HOPE Midterm Review

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Calculate the Heart Rate Reserve of a 20 year old with a resting heart rate of 55.


Using a 5:4:X:3 tempo for a Goblet Split Squat, how many seconds is the Isometric portion of the movement?


_______is the amount of energy needed to raise 1g of water 1-degree Celsius


_______ is the condition of the stable internal environment.


Which abbreviation refers to "holding" the exercise or movement?


_______ the group of organs and cells that works with the lymphatic system to fight germs.

Immune System

Who you are, or in other words, your moral excellence and firmness, is an example of measuring your life by your _______.


Emotional _______ are the extreme or intense emotion your experience often for the first time, but are all a part of growing up


"Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the _______." Romans 12:2a

renewing of your mind

"Faith in God does not preclude action on our part. One the contrary, faith in God _______."

results in action

_______ are layers of cells that cover all body surfaces inside and out, forming the most obvious protective layer, the skin.

Epithelial Tissues

_______ genetic disorders that are evident at birth


_______ are those diseases that develop suddenly with symptoms that are often severe

Acute Disease

Groups of cells that are located in all parts of the body, binding structures together, providing support and protection for the body are called _______.

Connective Tissues

A personal belief upon which certain actions are based


_______ is a degenerative brain disease involving nerve cells


The field of study dealing with the structure of body parts, their forms and arrangements is called _______


_______ is the face as an indication of mood, emotion, or character


_______ most common cardiovascular disease


_______: a disease where certain arteries become hardened and obstructed, eventually limiting or stopping the flow of blood to certain organs of the body


_______: inflammation of a joint or joints


_______ is to take upon yourself, to take on the particular character that others are saying about you whether it is true or not.


_______: formed when bile stored in the gallbladder hardens into small crystals


_______ one celled tiny organisms that come in many shapes and grow everywhere (not all are harmful)


_______ mean a non-cancerous tumor


The framework that holds your Christian walk together

Biblical Convictions

_______ and _______ are the main organs of your CNS.

Brain and Spinal Cord

_______: a swelling or inflammation of the bronchi


_______energy producers for the body


_______the volume of blood pumped by the heart in one minute

Cardiac Output

_______ is the number one killer in the United States

Cardiovascular Disease

_______the condition and health of the heart

Cardiovascular Fitness

_______ are the basic building clocks from which all larger parts are formed.


The underlying qualities that are revealed in your actions and attitudes that set you apart


_______ is the most common of the sexually transmitted diseases


_______ are a diseases that develop gradually and may persist for years

Chronic Diseases

_______ is the main organ of the Excretory System


_______ is an area which a person will not go beyond; a place of security.

Comfort Zone

_______ is when a muscle or group of muscles shorten while also contracting


A standard of personal behavior


To adopt oneself to prevailing standards or customs


The phase in any training cycle designed to prepare the body for the specific adaptions in a later training phase.

General Physical Preparation

What is considered the "Gold Standard" in body composition testing methods?


_____: the organs that take in food and break it down into a chemical form that can be absorbed by the body

Digestive System

What is a "DBSS"?

Dumbbell Split Squat

_______ is when a muscle or group of muscles lengthens while also contracting


What is NOT one of the 4 Levels of Friendship?


What best describes the response of 1 Corinthians 4:7 to someone who thinks too highly of themselves?

Everything you have was given to you in some way.

In the 4-Number Tempo System, what does an "X" mean?


_______ is a disease or condition caused primarily by a defect or defects in the inherited genetic material within a person's genes

Genetic Disorder

What is NOT a symptom of depression?

Feeling Energized

________ the period of time from which a person becomes infected with a microorganism to the time when they have symptoms, and the disease can be recognized.

Incubation Period

_______ are all diseases that are caused by the spread of germs.

Infectious Diseases

_______a hormone release by your body in response to sugar


_______ includes not only the skin but the hair, nails, sweat glands and oil glands.

Integumentary System

_______ is when a muscle or group of muscles contracts but the length does not change


Why is it not a good idea to assume what others think of you?

Its usually untrue

What is a "KPI"?

Key Performance Indicator

_______ founded the idea that germs cause disease

Louis Pasteur

_______ is a type of white blood cell manufactured by specialized organs of the lymphatic system called lymph nodes


_______ means a cancerous tumor


_______ is the mental "tape" running in one's mind, repeating all the positive or negative things one hears, sees, reads or imagines.


_______ disease in which the outer coating that protects some nerves is destroyed resulting in an individual having no control over certain body movements

Multiple Sclerosis

_______: the group of tissues that makes body parts move

Muscular System

_______ are highly complex structures that are located in the brain, spinal cord and nerves.

Nerve Tissues

_______ is a disease caused by heredity, the environment, and a person's lifestyle and are not contagious

Noninfectious Disease

_______ are two or more tissues grouped together and performing specialized function.


_______ are germs or microorganisms that cause diseases


The field of study dealing with the function of body parts, what they do and how they do it is called _______.


_______: if the inappropriate amount of growth hormone is releases then growth is affected

Pituitary Gland

_______ is the type of stress that challenges a person enough to face daily responsibilities and to pursue life goals

Positive Stress

A constraining or compelling force or influence


_______a nutrient needed by your body for building new tissue


What does RPE stand for?

Rate of Perceived Exertion

You are to be the _______ of God, not in physical stature, talents, or intelligence, but in the qualities that reflect His nature


_______: the group of passages that exchanges gases in order for the body to function properly

Respiratory System

_______ can be uncomfortable but can be a great place to start getting out of your comfort zone

Self Talk

_____ is the view you have of yourself and the way you believe you are seen by others.


_______: the combination of the joints and connecting tissues

Skeletal System

The phase in any training cycle designed for a specific adaptation to take place.

Specific Physical Preparation

_______ is a principle of exercise that means to do specific kinds of exercise to develop certain parts of the body.


What is the Dashr primarily used for?

Speed Testing

_______ results when damage to the brain has been caused by blood flow blockage


_______ is the least common but the most dangerous of the sexually transmitted diseases


What is NOT on of the 3 main variables you can manipulate in order to progress in an exercise program?

Time of Day

_______ are made up of similar cells that are specialized to carry on particular functions in the body.


"But no one can tame the _______; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God"


_______ is physical, mental, social and spiritual wellness

Total Health

What is a TBDL?

Trap Bar Dead Lift

"RPE is subjective."


_______: an open sore in the membrane lining, studies indicate that this condition is caused by a bacteria


_______ can prevent cancerous proteins from binding

Vitamin C

_______organic substances the body needs to help regulate and coordinate functions of the body


Moderate arousal leads to optimal performance

Yerkes-Dodson Law

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