history final

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genet affair

-French send a young diplomat to win American support -this man did not follow diplomatic procedures -he recruited Americans for the war effort against Britain -this violated American neutrality -Washington demanded France recall this man but now he had political backers -fearing for his life he stayed in America and became a citizen


Added a Native American women to their group who served as an interpreter and a guide

war hawks

After tippecanoe -when it was discovered that the native american were using arms from British Canada a group of young congressman from the south and the west called for war against Britain -Led by Senator John c Calhoun South Carolina Henry Clay of Kentucky the speaker of the house of representatives -people rallied behind their motto "on to Canada"

15 Amendment

Citizens cannot be denied the right to vote because of race, color , or precious condition of servitude

14 Amendment

Declares that all persons born in the U.S. are citizens and are guaranteed equal protection of the laws

paul revere

Dr. Warren who was one of the most prominent people in charge when the regulars were coming -call this man to warn Adams and town people that the British -also in the sons of liberty He was detained with Dawes by British troops

embargo act

Jefferson and congress passed this Bc of killing during impressment of sailors but it only hurts Americans - act later lifted

judicial branch

1/3 branches of government -interpret the law Checks on executive: - appointed for life, federal judges are free from presidential control -can declare presidential action unconstitutional Check on legislative: -can decide the meaning of laws can declare acts of congress unconstitutional

judiciary act of 1789

This provided for Supreme Court consisting of a chief justice and five associate justices -it also set up three federal circuit courts and 13 federal district courts throughout the country -allowed state court decisions to be appealed to a federal court when constitutional issues were raised -Washington and Congress


Those who opposed independence and remain loyal to the crown -many with loyalist sympathies change sides as the war progressed -some of these people felt a special tie to the king because they had served as judges counselors or governors -some stayed loyal because they thought that the British were going to win the war and they wanted to avoid being punished as rebels -others were these type of people because they thought that the british would protect their rights more effectively then the new Colonial governments would -aka tories

Proclamation of 1763

To avoid further conflicts with the native americans, the british issued this -it banned all settlement west of the Appalachians -was not enforced and colonists continued west onto Native american land

Boston massacre

competition for jobs between colonists and poorly paid soldiers looking for extra work; fight broke out - mob gathered at Customs House and taunted guards - 4 dead in armed clash

battle of thames

death of tecumseh;fighting for british -leads to collapse of native american support for britsih -lead by Oliver hazard perry and lead American navy in Great Lakes, able to retake Detroit, limited success. War continues

william paterson

delegate to nj constitutional conventional, served states attorney general

checks and balances

delegates established this system to prevent one branch from dominative another

upper house

each state would have equal representation in the senate -state legislation chooses members

4 Amendment

freedom against unreasonable search and seizure

3 Amendment

freedom from quartering troops


german people that the births people paid to fight us

1st Amendment

guarantees citizens right to freedom of religion, speech, the press and political activity

king george III

king of england during american revolution -urged parliament to block naval-american coasts- after olive branch petition

8 Amendment

limits on fines and punishments

alexander hamilton

political leader in debates over constitution author of fed papers spearheaded creation of national bank -loose interepretation -federalist -wanted bank -believed in strong federal government

10 Amendment

powers of the states and the people -clarifies that the people and the states have all the powers that the constitution does nit specifically five to the national government or deny to the states

veto power

presidential power authority to reject any cogressional legislature

Stamp Act

prime minister george grenville persuaded parliament - passed this, which required colonists to purchase special stamped paper for every legal document; license, newspaper... -direct tax -imposed special "stamp duties" on packages -colonists who disobeyed the law were to be tried in the vice-admiralty(no jury) courts

3/5 compromise

representation based on population fro the Great Compromise raised questions about slaves -southern delegates who had many slaves wanted them included -northern delegates disagreed -three-fifths of a state's slaves to be counted as population -settled political issue but not economic issue over slavery

2 Amendment

right to bear arms

5 Amendment

rights of accused persons

9 Amendment

rights of the people -makes t hear that peoples rights arrant restricted to just those specifically mentioned int the constitution

