Honors US history 1 unit 1 test

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Acoma Pueblo Revolt

A revolt against the Spanish by Indians living at the Acoma Pueblo in 1599. Juan de Onate tired to stop this uprising, but the Indians revolted again later that year, after many Spanish settlers returned to Mexico.


A system for governing used during the Reconquest and in New Spain. It allowed the Spanish encomendero (Owner of town) to collect tribute from the town in return for providing law and order and encouraging "his" indians to convert to Christianity.

The Columbian Exchange

A transatlantic trade of goods, people, and ideas created from Christopher Columbus' arrival in the Caribbean. This route connected the eastern and western hemisphere, removing isolation of Europe and the Americas


Jamestown was on the verge of failing at the start, but they had turnarounds. Unknown diseases, loss of skills and education, rival with Native Americans. They stole food from one another. But John Smith came and saved Jamestown. The Virginia company sent more supplies, more colonists and John Smith just as the people of Jamestown were about to leave. Smith said that if you didn't work, you will not get food. Another change that turned around the colony was a botanist, John Rolfe. He developed a new strain of tobacco that was easier to grow and had a taste that became popular in Europe. This made the colony financially profitable. They became friends with the Native Americans and they helped them survive. John Rolfe married Pocahontas.

New Spain

Land in the New World held by the Spanish Crown. Spain's colonial system would become a model for other European nations. Spain pioneered techniques in the New World to strengthen their mother country


Spanish soldiers who fought in conquests. They were looking to take over more land in hopes to find gold and other sources of treasure for Spain

Age of Exploration: Conquistador

Spanish soldiers, eager for wealth and fame, which explored central Mexico, and defeated the Indian civilizations.

European Exploration Economics: The positive effects and negative effects of the Colombian Exchange

Positive: - received many necessary crops - animals (cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens) Negative: - diseases - death

Molasses/Sugar Act 1764

Tax placed in sugar and molasses because colonists are British subjects. The colonists protest and smuggle sugar and molasses.

Age of Exploration: Columbus

1492- departed for journey in search for a quicker route to Asia. He sailed from Spain in 1492 with three ships the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. Columbus takes leave of Ferdinand V and Isabella, King and queen of Castile(Spain) they sponsored his trip. He was born in Italy and he had a theory that the earth was round/ there was a quicker route to Asia from Europe, so that if he sailed his shop west from Europe across the Atlantic Ocean, he would reach India. When he reached land, he thought he was in a series of islands west of India. But he was actually reached islands in Central America, the Bahamas.

Age of Exploration: Cabot

1497-1498 Discovered the east coast of the US. Sponsored by the British

Age of Exploration: 3 Gs

1.) Gold- Merchants began looking for quick, direct trade routes to Asia to avoid Muslim and Italian merchants 2.) Glory- exploration presented Europeans the opportunity to rise from poverty and gain fame, fortune, and status. Kings who sponsored voyages of exploration gained overseas colonies, new sources of wealth of their nation and increases power 3.) God- European Christians, especially Catholics, wanted to stop the spread of Islam and convert non- Christians to the faith. Explorers were encouraged to spread Christianity or bring missionaries who would focus only on conversions.

Age of Exploration: Major global events and their impacts that sparked the age of exploration

1.) Renaissance- inspired new possibilities for power and prestige(glory). The crusades and Renaissance stimulated European desires for exotic Asian luxury goods. 2.) Enlightenment 3.) Scientific Revolution

Europeans and Native Americans: 3 main countries that claimed land in North America

1.) Spain- global superpower at the time(has worlds greatest navy) 2.) England 3.) France

Age of Exploration: Time period of the Age of Exploration


Age of Exploration: Cabral

1500-1501 Discovered Portugal in South America.

Age of Exploration: Hernan Cortes

1508-1520 A brilliant and ruthless Spanish leader, who led his soldiers to victory over the ancient Aztec civilization.

Age of Exploration: De Soto

1514-1542 Went to the West coast of South America.

