Honors US History, Social Darwinism

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Edward Bellamy

wrote books about Socialism, ex. Looking Backward

James B. Weaver

was nominated in 1892 by the Populist Party for president.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

1896, establishes that states could make laws about segregation, it's okay to be separate but equal

Herbert Spencer

A British philosopher who applied the the theory of evolution to modern society and created Social Darwinism

Henry Ward Beecher

A Christian Evolutionist, believed that evolution was God's way of making the world perfect.

Social Darwinism

A theory of evolution applied to society, competition and natural selection, survival of the fittest

W.E.B. Du Bois

Believed that African Americans had to fight for their civil rights.

Henry George

Challenged social Darwinism

James A. Garfield

He was assassinated and it highlighted the need for reform in the political system.


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Lester Frank Ward

Reform Darwinist, argued that people succeeded because of their cooperation


The belief that no matter what a person's background is, he or she can still become successful through effort, pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

Gospel of Wealth

The idea that if someone is rich they have a responsibility to distribute his or her wealth to those in need, "The man who dies rich thus dies a disgrace.", created by Andrew Carnegie

Reform Darwinism

The idea that people are different because they can cooperate, like what we learn in preschool, they have the ability to plan.


The idea that some people couldn't move ahead in life because of their circumstances, not because of a lack of ability or evolution.


a political movement founded in the 1890s representing farmers that favored free coinage of silver and government control of the railroads and large industries, increased the political power of farmers.


an ongoing decrease in prices and increase in the value of money


an ongoing increase in prices and decrease in the value of money

Booker T. Washington

believed that African Americans had to wait patiently and lay low and eventually their civil rights would come

Farmers' Alliances

created cooperatives to collectively sell crops and called on government to create postal banks for low-interest loans.

Illinois, Wisconsin and Minnesota

enacted laws setting maximum rates for shipping freight and grain storage; Supreme Court generally upheld these laws

Penelton Civil Service Act

established that positions within the federal government should be awarded on the basis of merit instead of political affiliation.


execution, by hanging, without a legal trial

Oliver H. Kelly

founded the first national farm organization known as the Patrons of Husbandry, which became known as the Grange, in the year 1867. The organization tried to help farms by starting cooperatives.

Populist Party (People's party)

was a third party formed by the members of the Farmers' Alliance in some states


the theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole, leftism

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