Honors Biology final All Chaptor questions that could be on the test

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Which of the following is NOT a form of energy?


During heavy exercise, the buildup of lactic acid in muscle cells results in

Oxygen Dept

In eukaryotes, the Krebs cycle takes place within the


Much of the world's human population is growing exponentially because...

most countries have not yet completed the demographic transition.

Carbohydrates may form larger carbon-based macromolecules by combining with which elements?

nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorus

The process that releases energy from food in the presence of oxygen is

cellular respiration

Sister chromatids are attached to each other at an area called the


Which factor might NOT contribute to an exponential growth rate in a given population?

reduced resources

Which of the following could be a solution to help reverse a loss of biodiversity?


Kara uses a model that shows slight changes to Earth's motion through space over many thousands of years. This model helps her explain long-term climate change due to what variable?

input of solar energy

DDT was banned for use in the United States because over the long run it is

subject to biological magnification

The rate at which materials enter and leave the cell depends on the cell's?

surface area

Using resources in ways that do not cause long term environmental degradation is called

sustainable development

Scientists want to estimate the time when two species began evolving separately from a common ancestor. What would be the most useful strategy:

B, Comparing DNA sequences from each species for different genes

Which is a role of cellular respiration in cycling materials between the atmosphere and biosphere?

It transfers carbon to the atmosphere as carbon

Which type of macromolecule stores genetic information?

Nucleic acids

A nucleotide does NOT contain

b. an amino acid

Bacteriophages are

d. viruses

If a population grows larger than the carrying capacity of the environment, the

death rate may rise

A pink-flowered Mirabilis plant (R) is crossed with a white-flowered Mirabilis (r). What is the cranes that a seed from this cross will produce a red flowered plant (RR)?

A. 0

Which of these statements describes how organisms could use molecules of glucose? 1. Several glucose molecules could be assembled into a larger molecule. 2. Glucose molecules could be broken apart to form smaller molecules. 3. The atoms of glucose molecules could be combined with other elements to form a different molecule.

1, 2, and 3 are the answer

If a cell has 12 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will each of its daughter cells have after mitosis and cytokinesis?

12 chromosomes

The net gain of energy in glycolysis from one molecule of glucose is

2 ATP Molecules

Each gram of glucose contains approximately how much energy?

4 Calories

If the primary producers produce 5000 energy units, about how much of this energy is available to the secondary consumers?

50 energy units

What structural feature does glucose share with larger organic molecules, including DNA and proteins?

A basic structure, or backbone, formed by chains of carbon atoms.

About 800 ash trees live in a tract of conservation land. Which of these events would have the LEAST effect on the land's carrying capacity for ash trees?

A beetle that infects ash trees is introduced to the land

A student is making a model to illustrate the functions of ADP and ATP in photosynthesis. Which model best illustrates the role of ATP in photosynthesis?

A rechargeable battery that stores and releases energy

From 1970 to 2016, scientists were regularly observing the Joshua County Nature Reserve Their data show that a community of grasses and other small plants was gradually replaced by a pine forest. Which claim or set of claims about the history of the nature reserve could be supported by the data and logical reasoning? 1. Several years before 1970, a forest fire burned down a pine forest. 2. For several years until 1970, a pine forest was gradually replaced by grasses and other small plants. 3. The land was used for farming or ranching before 1970, but was then abandoned.

A. 1 only

Rory made the Punnett square below to show the possible genotypes of a cross between two pea plants that are heterozygous for tall stems and smooth pea pods. What is the ratio of the phenotypes expressed by the offspring in this cross?

A. 3:1

The akiapola'au uses its long top bill to probe for insects in trees. This beak is an example of

A. An adaptation

A cow has 60 chromosomes in each of its body cells. How does mitosis function to maintain this number of chromosomes?

