How the United States Acquired Alaska & Hawaii

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delegates from the new oligarchy were sent to_____ seeking a treaty to annex Hawaii to the united states.

washington d.c.

after the purchase alaska,it laid dormant for about_____years?

30 years.

he first offered to purchase alaska for this much money?

5million dollars .

the final price was this much money in gold?

7.2 million dollars.

the purchase took place,first in_______and cloncluded in_____?

alaska,washington d.c.

the first thing each country had had to do first before alaska,could become more than the u.s territory was to?

sign a treaty.

these people where willing to fight for Hawaii to be annexed to the United states beacause in_____?

1875,the us agreed to allow,Hawaiiansugar to come into the u.s.however,in the early 1890's things changed.

in___hawaiian became a territory of the united states.


hawaiian became the 50th state admitted to the union on_____.


despite the prezdents rejection,congress approved the annexation of hawaii on____after____became president.

Aug.12,1898,william McCenly.

prezdent____sign the treaty before leaving office.however,the senate failed to ratify it before he left office.

Bengermin harris.

the monarch or Hawaii since 1891 and until Hawaii became u.s territory was________?

Queen LiLi.

from which country did the united states purchase alaska?


the person who initianted the purchase of alaska?

William h. seward.

these group of people approved the annexation_____,_____,____and their____,along with_____in the united states.

american sugar growers,traders,missionaries,hawaiian allies,influential people.

as a result of the monarch seeking to regain econmic control of thier islands these____,with the help ofoverthrew the monarch and set up their own _____?.

americansugar growers,u.s marines,temperary government,,

the purchase did however,prove valuble when_______in the year of____?

gold was found,1896.

as a result.

hawaiian sugar planters had to drop their prices

the president rejected the annexation because____ he then sent an apoligy and tried to restore hawaii to its original monarchy.he called americas involvmentin of the revolution

hawaiians did not support the revolt,disgraceful.

these people opposed the annexation ____and the____,in hawaii.

hawaiians,aisian imagrants.

the purchaer thought alaska was a great buy because?

he wanted to exspand the u.s.

alaska became a state on this date_______by presedent_______?

jan 3, 1959 &eisen hower.

the purchase treaty was signed on this date?

march 30, 1876.

the actual transfer of alaska to the united states took place on this day?

oct. 18, 1867.

the new prezdent____opposed the annexation and with-drew it from the senate.

rover cleavlend.

the monarch in order to save lives and collisionof armed forces decided to_____?


the group of people that would have suffered the most loss of Hawaii was not annexed to the United States were___?

the American sugar planters/growers.

the purchase price changed when ?

the man he was paying it to knew he was serious.

the contry wanted to sell alaska because?

they didnt want great britian to get it.

others thought the purchase of alaska was not a great idea,why?

they said it was an ice box.

in order to annex hawaii to the united states the prezident push through a joint resolution of annexation,rather than the required ______,in violation international law and the united states constitution


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