Honors Biology 8.11-8.23 TEST

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How many generations does it take to develop a new plant species by polyploidy?


This image shows a step that is partway through meiosis. Which of the following events have not yet occurred? Select all that apply. a) production of four haploid gametes b)formation of chiasmata c)separation of homologous chromosomes into distinct cells d)separation of sister chromatids into distinct cells e)crossing over

a) production of four haploid gametes d)separation of sister chromatids into distinct cells


can reveal alterations in chromosome number

Meiosis II typically produces _____ cells, each of which is _____. a)two ... haploid b)four ... haploid c)four ... identical to the other d)four ... diploid e)two... diploid

b)four ... haploid

Nondisjunction occurs when

members of a chromosome pair fail to separate.

When observing a bird skin cell in G2 under a microscope, you count 160 total chromatids. How many chromosomes does a male chicken have in its sperm cells? a)160 b)40 c)320 d)80


Which statement regarding the differences between mitosis and meiosis is false?

Crossing over is a phenomenon that creates genetic diversity during mitosis.

you may remember this shot from the video podcast here I am representing a duplicated chromosome what structure is represented by my waist where I am going to my twin telomere centromere chromosome centrosome tetrad


Which processes lead to most genetic variation in sexually reproducing organisms? Select all that apply.

crossing over independent orientation of chromosomes in meiosis random fertilization

The correct order of events during meiosis is a)prophase I, anaphase I, metaphase I, telophase I, meiosis II, cytokinesis. b)prophase I, anaphase I, telophase I, metaphase I, meiosis II. c)metaphase I, prophase I, anaphase I, telophase I, cytokinesis, meiosis II. d)prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, cytokinesis, meiosis II. e)metaphase I, prophase I, telophase I, anaphase I, cytokinesis, meiosis II.

d)prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I, cytokinesis, meiosis II.

During _____ a spindle forms in a haploid cell. a)telophase I and cytokinesis b)prophase I c)anaphase II d)prophase II e)metaphase II

d)prophase II

During _____ sister chromatids separate. a)interphase b)metaphase I c)prophase I d)prophase II e)anaphase II

e)anaphase II

During _____ chromosomes align single file along the equator of a haploid cell. a)anaphase I b)prophase I c)metaphase I d)telophase I and cytokinesis e)metaphase II

e)metaphase II

Duplication of the chromosomes to produce sister chromatids _____.

occurs in both mitosis and meiosis

A karyotype is most like

photographs of every couple at a high school prom.

Independent orientation of chromosomes at metaphase I results in an increase in the number of

possible combinations of characteristics.

During prophase I of meiosis, a)chromosome pairs are positioned in the middle of the cell. b)homologous chromosomes stick together in pairs. c)there are four haploid daughter cells. d)the homologous chromosomes separate and move towards opposite poles. e)there are two daughter cells, each with 23 chromosomes.

homologous chromosomes stick together in pairs.

At a chiasma, two ________ are attached to each other.

homologous or nonsister chromatids

A cell preparing to undergo meiosis duplicates its chromosomes during a)metaphase I. b)interphase. c)meiosis II. d)anaphase I. e)prophase I.


Both mitosis and meiosis are preceded by


If it weren't for _____, chromosome number would double with every generation of sexual reproduction.


Looking through a light microscope at a cell undergoing division, you see that the condensed chromosomes have lined up along the midline of the cell. The homologous pairs are NOT joined in tetrads. Each chromosome takes its own place in line, independent of its homolog. You are witnessing _____.

metaphase of mitosis

Mitosis occurs in _____; meiosis occurs in _____.

somatic or body cells ... germ cells in the testes or ovaries

Which type of organisms commonly demonstrates polyploidy?

flowering plants

Meiosis I produces _____ cells, each of which is _____. a)four ... diploid b)four ... haploid c)two ... haploid d)two... identical to the other e)two... diploid

two ... haploid

Place the events of meiosis in the proper order. Rank from the first event to the last event, left to right. -homologous chromosomes separate -nonsister chromatids form chiasmata -crossing over occurs -four haploid gametes are produced -homologous chromosomes pair up. -sister chromatids separate

1)homologous chromosomes pair up. 2)nonsister chromatids form chiasmata 3)crossing over occurs 4)homologous chromosomes separate 5)sister chromatids separate 6)four haploid gametes are produced

imagine you found a hypothetical organism you examine one of its gametes and you see that it contains 5 chromosomes how many chromosomes will one of its body cells contain just before mitosis begins 5 10 15 20 the answer cannot be determined


Which of these gametes contains one or more recombinant chromosomes?

B and C

Which statement regarding Down syndrome is false?

Down syndrome is least likely to be seen in the infants of mothers over 40.

Below are three statements. Classify them as examples of independent orientation, crossing over, or random fertilization. I: The formation of a zygote from an egg and a sperm is an unpredictable event. II: Random combinations of paternal and maternal chromosomes end up in gametes. III: An allele on the paternal chromosome 18 ends up on the maternal chromosome 18.

I: random fertilization; II: independent orientation; III: crossing over

Which statement regarding the diploid life cycle is false? a)Two haploid cells fuse during fertilization. b)Meiosis of the zygote generates somatic cells. c)Gametes are haploid cells. d)A zygote is a fertilized egg.

Meiosis of the zygote generates somatic cells.

Which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is false?

