HonorLock Exam Study Guide

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Germany's M____________________ continued after World War I and after the fall of the Germany monarchy


What were Buchenwald and Treblinka? A. American code names for the Nazi leaders during the World War II B. Horses that General Eisenhower relied on during the World War II battles C. Beaches where American troops landed during the Normandy Invasion D. Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust

Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust

The French Republic and Czarist Russia were drawn together as allies by their mutual need to counter which country? A. Austria-Hungary B. Ottoman Empire C. Romania D. Germany


The atomic bombs had originally been put into development with the intent that it would be used first against A. Japan B. Soviet Union C. France D. Germany


The G__________ created to round up Jews led to sanitary issues such as diseases


The two countries that the Truman Doctrine wanted to protect from Soviet influence were Turkey and A. Greece B. Israel C. Germany D. Egypt


All of the following were reason for the popularity of Hitler and the Nazi Party in the 1930's except A. Anger over the unfair Treaty of Versailles B. The collapse of the German economy C. A dislike for materialism D. The growing power of the Germans Communist Party

A dislike for materialism

During the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the value of stocks collapsed and business failed, leading to... A. Civil War in the United States B. The re-election in 1932 of Herbert Hoover C. A rise in unemployment D. An acceleration of the global economy

A rise in unemployment

During the 1950's, there was a permanent decline in the price of value for what? A. Industrial Goods B. Agricultural Goods C. Military Equipment D. Automobiles

Agricultural Goods

The policy known as "appeasement" was an effort by the British to do what? A. Allow for German expansion and avoid war B. Boost German strength for a future war with Russia C. Give Germany the ability to reestablish its economy D. Let Germany expand to the East, then attack

Allow for German expansion and avoid war

Austria-Hungary's A_______________ of Serbia was one of the underlying causes of World War I.


Political A___-S________ survived into the 20th century, most notably during the Holocaust, in which Nazis attempted to exterminate all the Jews in Europe.


What term is most commonly used to reefer to discrimination against and hatred of Jews, such as that perpetrated by the Nazis during the Holocaust A. Internment B. Anti-Judaism C. Anti-Semitism D. "Red Scare"


The allies were viewed as weak to the world in offering A___________________________ to Germany


Each year on November 11th marks the A_________________ signed between the allies of World War I and Germany.


The acts committed during the Holocaust are considered one of the worst A____________________ in the history of man


By 1960, Mao lost his position as state chairman A. Because of the general and catastrophic failure of the Great Leap Forward B. When he was assassinated by a disgruntled intellectual C. When he proposed the destruction of Buddhist monstaries throughout China D. When he proposed an alliance with the United States and NATO

Because of the general and catastrophic failure of the Great Leap Forward

While the allied and axis forces were both B_______________ during the World War II, their actions did lead the world to be a better future


The fighting arm of Mussolini's Fascist Party, composed of violent men, was called the A. Brown Shirts B. Advanced Guard C. Mussolini's Elite D.Blackshirts


The Germany bombing offensive, The B______ was specifically targeted towards Britain through air strikes and raides


In 1924, the United States offered a solution of payment to which country through the Dawes Plan? A. France B. Great Britain C. Italy D. Germany


The establishment of C____________________ C________ were the final solution to the Jewish problem in Germany

Concentration Camps

Fascism allows Private ownership f industry, but demands a certain amount of state-mandated production, known as A. Insular state B. Cooperative state C. Corporate state D. Single state

Corporate state

The Treaty of Versallies did all of the following except.... A. Reassigned Alsace-Lorraine to the French B. Discontinued reparations payments from Germany C. Made Germany sign a "War Guilt" cause D. Created an independent Polish state

Discontinued reparations payments from Germany

The extreme lack of food throughout Europe during the Great Depression, resulted in a F__________ that lasted an extended period of time.


Benito Mussolini first used the term F_________ to describe his new political party.


The Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin understood that the key to gaining legitimacy after their coup was to achieve what first? A. Land reform B. Peace with Germany C. Better relation with allies D. Final defeat of Germany

Final defeat of Germany

The Comintern, also known as the Communist International, were known for their F_____________ worldwide after the Russian Revolution.


Which country was not a primary participant at Yalta and Potsdam? A. Soviet Union B. United States C. France D. United States


Great Britain is most frightened by the rise of German power for what reason? A. German cavalry forces B. The quality of German steel C. German expansion at sea and in the colonies D. German immigration to the United States

German expansion at sea and in the colonies

How did the Chiang Kai-shek differ from Sun Yat-sen and Moa Zedong? A. He favored communism over all other systems B. He did not want to work with the Soviet Union and was opposed to communism C. He wanted to work with the Soviet Union D. He was opposed to allowing religious diversity in China

He did not want to work with the Soviet Union and was opposed to communism

Japan and Germany were synonymous for their H_____________ leading up to World War II


The French occupation of the Ruhr led the Germans to print more and more money, resulting in A. An economic boom B. The two treaty of Versailles C. The intervention of the United States D. Hyperinflation


The pinnacle of negotiations during and after World War II was the I__________________ of the United States


What was the long term effect of the Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War? A. Stimulated resistance movements B. Increased the distrust between the two rivals C. Create the Cheka D. Began another civil war

Increased the distrust between the two rivals

What effect did the creation of the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente have politically? A. It created even more tensions leading to World War I B. Nationalism had expanded, leading to land-based arguments over separation C. It created a universal separation between the two alliances, inevitably according to even more problems to war D. The separation of countries and the establishment of two new governments

It created a universal separation between the two alliances, inevitably according to even more problems to war

What is significant about the atomic bomb that makes it a historic weapon? A. It kills by poisoning B. It is extremely powerful C. It is very easy to create D. It can be hidden very easily

It is extremely powerful

In 1950, Czarist Russia suffered a stinging defeat at the hands of what country? A. China B. Germany C. Ottoman Empire D. Japan


During the Russian Civil War, the anti-Bolshevik "Whites" suffered from A. Lack of ammunition B. Poor geographical location C. Lack of useful leadership D. Inability to motivate troops

Lack of useful leadership

Because of economic slowdown that Germany would suffer under Allied powers, one possible solution Keynes envision is A. Mass immigration (unlikely due to the resistance of other countries) B. Selective sterilization C. Mass execution D. Reorganization under French direction

Mass immigration (unlikely due to the resistance of other countries)

Winston Churchill's warning, given in his famous Iron Curtain speech, refers to the A. Inability of the Allies to overcome remaining loyalties to Nazism B. Need for the United Kingdom to maintain control of the British Empire C. Iron wall that the new atomic bomb would create D. Political and military barrier the Soviets created to dominate Eastern Europe

Political and military barrier the Soviets created to dominate Eastern Europe

What led to the Nationalists loss to the Communists? A. Poor leadership B. Corruption C. Lack of support D. All of the above

Poor leadership

The P_________________ have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workingman of all countries, unite! - Karl Max


The original intention of Russia's P______________ government was the organization of elections.


The last great Chinese dynasty was A. Ming B. Qing C. Han D. Song


The Treaty of Versailles was used by the Nazis as an A. Reason to call for a return of German power B. Reason to persecute Jews C. Reason to invade Italy D. Reason for the elimination of the Brownshirts

Reason to call for a return of German power

When the Russian Civil War ended, Lenin declared the New Economic Policy, which was intended to do what? A. Improve relations with the west B. Rebuild the Russian economy C. End of all private ownership of property D. Convert all Russian peasants into Industrial workers

Rebuild the Russian economy

Germany finally finished paying it's R______________ 92 years after World War I.