6 Amendment

rights to a speedy, public trial

7 Amendment

rights to a trial by jury


shawnee chief -didnt believe in William h harrison; didn't give up his land -aided by his brother, the Prophet -both him and his brother warned that the Great Spirit was angry with all of the tribes who abandoned everything -was a brilliant strategist and skillful diplomat 0 began negotiating with the british for assistance in an inevitable war with the US -he traveled throughout the midwest and the south trying to win followers -absent during tippecanoe

judicial review

the ability of the supreme court to declare an act of congress unconstitutional

1st continental congress

the committees of correspondence assmebled this after the intolerable acts were sent into place -delegates drew up a declaration of colonial rights -they defended the colonials rights to take care of their own affairs -they supported the protests in Mass. and stated if the british used force against the colonies , the colonies should fight back

Washington's farewell address

-he didn't think the country should have political parties -no entanglements with foreign nations

louisiana purchase

- Jefferson wanted to buy New Orleans and western Florida from the French -Jefferson sent James Monroe to meet American ambassador robert Livingston in Paris -by the time Monroe got to Paris, Napoleon decided to sell them The entire Louisiana territory -bought for 15 million -Jefferson on sure that the purchase was constitutional -Jefferson was a strict constructionalist -and it ratified decision -The purchase including orderly and drained by the west tributaries of the Mississippi river

roger sherman

- a political leader from Connecticut -suggested the Great Compromise

crispus attucks

- a sailor of african and native american ancestry -a part of the group of angry laborers that gathered at the Customs House in Boston -mocked bristish soldiers -soldier fired into the crowd; this person first to die named the boston massacre

sam adams

- one of the founders of the Sons of Liberty - Harvard educated, unsuccesful in business, in debt, but powerful and influential political activist - boycotted townshend acts - named the one shot the boston massacre -antifederalist -started committee of correspondence; to stir public support for american independence

bill of rights

- the first eight amendments spell out the personal liberties the states had requested - the ninth and tenth impose general limits on the powers of the federal government

george washington

-1st pres incluencial american army leader -commander-in-chief of continental army during american revolution

james madison as president

-4th pres -pres during 1812 -pres during american system and supported it -and tariff of 1816

bunker hill

-British General Thomas Gage decide to strike at militia men who had dug in on Breedshill north of city Bunkerhill -The British attacked three times then finally won against the militia men because they ran low on ammunition -The British had more casualties

2nd continental congress

-Debates about the loyalist splitting the colonist happened here -John Adams of Massachusetts suggested a radical plan that each colony set up it's own government and that the Congress declares the colonies independent -he also said that Congress should consider the Millitiamen besieging Boston to be the Continental Army and name a general to lead them - Congress agreed to recognize militia men in Boston as a Continental Army and appointed George Washington as its leader -Congress also authorized paper money to pay the troops and organized a committee to deal with foreign nations

treaty of paris (1783)

-Delegates signed this -confirmed US independence and set the boundaries of the new nation from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River And from Canada to Florida border - The British made no attempt to protect the land interest of their Native American allies -The tree also did not specify when the British evacuate the American fortes - Americans agreed that British Credit tours could collect debts owed them by Americans and promised to allow loyalists and state courts for recovery of their losses -steak governments leader failed to honor this agreement

treaty of ghent

-while Andrew Jackson was fighting native Americans, diplomats had already signed a peace agreement -declared an armistice Although it did not address the issues of impressment or neutral shipping rights

national banks

-Hamilton -this would be funded by both the federal government and mostly private investors -this would issue paper money and handle tax receipts and other government funds -James Madison oppose -Messing claimed that the bank would Forge and unhealthy alliance between the government and wealthy business interests and argued that since the constitution made no provision for a national bank Congress had no right to authorize it

declaration of independence

-Jefferson -this drew on the concepts of the English philosopher John Locke who maintain that people enjoy natural rights to life liberty and property -Jefferson describe these rights as life liberty and the pursuit of happiness -Jefferson then declared that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed that is from the people this rate of consent give the people the right to alter or to abolish any government that there and they're unalienable rights and to install government that would uphold these principles -this states that all men are created equal -this phrase was written to express the common belief that free citizens were political equals

intolerable acts

-King George angry about dumping of tea so he pressed Parliament to act -Parliament responded by passing a series of measures the colonists called this -One law shut down Boston Harbor because the colonist had refused to pay for the damage Tea -another the quartering act -General Thomas Gage commander-in-chief of British forces was appointed the new governor of Massachusetts -to keep the peace he put Boston under martial law or rule imposed by military forces -allowed royal officers to be tried in england; if did something illegal, doesn't matter

virginia and nj plans

-Madison came up with Virginia plan -he proposed a two house legislature with membership based on each states population -The voters would elect members of the lower house who would then elect members of the upper house -small states objected the Virginia plan because it gave more power to states with large populations -small states supported William Paterson New Jersey plan which proposed a single house Congress in which each state had an equal vote -Roger Sherman came up the great compromise to satisfy both small and large states