Meiosis provides for asexual reproduction.

Which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is false? a)Mitosis produces daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. b)A normal human zygote has 46 chromosomes. c)All sexual life cycles involve an alternation of diploid and haploid stages. d)In animals, meiosis only occurs in the ovaries and testes.

Mitosis produces daughter cells with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell.

Which statement regarding the function of mitosis is false?

Mitosis promotes genetic diversity.

Jacobsen syndrome, which can cause heart defects, intellectual deficiencies, and bleeding disorders, is caused by a deletion of the terminal end of chromosome 11. What method could you use to determine whether an individual has Jacobsen syndrome?

Perform a karyotype using a person's white blood cells.

Which statement regarding mitosis and meiosis is true?

Sister chromatids separate during anaphase of mitosis and anaphase II of meiosis.

Which conclusion can best be drawn from this study?

Women in this study who were 45 years old had three times the incidence of babies with Down syndrome as did 40-year-old women.

A pair of sex chromosomes found in a human male is most like a)identical twins b)a pair of blue jeans c)a knife, fork, and spoon d)a bride and groom.

a bride and groom.

Crossing over of chromosomes during meiosis shuffles parental chromosomes, resulting in a genetically unique child. Select the three true statements about crossing over. a)During prophase I of meiosis I, homologous paternal and maternal chromosomes pair up and undergo crossing over. b)During meiosis II, sister chromatids separate into four different gametes. c)A hybrid chromosome that has crossed over will contain pieces of both the maternal and paternal chromosomes. d)Chromosomes from the egg and the sperm undergo crossing over immediately after fertilization occurs. e)Chiasmata in nonsister chromatids decrease the genetic variability produced during crossing over.

a)During prophase I of meiosis I, homologous paternal and maternal chromosomes pair up and undergo crossing over. b)During meiosis II, sister chromatids separate into four different gametes. c)A hybrid chromosome that has crossed over will contain pieces of both the maternal and paternal chromosomes.

Which statement correctly describes the behavior of a tetrad during anaphase I of meiosis? a)It splits into two pairs of sister chromatids, and one pair goes to each pole of the dividing cell. b)It splits into four chromosomes, which distribute in random pairs to the two poles of the dividing cell. c)It travels intact to one pole of the dividing cell. d)It splits into two pairs of homologous, nonsister chromatids, and one pair goes to each pole of the dividing cell.

a)It splits into two pairs of sister chromatids, and one pair goes to each pole of the dividing cell.

Homologous chromosomes migrate to opposite poles during _____. a)anaphase I b)metaphase II c)prophase II d)metaphase I e)telophase II and cytokinesis

a)anaphase I

What process is going on in a human hand? a)mitosis b)meiosis c)gametogenesis d)both mitosis and meiosis e)none of the above


According to the graph, at what maternal age is the incidence of Down syndrome equal to five times the incidence at age 40?

about 44 or 45

After reading the paragraphs below, answer the questions that follow. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have three sons in elementary school. Two of their children are progressing normally, but their youngest son, Charles, has been much slower than his siblings in developing speech and language skills. His parents are concerned that he has a learning disability and decide to investigate further. Since some learning disabilities can be genetically based, their pediatrician recommends a chromosomal analysis. The results show that Charles has a trisomy of the sex chromosomes, diagnosed as XYY. A mistake during sperm formation resulted in an extra copy of the Y chromosome. The extra copy was passed on to Charles during fertilization. Most often, this chromosomal change causes no unusual physical features or medical problems, but those with trisomy of the sex chromosomes may have a higher-than-normal risk of delays in learning development. During which stage of meiosis could this mistake have occurred?

anaphase II

if you look through a microscope and see a cell with chromosomes lined up two by two what stage of cellular reproduction must you be looking at? a)mitosis only b)meiosis I only c)meiosis II only d)either mitosis or meiosis I e)either meiosis I or meiosis II

b)meiosis I only

Synapsis occurs during _____. a)metaphase II b)prophase I c)anaphase II d)telophase I and cytogenesis e)prophase II

b)prophase I

During meiosis, segments of nonsister chromatids can trade places. This recombination of maternal and paternal genetic material is a key feature of meiosis. During what phase of meiosis does recombination occur? a)Metaphase I. b)prophase I. c)meiosis II. d)telophase I. e)anaphase I.

b)prophase I.

At the end of _____ and cytokinesis, haploid cells contain chromosomes that each consist of two sister chromatids. a)telophase II b)telophase c)telophase I d)interphase e)metaphase II

c)telophase I

At the end of _____ and cytokinesis there are four haploid cells. a)interphase b)prophase I c)telophase II d)prophase II e)anaphase I

c)telophase II

Meiosis starts with a single diploid cell and produces a)two haploid cells. b)four diploid cells. c)four haploid cells. d)eight haploid cells. e)two diploid cells.

four haploid cells.

Fertilization joins _____ to produce a _____.

haploid gametes ... diploid zygote

Two chromosomes in a nucleus that carry genes controlling the same inherited characteristics are a)complementary chromosomes b)homologous chromosomes c)sister chromatids.

homologous chromosomes

imagine ive taken a snapshot of the chromosomes in a hypothetical cell part of that snapshot looks like this what stage of the life cycle must the cell be in just before mitosis the start of meiosis II just after meiosis I the start of meiosis I the start of mitosis

the start of meiosis I

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