History ID terms

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Haitian Revolution

1793-1804 A major influence of the Latin American revolutions because of its successfulness; the only successful slave revolt in history; it is led by Toussaint Louverture.


Federalist party Strong national government Country led by well educated elite Loose interpretation National bank was constitutional Economy based on shipping and manufacturing Payment of national and state debts

Fredrick Douglass

Formerly enslaved man who became a prominent activist, author and public speaker Leader in the abolitionist movement Sought to end the practice of slavery Advocated for women's rights and specifically the right of women to vote

Emancipation Proclamation

January 1st 1863 linoln declares all enslaved people in the states currently engaged in rebellion against the Union "shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free." Applied only to enslaved people in the confederacy, and not to those in the border states that remained loyal to the union Marked a crucial shift in Lincoln's views on slavery Redefine the civil war Preserve the union → ending slavery

cotton kingdom

MR in North required cotton South dug in an expanded slave labor empire World required cotton "King Cotton" Extended from old slave states to new ones (mississippi) Cotton gin Westward expansion Slavery expands into new western lands Cotton squashes the notion that slavery was going to die off Slavery expands internally and naturally Massive interstate slave trade develops after AST banned West: freedom for whites, slavery for african americans Platers flood the region and bring their enslaved with them Most slaves came through the slave trade Became a huge business Slave trading firms Expansion of slavery was subsidized by the US gov Soldiers cleared lands to make room for plantations The Whole nation was involved Westward- break up of families and diminishing opportunities for freedom SW turned into slave owners paradise

The War hawks

John Calhoun Become major characters in upcoming debates. They were nationalists - American superiority and exceptionalism Anti British Expansionists - further expand westward

Mary Wollstonecraft

1759-1797 English writer and passionate advocate of educational and social equality for women Daughter of a farmer, taught school and worked as a governess A vindication of the rights of woman

Dunmore proclamation

1775 what:Historical document signed by John Murray Declared martial law and promised freedom for slaves of American patriots who left their owners and joined the British army → becoming black loyalists. Offers freedom to slaves willing to join the British army sig: makes british associated with freedom Led to chaos and uncertainty on many plantations, motivating enslaved African Americans to take their chances with the British

Common Sense

1776 A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed the colonies had a right to be an independent nation. Pamphlet inaugurated an explosion of support for independence, layed out a compelling case for independence

Articles of Confederation

1777 The first written constitution of the united states Enacted by the 13 colonies that rebelled against great britain Defined the rights and responsibilities of the states and central government Replaced by the US constitution in 1789. sig: Established a loose political union of the states and a weak central government Left most power with the state governments Provided enough of a structure for the nation to survive during those eight years while they American people learned about the requirements to run an effective national gov Weaknesses provided the means for change.


1777 battles during the second year of the American Revolution 2 battles: Freemans farm and Bemis Heights sig:Decisive victory for the Continental army and a crucial turning point in the revolutionary war Gave the patriots major morale boost and persuaded the french, spanish, and dutch to join cause against a mutual rival

Shay's Rebellion

1780s Farmers who fought in the revolutionary war had received little compensation, and by the 1780s many were struggling to make ends meet With no means to pay off debts and taxes, Boston authorities began to arrest the farmers and foreclose on their farms. sig: Fuel for Alexander Hamilton and other federalists who advocated for a strong federal government and diminished states right Nationalists: used it to heighten paranoia, convinced Washington to come out of retirement and participate in constitutional convention → he's elected first president.

John Calhoun

1782-1850 Leading voice for the south during the antebellum era Served as a US representative, secretary of war, vice president, and secretary of state, and had a long career in the US senate Aided in the establishment of the second bank of the us Federally funded internal improvements and high protective tariffs to encourage the growth of american manufacturing A slaveholder himself Championed states rights and slavery within the US

Northwest Ordinance

1787 Chartered a government for the Northwest Territory, provided a method for admitting new states to the union from the territory, and listed a bill of rights guaranteed in the territory. It set a precedent for westward expansion and planned for future communication and transportation routes Ordinances foreshadowed how the issues of territorial expansion would become intertwined during the insulin years.

three-fifths clause

1787 Each slave would count as 3/5 of a person for voting rights Sig: this helps the south domination of the government Extended the atlantic slave trade until 1808 20 years 25% of all enslaved people come to america in this time period Peak of atlantic slave trade Talks about the trade of labor Removes any incentives for southerners to move away from slavery. sanctioned fugitive slave laws.