Age of Exploration: Ferdinand Magellan

1519-1522 In search of fame and fortune, set out form Spain in 1519 with 5 ships to find a western sea route to the spice islands. He discovered the Strait of Magellan and became the 1st European to cross the Pacific. Only one ship returned 3 years later. 270 crew members and 18 came back. He died out in sea. Also the first person to circumnavigate the world!

Age of Exploration: Pizarro

1524-1526 Went to the west coast of South America.

Age of Exploration: Cartier

1534-1542 Sponsored by the French And discovered the Middle East of the US

Age of Exploration: Coronado

1540-1542 Sponsored by Spain and went to the south west area of the US( Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Kansas). Did not conquer any land.

Age of Exploration: Hudson

1607-1611 Discovered the present day Hudson River and lands in Canada.


Are Spanish children who are born in the new world. They were part of the highest class in the new world.

Salutary Neglect

Britain had allowed the colonies to prosper under their protection with little or no control. -British have left the colonies alone -British try to enforce laws and taxes after the French and Indian War without consent for the colonies - British did not understand colonists are used to representative government - colonies have formed their own governments -colonists are used to managing their own affairs with their elected representatives - "taxation without representation", colonists want to have a say in government through elected reps.

Europeans and Native Americans: Examples of Cooperation and Conflict

Cooperation: -Technologies (weapons and farm tools) *weapons are manufactured goods and farm tools are raw materials* - Trade - Crops Conflict: - claims to land - disease - differences in culture - differences in language

Navigation Acts 1650-1763

English Parliament restricted colonial trade, manufacturing, and shipping to other countries The colonists smuggle and disregard the acts.

European Exploration Economics: Roles of the colonies and their relationship to the Mother Country

Europeans were also looking for new trade routes to India, China and other places.. And they wanted to spread Christianity as well. They needed the colonies to strengthen the mother country!! 1.) to produce valuable commodity, like sugar and tobacco 2.) For raw materials to build items back in the mother country 3.) to produce commodities that the mother country cannot make. Commodity- a raw materials that can be bought and sold. This will mean they don't have to rely on trade or imports. - America has tall trees which is lumber for ship masts, so now Europeans won't have to rely on Russian labor. ALL goods and materials went to the mother country!!

Age of Exploration: Amerigo Vespucci

First demonstrated that the West Indies did not represent as initially thought from Columbus. The "New World" would be named after him as well.

The 13 Colonies: New England

Founded by English explorers in desire to practice their own religion in peace and for new resources. Economically, New England was based on manufacturing. They also did fishing, shipping, whaling, ship building and they had livestock. They traded as well and had a joint stock company. Had one religion, Puritan. They had religious freedom but without religious tolerance. Made up of homogeneous people from England and they had a no separation of church and state.

The 13 Colonies: Middle

Founded in search for new resources and for trade expansion. Had a joint stock company and traded. Economically based on agriculture because of the long growing season. They grew wheat, corn, and grain. They also had fur, sugar and milling. Also, they had some degree of manufacturing(ship building, fish, furs). Was full of heterogeneous people( English, French, Polish, Dutch, German). Had a mixture of religions, including Quakers(led by William Penn), Catholics, Lutherans, Jews and others. They did have a separation between church and state but it was not clear cut.

The 13 Colonies: Southern

Founded in search for new resources and primarily for profit$. Economically based on agriculture because of the long growing season. They had plantations that produced tobacco, indigo, potatoes, tomatoes, and rice. Also, they had livestock. Religion wasn't an important role in the southern colonies. Had a mixture of religions, including Baptists and Anglicans. Some Catholics were not tolerant to non-Christian religions.

Europeans and Native Americans: Differences in how the English and the French treated Native Americans vs. the Spanish

French: Established trading posts and spread Christian religion English: Established settlements, claimed ownership of land, learned farming from the Native Americans, and traded goods with the Native Americans. VS. Spanish: Conquered and enslaved Native Americans and brought Christianity to the new world.

Roger Williams

He had two commercial views. He believed that English settlers had no rightful claim to the land unless they purchased it from the Indians. Also, he believed "forced religion stinks in the nostrils of God" He was banished from the colony and headed south. He bought land from the Narragansett and founded Providence(Rhode Island).

