HRM (Final Essentials)

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What if the employer finds the fine level too harsh?

he/she can file an appeal This is reviewed by Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission

Checklist Appraisal

the evaluator uses a list of behavioral descriptions and checks off behaviors that apply to the employee. The evaluator merely goes down the list and checks off "yes" or "no" to each question

performance appraisal

An evaluation that measures employee performance against established standards in order to make decisions about promotions, compensation, training or termination. Purpose = Goal setting and feedback for employees

Collective Bargaining

(One of the external factors affecting compensation) The major function of most unions or collective bargaining units is to negotiate for the wages of its members.

Social-Security Point system

- Workers must earn 40 credits - 1 point = $1200 they earn max of four credits earned in a year

Two additional thing Taft-Hartley Banned

1. Abolished closed shops (in which all workers were required to join a union for employment, new employees) 2. Prohibited secondary boycotts and gave the president of the United States the power to issue an 80-day cooling-off period 3. Required unions to bargain in good faith

Three specific methods HRM uses to establish performance standards

1. Absolute Standards 2. Relative Standards 3. Outcomes

Pros of MBO's

1. Converts overall objectives into specific objectives for organizational units and individual members 2. The organization's overall objectives are translated into specific objectives for each succeeding level in the organization = divisional, departmental, and individual Works top-down and bottom-up in an organization.

Different types of absolute standards

1. Critical Incident Appraisal 2. Checklist Appraisal 3. Graphic Rating Scale 4. Forced Choice Appraisal 5. BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales

How do employers use COBRA?

1. Employers must notify employees who qualify to use COBRA to extend their coverage within 30 days of the layoff (or reduction in hours)

The Appraisal Process

1. Establish Standards - A supervisor's expectations of employee work performance (mutually agreeable and specific) 2. Communicate expectations with employee - (job training, written instructions, videos, demonstrations) 3. Measure actual performance - (personal observation, statistical reports, oral reports, and written reports) 4. Compare actual performance with standards - (performance appraisal should include a list and explanation of the performance standards) 5. Discuss the appraisal with the employee - most challenging for appraisers - remove emotion, (calm) 6. initiate corrective action - immediate = "putting out fires" (corrects problems such as mistakes in procedures and training, getting the employee on the right track) - basic = "touches the source of deviation and seeks to adjust the difference permanently (how and why performance deviated?)

Top-ten violations of OSHA (only need 3-4 for the test)

1. Fall Protection 2. Hazard Communication 3. Scaffolding 4. Respiratory Protection 5. Control of Hazardous Energy, Lockout/Tagout 6. PIT (Powered Industrial Trucks) 7. Electric Wiring 8. Ladders 9. Machine Guarding 10. Electrical Systems

Most popular relative standards methods

1. Group-order ranking 2. Individual Ranking 3. Paired Comparison

Inspection Process

1. Inspector's Credentials 2. Opening Conference 3. Inspection Tour 4. Closing Conference (There isn't a OSHA SWAT Team that'll barge in when an accident happens)

Requirements for nonexempt employees (covered by FLSA) of FLSA

1. Minimum wage of at least $7.25 (may vary based on each state) 2. overtime of 1.5 wage after 40 hours 3. If employee earns tips, federal law allows employees to pay a direct wage of $2.13. If the employee is below min wage, then the employer needs to pay the difference

Unlimited PTO oragnizations

1. Netflix 2. Virgin Group May increase productivity and retention for professionals

3 types of leave benefits

1. Paid Time Off (PTO) 2. Vacation and Holiday Leave 3. Sick Leave

Advantage of group-order ranking

1. Prevents raters from inflating their evaluations so everyone looks good 2. Prevents forcing the evaluations so everyone is rated near the average outcomes

Exempt employees of FLSA

1. Professionals 2. Managerial positions 3. Outside sales positions Requirement = Must earn more than $455 per week. 1. Creative professionals 2. Teachers 3. Computer Employees 4. Police 5. Firefighters 6. First Respondents

What can employers (HRM) do about hazard prevention?

