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While the number of mandatory days of paid vacation in Western Europe is about 30 days, the U.S. companies typically offer:

10 paid holidays each year

An individual wishing to file a complaint with the EEOC or a similar state agency must file the complaint within _____ days of the incident.


Union membership in the U.S. peaked in the:


The type of performance management system where a company assembles performance data on an individual from most or all of his or her contacts within and outside the company is known as:

360-degree performance appraisals.

Which of the following tests assess how well a person can learn or acquire skills and abilities?

Aptitude tests

Which stage of an alternative dispute resolution system is generally binding upon both parties?


Which one of the following is not true of Stage III succession planning?

Assessment centers and psychological tests play a large role in this stage.

Which of the following authorities is responsible for tracking changes in the composition of the U.S. labor force and forecasting employment trends?

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Which type of union security provision is illegal under provisions of the NLRA?

Closed shops

The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 exempts which of the following companies?

Companies with less than 50 employees

The _____ is a federal law that requires employers to permit employees or their dependents to extend their health insurance coverage at group rates for up to 36 months following a qualifying event, such as a layoff, reduction in hours, or the employee's death.

Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA)

Which type of retirement plan guarantees a specified level of retirement income?

Defined benefit plan

Which of the following traits describe conscientiousness?

Dependable, organized, persevering, achievement-oriented

Which of the following is a currently impermissible question for job applications and interviews?

Do you have any disabilities?

Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment?

Employee Referrals

Which of the following is true of benefits?

Employees do not pay income taxes on most benefits they receive

Which legislative/regulatory actions are under the direct control of the President?

Executive orders

Employees can sue employers for wrongful discharge only if the employee was contracted under an employment-at-will.


Employers in the U.S. are legally required to provide 30 days of paid vacation to both new and existing employees every year.


In general, employers may conduct random searches of areas like desks, lockers, and toolboxes at any point in time without any justification to the employee.


Job withdrawal is a set of behaviors that dissatisfied individuals enact to avoid the work situation physically, mentally, or emotionally.


The host country is the country in which the organization's headquarters is located.


The usual way that a company begins to enter foreign markets is by setting up operations in those countries.


Which rater error leads employees to believe that no aspects of their performance need improvement?


Which of the following is the first emotional stage associated with a foreign assignment?


Why is hiring new employees for every labor shortage not preferable?

If the shortage becomes a surplus, the organization may have to lay off employees.

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of performance management systems?


Which of the following is true of computer-based training?

It gives a company the flexibility in scheduling training.

Which of the following is true about content validity?

It is usually measured on the basis of expert judgment.

Which of the following statements concerning the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) is not true?

It provides employee protection for both defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans.

In a disparate impact case, what is the most likely defense to be offered by the defendant?

Job relatedness

Which one of the following is not a comparative performance appraisal technique?

Mixed-standards scale

Which of the following is NOT true of the effects of unions on company performance?

Most studies show that union workers are less productive than nonunion workers.

Which one of the following is not true of the effects of unions on company performance?

Most studies show that union workers are less productive than nonunion workers.

What does a correlation coefficient of 0 indicate?

No correlation

A financial service company is analyzing its pay structure. In the job financial analyst, they learn the following: According to Employer Policy 1) the midpoint for this job should be $70,000/yr with a range of $60,000 - $80,000. They also find that among the financial analysts in the company, George makes $65,000, Terry makes $83,000, and Lynn makes $58,000. Which of the following is true?

Terry is a red circle rate

Which piece of U.S. legislation, along with the 1931 Davis-Bacon Act, legislated that federal contractors pay employees no less than the prevailing wage within the work area?

The Walsh-Healy Public Contracts Act

Which of the following is true of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

The act applies to organizations with 15 employees or more.

Which one of the following is NOT true of performance bonuses?

They are among the most expensive forms of group incentives.

Which one of the following is not true of employee assistance programs?

They involve company-sponsored activities to help employees manage the transition from one job to another.

Which of the following is true of electronic performance support systems?

They provide expert advice when a problem occurs on the job.

In states that have laws specifying minimum wages, employers must pay whichever rate is higher—the federal or state.


One way to measure HRM effectiveness is to measure a program's success in terms of whether it achieved its objectives and whether it delivered value in an economic sense.


Pay level is the average amount (including wages, salaries, and bonuses) the organization pays for a particular job.


Paying a salary does not necessarily mean a job is exempt.


The Fair Labor Standards Act exempts managers and professionals from its requirement that the company pay overtime to employees who work more than a 40-hour week.


The laws governing Equal Employment Opportunity guarantee equal pay for men and women, whites and minorities, and other groups within the United States.


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an employer may need to grant a clinically depressed employee time off or a flexible schedule to accommodate treatment.


Unionized workers receive, on average, higher pay than their nonunion counterparts.


Unlike union membership for workers in businesses, union membership among government workers has remained strong.


Which one of the following employer-provided benefits is required by law in the U.S.?

Unpaid family and medical leave

Which one of the following is true of Social Security benefits?

Workers who meet requirements receive retirement benefits according to age and earnings history.

Which of the following legally required employer-provided benefits help workers injured on the job?

