History Unit 10 Study Guide

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In what ways were the different groups of the Plains Indians similar?

many believe them to be the most expert horsemen who ever existed in any country. Their skill has never been matched

What challenges did Plains farmers face?

• -limited wood • -Water wells • -Extreme weather

What technological innovations helped farmers cultivate the Plains?

• Seed Drill- drilled seeds into the land • Threshing Machine- seperates the actual plant from the waste part of the plant. Took the actual wheat away from the weed (for example) • Steam Tractor- first tractor powered by steam.

List the ways barbed wire was used and the result of using barbed wire on the Great Plains.


How did heavy investment in the cattle industry affect the industry as a whole?


List the reasons the government's plans to move the Plains Indians onto reservations failed.


What caused the decline of the cattle business in the late 1800s?


Why do you think the government's policy of assimilation of Native Americans was a failure?

Because they wanted to move culture from America to Europe.

How did the gold rush change society in California?

California moved to the oil industries and flourished there. Until the oil was depleted, Californians moved to the secondary and tertiary sectors.

What factors contributed to the making of the Wheat Belt in the Great Plains and then to troubled times for wheat farmers in the 1890s?

Closing the Frointier Oklahoma land Rush Census Bureau- no more land

What effect did Helen Hunt Jackson's book A Century of Dishonor have?

It had a

List the effects of technology on farming in the Great Plains

It helped farming to go quicker

How did hydraulic mining affect the environment?

It made the waste of the dirt flow into streams nearby

What role did mining play in the development of the American West?

Mining attracted individual prospectors and mining companies to all the western states. Many made fortunes by selling miners with food and other necessities.

How did mining contribute to the development of the West?

Mining attracted people, people attracted business, both attracted railroads. If you have people, business investment and transportation, add mineral wealth and you have Economic Development.

What proposal did the Indian Peace Commission present to the Plains Indians?

The Indian peace Commission recommended that all plains Indians should be moved to 2 reservations, one in Oklahoma and the other in the Dakotas.

How did Native Americans respond to the loss of land from white settlement of the Great Plains?

They fought back to the last man, but to no avail, they were wiped out, and in the process of fighting back they were called cold-blooded murderers, bandits, savages, barbarians.

How did the Homestead Act encourage settlement of the Plains?

This included areas opened by the Donation Land Law. Under the Homestead Act, applicants would receive title to 160 acres of land. They had to file an application, improve the land, and file for a title deed.

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