¡Hola Ola!
¿Dónde están?
Where are they?
El, los, la, las
La playa
the beach
there is, there are
they (plural, masculine)
Le gusta
He/she/they like
He/she/they say
¿Cómo estás tú?
How are you? (informal)
¿Cuántos hay?
How many are there?
Yo estoy
I am (feeling or location)
Yo soy
I am (looks, nationality, personality)
Yo no sé
I don't know
No me gusta nada
I don't like it at all
No comprendo
I don't understand
Me gusta
I like
A mi también
Me too/I do too!
Un cangrejo dice, ´Ola.´
One crab says, ¨Wave!¨
Los cangrejos están asustados.
The crabs are afraid.
Los cangrejos son rojos.
The crabs are red.
La ola está feliz.
The wave is happy.
La ola es azul claro.
The wave is light blue.
La ola dice, ¨Hola.¨
The wave says ´Hello¨
Hay dos cangrejos.
There are two crabs.
Hay una ola.
There is a wave.
Ellos tienen miedo.
They are afraid.
Están en la playa.
They are at the beach.
Ellos son amigos.
They are friends.
¿Cómo es?
What is it like? (How is it?)
¿Qué numero estás?
What number are you?
¿Qué tal?
What's up?
¿Quién es?
Who is it/he/she?