committees of correspondence

-Massachusetts and Virginia set this up to communicate with other colonies about the plan to haul americans to england for trial, and other threats to american liberties (- idea to haul americans occurred to King George when a group of rhode island colonists attacked a british customs schooner -ship was then burned down)

patrick henry

-Virginia's lower house adopted many resolutions from this 29 year old lawyer -resolutions stated that Virginians could be taxed only by the Virginia assembly- by their representatives - antifederalist

common sense

-and anonymous 50 page pamphlet the colonist Thomas Paine attacked King George the third -Paine explained that his own revolt against the king had begun with Lexington and Concord -Thomas declared that the time had come for Conness to proclaim an independent republic -he argued that independence was the American destiny and would allow America to trade freely with other nations for guns and ammunition and when foreign aid from British enemies -stated independence would give Americans a chance to create a better society one from Tyranny mwith equal social and economic opportunities for all

john marshall and supreme court

-appointed by adams -he was a staunch federalist and the chief justice of the courts - decided in marbury vs madison Georgia v. Worcester (1832); he sided with Native Americans

Quartering Act

-authorize British commanders to house soldiers in vacant private homes and other buildings

sons of liberty

-boston shopkeepers created a secret resistance group -sam adams... others too

battle of saratoga

-british general burgoyne's plan was to lead an army doen a route of lakes from canada to albany, where he would meet Howe's troops as they arrived from NYC -the two generals would join forced to isolate the New England from the rest of the colonies -continental congress appointed horatio gates to command the northern department of the continental army; he gathered militiamen and soldiers -burgoyne lost men every time he clashed with americans; when ethan allen and his green mountain boys attacked at bennigton vermont -howe was also preoccupied with conquering and occupying philadephia, and wasnt gona meet him american troops surronded burgoyne at this place, burgoyne surrendered

presidential election of 1800

-btw thomas jefferson;democratic-rebuplican -and john adams; federalist -to dem-rep, adams was a tool of the rich who wanted to turn the executive branch into a British-styled monarchy - to federalists, jefferson was a dangerous supporter of revolutionary furnace and an atheist bent on destroying region -jefferson and aaron burr got same amount of electoral votes, so the house had to vote 35 times -alexander hamilton intervened and helped jefferson be pres, not burr; burr became vp -congress passed 12th amendment bc of this

the crisis

-by thomas paine - common sense before war; to revolt -this was issued during the war; inspired people to keep fighting

Boston Tea Party

-colonists angered over the Tea Act - boston rebels disguised as native americans, dumped 18,000 pounds of the East India Company tea into the waters of boston harbor

impressment of sailors

-fighting btw France and GB affected Americans -GB blockaded, and seized American ships l and also taking their cargo -British policy of impressment: the practice of seizing Americans at sea and drafting them into their navy -Brit guy wanted to check a us ship, us wouldn't let him, us got three killed -Jefferson and congress pass embargo act Bc of killing but it only hurts Americans

loose construction and elastic clause

-gives congress broad interpretation -gives congress power to make all laws necessary and proper to carry out defined laws; hamilton and jefferson argued over the bank; hamilton said this

Washington's cabinet

-he chose Thomas Jefferson Secretary of State -Alexander Hamilton as secretary of the treasury -Henry Knox who served as Washington's general of artillery during the revolution as secretary of war -Edmund Randolph at Attorney General the chief lawyer of the federal government

battle of yorktown

-in 1780 a French army had landed in Newport Rhode Island after the British left the city to focus on the south -The Marquis de Lafayette suggested to Cornwallis that the American and French armies join forces with the two French fleet and attack the British forces at this place -A French naval force defeated the British fleet and then block the entrance to the Chesapeake Bay preventing a British rescue By sea -French and American troops around at the British on this peninsula and bombarded them -Cornwallis finally surrendered

midnight judges

-in attempt to control future judicial decisions, adams filled most of the federal judge positions with federalists -called this bc adman signed their appointments late on the last day of his administration

william tecumseh sherman

-lincoln appointed him as commander of the military division of mississippi -believed in total war

burning of the white house

-madison decided to go to war because he believed that Britain was trying to strangle American trade economy -us military unprepared for war -fought in Canada then fought at sea -then this event The British raided and burned down the town along with the Atlantic coast

