history unit 4

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7c) Briefly explain ONE example from the time period 1890-1915 that could be used to challenge the artist's point of view.

-America overthrow Hawaii's/Philippines monarchy -queen of Hawaii had been friendly, but America took advantage -saw that Hawaiians were "uncivilized" so the overthrew queen -wanted to control land --soil was fertile and attracted formers

3b) Briefly explain how ONE event or development led to the historical situation depicted in the image. ("a nauseating job but it must be done" w Roosevelt about meat scandal image)

-Brought his attention to the meat scandal (describe meat scandal) -Before the jungle and roosevelt reading it nobody had the knowledge or power to do anything -"A nauseating job, but it must be done"

3a) Briefly describe ONE perspective expressed by the artist about the role of government in society. ("a nauseating job but it must be done" w Roosevelt about meat scandal image)

-Express pro-government involvement in society In this scenario, gov involvement in necessary -Only gov would be able to make the change that was needed. Especially w the meat scandal

4c) Briefly explain how the American public reacted to the rise of big business between 1877-1898. (Monopolists standing over congress image)

-Forming labor unions -Through gaining power, they cared less about their workers -Since so many people especially immigrants needed work strikes did not work bs there was always someone to fill the role -The unions were created to try and solve this problem

1c) Briefly explain how ONE person, event, or development from the period 1865-1900 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Brands's interpretation.

-Henry ford --Created affordable products --Paid his workers a high wage of 5 dollars an hour --Benefitted everybody bc they were able to buy his stuff and he was able to make a profit

5b) Briefly explain one event during the presidency of Woodrow Wilson that supported the point of view expressed by the artist. (Woodrow Wilson the schoolteacher image)

-Involvement in mex american revolution -Gets involved bc he against dictatorship of huerta(current pres) -Mexicans did not like the interference -Soldiers attacked by mexicans -Huerta left, and new gov was also anti american interference(disappointing to wilson)

1b) Briefly explain how ONE person, event, or development from the period 1865-1900 that is not explicitly mentioned in the excerpts could be used to support Josephson's interpretation.

-John Rockefeller -Ruthless --fixed prices to drive out competition --Preventing unions from striking by repressing riots --12-14 hour days w little pay

1a) Briefly explain ONE major difference between Josephson's and Brands's historical interpretations of business leaders who rose to prominence between 1865 and 1900.

-Josephson --Negative impact community --Cruel to people who had less -Brand --Benefit underprivileged --Provided products that serve them and their communities

2c.) Identify ONE specific example of land use policy in the United States from 1890 to 1945 and briefly explain how the example is consistent with the view of either Muir or Roosevelt.

-Natural parks (Yosemite, yellow stone, etc) -Ensures that these natural beauties would not be harmed and would stay preserved -Parks reflect Roosevelts values bc it was partial preservation and partial use of the land

5a) Briefly explain the point of view expressed by the cartoon (Woodrow Wilson the schoolteacher image)

-Pointing out hypocrisy in wilson's actions compared his claims -Claims gov should serve greater good to other nations -Gets involved in latin american countries for economics

2a.) Briefly explain ONE implication for public policy of John Muir's view on land use.

-Preserving nature, untouched, so it can be enjoyed by future generations. -John muir policy of preservation -John thought as long as nature stays preserved the earth would stay beautiful and able to keep up for the future generations -Preservation of nature would benefit everybody

3c) Briefly explain ONE specific outcome of Progressive Era debates about the role of government in society. ("a nauseating job but it must be done" w Roosevelt about meat scandal image)

-Pure food and drug act/meat inspection act Improvement in child labor laws -Decreased amount of working hour

2b.) Briefly explain ONE way in which an implication for public policy of Theodore Roosevelt's view contrasts with the implication for public policy of Muir's view.

