History of Art 3 Study Guide for Exam 3

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Understand the context and content of Kathe Kollwitz's body of work.

-A female German Expressionist -Painter, printmaker, and sculptor -Used very emotional and political themes such as the effects of war, hunger and poverty -During WW1 she worked in soup kitchens and lost her son to the war (which greatly inspired her work Woman with Dead Child) -During WW2 she was forced to leave her teaching post and had her art rejected by the Nazis

Understand the context and content of Pablo Picasso's body of work.

-Born as a child prodigy in his family in Malaga Spain -Goes to Barcelona to attend Bellas Artes at 15 -Drunk father quit painting in order to "fully support" Picasso -Was shown prostitution from a very young age -Learned to believe that women existed to pleasure him -Moves to Paris -Spends a lot of time with the Steins and competes with Matisse for patronage -Influenced by Ancient Iberian, Oceania, and Africa (Kuba masks) -Collected several "primitive" works -Was constantly seeking to innovate himself, jumping from many styles during his career -Lived an extremely long life

At what age are Senufo men ready to be productive adults in society? Who is the symbolic spiritual leader of the Poro (a male social group) within the matrilineal Senufo?

30, The Senufo Ancient Mother

What does Orphism refer to? What opinion did the Delaunays share with the Futurists?

A form of Cubism where the application of 19th-century theories about the perception and psychology of color to create spatial effects and kaleidoscopic movement solely through color contrasts, an important part of modern life was technological innovation

Synthetic Cubism

A later phase of Cubism, in which paintings and drawings were constructed from objects and shapes cut from paper or other materials to represent parts of a subject, in order to engage the viewer with pictorial issues, such as figuration, realism, and abstraction

Explain Max Beckmann's career through style and function. What did Max Beckmann's art look like before World War 1? What did Max Beckmann's art look like after World War 1?

A solider in WW1, Beckmann originally believed that a better society would emerge from the war but Beckmann became disillusioned over time and empathized with the horrors of war and a society descending into madness Before WW1: More naturalism, local color, painterly, less distortion After WW1: Very expressive, heavy black outline, jagged and distorted, more intense colors

What is Un Chien Andalou? Which two artists made this 1929 film?

A surrealist short film made by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dali


A three-paneled painting or altarpiece


A type of art formulated by Kazimir Malevich to convey his belief that the supreme reality in the world is pure feeling, which attaches to no object and thus calls for new, nonobjective forms in art shapes not related to objects in the visible world

What is The Departure about? Discuss the painting in terms of style, form, content and context.

About leaving In the style of a triptych, center: Leaving with family to a safe place, left and right: Torture

What was the aim of the "Futurist Manifesto" and who wrote it?

Aggressively advocate for revolution, Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

What does Un Chin Andalou translate to mean?

An Andalusian Dog


An art movement characterized by the deliberate departure from tradition and involves the critical examination of the premises of art itself

Define Cubism. Distinguish between the two main phases.

An early-20th-century art movement that rejected naturalistic depictions, preferring compositions of shapes and forms abstracted from the conventionally perceived world Analytic Cubism: Analyze a form from every possible angle to combine them all into one pictorial whole Synthetic Cubism: Construct paintings and drawings from objects and shapes cut from paper or other materials

What was common to all Fauvists?

An intense use of color

Who was Lorca? How did he die?

An openly gay Spanish playwright, poet, and theater director who died when he was assassinated by the government

Who wrote the Surrealist Manifesto?

Andre Breton

Despite the loose organization (if any), what principle did all Dadaists initially share?


Explain the theory of Neo-Plasticism. Which artist is associated with this style?

Art is about reality, and must represent the inner image beyond the surface of things, Piet Mondrian

Egon Schiele

Austrian expressionist painter

Why is Brancusi considered "the standard for modern sculpture"?

Because it defines what Modernist sculpture looks like: Minimal, sleek, and controlled

Why did Kandinsky believe music to be a natural subject to represent in his abstract paintings?

Because music is abstract so he creates abstractions of it, and he could see color in music

By 1906, Picasso had permanently settled in Paris and abandoned traditional styles such as Realism. What are the two phases of Picasso's work of this era called?