1. Provide adequate training so all employees understand/demonstrate safe procedures 2. HRM needs to make sure employees comply with safety procedures, even if they don't want to. (protective equipment may be bulky, hot, or uncomfortable) PPE = personal protective equipment (employers need to communicate to employees why it's necessary)

Problems with group-order

1. Small number of employees If you only have 6 employees, all may be excellent, yet you'd still need to put the into a top quarter. [Validity of data increases when the employee base increases] 2. Zero-sum game = (Excellent employees may not make the top 20%) "best of the worst" or "worst of the best"

Common Elements in MBO Programs

1. Specific Goals = concise statements of expected accomplishments - instead of "cut costs", use "cut departmental costs by 8 percent, to improve service by ensuring that all insurance claims are processed within 72 hours of receipt" 2. Participative Decision Making - The manager and employee jointly choose the goals and agree on how they will be achieved 3. Specific Time Period - Each objective has a concise time in which it's to be completed (3-6 months, or a year) 4. Performance Feedback - Continuous feedback on performance and goals - Allows individuals to monitor and correct their own actions

Laws that created the legal framework for unions (3)

1. Wagner Act 2. NLRB 3. Taft-Hartley Act

Ways hazards may be identified.

1. Worksite analysis may uncover hazards 2. OSHA state offices may provide valuable advice

Strengths of BARS

1. definite, observable, and measurable

Weaknesses of BARS

1. distortions

What factor do HRM take when scoring a Checklist Appraisal?

1. employee's relationship to their importance to that specific job (final evaluation = returned to appraiser for discussion with the employee, or someone from HRM can provide feedback)

According to OSHA, employees at increased risk of violence are workers who:

1. exchange money with the public 2. make deliveries 3. work alone/small-groups 4. work late night or early 5. work with alcohol Also late-night retail is high for violence

Requirements FLSA sets

1. minimum wage 2. overtime pay 3. record keeping 4. child labor

How to combat sick leave abuse

1. organizations allow buying back of unused sick leave 2. buyout upon separation from the company 3. allow workers to donate sick leave to coworkers who have serious illnesses

Two ways to solve the halo error

1. reverse wording (switch up 1-5 ratings for desirability) 2. Evaluate more than one person at a time -appraiser must appraise all raters on each performance standard before going on to the next performance standard

Requirements of interns being unpaid (under FLSA)

1.Be similar to training that would be given in an educational environment. 2. Be for the benefit of the intern. 3. Not displace regular employees and be conducted under close supervision of existing staff. 4. Not provide any immediate advantage from the activities of the intern for the employer. In fact, on occasion its operations may actually be impeded. 5. Not necessarily entitle the intern to a job at the conclusion of the internship. 6. Be clear to the employee and the intern that the internship position is not entitled to wages.

Full benefits data for Social Security (1983)

1983 = full benefits at 65 Now must wait till age 67 (born 1960 or later)

Nearly _ million U.S. workers are victims of workplace violence every year

2 million

___ percent of American workers didn't take all of their vacation time.

70% Reasons = Financial reasons (sell unused vacation time, fear of a mountain of work will be set after vacation, self-conscious (don't want others to think that they are "losing face time"

Graphic Rating Scale

A performance appraisal method that lists traits and a range of performance for each. Used to assess factors like 1. quantity and quality of work 2. job knowledge 3. cooperation 4. loyalty 5. dependability 6. attendance (abstracts traits like "loyalty" are used best when they're avoided)

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scales (BARS)

A performance appraisal technique that generates critical incidents and develops behavioral dimensions of performance. The evaluator appraises behaviors rather than traits. the BARS method bases evaluations on specific behaviors required for each individual position in an individual company.

Forced-choice appraisal

A performance evaluation in which the rater must choose between two specific statements (or more) about an employee' s work behavior. "Would you rather go to a party with a group of friends or attend a lecture by a well-known political figure" Each statement is unfavorable or favorable

Critical Incident Appraisal

A performance evaluation that focuses on key behaviors that differentiate between doing a job effectively and doing it ineffectively. The appraiser writes down anecdotes describing employee actions that were especially effective or ineffective.

Vacation and Holiday Leave

After employees have been with an organization for a specified period of time, they usually become eligible for a paid vacation.

