history ww1 trms

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Joyce Kilmer

An american writer and poet born in new brunswick, New Jersey. He is most remembered for a short poem titled, "trees". He enlisted in the New York National Guard, was deployed to France and killed. At the time of his deployment he was regarded as the leading christian american poet.

Gallipoli Campaign

An unsuccessful attempt by the allied powers to control the sea route from europe to russia and cut off connections to the Ottomans. This took place on the Gallipoli peninsula of the Ottoman empire. Began with a failed naval attack by British and French ships and then a failed land attack, resulted in a stalemate until British withdrew.

Schenck v. United States Supreme Court case

Charles Schenck, an official of the socialist party. distributed leaflets criticizing the draft. He was convicted of sedition and sentenced to prison. In court he was found guilty because during wartime his words were not protected by freedom of speech.

The sinking of the Lusitania

German responded to British blockade with U-boats (submarines). One u-boat sank a british liner, lusitania off the coast of Ireland. Some killed were Americans. German defended themselves because of ammunition on the british liner. Americans are outraged.

**Unrestricted Submarine Warfare

Germans ignored Wilson's call for peace. The kaiser announced that U-boats would sink all ships in British waters, hostile or neutral. Wilson is outraged, if actions are followed through the US must interfere.

Wilfred Owen (war poet)

He was an english war poet, most famous for the poem, "Dulce et decorum est." It showed the more real view of the war and poisonous gas. His poem criticized the idea that it is sweet and glorious to die for one's country.

Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks

In november of 1917, the bolsheviks led by Lenin, overthrew the provisional government created during the Russian revolution. They set up a communist state and sought peace with the Central powers.

The Christmas Truce, 1914

On christmas morning 1914, the Germans were in their trenches and the British were in their own. Somebody sent a message over suggesting to meet in the center of lines and hold off fighting for the day, both troops agreed. The soldiers came to the middle few at a time and were hanging out and celebrating the holiday together. This becomes the last public movement that assumed humans were nice.

The British Blockade of Germany

The British use their powerful navy to blockade the german coast to prevent weapons, military supplies, and food from getting through. Caused a famine in germany. Americans angry because prevents American goods from reaching Germany.

J.R.R. Tolkien and World War I

The author of the hobbit and the lord of the rings. He was a soldier who fought in the battle of the Somme. After fighting in this bloody battle it is believed his work was influenced.

Henry Cabot Lodge and the Treaty of Versailles

There was big debate over the treaty of versailles because the poor treatment of Germany weakened the potential for lasting peace in Europe. There was also controversy over the league of nations, which would provide a way for nations to settle without having to resort to war. Henry Cabot Lodge and the conservative senators wanted the constitutional right of congress to declare war included in the treaty.

The Schlieffen Plan of Germany, 1914

This plan called for a holding action against Russia, combined with a quick drive through belgium to Paris. After France had fallen, the two German armies would defeat Russia. Belgian army showed opposition delaying German advance. The plan failed because it relied on rapid movement, resulting in the British declaring war on Germany.

Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points

This was Wilson's plan for world peace. He Gave his famous 14 points speech in front of congress before war ended. The first 5 points were points he addressed to prevent another war. The next 8 points dealt with boundary changes and the last called for an organization to address diplomatic crises, the league of nations was created.

The Russian Revolution, 1917

Throughout 1915 Russians endured defeat and continued to retreat, there were also massive bread shortages. Revolutionaries ousted the Czar. Russian monarchy was replaced with a provisional government. Now US supporters of war could claim this was a war of democracies against monarchies. Allows US to get involved.

The Battle of the Somme

Took place near the Somme river in France. British generals sent out men into no-mans-land. This was again total war, and resulted in extreme casualties. This was the bloodiest day for the British, but they technically won.

Total war and the use of poison gas in World War I

WWI followed the idea of total war, there were no real restrictions to weapons or methods. Both sides began to use poison gas to drown their opponents, the fog would sicken, suffocate, burn, and blind its victims. This was a new technology that turned out to be extremely harmful, gas masks were created to reduce the harm.

"He Kept Us Out of War," campaign slogan

When Wilson was running for reelection he ran on the campaign "he kept us out of war". He won because people knew how he was going to handle wwI while they didn't know a lot about Charles Evans Hughes. It was a very close election.


When no action can be taken and no progress is being made. When the schlieffen plan failed, both sides had to secure the land they had so they built trenches and put up machine guns. From then until 1918, neither side would advance more than 10 miles.

President Woodrow Wilson and American Neutrality

Wilson is president of the US at the start of world war I. Because of our strong trading relationships with both Germany and Britain Wilson decides to declare neutrality. At the start the war does not threaten American lives or property but later Wilson must get involved when Germany starts to become a threat.

The Zimmerman Note

a telegram from the german foreign minister to the german ambassador in mexico that was intercepted by british agents. It proposed an alliance between mexico and Germany and promised that if war with the US broke out germany would support Mexico in recovering lost land.

General John Pershing

led the american expeditionary force (AEF). Pershing pushed for the AEF to operate as an independent fighting force, under American command. He believed in aggressive warfare and he thought trench warfare was too defensive. Under pershing, American forces helped to stop German advances. He was later promoted to the general of the armies of the US.


on november 3rd, Austria-hungary surrendered to the allies. Mutiny was spreading through Germany, groups of soldiers and workers organized revolutionary councils. There was no decisive battle but Germany was too tired to continue fighting, so On 11/11/18, Germany agreed to a cease-fire and signed the armistice, or truce.

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