Blue Period and Rose Period

In most traditional African art-making the methods are gendered, however, most African art is what?


Local Color

Color of everyday life

According to Matisse, what is the purpose of his paintings?

Comfort, joy, and pleasure

What art movement developed from the German (and others) draft dodgers?



Describing a painting or sculpture composed of shapes unrelated to objects in the visible world

What are the two German Expressionists groups of the turn of the century?

Die Brucke (the Bridge) and Der Blaue Reiter (the Blue Rider)

Andre Breton felt there were two states of being, what were they, and what roles do they play?

Dream: More important and able to see deep desires Reality: Could conflict with dreams, but dreams still affect the awake world

Name one of the two predecessors named in class that the German expressionists had as sources.

Durer and Grunewald

Who was a "card-carrying" member of the Nazi party, and yet, had nearly more works that any single artist on display at the Degenerate Art show?

Emil Nolde

What are the three main art trends at the start of the twentieth century?

Expressionism, Abstraction, and Symbolism

Why is Picasso's Les Demoiselles 'Avignon considered to represent the birth of modern abstraction? Explain the form, content, and historical context.

First cubist artwork, entirely knew point of view, new method of representing forms in space Made when Picasso was still competing with Matisse for the Steins, made it in complete secret on till completion, originally as two male clients, a sailor and a skull carrying man, intermingling with women inside of a brothel in the red light district of Barcelona (Title still refers to this original idea) By the time it was finished both men were gone and with a heavily simplified background and foreground 5 striking female nudes, with jagged faces and bodies, like they were being viewed from multiple angles all at once left 3 resemble Iberian sculptures and are more calm right 2 are more violent and jagged, a possible connection to Picasso's growing frustration with African sculpture Fruit still-life in foreground my be a sexual reference


Found objects that are exhibited as works of art, frequently after being placed in a new context with a new title

Who developed Cubism with Picasso?

Georges Braque

Hugo Ball

German author and poet who was one of the original founders of Dadaism

Die Brucke

German, "the bridge." An early-20th-century German Expressionist art movement under the leadership of Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. The group thought of itself as the bridge between the old age and the new

-In order to fight evil, what are two things incarnated in the Senufo masks? Are there Senufo men that dance female masks?

Good spirits and ancestors, yes

If Matisse can be considered an expressionist, what type is he?

Happy Expressionist

Originally a German word mean "building of a house", became Bauhaus. What was the purpose of this school and style?

Hausbau, bring art to everyday life/ functional design with aesthetic

Theme & Variation

Having one theme and doing multiple versions of it

How did Jean Arp avoid the draft? What did he claim inspired his art?

He incorrectly filled out the draft form and turned it in naked, chance and randomness

-Using your textbook as reference, identify the four symbols and meanings that are commonly present in the Sowie masks. How do the Mende preserve their Sowie heritage?

High Brow: Wisdom and success Dainty triangular-shaped faces with slit eyes: The silent, serious demeanor expected of recent initiates Rolls around the neck: Signs of beauty, good health, prosperity, and reference to ripples in the water where the water spirits emerge Intricately woven or plaited hair: The essence of harmony and order found in ideal households They pass their masks down in families and repair them

in 1933, what closed the school of Bauhaus? Where did many of its illustrious teachers wind up?

Hitler, United States

What was Henry Moore's main subject? What was his main interest?

Human body, the manipulation of space

What was the state of mind of Germany after World War 1?

Humiliated and bitter, which easily lead to the development of fascism and eventually Hitler and the Nazi party

Why does Mondrian leave Europe for New York City?

In order to escape the impending WW2

What was the focus of Suprematism? Who invented this art style?

In representation of pure feeling rather then anything in the visible world, Kazimir Malevich

What style did American Bauhaus transplants develop?

International Style

Terms such as "primitive" to label non-Western art is problematic and misleading. Nevertheless, starting in the early twentieth century, what influence did these, ancient and contemporary, non-Western artworks have on the Western artworld?

It became a source of inspiration for many modernist artists, they gave artists new ways of looking at their art, and served as an important revitalizing and energizing force in Western art

How is Emil Node's Last Supper different from traditional representations of the same theme?