Wagner Act

Also known as the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, this act gave employees the right to form and join unions and to engage in collective bargaining. Requires employers to bargain in good faith over mandatory bargaining issues (wages, hours, and terms/conditions of employment)

Taft Hartley Act

Amended the Wagner Act by addressing employers' concerns in terms of specifying unfair union labor practices. Made it unfair for unions to: 1. Restrain or coerce employees in joining the unions 2. Discriminate against an employee to whom union membership has been denied 3. Refuse to bargain collectively 4. Engage in strikes and boycotts for purposes that are illegal (based on the act) 5. Charge excessive or discriminatory fees 6. Obtain compensation for services not performed or not to be performed

Extrinsic Reward

Benefits provided by the employer, usually money, promotion, or benefits. (money, promotion, benefits) - Come from an outside source, mainly management) (salary increases, flexible working conditions)

How is Social Security financed?

By employee contributions matched by the employer (computed as a percentage of the employee's earnings) 6.2% for employees and 6.2% paid by the employer on the worker's earnings up to $118,500. 2.9% is assessed for Medicare on all earned income 1.45% in payroll taxes for employer/employee

A Health Insurance Continuation Act

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act)

Common abuses of FLSA for unpaid interns

Companies claim interns are getting valuable training, yet are assigned unskilled tasks (shipping, shredding, photocopying, filing, answering e-mail)

Total Rewards

Comprehensive view of employee compensation (pay, training, health and wellness managements, benefits, paid time off, work-life balance, challenging/fulfilling assignments, supportive work culture, etc.)

Safety Data Sheet (SDS)

Documents that provide workers with proper procedures for handling chemical products safely. These documents identify: 1. proper handling of hazardous substances 2. toxicity 3. first aid for accidental exposure 4. storage, reactivity, disposal 5. and other information necessary in case of spill or emergency.

Achieved Performance Outcomes

Employees are evaluated on how well they accomplished a specific set of objectives determined as critical in the successful completion of their job.

Job Enrichment

Enhancing jobs by giving employees more opportunity to plan and control their work. Gives intrinsic rewards to employees by making their work more meaningful.

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

Established to administer and interpret the Wagner Act, the NLRB has primary responsibility for conducting union representation elections. The administrative body = consisting of 5 members appointed by the president of the United States ^ given responsibility for determining appropriate bargaining units,

Relative Standards

Evaluating an employee ' s performance by comparing the employee with other employees.

True or False? Social Security is intended to be the employees' sole source of retirement income.

False For 2012, the maximum monthly Social Security retirement check for a worker retiring at age 6 was $2,513. May cease to exist in 2041 with longer life expectancy

True or False? The rater evaluates the employee's performance in a Checklist appraisal

False He/she merely records it

True or false? The U.S. requires employers to offer paid vacation time to employees.

False, they don't need to offer paid vacation time at all. Even though it's not required, employees average ten paid vacation days within the first year of employment.

Which independent agency was created with the Taft-Hartley act?

Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) A government agency that assists labor and management in settling disputes.

Once the checklist is complete, it is usually evaluated by

HRM (not the appraiser completing the checklist)

Closing Conference

Held between the compliance officer and the employer (or representative of the employer) The compliance officer will cover all unsafe or unhealthful conditions observed and indicate every apparent violation.

Appraiser's job for Forced-Choice Appraisal

Identify which statement is most descriptive of the individual being evaluated (1) keeps up with schedule (2) lectures wit hconfidence (3) keeps interest and attention

If 10 employees are evaluated, how would paired comparison work

If 10 employees are evaluated, the first person is compared, one by one, with each of the other nine. And the number of times this person is preferred in any of the nine pairs is tabulated. More preferences = more "victories"

Ways organizations can prevent workplace violence

Incorporate workplace violence prevention policies that prohibit: 1. bullying 2. horseplay 3. fighting 4. harassment 5. threats 6. violence against coworkers, customers, vendors 2. Zero Tolerance policies (immediate dismissal for violence) 3. Increase security 4. Conduct background checks to make sure new hires are good characters. (refer them to EAP) - don't hire employees that had drinking/drug-use, bullying, withdrawal, depression, etc.

Marshall v. Barlow's Inc. What does it have to do with the Inspector's Credential process?

It ruled that employers are not required to let OSHA inspectors enter the premises unless the inspectors have search warrants. Most employers don't do this, to avoid raising unwanted red flags.


Law passed in 1974 designed to protect employee retirement benefits

Sick Leave

Like PTO and vacation leaves, sick leave is typically accumulated at a specific number of days for each year of service.

Employees are evaluated on how well they accomplished a specific set of objectives determined as critical in the successful completion of their job. This approach may be referred to as goal setting, but is more commonly referred to as _____________

Management By Objectives A performance appraisal method includes mutual objective setting and evaluation based on the attainment of the specific objectives.