Bank of the United States

1791 Proposed by Alexander Hamilton to serve as a repository for federal funds and as the government's fiscal agent collecting tax revenues, securing the government's funds, making loans to the government, transferring government deposits through the bank's branch network, and paying the government's bills. Some were troubled by the fact that ⅔ of the bank stock was held by the british

jays treaty

1794 Important treaty between the United States and Great Britain that helped ease tension between the two nations Beneficial to Great Britain but helped the United States avoid war Addressed trade restrictions, border disputes, and the British forts in the Great lakes region sig: Increased the divide between federalists and democratic republicans Helped US avoid war

Alien and Sedition Acts

1798 With suspicions of enemy spies infiltrating American society, the federalist majority in congress passed four new laws. Permitted the government to arrest and deport all male citizens of an enemy nation in the event of war Alien friends act allowed the president to deport any non-citizen of plotting against the government, even in peacetime sig: Widespread anger over the acts fueled jefferson's victory over adams in the bitterly contested 1800 presidential election and their passage is widely considered to be the largest mistake of adams's presidency Aliens enemies act: still in place today but expanded to include women

Quasi War

1798-1800 Undeclared naval war between the United States and France during the presidency of John Adams Grew out of the XYZ affair and ended when French politics changed direction after napoleon came into power and the two nations signed the Treaty of Mortefontaine sig: Led to the formal establishment of the United States Navy Congress passed an act to keep the Navy operating during peacetime.

Gabriels Rebellion

1800 Gabriel was a skilled artisan with several advantages over most field working slaves of his day Hired out to work in many different places and experienced more autonomy and mobility than most slaves Organized and led a well-coordinated attack on richmond's most prominent federalists and merchants sig: Plan was not carried out and the State of virginia publicly hung 27 blacks including gabriel Led to tightening of legal restrictions on slaves Some of the advantages that slaves like gabriel possessed were made illegal

Barbary wars

1801-1805 Jefferson desired to shrink the US military and in 1804 it was put to the test 1st declared war in history (against tripoli) Naval war in the mediterranean sea sig: Forced jeffersonian and jeffersonians to reevaluate their small militia based army If this much was required to fight the barbary states what would be require to fight places such as Great Britain America's first encounter with the islamic world Many would see Muslim world as barbaric and backwards Early test to america's commitment to religious toleration

Louisiana Purchase

1803 France offers to sell all of its territory west of the Mississippi river Jefferson recognizes this bargain quickly set aside usual caution of using federal power and agreed Launches 4 expeditions to this territory. Mapped us terrain all the way to Pacific Ocean sig: "Empire of liberty" the LS opened lands that would become the heart of a slave empire by the 1830s Jefferson saw the Louisiana purchase as integral to this Freedom and vitality of US and American dream in general

embargo act of 1807

1807 Brings halt to all foreign trade Unmitigated disaster Grain and cotton rotting in southern warehouses sig: Reminder to americans of what british had done in response to boston tea party Not the british doing it but the US navy thats enforcing this Jefferson is taking responsibilities that are not in constitution ruins the economy and dramatic use of federal power

Missouri Compromise

1820 Legislation admitted missouri as a slave state and Maine as a non-slave state at the same time Did not upset the balance between slave and free states Outlawed slavery above the 36 degree 30' latitude line in the remainder of the Louisiana territory Held for 34 years until replaced by the Kansas- Nebraska act sig: sectional conflict would grow to the point of civil war after the Missouri compromise

Erie Canal

1825 363 mile waterway that connects the Great Lakes with the Atlantic ocean via the hudson river Considered an engineering marvel when it first opened Triggered large scale commercial and agricultural development as well as immigration Transformed NYC to the economic powerhouse

