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More specialization in fitness and curricular emphases on lifetime fitness 2 pos features higher

Societal attitudes impend full acceptance of feminine athletes.

Concerning girls and women in sport, which of the following is true?

ALl of the above

Which of the following could be possible action that could reduce problems or emphasize benefit


Decreased sports opportunities for female , special needs, and sr citizens possed features ath problem


Emphasis on adherence to physical activity prog throughout life and tech enhancement 2 posses fitness prog


PE continues to enjoy wide acceptance as the appropriate identifying term for various programs and careers


PE have always taken a leading role in promoting participation in sports and activities in the US

Career Burnout

Repetitiveness of a task, role, conflict, or the lack of potential for advancement contribute to


What is a measurement of knowledge, skills, and abilities lead to an assignment of a value or a score

Their are conflicts between the time and energy demands

Which of the following contributes to the role conflict of PE teacher who are also coaches?

Both B and C - increase the number of interscholastic sports coaches needed -describe the number of school PE positions

Which of the following has been a contributing factor to the lack of proper prep for some coaches

inducements to change schools

Which of the following is a problem associated with interscholastic sports

None of the above

Which of the following is a rationale why daily PE should not be required for all school kids

Drug & Alcohol abuse by students

Which of the following is an instructional challenge in facing physical educators in schools?

ALl of the following

Which of the following is not a associated with potenial or role conflict physical educators or coaches

all of the above

Which of the following is not a justification for popularity for intercollegiate athletics

All of the above are symptoms

Which of the following is not a symptom of career burnout?

All of the above

Which of the following is not an example of historical discrimination against ethic minority

Children should model their teachers movement

Which of the following is of a basic moment principle of movement education

Special Olympics

Which of the following provides competitive opportunities specifically individual who are dev delay

ALl of the above

Which of the following would not be a benefit of a school PE program.

both B & C , protection of natural resources and open spaces, Career ladder

Which of these is challenge facing professionals in recreation and leisure services?

Lifetime sports and physical fitness

Which should be the optimal curriculum for an Secondary School PE program

Fundamental movement and sports skill

Which should be the optimal curriculum for an elementary school PE program

Skill development in team sports and social skills

Which should be the optimal curriculum for an middle school program

Believed adolescence were dev ready for sport competitions

Why did PE in the 1920s favor and support interscholastic athletics while apposing comp for elementary


adhering to high standards is essential for demonstrating the effectiveness for PE in schools


interdisciplinary research will characterize the work of PE teachers because problems....


leaders should have integrity communicate efficiently build and nurture strong relationships


leadership is defined as behavrial process in which one person attempts to influence others...


physical activity can serve as preventative measures for disease and degeneration for senior citizens


planning and promoting special events for national employee fitness day in may


professional and career and exercise and sport sciences need to provide quality program in specialize settings


professionals in PE exercise science in sport careers are accountable for quality of their programs


professionals in fitness related careers are challenged to help those they serve begin...


school PE programs for all grades should emphasize team sports


school admin have been the leading supporters for the expansion of PE programs


sport as entertainment continues to grow in popularity at all competitive levels with winning..


the use of technological advances and pharmacological products are used by all ages...

Uniform criterion or min essential element for the mass of qual

what is a standard?

must be available on number to male and female athlete

what is required by title IX of the 1972 ED amendments rel to financial assistants for athletes

an over emphasis on winning

which of the following is a major problem in many youth sports program today

none of the above

which of the following is a valued outcome of the youth sports program

all of the following

which of the following is an example of ways to promote physical activity programs outside of school

All of the above

which of the following is not a factor in promoting adherence to exercise programs

great trait

which of the following is not a style of leadership


which of the following is not a theory of leadership

all of the above

which of the following is not a threat to intercollegiate athletics

all of the above

which of the following will not impact recreational and leisure services programs in the future

emphasizing winning

which of the following would help eliminate problems with youth sports

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