Honors World History Slear-Final Exam prep

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Byzantine Empire

(330-1453) The eastern half of the Roman Empire, Its capital was Constantinople, named after the Emperor Constantine.


(63 BCE - 14 CE) First emperor of Rome (27 BCE - 14 CE) He restored order and prosperity to the Empire after nearly a century of turmoil. Grandnephew to Julius Caesar.


(Stuart Dynasty)- the family that ruled England after Queen Elizabeth 1 (Tutor) died with no heir, started with James I of Scotland (always feuded with Parliament over debts and money)

Characteristics of Civilization

1) Surplus of food 2) Large Advanced towns/cities with government - complex institutions 3) Division of Labor 4) Form of writing & Calendar 5) Technological advancements

The Dorian Age

1200 B.C.- sea raiders attacked and burned many Mycenaen cities * The Dorians (new group) moved into the war-torn country side *Dorians were less advanced than the Mycenaens and the economy soon crashed and trade came to a standstill after their arrival *Greeks lost the art of writing during the Dorian Age

Trojan War

1200s B.C.- Mycenaens fought a ten year war against Troy, an independent trading city in Anatolia *the attack on Troy was certainly the last Mycenaen battle campaign

French Revolution

1789-1799. Period of political and social overthrow in France, during which the French government faced structural changes, and adopted ideals based on Enlightenment principles of nationalism, citizenship, and inalienable rights.


3000 B.C.- Minoans lived on the Greek island of Crete *created a civilization that had great power in Mediterranean Sea *included about 2,000 islands in Aegan and Ionian seas

Fall of Rome

476 C.E.- civil war and unrest, moving the capital and division of the empire, low confidence, disloyalty, contrast between rich and poor, poor harvests, gold and silver drain, inflation, invasion by Germanic tribes and by Huns

Middle Ages

500 AD-1500 AD A period of turmoil following the collapse of the Roman Empire.


A Athenian Greek military leader who convinced the Athenians to build a navy. This helped Athens win a major battle against Persia, the Battle of Salamis. Degeated Xerxes


A body of thought deriving its main elements from Marx's ideas.

Orthodox Christianity

A branch of Christianity developed in the Byzantine Empire, after its split from the Roman Empire.


A certificate representing ownership interest in a corporation.


English royal family, dynasty founded by Henry VII; includes some of England's most influential monarchs; Elizabeth

Socratic Method

A method of teaching that teaches by asking questions.


A military formation of foot soldiers armed with spears and shields


A period of development of systems which support machine production of goods


A person who believes government power, particularly in the economy


A powerful city-state (Phoenician Colony in North Africa) that fought against Rome in a series of wars called The Punic Wars which lasted over 100 years


A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god (Allah), and a body of law written in the Quran. Followers are called Muslims.


A religion created by Martin Luther which defied the Catholic Church's belief


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country


A sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money

Scientific Revolution

A time of great scientific advances in Europe

Minoans and Mycenaens

After 1500 B.C., through trade of war the Mycenaens came in contact with the Minaons, saw value of seaborne trade *Mycenaen traders sailed throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, stopped at Aegean islands, coastal towns in Anatolia and ports in Syria, Egypt, Italy, and Crete *Mycenaens adopted the Minoan writing system to the Greek language *the Minoan based culture of Mycenae formed the core of Greek religious practice, art, politics, and literature


Alexandrian astronomer who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until Copernicus -ruled Egypt after Alexander's death -created idea of geocentric theory

Hanseatic League

An economic and defensive alliance of the free towns in northern Germany, and most powerful in the fourteenth century.


An economic system based on private ownership of capital (wealth)

Labor Unions

An organization formed by workers to strive for better wages and working conditions


Blending of Egyptian, Persian and Greek culture; emphasis on philosophy and sciences.

Glorious Revolution

Bloodless overthrow of English King James III. A reference to the political events of 1688-1689, when James II abdicated his throne and was replaced by his daughter Mary and her husband, Prince William of Orange.


Christian warriors sent to regain the Holy Land (Jerusalem) from the Muslims that controlled


Critic of philosophers, believed absolute standards did exist for truth and justice *brought to trial for corrupting Athns and neglecting the city's gods *setenced to death

After Persian War

Darius the Great's son- Xerxes assembled an enormous invasion force to destroy Athens *Greeks divided- some fought on Persian side *Xerxes army met no resistance, kept proceeding-underestimated the Greeks *Greeks stoppe Persians from advancing for three days *Spartans held them back-Spartan sacrificed-all killed-great impression on Greeks


Developed the first modern theory of a sun-centered universe

Division of Labor

Division of work into a number of separate tasks to be performed by different workers


Draco took power in 621 B.C.-developed a legal code based on the idea that all Athenians rich and poor were equal under the law *Dracos code dealt harshly with criminals-death was the punishment for most crime *upheld debt slavery




During 500 B.C.-Athenian leader Cleisthenes introduced further reforms *broke up power of notability by organizing people into ten groups according to where they lived *increased power of assembly-allowing all citizens to submit laws for debate and passage *created council of 500 *proposed laws and counseled the assembly *council member-chosen randomly by majority vote


During 594 B.C.- Solon organized all Athenian citizens into four social classes cording to wealth *no citizen should own another citizen-outlawed debt slavery *only people of top three classes could hold political office *all citizens, regardless of class-participate in Athenian assembly

Sparta Dominates Messenians

During 725 B.C.- Sparta conquered neighbor- Messenia *took over land *Messenians became helots, peasants forced to stay on the land they worked *each year, Spartans demanded half of helot's crops *650 B.C.- Messenians-resentful of the Spartan's harsh rule, REVOLTED *Spartans-outnumbered 8-1-barely put down the revolt *dedicated themselves to making Sparta a strong city-state

Rise of European Nations

England rose to prominence once William the Conqueror became King of England, The Magna Carta, In France, Louis IX reigned 1226-70 France beat England in Hundred Years War and England lost its power on the continent.