It depicts Mary spanking a young Jesus

What is the important of the 1913 Armory Show, and where did it take place? Which Steins lent key works to this exhibit?

It introduced avant-garde European art to America, New York, Sarah and Michael Steins

What is the "problem" with automation in Surrealist painting or sculpture?

It was impossible to create truly automated art

According to Surrealism automatic thought is free of what?

Judgement and bias

Dali's Surrealism uses what methods to create art?

Juxtaposition and Hyper-Naturalist with Naturalist Surrealist

Along with Paul Klee, which Der Blaue Reiter member taught at Bauhaus?


What phrase did Le Corbusier use to describe a well designed and functional living space?

Machine for living

Identify the two artists from class lectures recognized as both Metaphysical artists and forerunners to Surrealism.

Marc Chagall and Giorgio de Chirico

According to the Nazis, what was considered degenerate art?

Modern art

According to your textbook, the development of what two things eventually surpassed the Futurists expression of movement?

Motion pictures and kinetic sculpture

-Although there are numerous masks, what are the three royal masks of the Kuba from the Democratic Republic of Congo?

Mwashamboy, Bwoom, and Ngady Amwaash

What are the two streaks in Surrealism? Which artists are associated with each tendency?

Naturalistic Surrealism: Ernst, Dali, Magritte Biomorphic Surrealism: Miro, Masson

What type of Surrealist artist was Magritte?

Naturalistic Surrealist

Was Picasso a Surrealist? Why could Three Dancers, by Picasso be considered Surrealism?

No, it is surreal because it uses personal symbolism and local non-decorative colors

What did Dada artists feel life was like?

Nonsensical and random

According to Freud, and so then, too, the Surrealists, what did dreams reveal?

Our actual desires

Post-World War 1 architecture shared concerns with which two other modes of expression?

Painting and sculpture

-Which artist included a Baga mask (from Guinea) in his collection? What form does the d'mba mask of the Mother of Fertility take? Why are the flattened breasts ideal? Who dances the d'mba masks?

Picasso, a mother with flattened breasts, because their ideal female beauty is that of a mother that has natured multiple children, exclusively men

What could be said about the look of Joan Miro's art? What type of Surrealist imagery does he use?

Playful, random, primary colors, and organic shapes, using Biomorphic Surrealist

Andre Breton

Poet, novelist, and critic, wrote the first Surrealist Manifesto

From class lectures, identify specific contextual references that affected the art of the early 20" century, consider both politics and science.

Politics: Imperialism strong in Europe, Radical political ideas, pervasive of intense nationalistic ideas, rise of fascisms and dictatorships, setting the stage for WW1 and 2 Science: The start of quantum physics, Newton's "predicable" world proves to be far more complex, new understanding of atom structure, new schools of psychology, all leads to increase in existential thoughts

Although Picasso exemplifies modernism through his vast body of experimental works, what keeps him anchored to traditional artists?

Preparatory works, sketches

What does Suprematism base its compositions around?

Primary colors and basic geometric shapes

What was Nolde's focus, how is he considered expressionistic, What is problematic about Nolde?

Religious iconography, exaggerated colors to create emotion, supported Nazis

In what ways does The Red Studio exhibit the idea of omission in art? What is the symbolism of this work?

Removes everything unnecessary, the power of the artist and creativity through the color red

According to class lecture, what are two major contributions that Dada offered the art world?

Role of chance (and imaginative art) and being open to new materials and technology

Who has the largest Beckmann collection?

St. Louis Art Museum

What is Guernica about? Discuss the painting in terms of style, form, content and context.

The bombing of Guernica Made during the Spanish Civil War, when Franco overthrows the elected Republic and is establishing a dictatorship, Franco gets help from Mussolini and Hitler to stop the last regions of resistance, Nazis bomb the town of Guernica which is defenseless because all the man have left to go fight in the civil war, created when the exiled Spanish Republican government in Paris asked Picasso to make a piece for the Spanish Pavilion at the Paris International Exposition Made as a distorted triptych Left: A woman holding her dead son in a pieta style, the bull (representing brutality and darkness) Center: A dead and dismembered solider with a broken sword, but a flower is coming out of the sword as a small symbol of hope, along with a frightened dying horse Right: Woman on fire runs screaming from a burning building, while another woman flees mindlessly, a woman only represented by a head emerges with a light to illuminateF the horror

What was Die Brucke? Who was the leader? What ideas did they share?