Age of Exploration: Vasco de Gama

In 1498, he used knowledge of counter-clockwise to sail around Africa the South Atlantic, opening an immensely profitable trade route.


In the 1600s the English had taken interest in North America. Queen Elizabeth encouraged explanation and was interested in building colonies in North America. Walter Raleigh was given a charter to start colonies in North America. Land off the coast of present day North Carolina. Named the island Roanoke. 1584 Men led by Sir Grenville planned to raid the Spanish possession to near South. Colonists returned to England a year later after not finding any gold. 1587 120 men, women, and children have planned to be permanent settlers led by John White. But they were low on supplies, had poor weather conditions, diseases going around, and hostile tribes. John White, the governor, left to return to England for more supplies. Due to the Spanish Armada, he was detained and could not return until 1590. He was unable to return to Roanoke for 3 years because his ships were taken to fight Spain. Finally when John white returned, everyone was gone. All that remained were torn books, maps ruined by rain, and weapons covered in dust. He found letters CRO carved on a nearby tree and the word CROATOAN carved on a wooden post. Possible theories: 1.) some believe that the settlers went to live with the Croatoan Indians. Many Lumbee Indians today still have the last names of people from the lost colony 2.) conflict with Native Americans 3.) the colonists got up and moved

European Exploration Economics: What is Mercantilism and how did it work?

Mercantilism- policy by which a nation sought to export more than it imported to build up it supply of gold and silver(wealth). All profits went to the Nation!!

Treaty of Tordesillas

Negotiated in 1494 to delineate land claims in the New World with an imaginary line drawn west of the Canary Islands. Any land discovered west of the line belonged to Spain, and land to the east belonged to Portugal. This helped protect Portugal's claims after the Spanish rushed to claim the new lands in the West.

13 Colonies: Massachusetts Bay Colony

Pilgrims came on the Mayflower in search for religious freedom. The pilgrims were governed by the Virginia Company. They were given free passage, however they had to work as indentured servants for the company. Mayflower blew off course and landed in present day Massachusetts. They knew they were not where they were supposed to be and they called this new colony Plymouth. They developed a good friendship with the Native Americans who helped the pilgrims survive. New colonists kept coming and they were not friendly toward the Native Americans. They eventually forced them off the land. The Massachusetts Bay company established in 1630. Led by John Wintrop. Society was based upon Puritan beliefs and values. And those who did not follow these Puritan views was not welcome. Roger Williams and Ann Hutchinson were both banished. Also, there was a war between the Puritans and Indians and the colonists won.

European Exploration Economics: 4 corners model

Remember this applies to European countries as a WHOLE. We are narrowing it down to Triangle Trade. It's between Europe, North America, West Africa and the Caribbean. Europe- needs resources and they provides manufactured goods and slave ships North America- provides resources, lumber, sugar, tobacco West Africa- provides slaves, gold, silver, ivory, cotton, grain, indigo Caribbean- provides sugar, rum, coffee, indigo and cotton Profits from these drive the system


The Indians who inhabited San Salvador and many Caribbean islands and who were the first people Columbus encountered after making landfall in the New World.

Age of Exploration: King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella (Spain)

The Spanish government saw Portugal's wealth and did not want to be left out. More than any other European monarch, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain sponsored & supported expeditions. They sponsored Columbus. Spain created colonies in North and South America.

The Black Death

The black death was a plague that hit Europe in the fifthteenth century. It wiped out most of the population. This disease made some people become more conservative, but with an abundance of food and overall wealth many countries could easily fund an expedition for those who dared.

Protestant Reformation

The reform movement that began in 1517 with Martin Luther's critiques of the Roman Catholic Church. The Protestant Reformation suddenly divided the Protestants from the Catholics.

Age of Exploration: Renaissance

This major historical event took place in Europe, sparking an increase in curiosity and the Age of Exploration.


Was a fight against the Muslims to drive them out of the Iberian peninsula. These battles helps the spanish gain access to better sea routes.

Incan Empire

a region controlled by the Incan people, stretching more than two thousand miles and containing over nine million people. Francisco Pizarro conquered this land and gained over half a century worth of precious metal production in Europe.

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