history week 4 chapter 8

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The amphibious landing at __________ was an attempt to go around the Gustav Line and encircle the Germans?

erwin rommel

What German had been given command of all the defenses on the French coast before D-Day?

all but gave japanese confidence

Which of the following is true about the Battle of Leyte Gulf? [choose all that apply]

island hopping

Admiral Chester Nimitz wanted the Navy and Marines to conduct an "____________ ___________" campaign across the Pacific toward Japan.


After taking the island of Iwo Jima, Nimitz's next target was _________________, only 350 miles from the southernmost Japanese home island.

gothic line

After the Germans retreated from Rome, they fell back to a line of defensive positions known as the


After the war, American engineers used rocket technology developed by the ____________ in the Apollo space program.

general courtney hodges, general patton

American forces in Normandy, under the command of General Bradley, were split under what 2 commanders over the 1st and 3rd Armies? [choose 2]

general douglas macarthur, admiral chester nimitiz

American strategy in the Pacific was shaped by a strong rivalry between these two men: [choose two]

uss enterprise, uss missourri

At the Battle of Okinawa, what two large American ships were damaged by kamikaze attacks? [choose 2]


At which of the following D-Day landing sites did the Allied troops almost meet with disaster?

the battle of bulge

Hitler's Operation "Autumn Fog" was the key to beginning this important World War II battle:

military targets, industrial targets, infrastructure

In Europe, USAAF bombers primarily focused on these targets [choose all that apply]:

gustav line

In January 1944, the Allied advance was stopped just 100 miles short of Rome as they ran into a set of fortifications known as the

all of them

In what ways could the Italian campaign be considered a failure? [choose all that apply]

all but provided an avenue

In what ways could the Italian campaign be considered a success? [choose all that apply]

june 6, 1944

On which date did D-Day for Operation "Overlord" take place?


Once American entered the war, Roosevelt and Churchill agreed that the Allies should pursue a "____________ first" strategy.

general bernard montgomery

Once the Allies established their position in Normandy, they were organized into 2 Groups, the British and Canadians were commanded by

all but tell the japanese

Once the first atomic bomb was successfully tested, what 3 options did the President have regarding its use to make Japan surrender? [choose 3]

the terrain gave the germans an advantage

Operation "Avalanche" under General Mark Clark was almost halted because


Operation "Market Garden" was a plan to take a bridge across the Rhine at

pass false info onto the germans

Operation "Mincemeat" was an attempt to

general dwight eisenhower

The Allied invasion of the island of Sicily was a joint U.S.- British operation under the overall command of


The German Krupp K5 rail gun was known as "Anzio ___________" by the GIs.


The German alternative to using traditional bombing methods was the development of the


The July 1943 bombing of this city created a "firestorm," a phenomenon that had not previously been seen in war time:


The capture of what Sicilian city made Patton a hero until news of his treatment of seriously ill soldiers reached the American people?

red ball express

The convoys that brought supplies from the Normandy coast to the front lines were known as the "________ _____________ ________________."

b-29 superfortress

The development of this weapon allowed American forces to launch attacks on Japanese cities:

uss missouri

The documents formalizing the unconditional surrender of Japan were signed on the deck of the

mankin, tarawa

The efforts to take these objectives in the Gilbert Islands shocked the American public because of the high death toll? [choose all that apply]


The first Japanese city to be attacked by an atomic bomb was

iwo jima

The invasion of this island put the Americans just 600 miles from Tokyo and provided one of the most iconic photographs of World War II?


The invasion site for Operation "Overlord" were the beaches of _________________.


The meeting to discuss the plans for Operation "Overlord" were held in

little boy, fat man

The name of the 2 atomic bombs dropped on Japanese cities in 1945 were [choose two]

the manhattan project

The project created to develop and build atomic weapons was code-named:


The scientists of which nation had made progress in the development of atomic weapons in the 1930s?