A. Chromosomes are replicated in interphase and separated in anaphase

In addition to observing living organisms, Darwin studied the preserved remains of ancient organisms called

A. Fossils.

The combined genetic information of all members of a particular population forms

A. Gene Pool

In 1928 Frederick Griffith did a series of experiments that included injecting mice with different types of bacteria. The table below summarizes the results of his experiments. What question was Griffith trying to answer with his experiments?

A. How do bacteria live in mice

Intermediate fossil forms are important evidence of evolution because they show

A. How organisms change over time.

The illustration below represents a section of a DNA molecule. What characteristic of the structure of DNA allows DNA to carry coded genetic information?

A. The sequences of nitrogenous bases.

The genetic code is always read

A. Three bases at a time in the same direction

The wing of a bat and the wing of a bee or another insect are examples of what type of structures?

A. analogous structures

In eukaryotes, nearly all the DNA is found in the

A. nucleus

Cells use the energy available in food to make a final energy-rich compound called


Which of the following is used by cells to store and release the energy needed to power cellular processes?


This model of a plant cell shows the structures that are likely to be observed in a typical plant cell. Cells from actual plants may differ from the model if the cells are specialized for specific functions. How could this model be changed to best represent a specialized leaf cell?

Add chloroplasts because leaves are where photosynthesis occurs.

Which of the following is a valid hypothesis for the trend shown on the graph? Evaluate the choices, and then explain w you selected the answer you did. Identify the criteria you used to select the answer, and describe how the other choices failed to meet your criteria.

As exercise becomes more difficult, the body relies more and more on lactic acid fermentation.

Two scientists are both studying RNA. One, scientist is studying RNA in mice, and the other is studying RNA in E. coli bacteria, Which of the following best describes how each scientist would use a genetic code?

B. Both scientists would use the same genetic code because in all organisms the code is read three bases at a time and in the same direction.

Before DNA could definitively be shown to be the genetic material in cells, scientists had to show that it could

B. Carry and make copies of information

Darwin's theory of evolution offers a scientific explanation for which of the following?

B. Changes in species over time

A community is concerned about the effect of a proposed housing development on the biodiversity of a local pond. To mitigate the effect of the houses, the community is considering a ban on lawn fertilizer. A computer simulation was used to predict the outcome of the ban. The results are shown in the table. If the community decides to allow the housing development, what is the strongest argument for banning the use of fertilizer that is supported by the results of the simulation?

B. Compared to initial conditions, banning lawn fertilizer decreases species diversity by 25 percent after 25 years.

What is the significance of this genetic code?

B. It describes how RNA is translated to amino acids.

When a chromosome undergoes a deletion mutation, information is

B. Lost

scientist performed an experiment to determine the effect of temperature on the length of the cell cycle in onion cells. These data are summarized in the table. Analyze Data On the basis of the data in the table, how long would you expect the cell cycle to take at 5°C?

B. More than 54.6 hours

The type of selection in which individuals of aver age size have greater fitness than small or large individuals is called

B. Stabalizing selection

Cells from a plant leaf, root, and stem have different characteristics that can be observed when viewed under a microscope. How can cells from a single plant have different characteristics?

B. The cells have differentiated to produce different cell types.

A gene map shows

B. The relative locations of genes on a chromosome

What is a promoter?

B. a binding site for RNA polymerase

Which of the following structures convert light energy to chemical energy stored in food?

B. chloroplast

A random change in a small population's allele frequency is known as

B. genetic drift

All of the following cause global change EXCEPT

B. habitat preservation

A pond has several varieties of a species of frog that all eat the same kind of bug. Most of the frogs are fast-growing varieties that need to eat more bugs each day than the slow-growing variety. A drought drastically reduces the number of bugs, and the population of the fast-growing frogs declines drastically while the population of slow-growing frogs declines only slightly, so that most of the frogs in the pond are now the slow growing variety. This is an example of which of the following?

B. natural selection

Traits, such as human height, that are controlled by more than one gene are known as

B. polygenic traits.

When two populations no longer interbreed, what is the result?