lexington and concord

-minutemen began to stockpile arms; general gage heard about it -gage sent out agents toward concord (town outside of boston) to find where the arms were -agents said that John Hancock and Samuel Adams were the most prominant leaders of resistance-they were staying in lexington -told his men to march along the lexington road to concord to seize and destroy all munitions they find -hancock and adams hid while british troops got ready -joseph warren; leadership fell to him -warren sent for paul revere to warn adams and hancock and townspeople; revere organized a network of riders -the riders: revere, william dawes, samuel prescott -used prearranged signals: church bells, gun shots -revere and dawes detained by british -the next morning minutemen lined up in town; british told them to leave -someone fired and the british shot into the departing militia: battle of lexington -brit marched into concord; found an emoty arsenal amd fought with militiamen -while battles occuring, adams and hancock were fleeing into the New England countryside

great compromise

-offered a two-house Congress to satisfy both small and big states -each state would have equal representation in the senate, or upper house the size of the population of each state would determine it representation in the House of Representatives, or lower house -the state legislation would choose member of the senate -voters of each state would choose member of the House -plan pleased those who favored government by the people insofar as it allowed voters to choose representative -also pleased those who defended states rights insofar as it preserved the power of the state legislation

articles of confederation (positives & negatives)

-one in which two levels of government shared fundamental powers -state governments were supreme in some matters, who the national government was supreme in others -the delegates called this new form of government a confederation, or alliance -this gave the new national government power to declare warm make peace and sign treaties -it could borrow money, set standards for coins and wrights and measure, establish postal service and deal with native americans -but it didn't create a separate executive department to carry out and enforce the acts of Congress and no national court system to interpret the meaning of laws

james madison

-one of the writers if The Federalist secretary of constitutional convention father of constitution -4th pres -pres during 1812

hamilton vs jefferson

-strong central gov -led by wealthy, educated, commerce/industry -north support -strong state/local gov -strict, strong gov -strict construction, people participation, farmers southern/western support


-supporters of the constitution -favored the new constitutions balance of power btw states and the national government -insisted that the division of powers and the system of check and balances would protect americans from the tyranny of centralized authority -The Federalist; a series of 85 essays defending the constitution; written by alexander hamilton, james madison and john jay

the prophet

-tecumseh's bro -started a reform movement within the shawnee tribe to cast off all traces of whites -warning about angery Great Spirit -led the battle of tippecanoe

tea act of 1773

-the british east india company, which held an official monopoly on tea imports, had been hit hard by the colonial boycott; company nearing bankruptcy -this was created by Lord Fredrick North, british prime minister to solve the problem - it granted the company the right to sell tea to the colonies free of the taxes that the colonial tea sellers had to pay; this action would cut colonial merchants out of the tea trade, bc east india company would sell straight to the consumer for less -but colonists protested cheaper tea


-the prophet led the Shawnee in attack on Harrison and his troops -Harrison and the Shawnee capital known as prohetstown -Harrison's victory made him a national hero

lewis and clark

-their expedition was commissioned by President Jefferson to explore the west -expedition was called the corps of discovery -Jefferson ordered them to collect scientific information about the unknown plants and animals and learn as much as possible about the Native Americans -Setting out from St. Louis Missouri in 1804 expedition travel to Overland to the Pacific ocean -by charting unexplored territory expedition help later foundations for Western expansion -this was one of the great achievements of the Jefferson presidency

virginia and kentucky resolutions

-to Maine democratic republican leaders; Jefferson and James Madison organized opposition to the alien and sedition acts by appealing to the states -Madison Drew up a set of resolutions that were adopted by the Virginia legislature -Jefferson wrote resolutions that were approved in Kentucky -The Kentucky resolutions in particular asserted the principle of nullification which was that states have the right to nullify Or consider void any act of Congress that they deemed unconstitutional -Virginia and Kentucky deemed the alien and sedition acts violations of First Amendment citizen rights -no other states adopted similar declarations

battles of trenton/princeton

-washingtons surprise attack on christmas -led army across the delaware river -got to trenton, nj by the morning -nj held by a garrison of Hessians -surprise attacked the drunk Hessians -won another victory 8 days later at princeton -washington took his army into winter camp near morristown, northern nj

legislative branch

1/3 branches of government - make laws Checks on executive: -congress can override a presidential veto -congress can approve funding for presidential programs -congress can impeach the president or high officials -senate confirms or rejects federal appointments Checks on Judicial: -congress establishes lower federal courts -senate confirms or rejects appointments of judges -congress can impeach federal judges

