History unit 2 test

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What is Luther's 95 Theses?

Arguements and ideas of indulgences

Francesco Petrarch

Considered to be the father of humanism. Looked for forgotten Latin manuscripts and set in motion a search for similar manuscripts in monastic libraries throughout Europe

1. Which state controlled the island of Corsica?


What did Charles V hope to accomplish at the Council of Worms?

to forbid anyone to house Martin Luther or help him out. He wanted to give luther a fair hearing and change his mind about christianity and catholicism.

Cosimo de Medici

took control of Florence in 1434, the Medici family dominated the city when Florence was the cultural center of Italy.

what city was the counter reformation launched


Niccolo Machiavelli

wrote "The Prince" this book is one of the most influential work on political power in the Western World.

1. Through which two states did the Tiber River flow?

Ferrera and Florence

how did divisions in protestantism take place in Switzerland

John Calvin introduced predestination which a lot of people did not agree with Divisions such as protestantism and calvinism was the most popular form of protestantism

1. Which state controlled territory along the Adriatic Sea?


Where did the Reformation begin?


What happens when Luther opposes the peasants

Won the support of many German princes

1. What is a 'courtier'?

A noble person of a gentle race

What are indulgences?

A remission of the punishment due to sin, the guilt of which has been forgiven

1. What was humanism based on and what did they study?

Balanced religious faith and an intrest in nature and human society

Why do you think the demand for indulgences increased?

Because it gave people the thought they were going straight to heaven and not to purgatory. People thought if they bought these they were safe from their sins

What did Luther and his critics use to help reach the illliterate populous


Martin Luther was a ___ monk


Who summons Luther?

Charles the 5th, rules over half of europe

How did the urbanization of the Italian city-states impact the Renaissance?-

Encouraged an exchange of ideas that helped stimulate the development of renaissance culture

1. How is the Prince an example of humanist ideas?

He contradicts about peoples goodness

What did johann tetzel sell that became an issue with Martin luther


1. How did Italy's vibrant trade that developed during the Middle Ages, impact the Renaissance?

It expanded during the middle ages. Leading to establishing merchant fleets and trading with Byzantine and Islamic civilizations to the east. Also led to trade centers. They gained wealth from trading, also led to goods and ideas.

Baldassare Castiglione

Italian diplomat, wrote "The Courtier" published in 1528, this book expressed the characteristics of the perfect Noble.

What would a German translation of the Bible do for the people

Lead more people find the church corrupt and unite them to go with Martin Luther

what city was the Anglican Church founded


Why was Francesco Petrarch called the 'Father of Humanism'?

Looked for forgotten Latin manuscripts and set in motion a search for similar manuscripts in monastic libraries throughout Europe. Finding the old manuscripts led to a resurrection of old ideas to the invention of new ideas.

1. What does Machiavelli say about what it takes to be a successful ruler?

Must be willing to be feard rather then loved

Does Luther agree with the revolt

No he does not he condemns it because the Bible says do not kill

Luther believed that true religion should be based on what

Substance not ceremony

1. Who are the "new rich" in Florence?

The Popolo Grasso

What happend to people who challenged the church before Martin Luther

They got killed (condemned)

1. What were other ways the Catholic Church could have chosen to get money from its followers?

They sold religious relics and statues.

1. How did the Catholic Church defend the selling of indulgences?

They thought that since people had to suffer earthly punishment it was okay to sell these

What caused the Protestant Reformation in England

When King Henry the 8th wanted a divorce so the parliament created a church.

Martin Luther lived where


The Swiss priest Ulrich Zwingli introduced Protestant reforms in the city of __________________ and wanted an alliance with _________________ .

Zurich, Luther

1. Why would selling indulgences not have been possible before Europe had switched to a money economy?

_Because the economy was based on a barter_system

: In an effort to restore __________________ to England, Queen Mary I had almost 300 __________________ burned as heretics.

__roman catholicisim, protestants


a form of Christianity that was in opposition to the Catholic Church

1. Two new religious orders included: the _________________ and the _________________ , who took vows of complete poverty.


1. Anabaptists, who considered all believers to be _ _________________ , called for the complete separation _________

equal, of church and state.

which country had a major increase in protestant areas between 1560 and 1600


calvinism was founded where


What language does Luther write in


Why was the invention of the printing press was so significant?

helped spread knowledge wider and faster

: Protestant teachers used __________________ methods, and Martin Luther believed that the __________________ should pay for education.

humanist, cities and villages of german

1. Women's duties in marriage included bearing children and being obedient to their __________________ .


John Calvin emphasized the idea of __________________ , which gave later Calvinists the belief that they were doing God's work on Earth


where did the roman inquisition get created


what is the name of the massacre where thousands of French protestants were killed in 1572

st bartholmews day

1. The _act of ________________ of 1534 declared that King _______________ was "the only supreme head on earth of the [new] Church of England."

supremacy,henry vIII___

During the Renaissance, on what did education and culture focus?

teaching humanist ideas and focusing on human individuals and the human nature of them.

what beliefs did the anabaptists have that alarmed the other protestants and catholic

their political and religious beliefs which included the separation of church and state and believing adults had the choice of baptism

1. How is the social structure of the Renaissance different from the social structure of the Middle Ages?

they were based off wealth. The social classes of the Middle ages were based off ownership of land and belognings

In 1618 a long war began over religious conflicts and land disputes. What was the name of this war?

thirty years war

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