B. reproductive isolation

What happens during translation?

B. the cell uses a messenger RNA code to make proteins.

The situation in which allele frequencies change as a result of the migration of a small subgroup of a population is known as

B. the founder effect

The process by which one type of bacteria is changed into another type is called

B. transformation

A researcher studying fruit flies finds a fly with brown-colored eyes. Almost all fruit flies in nature have bright red eyes. When the researcher crosses the brown-eyed fly with a red-eyed fly, all of the F, offspring have red eyes. The researcher then crosses two of the F, red-eyed flies and obtains the following results in the F2 generation: red eyes 37 brown eyes 14 Calculate What is the approximate ratio of red-eyed flies to brown-eyed flies in the F₂ generation?

C. 3 : 1

Which of these events is most likely to be followed by primary succession in the area where the event occurs?

C. A volcanic eruption covers a mountainside with molten rock.

Which of the following researchers used radioactive markers in experiments to show that DNA was the genetic material in cells?

C. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase

Mutations that improve an individual's ability to survive and reproduce are

C. Beneficial

From which molecules are mRNA molecules transcribed?


Each "tick" of a molecular clock is an occurrence of

C. DNA Mutation

According to Malthus, what would occur if the human population grew unchecked?

C. Disease, war, or famine

Which of the following events may result in altered genes during eukaryotic DNA replication?

C. Duplicated chromosomes crossing-over

which of the following is a density-independent limiting factor.

C. Flood damage from a hurricane

Bernice is preparing a report on evidence for the common ancestry of species. She includes the figure of forelimbs shown. The forelimbs are an example of which of the following?

C. Homologous structures

A substance such as tobacco that can cause a genetic change is called a(n)

C. Mutagen

The glyptodont fossils and living armadillos that Darwin observed during his voyage are related to which pattern of biodiversity?

C. Species vary over time.

Two species of fish are introduced to the same lake. Over time, only one species survives. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, what should characterize the surviving species?

C. a better ability to survive and reproduce in the lake

Gene regulation in eukaryotic cells

C. allows for cell specialization

During the process of natural selection. what determines which organisms survive and reproduce?

C. evolutionary fitness

Which of the following are found in both DNA and RNA?

C. phosphate groups, guanine, and cytosine

What is the name for nucleotide only?

C. point mutation

Temporal isolation occurs when two different populations

C. reproduce at different times.

The bonds that hold the two strands of DNA together come from

C. weak hydrogen bonds between nitrogenous bases.

The timing in the cell cycle in eukaryotic cells is believed to be controlled by a group of closely related proteins known as


Place these stages of succession in order from earliest to latest


The graphs below show the changes in crab color at one beach trait. Which of the following is most likely to have caused the change in the distribution?

D. A change in beach color made medium-tan crabs the most visible to predators.

RNA differs from DNA in that RNA has

D. A single strand and contains uracil

Which of the following would an animal breeder use to increase the number of cows that give the most milk?

D. Artificial selection.

The main enzyme involved linking individual nucleotides into DNA molecules is

D. DNA polymerase

A group of regulatory genes that determine which parts of an embryo develop into arms, legs, or wings are known as

D. Hox genes.

Cell division occurs in animal cells and plant cells. The illustration below shows an animal cell and a plant cell during the same phase of cell division. Which of the following best describes this phase of cell division?

D. Mitosis is complete and the plant cell is forming a cell plate because plants have cell walls.

A situation in which a gene has more than two alleles is known as

D. Multiple alleles

Human nerve cells and muscle cells have many structural and functional differences. What role does DNA play in these differences?

D. Muscle cells are more likely to have DNA mutations than nerve cells.

Thomas Malthus argued that if the human population grew unchecked, then supplies of food and other resources would be exhausted. Which of these ideas about evolution did Darwin adapt from Malthus's work?

D. Organisms are able to produce many more offspring than will survive.

Which photo represents the geosphere?

