History posttest-01

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Which of the following groups led violent protests against British taxation in the colonies?

Sons of Liberty

What term refers to the full-time farmers who fought part-time for the Patriots?


What role did Parliament play in the events that led to the Boston Tea Party?

Parliament allowed the British East India Company to sell tea directly to colonists.

What was meant by the Enlightenment idea of natural rights?

Rights that all are born with

Which event led to an open alliance between the France and the United States?

The Patriot victory at Saratoga

What important event led neutral civilians in the South to give their support to the Patriots?

The Patriots' decisive victory at Kings Mountain, South Carolina.

Spanish attacks of British forts in the South ______?

drew British troops away from battles with the Patriots.

What American led the negotiations of the Treaty of paris?

Benjamin Franklin

Why were colonists angry that Great Britain had hired German mercenaries?

German mercenaries had a reputation for being particularly brutal in battle.

At the Battle of Bunker Hill, why did William Howe order his men to make a frontal assault in broad daylight?

He believed his well-trained soldiers could beat untrained Patriot soldiers under any conditions.

How did the Revolutionary War affect the relationship between settlers and Indians?

It increased the fighting between settlers and Indians, leading the settlers to claim more Native American lands.

When did Congress approve the Declaration of Independence?

July 4,1776

Which of the following was a consequence of the First Continental Congress?

More colonists became politically active.

Which document did the Second Continental Congress send to King George III to reaffirm colonist allegiance to him, but not to Parliament?

Olive Branch Petition

What was one reason that southern states passed laws after 1800 to discourage manumission?

Southern whites feared that freed blacks would seek revenge for past treatment as slaves.

Which of the following advantages was held by the British at the beginning of the war?

The British army had more weapons and ships than the Continental Army.

At which battle did the French Navy help George Washington defeat the British and end the Revolutionary War?


Why did the British feel it necessary to impose new taxes on the American colonists?

To help pay war debts from fighting the French and Indian War.

In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson refers to natural rights as ______?

Unalienable rights

Colonists opposed new British taxes by protesting violently and _______?

Writing defiant pamphlets

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