When George C. Marshall proposed a plan to rebuild Europe's economies, called the Marshall Plan he was serving as United States A. Chief of staff B.President C. Secretary of state D. Vice President

Secretary of State

Adolf Hitler, a native of Austria, does what during the World War I? A. Fights in the Russian Army B. Rejects the authority of Habsburg state C. Serves in the German Army D. Becomes a spy in Europe

Serves in the German Army

Why was the trench warfare not successful? A. Soldiers were not able to push forward through enemy lines B. Opposing weapons and tactics were too advanced C. Nothing ever happened because the soldiers stayed within the trenches D. The trenches often collapsed

Soldiers were not able to push forward through enemy lines

With the failure of both sides to outflank the other, the Western Font settled down to the S_________________ of trench warfare which ran from the English Channel to Switzerland.


The failure of financial markets around the world meant that A. Stock values rose sharply B. Stock lost much of their value C. Governments were effective in finding quick solutions to economic problems D. Paper money skyrocketed in value

Stock lost much of their value

Which individual became the democratic leader of china? A. Sun Yat-Sen B. Mao Zedong C. Chiang Kai-Shek D. Shi Huangdi

Sun Yat-Sen

What triggered the mobilization of military in Austria-Hungary? A. The annexation of the Balkans B. The assassination of Franz Ferdinand C. Growing tensions between the Triple Entente and the Triple Alliance D. The 1815 treaty at the Congress of Vienna

The assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Which of the following was a result, or effect, of America's use of atomic bomb in World War II? A. The Manhattan Project was developed B. Germany surrendered to the Allies C. The cities of Berlin and London were damaged D. The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed

The cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were destroyed

Which statement best describes the overall impact of technology during the World War I? A. Technology during WWI seldom brought countries power B. Existing technologies had ended a long stalemate during WWI, particularly in the Western Front C. Submarines were able to track down and prove efficient in sea battles D. The existing technologies contributed to the build up of a stalemate in the Western Front, but not enough to break it

The existing technologies contributed to the build up of a stalemate in the Western Front, but not enough to break it

Why was nationalism a problem in the growing tensions between the countries of Europe leading to World War I? A. It halted technological innovation B. Nationalism had been adopted all over the world, making its usefulness in Europe obsolete C. The government of each country thought they had enough power to require land and protect it from other countries. D. It created and built rivalries

The government of each country thought they had enough power to require land and protect it from other countries

What effect did Russia's inability to pursue that war and social change have on the government? A. The government was plagued by continued social unrest which contributed to the making of the new parties B. The government had to establish more laws C. The government had to increase taxes D. The government was unable to make any changes because they were losing power and soon would lose all say in political policies

The government was plagued by continued social unrest which contributed to the making of the new parties

According to the "Manipulating Despair" graph, what is the correlation between unemployment and the Nazi representation in government? A. The lower the unemployment rate, the more seats the Nazi party won in elections B. Nazi representation in government starts high and ends low by 1932 C. The higher the unemployment rate, the more seats the Nazi party won in elections D. The rise in unemployment leads to a decrease in the amount of seats the Nazi party wins in each election

The higher the unemployment rate, the more seats the Nazi party won in elections

Who were the Bolsheviks? A. Soviets who supported the Nazis, advocating immediate and forceful control though the power of concentration camps B. Anarchists of the Soviet Union, advocating anti-governmental views C. The liberal majority of the Social Democratic party, advocating traditional laws by power of the centralist state D. The radical majority of the Social Democratic party; advocating immediate and forceful seizure of power by the proletariat

The radical majority of the Social Democratic party; advocating immediate and forceful seizure of power by the proletariat

There were two T_____________ during World War II; one in the Pacific and one in Europe


It was the German use of "unrestricted submarine warfare" that eventually pulls this country into World War I A. Canada B. Japan C. United States D. Mexico

United States

As a reaction to the global Depression, many western governments installed Keynesianism, through which problems might be fixed by A. Allowing failed companies to be purchased and refitted for other work B. Using government funded stimulus to increase employment but also inflation C. The government decreasing inflation and increasing unemployment D. The government purchasing all failed companies and getting them working again

Using government funded stimulus to increase employment but also inflation

The Holocaust, or mass murder of six million European Jews, was part of what war? A. World War I B. World War II C. The French Revolution D. The Spanish-American War

World War II

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