D. The Mesa picture

Two DNA strands of the chicken were separated. The base composition of just one of those strands was determined. Which of the fol lowing could you expect, based on the analysis of the single strand of DNA?

D. The four nitrogenous bases may have any value.

Modern farming practices often act to reduce biodiversity, such as when genetically-identical crops are raised in large fields. Which of the following proposed solutions would most likely Improve the genetic diversity of a field of potato plants and increase the value of the potato crop?

D. Transfer useful genes from wild potato plants to the crop plants.

Unlike mitosis, meiosis in male mammals results in the formation of

D. four haploid gametes

Ribosomes are tiny "factories" within cells that do all of the following EXCEPT

D. translate DNA into RNA

Large molecules such as glucose move across cell membranes through special protein channels during

Facilitated diffusion

Solute particles move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration in a process called


Plants use the sugars produced by photosynthesis to synthesize which of the following types of macro-molecules? 1. complex carbohydrates 2. amino acids 3. lipids

E. 1, 2, and 3

The gene map below shows some of the genes on chromosome 2 of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Which pair of traits is MOST LIKELY to be inherited together?

E. Black body and light eye because they are closest together on chromosome 2.

Why is cell division a necessary process for cells to function?

E. If cells continue to grow without dividing they won't be able to efficiently move nutrients across the cell membrane.

The table provides information about a population in which natural selection acts on a single-gene trait. What can be inferred from the information in the table?

E. The likelihood of surviving and reproducing became higher for individuals with allele b than for individuals with allele B.

In the atom, which particles are in constant motion around the nucleus?


The primary factors affecting population growth include birthrate, death rate, immigration, and


During photosynthesis, how is the light energy that strikes the cell transformed into the chemical energy stored in sugars?

Energy is transferred to sugars through inter mediates, such as ATP and NADPH

Demographic transition refers to a shift from

High birthrates and death rates to low birthrates and death rates

Which statement best describes an event represented in the model that contributes to the production of ATP?

High-energy electron are passed to NAD+ forming NADH

What are produced when a base is mixed with water?

Hydroxide ion

Fossil fuels are commonly used as an energy source for transportation vehicles, Burning fossil fuels has led to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and dissolved in seawater. Which of the following describes how burning fossil fuels is MOST LIKELY to impact marine organisms?

Increased levels of carbon dioxide in sea water would cause ocean acidification and weaken corals.

What best describes the role of molecular oxygen (O2) in cellular respiration?

It combines with carbon and hydrogen to form glucose

Which plant feature would MOST LIKELY be common in this type of climate?

Leaves with waxy coverings

A carnivore obtains energy by eating other animals. Which of the following shows the process by which energy flows to a carnivorous animal?

Light energy > Plant > Herbivore > Carnivore

Two students are developing a computer simulation of a chemical reaction that forms amino acids. Their simulation uses colored spheres to represent atoms of different elements. It uses lines connecting the spheres to represent chemical bonds For the simulation to be accurate, which of these features should be included?

Lines that break and reform between the spheres

Gregor Mendel crossed true-breeding plants that had green pea pods with true-breeding plants that had yellow pea pods. The resulting F1, generation all had green pea pods. What did he observe in the F2 generation?

Mendel observed only green pea pods because both parents had green pea pods.

Which organelles are known as the "power plants" of the cell because they transfer chemical energy from food to compounds the cell can use?


Which type of organism consists of specialized cells?

Multicellular eukaryotes

Which of the following explains the role of plants in the carbon cycle?

Plants transfer carbon in the atmosphere to carbohydrates in the biosphere.

Which of the following processes is directly controlled by the cell nucleus?

Protein synthesis because DNA in the nucleus contains the instructions for making proteins.

Which type of macromolecule regulates cell processes or transports material into and out of cells?


Roger is comparing a model of a sugar molecule to a model of an amino acid. Which of the following evidence statements would be supported by the two models?

