history unit 3 test

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Charles X became king of France in


What was the main reason for poor living conditions in cities?

Cities were not prepared for so many new workers.

In both Britain and the United States, what happened in the 1870s that limited child labor?

Compulsory education and attendance laws were passed in both countries.

The man known as "the father of the American Industrial Revolution" is

Samuel Slater

African enslaved persons outnumbered free people 10 to 1 in Saint-Domingue, which led to

a massive and successful uprising

An important development or discovery in science and medicine due to industrialization was

Pasteur's discovery that disease is spread by bacteria.

A main reason that the Age of Revolutions initially failed to achieve widespread change in some nations of Europe was because

few people supported the revolutions

Which is not an example of a common bond found in a nation-state?

loyalty to a specific leader

The shift toward mass production affected consumers by

making goods less expensive.

Who sparked the independence movement in Mexico?

mestizos and American Indians

Coup d'etats are most often

very violent

During the Industrial Revolution, who demanded reform?

working class people

What is the name of the man, who led the 1791 revolt in Haiti?

Toussaint L'Ouverture

The term balance of power means

no state should be more powerful than the rest

Augustin de Iturbide was able to declare independence from Spain while also proclaiming himself emperor in part because

that was the type of government the Spanish colonists were used to.

Which best explains why some plantation owners punished enslaved persons?

to keep them as helpless as possible

Urbanization is best described as the

the growth of cities

In a free market, supply and demand determines

the type and number of goods produced.

Before the Agricultural Revolution, many people lived in rural areas because

they could grow food on small areas of land

What is the most likely reason Bismarck was named chancellor when King Wilhelm I became kaiser of Germany?

to reward him fro unifying Germany

Prices for products became more affordable as a result of new forms of ________________, which got things to market faster and cheaper


Charles X sparked a revolt in France by

trying to increase the power of the monarchy.

What is the most likely reason the revolt against Louis Philippe led to other revolts across Europe?

People in other parts of Europe wanted more say in their government.

How would life have been different in the 1800s if the steam locomotive had not been invented?

Products would have been more expensive.

Which country was the first to industrialize in Europe?


Napoleon III became emperor in


The Kingdom of Italy was created in


Wilhelm I was declared kaiser of Germany in


Which country showed the greatest percentage increase in world manufacturing from 1870 to 1913?


Read the excerpt from a speech given by Otto von Bismarck in 1862. Germany is not looking to Prussia's liberalism, but to its power. . . . [I]t is not by speeches and majority resolutions that the great questions of the time are decided—that was the big mistake of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood. -Otto von Bismarck, Blood and Iron, 1862

Bismark believed in using force

How did industrialization spread to the continent of Europe?

British workers secretly brought in textile machinery plans.

Who is regarded as one of the greatest inventors in history?


The cotton gin was invented by

Eli Whitney

Why did Otto von Bismarck believe a war with France would help unify Germany?

He believed that a war would give the people of Germany a strong sense of nationalist pride.

Read the excerpt from an 1852 speech by Italian statesman Giuseppe Mazzini on Lombardy, a region of Italy that was ruled by Austria at the time. [Lombardy] struggled, they still struggle . . . for country and liberty; . . . They speak the same language, they bear about them the impress of consanguinity [common ancestors], they kneel beside the same tombs, they glory in the same tradition; and they demand to associate freely, without obstacles, without foreign domination -Giuseppe Mazzini, On Nationality, 1852 Which summarizes Mazzini's argument about independence for Lombardy?

Lombardy should be an independent nation-state because it had a strong national identity.

What was a major difference between Charles X and Louis Philippe?

Louis was liberal

What most likely changed when cottage industries began to disappear?

There were fewer unusual textiles and other unique items.

This excerpt by British physician John Griscom was written in 1842. By providing the laboring classes with better tenements, improved ventilation, and healthy and cleanly arrangements in respect to yards, sinks and sewerage, they will certainly suffer less from sickness and premature mortality, and a vast amount of pauperism, crime, and wretchedness be prevented . . . What is the most likely reason Griscom connected crime to poor living conditions?

Unhealthy people who could not earn a living were more likely to commit crimes.

Why did it take so long for working class people to fight for improved conditions?

Workers had no power to make their voices heard.

During industrialization, which led to an exploration of new economic theories?

a gap between rich and poor

The middle class that emerged during the Industrial Revolution consisted mainly of

a mix of working class and upper-class workers.

What factor would have most likely prevented the problems that cities faced during urbanization?

a slower transition to industrialization

What did the Thirteenth Amendment do?

abolished slavery

What moderate reforms did European socialists support?

assistance for the poor better working conditions minimum wage laws

Padre Miguel Hidalgo, is noted for

beginning the Mexican independence movement

During industrialization, what were the attitudes toward slavery?

calls for the abolition of slavery increased

Giuseppe Garibaldi helped the nationalist cause by

capturing most of southern Italy for the king of Sardinia.

Otto von Bismarck was appointed________________ of Germany by King Wilhelm I in 1871


As economic theories, socialism and communism sought to

even out inequalities of wealth.

An economic theory that calls for workers to take control of factories is


According to Karl Marx, the economic ideas behind socialism would lead to a

communist revolution

The three main ideas behind capitalism as defined by Adam Smith are

competition, self-interest, and laissez-faire.

What is Andrew Carnegie most well known for?

creating the largest, most powerful companies the world had seen

Which of these developments helped launch the Industrial Revolution?

demand for goods increased. Populations grew rapidly.

The group Young Italy formed because Italians were unhappy about

foreign rulers

As a result of the Congress of Vienna, France

gave up territory it had won under Napoleon.

What was one way the passage of the Factory Acts (1844-1847) affected labor?

hours became limited

What started the modern Agricultural Revolution?

improved farming methods

New laws that were passed during the Industrial Revolution helped city residents by

improving the standard of living in cities.

Britain abolished slavery

in 1833, before the United States did.

The purpose of a spinning jenny was to

increase the speed of textile production

James Watt played an important role in the Industrial Revolution by

making steam engines a reliable power source

What was the biggest effect that new technology had on farm workers?

many workers lost their job

What two principles form the basis for capitalism?

private ownership and free markets

Read the passage. I declare to you to re-establish slavery would be to attempt the impossible: we have known how to face dangers to obtain our liberty, we shall know how to brave death to maintain it. Toussaint L'Ouverture, 1797 The passage shows that L'Ouverture believed that freed enslaved persons would

rather die than be enslaved again

After the French Revolution of 1791 and the Napoleonic Wars, European leaders' greatest goal was to...

restore peace and stability to Europe

What was the outcome of most European revolts of the 1830s?

resulted in little or no change

What was going on in Europe that most likely influenced the reform movements of the 1800s?

revolutions spread across europe

The artistic movement that emerged as a result of industrialization was


Nationalism encouraged people with a shared identity to

separate themselves from those who were unlike them.

Which of the following did Samuel Morse invent or improve?


The most important result of the Second Industrial Revolution was

turning America into a world-wide economic power

Brazil's road to independence was different from that of its Latin American neighbors in that

was peaceful and criollos signed a petition and asked the king's son, Don Pedro, to rule

Karl Marx called for_____________ to control government and develop a classless society.


The following passage is from The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx in 1848. "Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians [workers] have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite!" Which best explains what Marx hoped to get across?

workers should unite over the communist movement

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