The second Japanese city to be attacked by an atomic bomb was

guam, tinian, saipan

The three main targets in the Marianas Islands were: [choose three]


The tide turned in the German advance into the Soviet Union at the battle of


The uprising in this Polish city was the largest revolt against Nazi occupation of the entire war:

divine wind

The word kamikaze means "__________ ________."


What army was the first to liberate a major death camp in Poland?

albert einstein

What famous scientist led others to express their concerns regarding German efforts to build atomic weapons?

it was a volcanic island

What topographical conditions made invasion of Iwo Jima more difficult than other islands?

most of the german soldiers were away from their posts

What was one reason why the German reaction to the invasion at Normandy slower than it should have been?


What was the Allied reaction to their capture and liberation of the labor and transit camps in Germany? [choose all that apply]

they asked the soviets to mediate

What was the Japanese government's reaction to the destruction brought by the first atomic bomb dropped on one of their cities?

they watched what was happening and did nothing

What was the Soviet response to the Warsaw Uprising?

klaus schneck

What was the name of the leader of, and the person who tried to carry out, the 1943 attempt to assassinate Adolf Hitler at "Wolf's Lair"?

the japanese would never again send a large convoy

What was the result of the Battle of Bismarck Sea?

all of them apply

What were the challenges to the D-Day invasion that affected timing? [choose all that apply]

all the answers

What were the results of the Allied threat to the Italian mainland? [choose all that apply]

harry s truman

When Franklin Roosevelt died in April 1945, who became President of the United States?

they needed hitlers permission

When German officers realized they needed to reinforce their troops at Normandy, why was there a delay?

the soviets

Which Allied army fought for and won the final battle for Berlin?

the united states

Which Allied nation was the one to liberate the city of Rome from the Germans?

general douglas macarthur

Which American military commander liberated the Philippines, announcing "I have returned!"?

small attacks on french port cities

Which of the following was NOT part of Operation "Fortitude"?

blow to german morale, soldiers thought it was over

Which of the following was a result of the Allied capture of the Rhineland? [choose all that apply]

montes cassino

Which of the following was one of the most powerful strongholds on the Gustav Line and also the site of a 6th century monastery with historical significance?

germans had infiltrated american lines

Which of the following was one reason the American advance slowed in December 1944?

omaha, utah, gold, juno, sword

Which of the following were code names for the beaches of the Normandy invasion? [choose all that apply]

all but forced the americans to rethink their strategy

Which of the following were consequences of the Marianas campaign? [choose all that apply]

all but personal flotation

Which of the following were developments in military technology meant to overcome the logistical challenges of the Normandy invasion? [choose all that apply]

emperor hirohito

Who announced the surrender to the Japanese people, marking the first time his people had heard his voice?

admiral karl

Who signed the unconditional surrender of Germany on May 7, 1945?

general dwight eissenhower

Who was named Supreme Commander of Operation "Overlord" at the Tehran Conference?

they knew the japanese would defend the last person

Why did American military leaders NOT want to attempt an invasion on the Japanese home islands?

to prepare for operation sealion

Why did Hitler initially order air strikes against British targets in the Battle of Britain?

they believed an italian campaign would be easy, they believed it would help reach germany

Why did the Americans agree to postpone "Operation Roundup" until 1944 and concentrate on invading Italy? [choose all that apply]

some had fled to the united states

Why did the Germans not develop atomic weapons earlier than other nations?

they pushed too far

Why did the Soviet advance halt in early 1945, although they were within 100 miles of Berlin?

general clark decided to hold his position

Why did the invasion at Anzio fall apart?

they had taken refuge on fortified caves

Why was it difficult for the Marines to dislodge the Japanese from the island of Iwo Jima?

it could provide a base for aircraft

Why was the island of Peleliu important in the American invasion of the Philippines?

the british were shooting down planes faster than the germans could rebuild, it boosted british morale

Why were German efforts in the Battle of Britain unsuccessful? [choose all that apply]

all but germans were busy

Why were individual German victories in the Soviet Union not successful in reversing the tide of the Soviet advance? [choose all that apply]

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