Sugars and amino acids are made of the same elements except amino acids also contain nitrogen.

In an investigation, plant cells are placed in water that has been tinted blue. The investigators observe the color of the cells changing to blue. What additional observation would be evidence that the cells maintain homeostasis in response to this change?

The central vacuole in the cells increases in size.

During glycolysis, what is the source of the chemical energy that is captured in ATP?

The chemical bonds in glucose.

Legislation was introduced in 1987 to ban the use of compounds that were depleting the ozone layer. The graph below shows the levels of halogens in the atmosphere for several years after the legislation was passed. What conclusion can you draw from this graph?

The concentration of halogens in the atmosphere decreased during this time period

For many years in the 1800s, human hunters on the US. Great Plains hunted bison almost to extinction. Which statement, if true, best explains why the hunters were such a threat to the bison population?

The death rate from hunting was much greater than the maximum birthrate of the bison

A lake is home to many native fishes and aquatic plants. Which of these events is most likely to threaten the biodiversity of the lake ecosystem?

The introduction of a nonnative fish species that has no natural enemies in the lake.

Green lacewings are used to control aphids, which are pests of many crops. A population of 1000 green lacewings is released into a farmer's field. The graph shows the change in the population over time. What is the most likely explanation for the approximately constant population of the lacewings after the eighth year?

The lacewing population had reached the carrying capacity of the field.

Lisa is investigating a chemical reaction involving carbon.compounds. Which of these results could NOT occur, according to scientific laws about chemical reactions, matter, and energy?

The mass of carbon in the products is greater than the mass of carbon in the reactants.

What of the following is most likely to occur if an organism's environment is outside the organisms range of tolerance?

The organisms fail to reproduce

Which of the following is NOT true about matter in the biosphere?

The total amount of matter decreases over time

The total amount of living tissue at each chic level in an ecosystem can be shown in a

pyramid of biomass

Which of the following describe the role of photosynthesis in the carbon cycle?

Transfer of carbon from the atmosphere to the biosphere

Which statement accurately describes the role of the light-independent reactions?

Transferring chemical energy to high-energy sugars

Scientists have concluded that human activities are affecting the atmosphere and causing rapid climate change on a global scale. Which statement provides the strongest evidence that these changes to global climate are NOT the result of natural causes, such as variations in Earth's orbit?

Variations in earths orbit occur gradually over 100,000 years

Which would be least likely to be affected by a density-dependent limiting factor?

a small, scattered population

According to Chargall's rule of base pairing, which of the following is true about DNA?

a. [A]=[T], and [C]=[G]

Which species directly affects the size and distribution of the plant population in its community?

a. cow

Nonliving factors of an environment are


Plants use the green pigment chlorophyll to

absorb sunlight

Bone marrow cells that produce blood cells are best categorized as

adult stem cells.

Most of the time, the process carried out by yeast that causes bread dough to rise is

alcoholic fermentation

Different forms of a gene are called a hybrids.


The total area of land and water ecosystems an individual needs to obtain food, shelter, home heating, travel, and waste absorption is called

an ecological footprint

Because fermentation takes place in the absence of oxygen, it is said to be


All unicellular organisms

are prokaryotes.

Which term describes the variety of species in a certain area?


Nutrients move through an ecosystem in a

biogeochemical cycles

The global system that contains most of the life on Earth is the


Taiga is a synonym for the

boreal forest

A salt marsh that helps prevent flooding of a coastal town is an example of what ecosystem service?


Which of the following would have the LEAST adverse effect on the environment?

building apartments at the site of an abandoned factory in the city.

The major cause of global warming is

burning fossil fuels

What is the probability of flipping a coin twice and getting two heads?

c. 1/4

In prokaryotes, DNA molecules are located in the

c. cytoplasm

The physical characteristics of an organism are called its

c. phenotype

The light-independent reactions of photosynthesis are also known as the

calvin cycle.

