decolonization

The Violence that erupted outside the Democratic Nation Convention in Chicago in 1968 and the confusion inside gave the impression that

The nation was in disorder and the Democrats had lost control

During the Vietnam War, African American Soldiers

made up a disproportionately high number of casualties

Điện Biên Phủ showed that

the French could no longer hold on to Vietnam

what dis secretary of defense Clark Clifford determine after analyzing the conflict in Vietnam

the US should try to negotiate peace with North Vietnam

wat objective did American military leaders hope to achieve in North Vietnam with military campaigns such ad operation roling thunder

they believed that the strikes would lower the enemy's morale and drive the north vietnamese to negotiate a peace treaty

The term "third world" was originally coined to refer to countries that

were aligned with neither the US or the Soviet Union

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