The Second Middle Passage

1830s-1860s The forced sale and migration of enslaved people within the united states after the international slave trade ended in 1808 Approximately 1 million people were relocated from the upper south to the lower south 2.5x more african americans were directly affected by the second middle passage than the first one Enslaved were sometimes marched hundreds of miles to their destinations on foot and chained up sig: Turning point in the history of the domestic slave trade in the US Accommodates the spread of the cotton industry

Nat turners rebellion

1831 Led a rebellion of enslaved people Set off a massacre of up to 200 black people and a new wave of oppressive legislation prohibiting the education, movement, and assembly of enslaved people He and 6 others killed the Travis family, managed to secure arms and horses, and enlisted about 75 other enslaved Resulted in the murder of an estimated 55 white people sig: Put fear in the heart of southerners, ended the organized emancipation movement in that region, resulted in even harsher laws against enslaved people, and deepened the schism between slaveholders and free soilers

nullification crisis

1832 A sectional crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson created by the Ordinance of Nullification, an attempt by the state of South Carolina to nullify a federal law - the tariff of 1828 - passed by the United States Congress.

Worcester v. Georgia

1832 Legal case in which the US supreme court stated that the states did not have the right to impose regulations on native american land President andrew jackson refused to enforce the ruling Still formed the basis for most subsequent law in the US regarding native Americans sig: Although it did not prevent the cherokee from being removed from their land, the decision was often used to craft subsequent Indian law in the US Worcester decision created an important precedent through which american indians could, like states, reserve some areas of political autonomy

Whig Party

1834 political party formed in 1834 by opponents of president Andrew Jackson and his Jacksonian democrats. Led by henry clay Whig derived from the english anti-monarchist party and attempted to portray jackson as king andrew Favored congress and its legislative power over presidential decrees and higher tariffs sig: launched the second party system in America

The American System

Economic program advanced by Henry Clay that included support for a national bank, high tariffs, and internal improvements; emphasized strong role for federal government in the economy.

Oregon Trail

1840s Trail used by settlers, traders, ad others to migrate to the western united states during the 19th century Stretched more than 2000 miles from missouri to oregon Originally used by native americans for hunting and trading thousands used it to move west sig: Played a significant part in the westward expansion of the united states and the fulfillment of manifest destiny

slave power

1840s-50s Term used by anti slavery campaigners in the US in reference to what they saw as the disproportionate political power held by slave owners in the national government Argument that this small group of rich slave owners had seized political control of their own states and were trying to take over the national government in order to protect slavery sig: widely used by the republican party to oppose the expansion of slavery

Manifest Destiny

1845 Idea that the united states is destined by god to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire north american continent Drove 19th century territorial expansion and was used to justify the forced removal of native Americans and other groups from their homes. sig: Intensified the issue of slavery as new states were added to the union leading to the outbreak of the civil war.

Wilmot Proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico David wilmont offered an amendment to the bill forbidding slavery in the new territory, thus precipitating bitter national debate in a time of sectional conflict sig: growing tensions over slavery and expansion

Mexican American War

1846-1848 The first US armed conflict chiefly fought on foreign soil Belief of manifest destiny led to conflict Texas gained independence Disagreement over adding it to the states as the north did not want another state that supported slavery Polk attempts to buy present day california and new mexico and after failing, he moves troops in

Fugitive slave act of 1850

1850 Following increased pressure from southern politicians, congress passed a revised fugitive slave act Forcibly compelled citizens to assist in the capture of runaways Denied enslaved people the right to a jury trial and increased the penalty for interfering with the rendition process to $1,000 and six months in jail Placed control of individual cases in the hands of federal commissioners Paid more for returning a suspected runaway than for freeing them sig: Met with even more criticism than the last act Abolitionists redoubled their efforts to assist runaways Underground railroad reached its peak in the 1850s

the Know Nothings

1850s political party Immigrants seemed to pose a threat to the economic and political security od native born protestant americans Order of the star spangled banner formed in NYC - soon after lodges formed in all other major cities When members were asked about their organization that were told to say they know nothing hence the name. Membership and importance grew→ american party sig: Primary reason for the destruction of the Whig party Introduced primaries and other innovations to the system Large scale populism to the political system