The maximum number of individuals of a particular species that a particular environment can support is its

carrying capacity

introducing an exotic species to an environment can

cause native species to die out

German scientists Schleiden and Schwann determined that the basic unit of structure and function living things is the


Despite differences in size and shape point all cells have DNA and a

cell membrane

In plant cells, what forms midway between the divided nuclei during cytokinesis?

cell plate.

What changes during a chemical reaction between two compounds?

chemical bonds

Average temperatures, precipitation, and wind patterns in an area define its


What term describes measurable long-term changes in averages of temperature, clouds, winds, precipitation, and the frequency of extreme weather events?

climate change

The electron transport chain uses the high-energy electrons from the Krebs cycle to

convert acetyl-CoA to citric acid.

The portion of the cell outside the nucleus is called the


The illustration below represents which stage of meiosis?

d. Metaphase 1

Which of the following organisms is a carnivore?

d. The bobcat

The scientific study of human populations is called


Which variable do scientists use to divide the open ocean into two zones?


Energy is defined as the ability to

do work

In order for a cell to divide successfully, the cell must first

duplicate its genetic information.

The study of the complex system of interactions that sustain life on the planet is


High-energy electrons are transported from chlorophyll to other molecules in the chloroplast by

electron carriers such as NADP+

Which are the catalysts of reactions in living things?


The graph shows a model of the growth of a bacterial population. Which of the following correctly describes the growth curve?


Which two organelles are involved in the movement of a cell in its environment?

flagella and cilia

The series of steps in which a large fish eats a small fish that has eaten algae is a

food chain

What problem did ecologists identify as a result of studying graphs like this one?

global warming

In a model summarizing cellular respiration, which of the following must be represented as raw materials, or the reactants of the process?

glucose and oxygen

The first step in releasing the energy of glucose in a cell is known as


Since the industrial revolution, human populations have

grown more rapidly

Lionel uses a model that includes the atmosphere and sunlight to predict Earth's temperatures Int this model, why does increasing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere cause temperatures to increase?

heat is trapped by carbon dioxide.

The relatively constant internal physical and chemical conditions that all organisms must maintain to survive is known as


Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be


Which type of bonds hold two or more water molecules together, as shown?

hydrogen bonds

The clusters of chlorophyll and proteins that absorb sunlight and generate high-energy electrons in the chloroplasts are called


The first organisms to repopulate an area affected by a volcanic eruption are called

pioneer species

A Punnett square is used to determine the

probable outcome of a cross

The ability of a city to rebuild after a natural disaster such as a hurricane is called


Proteins are assembled on


A student is developing a model that shows the steps of protein synthesis. The model should include activities in which three structures?

ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum. Golgi apparatus

Plants that thrive in this type of climate are most likely adapted to which of these conditions?

seasonal variations in precipitation

The process that increases genetic diversity within a population is

sexual reproduction.

The diagram is a pyramid of biomass for a meadow ecosystem. The triangular shape of the diagram is useful for explaining which relationship among the trophic levels in this ecosystem?

the amount of living organic matter decreases at each trophic level in this ecosystem

The concentrations of gases in the atmosphere that trap heat produce

the greenhouse effect

Which statement does NOT describe external regulatory proteins?

they respond to events occurring inside the cell.

which type of cell has the potential to develop into the widest variety of differentiated cells?


Which of the following is a renewable resource?


The climate zone closest to the equator is


The biome that supports more species than all other biomes is the

tropical rain forest

Primary producers are organisms that

use energy they take in from the environment to convert inorganic molecules into complex organic molecules

Evaluate the following activities. Which activity is MOST LIKELY to have the smallest impact on environmental systems?

using land to create a national park

air and water pollution have be reduced by

using only unleaded gasoline

In photosystem II, as high-energy electrons are passed to the electron transport chain, the chlorophyll gains new electrons from

water molecules

The Anthropocene said to have begun

with the industrial revolution

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