history final

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Regarding Brigham's "a study of American intelligence", all of the following are true EXCEPT:

Brigham's analysis was based on the traditional American black and white.

According to Luibheid, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

Chinese women after the Page Law were actually the first immigrant group in the US who experience a massive deportation.

Lynching refers to

Extra legal violence committed against blacks in the South (also in the West)

The Mann Act, also known as the White Slave Traffic Act, prohibited the interstate or foreign commerce transport of women and girls for the purposes of prostitution or any other immoral purpose, providing clear guidelines for what such purposes might include:


Which of the following is NOT true of Frederick L Hoffman?

He argued that environmental factors were the chief cause of black mortality (death rates)

Regarding Carl Campbell Brigham's A Study of American Intelligence (1923), all of the following are true EXCEPT:

He argued that in terms of intelligence, Russians, Italians and Polish barely improved on the foreign born average, while Turks and Greeks ranked at the bottom with blacks.

All of the following about Madison Grant are true EXCEPT:

He was Irish Catholic.

Painter presents all of the following as true about Henry Goddard, Usc's first football coach, except:

He was a prominent advocate of "free love" as a means for America to attain its destiny as a true melting pot. (He actually popularized scientific intelligence testing and sterilizing "feeble-minded)

According to Chauncey's research on the case of a clergyman accused of intimate relations with sailors, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

He was convicted and jailed.

When did the idea of classifying bodies as "heterosexual" and "homosexual" emerge.

In the late nineteenth century, around the same time that the U.S. supreme court declared racial segregation constitutional .

The second enlargement of whiteness was

Irish and German

What was the MAIN goal of the labor reform movement at the beginning of the 1900s?

Limiting the workday to 8 hours.

For Dugdale, author of the Jukes: A study in crime, pauperism, disease, (what) was the root cause of what he regarded as the degeneracy and criminality of poor white people in upstate New York:

Nature (heredity)

Which of the following statements about gender in the 19th century is FALSE?

Notions of masculinity and femininity were stable over time and across groups

The years 1875-1920 are known as the era of

Qualitative Restriction

Which of the following was not a consequence of what Nell Painter called the great unrest of the world war era?

Repeal of the Chinese exclusion act

According to Tone, all of the following are true except:

Rubber condoms became so popular in the late 19th century that nobody opposed their use

Which of the following is NOT sodomy?

Sex between a man and a mentally deficient woman.

Which sentence best states the central belief of late 19th century social Darwinists?

Some people or nations are more fit to survive than others and will naturally and rightly dominate

Painter describes "warfare of the cradle" as referring to:

The early 20th century fear that the inferior, "feeble-minded" groups would procreate more than "superior" Anglo-Saxon groups

As Carter explains, in the early 20th century changing ideas about gender led to changing ideals about sexuality: whereas for women, sexuality went from being seen as ..


Which state pioneered the idea of sterilization for the feeble minded and overall poor?


The phrase Jim Crow refers to laws that

enforced racial segregation

Those involved in the White Slave Crusades worried that () would become victims of ():

white American women; foreign and nonwhite men.

Ida B Wells

A black, editor, women's activist

In the "Great Ivy Nude Posture Photo Scandal" Rosenbaum argues that photos of Ivy-league students were part of a...

A eugenic catalogue of photos that were assumed to reflect emotional and psychological qualities.

Who was Eugen Sandow?

A performer who is considered the father of modern bodybuilding.

"Fitter Family" or "Better Baby" competitions were...

A popular entertainment where families allowed their children to be judged by a set of eugenic criteria.

Fitter Family or Better Baby competitions were...

A popular entertainment where families allowed their children to be judged by a set of eugenic criteria.

Vibrators were initially intended for

Doctors to use to treat white middle class with hysteria.

Concerns over reproduction were limited to discussions about the reproductive habits of poor immigrants and people of color:


Much like contemporary #BlackLivesMatters activists have made use of cellphone videos to raise awareness of and protest against police brutality, 19th century activist Ida B. Wells pioneered the use of photographic evidence to raise awareness of lynching. Southern Horrors (her book) which was required reading in the class, published several lynching photographs that law enforcement officials used to bring members of lynch mobs to justice.


Since the Page Act of 1875, immigration laws have focused on race but not sex:


The Comstock law was aimed solely at pornographic material and had no wider social impact.


The Mann Act allowed interracial couples to cross state lines, or forum shop, for states that allowed interracial marriage.


Which of the following writers theorized the concept of Social Darwinism in 1854?

Herbert Spencer

According to the marital advice written by Beatrice Hinkle in 1925, all of the following are true EXCEPT:

If two people had a true love, married couples did not necessarily have to be heterosexual.

