History Test 1 - Set 3 - Jim Crow

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What did the Separate Car Act say?

African-Americans could not buy first class tickets on trains, trams, trolleys, street cars... or any other forms of public transportation. They could not sit with white passengers in first class sections of these modes of transportation.

How was the Separate Car Act challenged?

An African American man named Homer Plessy buys a first-class ticket out of New Orleans.

What hap happened to Homer Plessy after he got caught?

At the next stop, he is thrown off the train and arrested. Not a major offence with only a $25 fine.

What is the definition of the One Drop Rule?

If you were 1/32nd Black, you had to comply with all laws as if you were Black

Where did Plessy feel they had a better chance to win the case?

In a northern court

What is the term for looking light skinned enough to be considered white?


What was the basis for the ruling that the Separation Act was legal?

The Court separated the idea of "Social" equality and "Legal" Equality. They said the 14th amendment was never intended to give African American Social Equality.

How was Homer Plessy able to buy a ticket if he was black?

1/8th black so he looked white

How many Justices voted in favor of Louisiana?

8 Justices voted for Louisiana and only 1 voted against saying the Separation Act did not violate Plessy's rights under the 14th amendment

What did Plessy do when he lost the case?

He appealed the case to a higher court

In some states, what races could also be involved in the segregation?

Hispanic and Asian

As Plessy went to higher and higher courts to appeal, where did all the lower courts side with?


Where did the idea of segregation come from?

Much of the segregation initially was tradition or unwritten rules.

Was everything "Equal" in Segregation?

No, The whites typically got the best things. (the nice sandy part of the beach, the nicest hotels, the better hospitals) while blacks got the worst ( rock part of the beach, run down hotels, smaller hospitals well worse doctors)

What is the rule that defines if you are considered black or white?

One Drop Rule

How did the Plessy vs Ferguson ruling based on one small law (public transportation) in one state affect everything else?

Since the Supreme Court rulings typically rule on one small topic, it is common for the decision to be used for much broader topics.

What other areas did the ruling on Plessy vs Ferguson spread to?

Since the court ruled that Louisiana could separate the races in public transportation, it was then assumed everyone then could also separate them in schools, transportation, water fountains, bathrooms, restaurants, theater, hotels, hospitals, blood, pools, the beaches/ocean, hospitals, public parks,... Segregation in all aspects of life justified by this one case.

What was the basis for the claim the Louisiana law violated Plessy's rights?

The 14th Amendment

Who did the supreme court vote to say who won the case against Plessy?

The Supreme Court Voted in favor of Louisiana

Where did Plessy's case eventually end up

The Supreme Court in Washington DC

What event made Jim Crow possible?

The US Supreme court case Plessy vs Ferguson.

How do people rate this Supreme court cases related to other cases?

This was one of the most important supreme court cases in American history

Generally how is the time period defined?

Time period in American history where through actual laws, traditions, customs, unwritten laws and unwritten rules, the white and blacks races were separated- legally and unofficially separated and segregated in all walks of life

What was the time period for Jim Crow?

The actual dates of beginning and end not clear

Which court initially ruled on the case?

The court in Louisianna

In the ruling when the justices said the races could be separated on a "Social" basis, what assumption did they make about African Americans?

They assumed not only did the Whites want to be together socially, but the black people wanted to be separated from the whites. To be combined was "unsatisfactory to either"

How long was the effects of the court Plessy vs Ferguson case felt?

for the next 70 years

How did Homer Plessy get caught?

on the train when the conductor collects tickets he says "here's my ticket and by the way, I'm black"

What was the fundamental idea making segregation legal?

races could be separated socially as long as everyone had equal opportunity. "Separate but Equal"

What Louisiana Court case was this about?

the "Separate Car Act"

What was the Jim Crow Era?

the time when everything focused on the separation of the Black and White races.

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