Workers' compensation

Trend analysis refers to:

a process that accurately predicts labor demand for the next year using leading indicators.

The principles of justice suggest that organizations prepare for problems by establishing:

a progressive discipline system.

Daily or weekly incentives, known as ____, can encourage salespeople to build customer relationships, preparing for a time when customers are ready to start spending again.

activity-based pay

Compensable factors:

are the characteristics of jobs that a firm values and chooses to pay for.

"Active" employee wellness programs:

assume that behavior change requires not only awareness and opportunity, but support and reinforcement.

Total compensation consists of

base pay, incentive pay, and benefits

The first step in the instructional design process is:

conducting a needs assessment.

An engineer accepting an assignment as a shift supervisor in order to develop his/her management skills is an example of a(n):

downward move.

Skill-based pay systems support:

employee empowerment and enriched jobs, a climate of learning and adaptability, and organizational flexibility and innovativeness.

The unemployment compensation program is financed largely through federal and state taxes on:

employers only.

Job enrichment differs from job rotation in that job enrichment:

empowers workers by adding more decision-making authority to their jobs.

The purpose of floating holidays is to allow employees to:

extend a Tuesday or Thursday holiday into a long weekend

The Americans with Disability Act covers individuals who:

have serious disabilities—such as epilepsy, blindness, or paralysis—that affect their ability to perform major life activities, such as walking, learning, and working, have a history of disability, such as someone who has had cancer but is currently in remission, and are regarded as having a disability, such as an individual who is severely disfigured and is denied employment because an employer fears negative reactions from others.

The emotions that accompany an overseas assignment tend to follow a cycle of:

honeymoon, culture shock, learning, and adjustment.

A country, other than the parent country, in which an organization operates a facility, is the:

host country.

Pay specifically designed to energize, direct, or control employees' behavior is known as:

incentive pay.

According to Hofstede's cultural dimensions, a culture where people are expected to look after their own interests is high in:


In the context of a work flow analysis, materials, equipment, and human resources needed to perform the tasks collectively constitute the _____.


An organization that sets up one or a few facilities in one or a few foreign countries is a(n):

international organization.

Top executive pay in the United States:

is among the highest in the world.

A card-check provision:

is an agreement that if a certain percentage-by law, at least a majority-of employees sign an authorization card, the employer will recognize their union representation.

The process of getting detailed information about jobs is known as:

job analysis.

The administrative procedure for measuring the relative worth of an organization's jobs is:

job evaluation.

Most employee development occurs through:

job experiences.

The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 includes:

minimum wage laws.

OSH Act provides employees the right to:

obtain safe living conditions near the workplace.

Managing the behavior of employees through a formal system of feedback and reinforcement refers to:

organizational behavior modification.

Although the rate of inflation is only 2 percent, Kayla receives a 6 percent increase in salary. She is nonetheless dissatisfied with her salary increase due to Bob's 9 percent increase. Kayla is likely to contend there is a lack of:

outcome fairness.

You want to establish the validity of a test designed for computer technicians using a predictive criterion- related validation strategy. To do so, you must administer the test to:

people applying for computer technician jobs in your company.

In the context of evaluating the quality of a recruitment source, yield ratios express the:

percentage of applicants who successfully move from one stage of the recruitment and selection process to the next.

In human resource management, any practice or activity carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees is known as:


When an organization undertakes a complete review of its critical work processes to make them more efficient and to be able to deliver higher quality, it is engaging in:



refers to the planned elimination of personnel.

The 360-degree feedback process:

relies heavily on upward feedback from subordinates and others.

Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, an undue hardship is an action:

requiring significant difficulty or expense.

In general, Social Security provides support for _____.

retired workers

Most direct applicants to an organization have done some research and concluded there is enough fit between themselves and the vacant position to warrant submitting an application. This process is termed:


The weakest link between employees' performance and pay is found in:

stock ownership plans.

Increasingly, HR professionals are being viewed as:

strategic partners.

The industrial engineering approach is most likely to emphasize _____.

streamlining jobs to make them simpler, efficient, and automatic

To gather information about worker requirements, the Fleishman Job Analysis System typically asks _____ to evaluate a job in terms of the abilities required to perform the job.

subject-matter experts

The two sets of people in the organization who most affect an individual's job satisfaction are:

supervisors and coworkers.

When an organization is better than competitors at something and can hold that advantage over an extended period of time, it is said to have a(n):

sustainable competitive advantage.

Protean careers require that employees:

take responsibility to manage their own careers.

The rules for drug testing include all of the following EXCEPT:

the drug test reports should not be sent to applicants.

The Hofstede dimension that deals with the degree to which a culture prefers structured conditions is:

uncertainty avoidance.

Human resources provide an organization with a sustainable competitive advantage because they are:

valuable, rare, and not easily imitated

The primary use of assessment centers is to identify:

whether employees have the personality characteristics and skills needed for managerial positions.

The process of determining whether there are any subgroups (e.g., minorities or disabled) whose proportion in a given job category within a company is substantially different from their proportion in the relevant labor market is called:

workforce utilization review.

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