Which of the following was NOT something the Mann Act was responding to

Successful efforts to keep women out of the workforce

According to Painter, Negative Eugenics is:

The prevention of reproduction by a certain group of people.

Which of the following factors did NOT contribute to the "White Slave Panic?"

The removal of legal barriers to interracial marriage.

According to Eithne Luibheid, the policing the immigrants around sexuality, which the Page Law inaugurated, became extended to all newcomers until today.


The newspaper article "Chicago Civic Revolution that Shall Free the White Slaves" (1909) criticized a German brothel owner as a typical owner of "white slaves" and illustrated Chinese Looking figures.


Tone argues that it is significant that the attempts to prevent a wife from becoming pregnant was not an effort exclusively made by the wife, but a joint endeavor of her and her husband in some cases seen in the late 19th century:


The 1873 Comstock Law was instituted to:

prevent the circulation of obscene material (anything immoral, referring to contraception, pornography)

In what year do you think the words homosexual and heterosexual were first coined and first used in print?


Electrical vibrators were first invented in


Major figures in the early 20th century Eugenic sterilization movement were also very active in all of the following EXCEPT:

Efforts to dignify the American workplace through overtime pay and compensation for preventable on the job injuries.

Major figures in the early 20th century Eugenic sterilization movement were also very active in the following EXCEPT:

Efforts to dignify the American workplace through overtime pay and compensation for preventable on the job injuries.

America Eugenicist got much of their inspiration from Nazi Eugenicist and Racial Hygienists, but toned down their policies to appeal to the American people:


Congress enacted the Page law of 1875 mainly because American voters were concerned for the welfare of Chinese girls and women trafficked into prostitution:


From the very beginning, the Statue of Liberty was about representing immigration and welcoming immigrants.


In 1881, Prudential Insurance announced that because it was paying black customers 1/3 less in life insurance benefits than it paid it paid to white ones, it would offer black customers a discount on their premium payments.


Henry Goddard, who wrote the Kallikak Family, advocated what to deal with the problem of undesirables in the American populace?

Forced sterilization

Eugenicists like Henry H Goddard were attracted to Alfred Binet and Theodore Simon's mental test because?

Its results could be easily interpreted on a numerical scale, the test could be configured to administer to children, adults and immigrants, the test was both inexpensive to administer and scientific.

Tone argues that it is significant that the attempts to prevent a wife from becoming pregnant was not an effort exclusively made by the wife, but a joint endeavor of her and her husband in some cases were seen in the late 19th century.


US immigration policies in the late 19th century and early 20th century included qualitative provisions excluding women suspected of having been forced into prostitution, men and women with loathsome and contagious diseases, and those thought unable to support themselves financially were likely to become a public charge


White southern men who did not own slaves often supported the confederacy because they feared that if the federal government could abolish or interfere with slavery, it might also abolish or interfere with their power over their wives


After the Civil War, the US women's suffrage movement

included acts of civil disobedience, known as the departure, in which women were arrested and sometimes prosecuted for trying to register and vote.

According to Carter, the iconic frontier couple of the nineteenth century was presumed to be white because:

marriage, like suffrage and naturalization, was a civil privilege linked to race prior to the civil war.

Henry George, a popular economist during the late 19th century whose book, "Progress and Poverty", sold 3 million copies, argued that

monopolies were an example of survival of the fittest and the best way for the US to encourage industrialization; this is why his work inspired the game Monopoly.

In Buck v Bell (1927) the state of Virginia justified Carrie Buck's sterilization was...

Her family's bad hereditary traits were too much a burden on the public tax dollar so it would be better for society if someone put an end to their degenerate.

The 1863 pamphlet "Miscegenation: The Theory of the Blending of the Races, Applied to the American White Man and Negro" drew upon which of the following arguments to stir opposition to the Republican Party.

Mixed races are superior to unmixed, southern white women love black men, emancipation means amalgamation.


Primitive masculinity which appealed to people in industrializing America who were anxious about becoming over-civilized and effeminate

In 1919, the military launched a sting operation in Rhode Island to entrap and arrest men who performed the "woman's role" when having sex with other men.


In the 1920s, the US established a quantitative system of immigration restriction that instituted quotas for immigrants from specific nations that allowed far more immigrants from places then to be thought racially desirable; proponents of this shift sought to return the country to its racial demographics before large numbers of southern and eastern European immigrants arrived in the late nineteenth century


In the 19th century, commentators of various publications argued that Chinese prostitutes seemed to carry germs that could threaten the perpetuity of the "white race".