-Roosevelt responsible use best method -Natural resources should be used in moderation -Differs from muirs thinking that they sould be 100% preserved

4a) Briefly explain the point of view expressed through the political cartoon about corporations (Monopolists standing over congress image)

-Shows the large corporations towering over and controlling the senate and congress -Demonstrates how the big corporations would control congress with money and power\ -Would scare or bribe them into passing law

4b) Briefly explain ONE justification used by big business to support their tactics between 1877-1898. (Monopolists standing over congress image)

-Technically helping common people -Andrew carnegie (one of richest men bc of steel) said he was helping the people -Before he died he used all money to benefit common man's society -Built schools, built church organs, and gave to charities -Spent money on people instead of giving it to them bs he thought they would waste it

5c) Briefly explain ONE difference or similarity between the policies of Wilson and either Theodore Roosevelt or William Howard Taft. (Woodrow Wilson the schoolteacher image)

-Wilson Roosevelt and Taft all wanted the economic and military power of America to influence Latin America. -Wilson got involved in Mexico, Taft in Nicaragua and other Central American countries, and Roosevelt in ---Columbia/Panama.

6a) Briefly explain Howard Zinn's point of view on the issue of American involvement in World War I.

-Zinn believed that American involvement in WW1 was led by an interest in financial gain and not a war fought over ideals.

8b) Explain what caused the creation of the Progressive party in 1912

-also called Bullmoose party -when Roosevelt lost to Taft -made his own party and then ran/won against Taft

9b) Briefly explain the artist's point of view regarding the plight of the American Farmer in the late 19th century. (i feed you all image)

-artist/art shows that farmers are the most important bc they produce the ESSENTIAL goods -farmers should be prioritized in policy nd government -other jobs are important but not as important as farming

8a) Theodore Roosevelt changed his stand on women's suffrage from his presidency to the election of 1912. Explain the differences in his views and what the possible causes were for the change.

-considered feminist yet did nothing to help women -before he had no interest in women's right/suffrage -only changed view on women's suffrage/right because women start to get the right to vote

9c) Briefly explain ONE example from the time period 1890-1900 that could be used to support the artist's point of view. (i feed you all image)

-farmers of the time did not like the divide of two parties so created their own -populist patry -populist party wanted to help the people especally farmers -William Jennings Bryant "free coinage of silver" --unrestricted coinage of silver money which raised amount of money in circulation which helped the farmers out of debt

9a) Briefly explain the historical context of the political cartoon above. (i feed you all image)

-late 1800s industrial powers like fixed prices and monopolies on railroads put limitations on farmers -they were frustrated -farmers should be put first bc they make the necessities -w/o farms, industrial society would not exist

7a) Briefly explain the artist's point of view on the issue of American Imperialism

Eagle is hugging/sheltering the countries Shows US as a protector of the countries which it has imperialised Puts forward idea that american imperialism is good, and that we are improving the countries

6b) Briefly explain how ONE example from the time period 1912-1917, NOT mentioned in the excerpt, could be used to support Zinn's argument.

Increase wartime production First 2.5 years of combat US neutral party so economic gain came from exports Exports went from 2.4 bil in 1913 to 6.2 bil 1917

7b) Briefly explain ONE example from the time period 1890-1915 that could be used to support the artist's point of view.

Roosevelt corollary US declared themselves the "ruler" of the western hemisphere They would intervene in the affairs of the latin american countries if it meant well being for all Supports image bs it has the same vibe as wanting to protect the countries

8c) Explain what effect the Bull Moose Party had on the election of 1912.

The Bull Moose Party that ​​Roosevelt makes results in the Republicans splitting their votes because there are now two republican parties. The republican votes are split between two people and there is only one person running with democratic ideals and because of this, Wilson wins the election.

6c) Briefly explain how ONE example from the time period 1912-1917, NOT mentioned in the excerpt, could be used to challenge Zinn's argument.

Wilsons claim that involvement in war was to "make world safe for democracy" America felt threatened during war After Zimmerman telegram US wanted germany to lose so that they couldn't help mexico get land back Then US entered war

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