HPHY 323 Lab 5

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Pubofemoral Ligament of the hip joint

Attached to pubis and blends with iliofemoral ligament

Femoral Nerve

Comment: Enters thigh posterior to inguinal ligament Ends in proximal thigh as numerous named branches

Sciatic Nerve

Posterior view:

Greater Sciatic Notch of ilium

Separates posterior inferior iliac spine from ischial spine

Fovea of femoral head

ovoid depression that gives attachment to the ligamentum teres

Auricular Surface of ilium

articulates with sacrum

Trochanteric Fossa of femur

point of insertion for: obturator externs, obturator interns, superior and inferior gemellus

Biceps Femoris


Gluteal Tuberosity of femur

posterior: Provides attachment for part of gluteus maximus

Pectineal Line of femur

posterior: Provides attachment for pectineus muscle

Linea Aspera of femur

posterior: Provides attachment for short head of biceps femoris, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and vastus medialis muscles

Popliteal Artery

right leg, posterior

Obturator Nerve

Motor: Muscles of medial thigh (adductor group), enters thight via obturator canal of hip bone

Iliofemoral Ligament of the hip joint

Thick fibrous band fused to anterior surface of hip joint capsule Attached to ilium and femur

Saphenous Nerve

Branch of femoral nerve

Lateral Condyle of femur

Provides attachment for lateral head of gastrocnemius and popliteus muscles, and fibular collateral ligament of knee

Medial Condyle of femur

Provides attachment for medial head of gastrocnemius and adductor magnus muscles, and tibial collateral ligament of knee

Lateral Epicondyle of femur

of the femur

Medial Epicondyle of femur

of the femur

Apex of patella

of the patella

Base of patella

of the patella

Lateral Facet of patella

of the patella

Medial Facet of patella

of the patella

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