Hosea 1 - Flashcard MC questions - Ted Hildebrandt

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Why was Hosea to marry an adulterous wife (Hos 1:2)? A. Because the land was adulterous departing from the Lord B. Because Israel had rejected the Lord and wanted to go back to Egypt C. Because the priests were adulterating the sacrifices D. Because the temple of God's presence had been defiled by the kings

A. Because the land was adulterous departing from the Lord

What did Lo-Ruhamah's name, Gomer's first daughter, symbolize (Hos 1:6)? A. God would no longer show Israel love B. God would judge Israel for not having compassion on the poor C. God would lead Israel into a foreign land D. God would send a drought on the land

A. God would no longer show Israel love

Who did Jezreel's name represent a judgment on (Hos 1:4)? A. The house of Jehu B. The house of Ahab C. The house of Jeroboam D. The house Pekah

A. The house of Jehu

What did God say the Israelites would be like that could not be numbered (Hos 1:10)? A. The the sand on the seashore B. Like the birds of the air C. Like the stars of the heavens D. Like the rocks of the desert

A. The the sand on the seashore

When did Gomer have her second son (Hos 1:8)? A. After she had repented and returned to Hosea B. After she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah C. After she had burned Jezreel as a sacrifice D. After she sacrificed to Baal

B. After she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah

Why was the house of Jehu king of Israel being judged (Hos 1:4)? A. Because of his idol worship B. Because of the massacre he did C. Because of his oppression of the poor D. Because he turned to the king of Aram

B. Because of the massacre he did

Gomer was the daughter of ________ (Hos 1:3) A. Beeri B. Diblaim C. Shamayim D.Elishama

B. Diblaim

All of the following were kings of Judah during Hosea's time EXCEPT (Hos 1:1)? A. Uzziah B. Manasseh C. Jotham D. Ahaz E. Hezekiah

B. Manasseh

What came to Hosea son of Beeri (Hos 1:1)? A. A vision from the Almighty B. The word of the Lord C. A dream of Israel's future D. The voice of the Lord

B. The word of the Lord

What would they be called in the place where it was said "you are not my people" (Hos 1:10)? A. You are the children of Abraham B. You are the sons of the living God C. You are the faithful ones D. You are indeed my children

B. You are the sons of the living God

Who's son was Hosea (Hos 1:1)? A. Nehelami B. Jezreel C. Beeri D. Netophah

C. Beeri

What would God do to Israel in the Valley of Jezreel (Hos 1:5)? A. Shattered the chariots of Israel B. Crush their arrows C. Break Israel's bow D. Cause a drought in their land

C. Break Israel's bow

Who did Hosea marry at the Lord's command (Hos 1:3)? A. Rachel B. Deborah C. Gomer D. Tamar

C. Gomer

Who was the king of Israel during Hosea's time (Hos 1:1)? A. Jehu B. Basha C. Jeroboam D. Ahab

C. Jeroboam

What was Gomer's first daughter named (Hos 1:6)? A. Lo-Ammi B. Maharah C. Lo-Ruhamah D. Lo-hesed

C. Lo-Ruhamah

How would God show the house of Judah love (Hos 1:7)? A. Saving them with bow and battle B. Delivering them by the hand of their king C. Saving them by the Lord their God D. Saving them by the sword of Hosea

C. Saving them by the Lord their God

God said he was save Judah but not by any of the following means EXCEPT (Hos 1:7) A. The sword B. The bow C. The javilin D. Horses

C. The javilin

What will happen to the people of Judah and Israel when they are called the sons of the living God (Hos 1:11)? A. They would inherit the promised land B. They would see the Lord their God C. They would be reunited D. They would return God with a whole heart

C. They would be reunited

What was the name of Hosea's first son (Hos 1:4)? A. Lo-ruhamah B. Lo-Ammi C. Ichabod D. Jezreel

D. Jezreel

What did the name of Gomer's second son Lo-Ammi mean (Hos 1:9)? A. No loved B. No glory C. My bitterness D. No my people

D. No my people

What was the first things the Lord commanded Hosea to do (Hos 1:2)? A. Preach against Jerusalem B. Strike his staff on the gate three times C. Tell Uzziah he needed to repent D. Take an adulterous wife

D. Take an adulterous wife

What day would result in Israel and Judah being reunited under one leader (Hos 1:11)? A. The Day of Armageddon B. The Day of Atonement C. The Day of the Lord D. The Day of Jezreel

D. The Day of Jezreel

Where would Israel's bow be broken by God (Hos 1:5)? A. Mount Gilboa B. Mount Tabor C. Well of Shechem D. Valley of Jezreel

D. Valley of Jezreel

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