The first group of German Expressionists whose name means "The Bridge", lead by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, believed that they were bridging the old and the new

Describe Fauvism. Where did the name come from? Who was the "leader"?

The first major art movement of the 1900s, When a critic described the artists as Fauves ("wild beasts"), Matisse was the leader

Although different in content (meaning), what physical characteristic is common in artwork by Hepworth and Moore?

The hole, or void

What colors, values and shapes does Mondrian work with in his mature style? Why?

The primary colors, three values (black, gray and white), and basic geometric shapes, he did this to express his vision of creating a "universal beauty"

What was Der Blaue Reiter? Who were the leaders? What ideas did they express?

The second group of German Expressionists whose name means "The Blue Rider" (name was selected from mutual interest in color blue and horses), the leaders were Vassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc, deep spiritual connection and wanted to capture their feelings in visual form while also getting an intense emotional response from the viewer

-In reference to masquerades in Africa, how is the Sande (a female social group) from the Mende unusual? The Sowie masks represent water spirits that emerge from their watery homes, and therefore, the masks typically have a high sheen. What are two things the masks black color represent?

The women preform masquerades, human skin color and the civilized world

What happened to a good number of Italian Futurists and other turn of the century artists?

They join the military when WW1 broke out and died

How did Futurists use Cubism to further their ideas?

They used the discoveries of Cubism to use on their focus of motion in time and space

Why did artists flee to Zurich, Switzerland during 1915? Where did they hang out?

To avoid the draft, the Cabaret Voltaire

What was the purpose for the travelling Degenerate Art show? What type of artwork was acceptable to Hitler?

To shame the artists that made them, naturalistic state-funded art

According to class lectures, what are the three major influences in art occurring post World War 1? Explain and support through artists and artworks.

WW1 and its rationale: Caused technology, science and Enlightenment, which caused the severity of the Great War, ending with a condiment of anything that symbolized war, ex. Futurism like Gino Severini's Armored Train Freud (and Jung): Neuroses caused by repressed desires, unseen psychological forces that affected the world in real ways, ex. Picasso's Guernica Politics: Most avant-garde artists become socialists and communists, some make art to exposes the revolting National Socialist Party (Nazi), ex. Hoch and the Berlin Dada movement

In 1919, who became the director of the Bauhaus? What did he assert, terms of artist and craftsperson?

Walter Gropius, that they were not separate and were equal

According to the Futurists, what was considered the cleansing agent to wash away the stagnant past?


Why did Max Beckmann leave Europe for the United States? Where did he teach in St. Louis for two years?

Washington University

Who are the Steins and why were they so important to modern art? Which sibling was an avant-garde writer and close friend to Picasso?

Wealthy Americans that were major patrons for Picasso and Matisse, Gertrude

What was Duchamp's fundamental question, pertaining to art?

What is art and what is its function?

-According to Dogon tradition, who were the first spirit makers and masquerades? What does Satimbe refer to? Among the Dogon who are the mask makers and dancers?

Women, A mask meaning "sister on the head" which represents all women and commemorates the legend of women being the first mask makers and dancers, men


Writer of the Futurist Manifesto

Was the Degenerate Art show well-attended?

Yes, roughly 20,000 people visited daily and over all had more then 2 million visitors

-What does matrilineal mean? How is this different from matriarchal?

You trace your heritage back to women, the other means a government operated by women

What are the four major cities for the Dadaist movement? Who led each? What art was made and why?

Zurich, Switzerland: Leader was Jean Arp, created nonsense art as a way of wiping the slate clean New York, US: Leader was Marcel Duchamp, created art from average objects as a way of questioning what constitutes art Berlin, Germany: Leader was Hannah Hoch, created collages out of cut up photographs as political activism Cologne, France: Leader was Max Ernst, created multimedia art with a personal and psychological themeings

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