In the early 20th century, homosexuality was thought to have less to do with whom one had sex with than one's gender expression/presentation


In the late 19th century, MIT president and census director Francis Amasa Walker argued that immigration had become too cheap and easy:


In the late 19th century, statistician Frederick L Hoffman justified discriminatory insurance policies against blacks by blaming their high morality rates on what he called their "gross immorality" and "early excessive intercourse of the sexes"


The eugenics movement led to an increase in state bureaucracies tasked with formalizing and controlling systems of marriage licensing (rejection of common law marriage standards)


According to Carter, heterosexuality

the erotic fascination with sexual difference that constitutes a charged point of connection between men and women who are otherwise constructed as opposites.

According to Painter, Negative Eugenics is

the prevention of reproduction by a certain group of people.

Approximately when did the White Slave Panic (leading to such federal legislation as the Mann Act) take place?


According to Megan Wolff, which of the following best explains why Prudential stopped selling life insurance to African Americans in the 1890s?

After states passed laws prohibiting insurance companies from paying fewer benefits to blacks who paid the same premiums as whites, the company thought it would lose white customers if it served black of an equal footing.

What two masculine ideals did Edgar Rice Burroughs combine in the character of Tarzan?

Anglo Saxon ancestry and primitive virility

In its 1972 ruling on Buck v Bell, the US Supreme Court declared forced sterilization unconstitutional.


In the early 1920s, within a year of denying the naturalization petition of Takao Ozawa, a light skinned Japanese man, on the ground that Japanese people were not included in Blumenbach's definition of Caucasian, the US supreme court also used Blumenbach's expansive definition of caucasin to rule in favor of the naturalization petition of Bhagat Singh thind, a dark skinned south Asian/indian man


In the early 20th century, Chauncey says men who identified as fairies trade and/or queer all shared—and were commonly regarded as sharing—a common identity as homosexuals


The abolition of slavery, the constitutional elimination of racial restrictions on citizenship, and voting rights for black men are accomplished during the Presidential phase of Reconstruction (1862-1867) Congress then took over with the goal of rolling back these changes for being too radical.


The meaning of "homosexual" has been consistent since its development.


To understand the chaotic situation of marriage in the 1920s and the necessity to have new vision of marriage, Hinkle emphasized the importance of material analysis but criticized the use of psychological analysis:


US Courts were always consistent in the logic they used to determine racial prerequisite cases and litigation?


Whereas highly muscular lumberjack-types were considered the male ideal in the mid nineteenth century they were displaced in the early 20th century by new ideal, much like that of contemporary hipsters


According to Luibheid's argument on Chinese immigration in the 19th century, all of the following are true EXCEPT...

They brought their wives and children soon after they settled in the United States and built China towns throughout California.

According to Painter, Brigham concluded that immigrants who had been in the US longer were inherently smarter, while new immigrants such as Italians, Russians and Polish were inherently inferior in intelligence.


According to Painter, Carl Brigham argued that immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe were as inherently defective as whole races of jukes and Kallikaks (native white families from degenerate family studies).


According to Painter, Carl Brigham argued that immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe were inherently defective as whole races of Jukes and Kallikaks (native white families from degenerate family studies)


Before the mid nineteenth century, most condoms were made of the intestines of animals and very expensive; cheaper and mass produced rubber condoms became possible with industrial breakthroughs in the mid-19th century


Brigham concluded that immigrants who had been in the US longer were inherently smarter:


Chauncey argues that until the end of the 19th century, North American and European cultures had no concept of the homosexual as person, but regarded homosexuality, as simply another form of sinful behavior in which anyone might choose to engage:


Dennis Kearney, was himself an immigrant from Ireland.


In 1919, the U.S. government tried to identify and prosecute sexual "inverts" at its Naval base in Newport, Rhode Island. Its chief method was to have naval intelligence officers entrap such men by having sex with them.


The US civil rights act of 1866 declared that all persons born in the US were declared to be citizens, of every race and color, with the same right to make and enforce contracts as it is enjoyed by white citizens. In state of Indiana v. Gibson (1871), the Indiana supreme court redefined marriage as more than a mere civil contract to prevent the 1866 US civil rights act from invalidating the state's longstanding antimiscegenation law.


The gay world was more closeted in the mid 20th century than it had been earlier


The increase in formalizing and controlling marriage licensing (rejection of common law, marriage standards) and the popularity of interest in eugenics coincided historically


The invention of normal as represented by Norma was a way to promote hierarchical ideals of race, sexuality and gender in a scientific way


Pace v. Alabama was a US supreme court case that

Upheld Alabama's antimiscegenation laws as constitutional on the ground that white offenders were punished as severely as black ones.

The statue of liberty was erected in new york harbor in 1886. The statue holds tablets inscribed with July 4, 1776, in its left hand

a reference to the declaration of independence. (Freedom broken shackles)

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