History Unit 3

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What do Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun have in common?

All three opposed the growing power of President Jackson.

What was a primary motivation for American pioneers to travel to the Southwest?

the opportunity for free land

What primarily brought Chinese immigrants to California in the mid-1800s?

the possibility of finding gold and getting rich

Which social reform sought to limit Americans' consumption of alcohol?

the temperance movement

What is a main reason that Spanish explorers were drawn to the Southwest?

to acquire precious metals

The word assimilation could be used to describe the Five Civilized Tribes in comparison to other Native American groups. What does assimilate mean in this context?

to adopt another cultural group's way of life

What was the main reason the Mexican-American War was fought?

to claim the Southwest and California for the U.S.

What was the goal of the women's suffrage movement?

to get women the right to vote

What was the primary motivation for missionaries to settle out west?

to make their religion dominant in new lands

The pioneers' expansion of the western frontier ushered in many advancements. What was one of the most significant improvements?

trans-continental railroads

Which reform movement did Elizabeth Cady Stanton focus on BEFORE the suffrage movement?

the abolitionist movement

What now-famous slogan was used to defend the cannon at the Battle of Gonzales?

"Come and take it!"

Which statement best describes the Petticoat Affair?

A social scandal became a major political crisis for President Andrew Jackson.

How many terms did James K. Polk serve as U.S. President?


How much land did the U.S. acquire while Polk was president?

1,000,000 square miles

On average, how fast did the wagon caravans travel along the Oregon Trail?

15 miles per day.

When did the United States come into possession of the American Southwest?


Traveling at a rate of approximately 15 miles per day, how long did it take most settlers to complete the Oregon Trail?

4-6 months

Why did the Creeks/Muscogee decide it was best that they leave the state of Alabama and live in Indian Territory?

Alabama residents regularly harassed them and cheated them out of their tribal lands.

Westward expansion led to a marked increase in

American technological progress

Who was NOT an early leader of the Whig Party?

Andrew Jackson

Which led to the Panic of 1837?

Andrew Jackson's war on the Second Bank of the United States

Who owned the Oregon Territory before the Oregon Treaty of 1846 ceded the Pacific Northwest to the U.S.?

Britain and the United States

Which two of the Five Civilized Tribes are most closely associated with the Trail of Tears?

Choctaw and Cherokee

Who authored a desperate letter from the Alamo declaring that it was in danger of falling into Mexican hands?

Colonel William B. Travis

Which one of these events did NOT happen during Polk's presidency?

Congressional approval of Texas' annexation

Why did John C. Calhoun oppose the Tariff of 1828, otherwise known as the "Tariff of Abominations"?

He argued that Congress did not have the power to enact protective tariffs.

How did a "Corrupt Bargain" increase Andrew Jackson's determination to become president?

He believed he had been cheated out of the presidency and a position in John Quincy Adam's administration.

What did it mean to be considered one of the "log cabin presidents," as Andrew Jackson was?

He came from humble or common beginnings.

Which is an action of Andrew Jackson's that made his opponents angry?

He deposited all of the national government's money in various state banks around the country.

Why was President James K. Polk a one-term president?

He did not run for a second term.

To what did Andrew Jackson's opponents strongly object during his presidency?

He vetoed the re-charter of the Second Bank of the United States.

Which is true of President John Tyler?

He was kicked out of the Whig Party after he vetoed several bills passed by the Whigs in Congress.

Why was Andrew Jackson called one of the first "log cabin presidents"?

He was the first president to be born or raised in a simple log cabin.

Jackson became an attorney and later a judge by "reading the law," as did Abraham Lincoln. What kind of education did Jackson have?

He worked in a law office and studied the nation's laws on his own.

What effect did Army Colonel William B. Travis' "Victory or Death" letter have on the outcome of the Texas Revolution?

It bolstered patriotism and led to a victory at San Jacinto.

How did the Industrial Revolution affect women's lives in the Northeast?

It brought them more opportunities for employment and education.

How did the Nullification Crisis increase tensions between the Northern and the Southern states?

It highlighted conflicting economic interests and needs between the North and the South.

How did the Battle of the Alamo affect the outcome of the Texas Revolution?

It led to Texian victory at the Battle of San Jacinto

What made the California Gold Rush such a significant time in early American history?

It opened up the west to settlers and sped up the creation of communities.

What is the significance of the term "Remember the Alamo"?

It was a rallying cry used by revolutionary soldiers to honor the Alamo defenders who had died.

What was the significance of the term "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!"?

It was a slogan meant to intimidate the British into giving up land.

What was the significance of the Battle of San Jacinto?

It was the final, decisive victory for Texian troops.

Many pioneers believed that expanding the borders of the country was their American duty. What was the term for this popular sentiment?

Manifest Destiny

Why were the tribes involved in the Indian Removal Act of 1832 called "The Five Civilized Tribes"?

Many of their members had adopted European ways of life.

Why does the Gold Rush era have a reputation for lawlessness?

Mining settlements had little oversight by authorities.

Which group of settlers experienced ongoing conflict with the United States government?


Which population endured great suffering as a result of European westward expansion?

Native Americans

How did the abolitionist movement become associated with the women's reform movement?

People advocating for the end of slavery also began to advocate for equal rights for women.

Which was promoted by the Democrats in their 1840 platform?

Preventing the creation of a national bank

American colonists were enticed to settle in Texas by the Mexican government. Which of these promises was NOT made to settlers?