English empiricist philosopher who believed that all knowledge is derived from sensory experience (1632-1704)


English general and statesman who led the parliamentary army in the English Civil War (1599-1658)


Ethnic group that settled in what is now Iran. They were rivals for control of Mesopotamia with the Greeks, and later the Arabs.


Europeans migrated from Euroasian steppes to Europe, India, and Southwest Asia *some people settled on Greek mainland around 2000 B.C. were known as Mycenaens (name came from the city of Myenae)

Absolute Monarchies

Governments ruled by emperors, kings, or queens who have absolute power

Persian Wars

Greece and Persian Empire *began in Ionia *Persia conquered area in 540 B.C. *Ionian Greeks revolted *Persian King- Darius the Great defeated rebels and vowed to destroy Athns in revenge *Athenians arranged in phalanxes *Greek soldiers=outnumbered *decided to charge at Persians *Persians wore light armor and lacked training *Persians fled

Greece population

Greece was never able to support a large population-not a lot of fertile land for fresh water or irrigation *this caused a desire for more land to raise livestock, and for adequate farming=factors of why Greeks may have adapted new land


Greek storyteller who composed his epics between 750-700 B.C. *Trojan War formed the background of Homer's epic poem, Iliad *also wrote the Odyssey

Greek myths

Greeks created a rich set of myths about their gods *attributed human qualities to their gods *gods lived forever *Zeus, leader of gods, lived in Mount Olympus * Athena, guardian of cities, especially Athens-named in her honor

Greek location

Greeks lived around the sea--------Aegaen, Ionian, and Black Seas were important trade routes *sea travel was important- Greece lacked natural resources like timber, metals, and farmland


Knowledge that people use to make a way of life in their surroundings


Led the unification of Germany. Prime minister of Prussia. Known as "blood and iron"


Located in Southern Greece on a steep, rocky ridge and surrounded by protective wall more than 20 feet thick *could withstand any attack *a warrior-King ruled the surrounding villages and farms *strong rules controlled the areas around- Tiryns and Athens *kings dominated Greece (1600 B.C.-1100 B.C.)

Sparta and Military

Located in southern part of Greece-Peloponnesus *Sparta contrasted sharply with other city-states (ATHENS) *instead of democracy Sparta was a military state

Political Structure

Many different forms of government *single person-King-ruled in a government (monarchy) *aristocracy-government ruled by a small group of noble, landowning families *rich families gained power after serving in king's military cavalry Trade expanded- new class of wealthy merchants and artisans emerged in some cities *groups= dissatisfied with aristocratic rule, took power to shared with nobility *formed an oligarchy-government ruled by a few powerful people


Method of government changed from tribal/clan control to formal governments-city states *750 B.C. city state (polis) fundamental political unit-------Ancient Greece *polis- city and its surrounding outcry side (villages) *city states controlled between 50-500 square miles *home to fewer than 10,000 residents *marketplace on hilltop-acropolis------citizens gathered to discuss city government

Germanic Tribes

Nomadic groups that invaded the Roman Empire from the North and East. They caused the fall of Rome.

Battle of Nasby

Oliver Cromwell won


Powerful people usually nobles or wealthy people- seized control of the government by appealing to the people for support Tyrants- were not considered harsh or cruel at this time *looked upon as leaders who worked for interests of the people *set up programs providing jobs and hos]using for their supporters

Mass Production

Process of making large quantities of a product quickly and cheaply

Athens and Democracy

Representative government began in some city-states-ATHENS *went through power struggles between the rich and poor *Athenians reformers-----democracy, ruled by people *Athens- citizens participated directly in decisions

Greek land

Rugged mountains covered 3/4 of Ancient Greece *mountains divided the land into different regions *influenced Greek political life *Greeks developed small, independent communities within each little valley *uneven land made transportation difficult *stony land; only small part of land was useable for farming *tiny, fertile valleys covered 1/4 of Greece *small waterways were not suitable for large irrigation system

Sparta's Government and Society

Spartan government had several branches *assembly-composed of all Spartan citizens, elected officials, voted on major issues *council of Elders-made up of 30 older citizens, they proposed laws passed by the assembly *Men-controlled education and prosecuted cases *two kings ruled over Spartan military

Greek climate

The climate of Greece varied, temperatures average 48 in the winter and 80 in the summer *these suitable temperatures supported an outdoor life for many citizens


The federal council of Austrian government


The oath taken by the National Assembly that they won't stop until France gets a Constitution.


a ranking system in which each thing is placed above or below others

Greece & Rome

civilizations which influenced the Renaissance






first civilization located between the Tigris & Eurphrates Rivers in present day Iraq; term means "land between the rivers;" Sumerian culture


gatherings of merchants sponsored by local nobles or churchmen


nomadic people of Arabia, valued loyalty to clans and kinships

Hundred Days War

the battle at Waterloo; last battle Napoleon fights; allied forces win; many men lost; Napoleon exiled to St. Helena

Five Pillars of Islam

true Muslims were expected to follow (principle of Salvation): belief in Allah, pray 5 times a day, giving of alms, fasting during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca once in a lifetime

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