executive branch

1/3 branches of government -carry out laws Checks on legislative: -can veto laws of congress -can call special sessions of congress -can influence public opinion -can propose legislation Checks on judicial: -appoints federal judges -can pardon or reprieve people convicted of federal crimes

john adams

1st vp -2nd pres -leader of american independence for GB -Attorney who would represent British but still fighting for American independence -Represented Thomas Preston and other British soldiers (British soldier in Boston massacre) -Against stamp act, delegate from Massachusetts -Big on declaring independence while still playing nice with British

aaron burr

4th vp to jefferson killed hamilton treason involving plan to separate D an combine with spain

edmund randolph

George Washington chose him as Attorney General the chief lawyer of the federal government in his cabinet Virginia Plan favored larger states -representation in congress is based on population of state: larger state more representation

causes of war of 1812

People who wanted war with England (Warhawks) the Impressment of sailors disruption of the US economy GB giving Native Americans weapons, and frontier opportunities British seizure of neutral American trading ships and the reasons given by the War Hawks (the British were inciting the Indians on the frontier to attack the Americans, and the war would allow the U.S. to seize the northwest posts, Florida, and possibly Canada).


Persuaded Spain to return the Louisiana territory which it had received from France in 1762 -failed to reconquer France's important Island colony Saint Domingue (Haiti)

olive branch petition

Second Continental Congress ready in the colonies for war but hoping for peace -Most colonist loyal to George the third -Congress sent the king this urging a return to the former harmony between Britain and the colonies -King George rejected the petition - and issued a proclamation stating that the colonies were in rebellion and urged Parliament to order A naval blockade on the American coast -after this Common Sense was written

alien and sedition acts

The alien acts raises the residence requirements for American citizenship from five years to 14 years and I love the present to the poor or jail any Arian considered undesirable -The sedition act set fines and jail terms for anyone trying to hinder the opporation of the government or expressing false scandalous and malicious statements against the government

battle of new orleans

While the British were burning down the White House Andrew Jackson; general from Tennessee was winning a series of battles that got him national fame -after a six months campaign involving a series of battles ,Jackson defeated the Native Americans of the Creek tribe at the battle of horseshoe Bend -The creeks had been successful at the battle of mims -Jacksons victory at Horshoe Bend destroyed the military power of native Americans in the south -After these battles Jacksons greatest victory came -Jackson's troops defeated a superior British force at this battle jackson fighting british- fighting even after declared treaty of ghent-end of 1812

13 Amendment

abolished slavery

American Advantages/Disadvantages of american revolution

advantages -familiar home terrain -leadership of george washington and others -inspring cause of independence disadvantages -untrained and undisciplined soldiers -shortage of food and ammunition -inferior navy -no central gov to enforce wartime policies

British Advantages/Disadvantages of american revolution

advantages -strong, well trained army and navy -strong central gov with available funds -support of colonial loyalists and native americans disadvantages -long way from home -unfamiliar terrain -weak military leaders -sympathy of certain births politicians for the american cause

Benedict arnold

american revolutionary war general best known for his direction from the continental army to bristish side of conflict in 1780; trader

marbury vs madison

an 1803 case in which the supreme court ruled that it has the power to abolish legislative acts by declaring them unconstitutinal; this power came to be known as judicial review -william marbury was one of the midnight judges who never got his officials papers -james madison was jeffersons secretary of stash, whose duty was to deliver the papers -the judiciary act of 1789 required the supreme court to order the papers be delivered, and marbury sued to enforce this provision. marshall decided the provision of the act was unconstitutional bc the the constitution didn't empire the supreme court to issue such as significant for affirming the principle of judicial review: the ability of the supreme court to declare an act of congress unconstitutional

william howe

british army officer -rose to become comander


the idea that governments should be based on the consent of the people, which meant different things to people -not to be confused with the reublicanism of the modern-day political party

lower house

the size of the population of each state would determine it representation in the House of Representatives -voters of each state chooses members

townshend acts

within a year after parliament repealed the stamp act, charles townshend, the leading government minister at the time, decided on a new method of gaining revenue from the american colonies. -indirect taxes, or duties levied on imported materials; glass, lead, paint, paper and tea!!!! -colonist resistance -"taxation without representation" -sam adams called for a boycott on the goods

francis scott key

wrote star spangled banner @ Fort McHenry- turning pt. Of the war (1813)

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