Religious Freedom

Which of the Five Civilized Tribes fought hardest against removal from tribal lands?


Why is the Oregon Trail not merely one direct path to Oregon as its name implies?

Settlers had a variety of different destinations and forged side trails to reach them.

Which state nullified the Tariff of 1828 and the Tariff of 1832?

South Carolina

What famous figure from the Texas Revolution was jailed by Mexico prior to the start of the conflict? Sam Houston

Stephen Austin

When did Spanish explorers first arrive in present-day Southwestern United States?

The 1500s

Which statement best describes how the Second Great Awakening differed from the First Great Awakening?

The First inspired a political revolution while the Second inspired social reform movements.

What phenomenon helped create a large contrast between the southwestern and eastern United States in the early 1800s?

The Industrial Revolution caused rapid economic and technological progress in the East.

Why did settlers choose Mexican-controlled Texas as their new homeland?

The Mexican government offered them free land and tax breaks.

Which of these provisions was included as part of the Indian Removal Act of 1832?

The President could create a territory that would be set aside for ownership by Indian tribes.

Which was NOT a provision of the Indian Removal Act of 1832? -The President could offer tribes land outside U.S. borders in exchange for their tribal lands in Southeastern states. -The President force members of any Indian tribe to relinquish their homeland and leave the country. -The President could provide supplies and protection for Native American tribes as they traveled west to Indian Territory. -The President could pay tribes for any improvements they made to their tribal lands, such as buildings and bridges.

The President force members of any Indian tribe to relinquish their homeland and leave the country.

Which statement best describes the Petticoat Affair?

The crisis was caused by the wives of Jackson's Cabinet members.

Why were Gold Rush prospectors called "Forty-Niners"?

They began to arrive in California in 1849.

What was a main motivation for the pioneers to set out for the western frontier?

They believed that westward expansion was their predetermined fate.

What did most of the tribes who were removed from the Southeast do once they were settled in Indian Territory?

They established farms, schools, and businesses like the ones they had run on their original ancestral lands.

Besides fighting wars against United States troops, how did the Seminole avoid removal?

They retreated deep into the Florida Everglades.

What happened to most of the Mexican residents of the Southwest when the region became United States territory?

They stayed and became American citizens.

Native Americans already inhabited the West. How were they treated by European settlers?

They were both peacefully and forcibly moved off of their ancestral lands by settlers.

What was the main reason the Battle of the Alamo was lost by the Texians?

They were heavily outnumbered by Mexican troops.

Which was promoted by the Whigs in their 1844 platform?

Using tariffs to protect American businesses

What did the First Great Awakening help to inspire?

the American Revolution

What is one major trait attributed to western settlers as opposed to those who remained in the eastern part of the United States?

Western settlers had a strong sense of individualism.

Which statement is true about the rights of American women in the early 1800s?

Women were treated differently depending on factors such as race and social class.

Which type of woman of the early 1800s was most likely to live a fairly sheltered and easy life?

a Southern belle

When did Jackson's victory at the Battle of New Orleans occur?

after the War of 1812 had ended

Which of these events of the 1800s had the largest impact on changing the face of the western frontier?

the California Gold Rush

Which event in Jackson's life had the greatest impact on his motivation to become president?

the Corrupt Bargain

Which of these Native American practices had an influence on American settlers when they arrived in the desert Southwest?

building with adobe brick

How did leaders of the Second Great Awakening spread their message?

by preaching to large crowds

What what the LEADING cause of death for settlers along the Oregon Trail?

diseases such as cholera and measles

While Anglo-American settlers were beginning to put down roots in the Southwest in the early 1800s, what was happening on the East Coast of the United States?

the Industrial Revolution

What feature was shared by both the First and Second Great Awakenings?

emphasis on establishing a more personal, emotional relationship with God

What common factor motivated women in the reform movements you read about?

feelings of injustice and oppression

What type of music resulted from this era of westward expansion?

folk songs about the settlers' experiences with the land and their journey

Which of the following choices does NOT represent a major cultural influence on the Southwest?

fur trappers

What did Mexico consider its greatest loss due to the outcome of the Mexican-American War?

half of its land holdings

The leading cause of death along the Oregon Trail was disease. What was another MAIN threat to the pioneers' chances of survival?

injuries from accidents

Which is NOT an example of a reform issue women were involved with in the 1800s?

land tax exemptions

Where did the arrival of General Zachary Taylor's troops spark the start of the Mexican-American War?

the Rio Grande River

Which policy did most to increase tensions between the Northern and the Southern states?

the Tariff of 1828

How did President Andrew Jackson's administration perceive the Five Civilized Tribes?

not civilized enough to live among European Americans as equals

What practice by some Mormon settlers caused conflicts with the United States government?


The Mexican-American War resulted in more rewards for the U.S. than just land acquisition. Which was another major consequence of winning the war?

previously undiscovered precious metals in the new territories

What was the primary means for spreading the message and impact of the Second Great Awakening to the nation's Frontier?

revivals or "camp meetings"

What was the longest lasting result of the Second Great Awakening?

social reform movements

Which movement owes its start to the Second Great Awakening?


What African American institution was founded during the Second Great Awakening?

the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church

Which of these institutions emerged during the Second Great Awakening?

the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church

Which of the following factors had the most impact on how a woman was regarded in the early 19th century?

wealth, race, marital status, and locale

What was the biggest change, positive or negative, that ultimately resulted from the women's rights movement of the 1800s?

women's suffrage

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