Uncle Toms Cabin

1852 Anti slavery novel published by harriet Beecher Stowe 300,000 copies sold and even lincoln read the novel Living in Cincinnati she encountered many enslaved people and the underground railroad Had major influence on the way the public viewed slavery sig: allowed the general population access to the terrible truths of slavery

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty. Douglas was one of the country's most prominent politicians by 1854, and was seen as a likely future president Provided for the territorial organization of Kansas and Nebraska under the principle of popular sovereignty Organize the territories of Nebraska and Kansas into law sig: fanned the flame of national division

republican party

1854- founded coalition opposing the extension of slavery into western territories Fought to to protect the rights of african americans after the civil war Secretary of state thomas jefferson favored more limited government Republicans or jeffersonian republicans → democratic republicans Republican goal was to not abolish slavery in the south right away but rather to prevent its westward expansion

Border states

1861 Slave states that did not secede from the union Bordered free states to their north and slaves states (excluding delaware) to their south Delaware, maryland, kentucky, and missouri After 1863- new state of west virginia

1st and 2nd contraband acts

1861: one of the wartime measures the senate considered was the confiscation act designed to allow the federal gov to seize property, including slave property, being used to support the confederate rebellion 1862: allow for seizure of all confederate property, whether or not it had been used to support the rebellion Ideological differences caused the bill to stall Radical republicans→ vigorous confiscation bill to seize property and free slaves Conservative members → worried about expanding reach of federal gov


1863 Decisive union victory during the civil war that divided the confederacy and cemented the reputation of Union General Ulysses S grant 47 day siege of vicksburg Gave critical supply line of the mississippi river to the union Cut off all trade to the confederacy

republican mother hood

18th century term for an attitude toward women's roles present in the emerging United States Centered on the belief that the patriots daughters should be raised to uphold the ideas of republicanism → pass values to the next generation "Republican mother" = custodian of civic virtue responsible for upholding the morality of her husband and her children sig: Eventually resulted in increased educational opportunities Initiative and independence Some women became the strongest voices for the abolitionist movement


19th century Describes the common relationship between slaves and their masters, sometime benevolent and warm, and sometimes cruel and tyrannical, and in general, slaves preferred to live on larger plantations where they had a small chance for their own social world

Cult of Domesticity

19th century middle class american women saw their behavior regulated by a social system known today as the cult of domesticity Limit their sphere of influence to home and family Within this space they developed networks and modes of expression that allowed them to speak out on the major moral questions facing the nation The philosophy that women retained serious power by controlling the household


September 17th 1862 Robert e lee's army of northern virginia against union general george McClellan's army of the potomac and was the culmination of Lee's attempt to invade the north Deadliest 1 day battle in all of history Keeping confederates in their southern box enabled president lincoln to finally release the emancipation proclamation


Strong state governments Country led by farmers and laborers Strict interpretation National bank was unconstitutional Economy based on farming Payment of national debt

Empire of Liberty

The idea, expressed by Jefferson, that the United States would not rule its new territories as colonies, but rather would eventually admit them as full member states.

Dred Scott v. Sanford

US supreme court stated that enslaved people were not citizens of the united states Could not expect any protection from the federal government Congress had no authority to ban slavery from a federal territory Dred scott and his wife sued for their freedom Lost case in missouri state courts then filed a federal suit sig: moved the us closer to civil war

Gradual Emancipation

late 18th century Gradual emancipation: just emancipation... done gradually A state may want to abolish slavery but thinks it may be too overwhelming for the economy to do suddenly Too overwhelming for the slave to be given freedom abruptly Pennsylvania, connecticut, rhode island, new york, and new jersey sig: Led to full emancipation and movement for more states to free their slaves

Military Necessity

the legal principle that violation of the rules of warfare may be excused for defensive purposes during periods of extreme emergency

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