How Nationalism Led to Unification in Italy and Germany

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What did Italians realize they had in common, encouraging a movement towards unification?

A shared history


A strong feeling of pride in and devotion to one's country

What was Bismarck's policy called?

"Blood and Iron"

Who became the Chancellor of Germany?

Otto Von Bismarck

What three effects did the unification of Germany result in?

1- Balance of power in Europe is disrupted; new powerhouse in both military and industry 2- Germany wanted what other countries had; a rich and powerful empire 3- Competition led to the most destructive wars in human history

What were the four things that nationalism contributed to in the 19th and 20th centuries?

1- Create one nation from separate countries (ex. Italy and Germany) 2- Break one nation up into many countries (ex. Hungary and Turkey) 3- Cause war 4- Encouraged colonies to seek independence from their colonizers

What three sources of power ruled Italy during 1815?

1- Parts were independent and ruled by their own kings 2- Parts were controlled by the Pope 3- Parts were controlled by Austria and France

What years did the Franco-Prussian War take place?


What type of government did Italy have during 1871?

A constitutional monarchy

What did nationalism within Italy during the 1830s lead to?

A unification movement

What large country did Cavour fight against in order to unite Northern Italy?


What was the other German-Speaking country that rivaled Prussia's power?


What did "Blood and Iron" mean?

Blood- Blood of Germans Iron- Power of industry and military These two tactics were what Bismarck used to drive unification

Who united the two halves of Italy under which nation's leadership?

Cavour under Sardinia

Who did Victor Emmanuel appoint as his prime minister?

Count Camillo Di Cavour

Who unified Norther Italy?

Count Camillo Di Cavour of Sardinia

What three nations did Prussia go to war with in order to unite German States?

Denmark, France, and Austria

What three tactics did Bismarck use to gain power?

Force, threats, and deceit

Who was the Prime Minister of Prussia during the 1860s?

Otto Von Bismarck

What was the last country in Europe to unify?


Who led unification in Southern Italy?

Giuseppe Garibaldi

What skills helped Cavour to convince Garibaldi to give southern conquest to Sardinia?

He was a skilled politician

Which two nations were unified during this time within Europe after being divided for centuries?

Italy and Germany

Who was the first King of Italy?

King Victor Emmanuel II

How many separate states originally made up Germany?

Nearly 200

What was realpolitik?

Politics of reality, the idea that there was no room for idealism, that politics should be driven by realistic goals of the state

What was the most powerful German state?


What nation did Cavour wish to lead the unification of Italy?


What was the war against Austria with Prussia that led to the North German Confederation called?

Seven Weeks War

What two factors helped Prussia's power?

Strong military and industrial power

What event caused Germany to condense into 39 loosely associated states?

The Congress of Vienna

What did Garibaldi call his forces?

The Redshirts

What was the nickname given to Garibaldi?

The Sword of Italian Unification

What was the end goal of the Franco-Prussian War?

To convince the Catholics in Southern Germany that uniting with Prussia was a better option that unification with France

What was Cavour's main goal?

To make Sardinia very powerful by increasing its industry and decreasing influence from the Pope

What was one of Prussia's main goals?

To unify Germany

Who was the King of Sardinia during 1849?

Victor Emmanuel

Who became the first Kaiser (emperor) of Germany?

Wilhem I

Who was the king of Prussia?

William I

What nationalist group did Giuseppe Mazzini form in 1831 with the goal of unifying Italy?

Young Italy

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