Absolute Standards

Measuring an employee ' s performance against established standards. Employees are compared to a standard, and their evaluation is independent of any other employee in a work group (assesses employee's job traits and/or behaviors)

Can the compliance officer indicate any penalties?

No, only the OSHA area director has that authority and only after having received a full report

Inspection Tour

OSHA compliance officer and employer representative proceed through the establishment Compliance officer may talk to employees, take photos, and take reading of things (like air quality). Compliance officer will also keep records of deaths and injuries. Along with general health and safety of the workplace. Compliance officer may communicate to the employer about certain violations.

Inspector's Credentials

OSHA compliance officer arrives at the establishment (he/she displays credentials and is asked to meet with the employer representative)

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Passed in 1938, this act established laws outlining minimum wage, overtime pay, and maximum hour requirements for most U.S. workers.

Pro and Con of Paired comparison

Pro = each employee is compared against every other Con = difficult when comparing a large number of employees


Provides for continued employee benefits up to 3 years after an employee leaves a job. - 18 months of continued benefits if the employee is laid off (may be extended to 3 years under certain conditions)

Individual Ranking

Ranking employee's performance from highest to lowest (in a list). Only one can be the "best" Same cons and pros and group-order ranking

Paired Comparison

Ranking individuals ' performance by counting the times any one individual is the preferred member when compared with all other employees. Paired Comparison selects one job trait and then compares each employee in a group with the others

How often should companies maintain equipment?

Regularly 1. Prevents breakdowns 2. Prevent hazardous situations (Also need to plan for fire and natural disasters, to make sure that employees act quickly)

Group-Order Ranking

Requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification "top 20%"

Social Security Benefits

Retirement, disability, and survivor benefits paid by the government to the aged, former members of the labor force, the disabled, or their survivors. - provides a source of income for American retirees, disabled workers, and surviving dependents of workers who have died. - Social Security also provides some health insurance coverage through the federal Medicare program.

Intrinsic Rewards

Satisfaction derived from the job itself, such as pride in one's work, a feeling of accomplishment, or being part of a team. Personal satisfactions one derives from doing the job. 1. Pride in one's work 2. A sense of accomplishment 3. Enjoying being part of a work team

Strengths of Graphic Rating Scale Weakness

Strengths 1. Less time consuming to develop and administer 2. Quantitative analysis for comparisons Weaknesses 1. Can be complex to make (must be clearly understood and unambiguous to the rater)

Strengths and Weaknesses of Critical Incident Appraisal

Strengths 1. Looks at behaviors 2. Points out desirable and undesirable behaviors Weaknesses 1. Appraisers must regularly write incidents down (daily or weekly is time consuming) 2. difficult to quantify (hard to rank)

Do MBO's work?

Studies of actual MBO programs confirm that MBO effectively increases employee performance and organizational productivity.

Opening Conference

The OSHA official will explain why the establishment was selected Officer explains the purpose of the visit, scope of the inspection, and the standards that may apply. Employer will be a given a copy of any employee complaint that may be involved. Employers may share info about the company's safety program

One of the advantages of forced-choice is the removal of bias. How is this done with HRM?

The right answers are unknown to the rater They are scored by HRM representatives higher-score = better employee (reduces distortion and bias) = The appraiser may like a certain employee and give him a favorable evaluation, but it's difficult if the appraiser doesn't know the right answer

Halo Error

The tendency to let our assessment of an individual on one trait influence our evaluation of that person on other specific traits. - one is rated either extremely high or extremely low on all factors based on a rating of one or two factors. Conscientious and dependable employee = we might become biased towards the individual that we'll hive him/her a positive rating on many desirable attributes

Collective Bargaining - "Spillover effect"

There is a "spillover effect" requiring firms competing for qualified workers to increase wages and benefits as well. As union membership has declined, jobs benefiting from the higher wages have also declined.

True or False? Graphic Rating Scale Appraisals are some of the oldest and most popular methods of appraisals


True or False? Misclassifying employees as exempt when they are not is a common violation of the FLSA

True A supervisor may be an exempt employee, but she may do the same tasks as when she was an hourly employee. Misclassifying employees as independent contractors is common (Microsoft) - avoid paying minimum wage, overtime, and other responsibilities

True or False? A behavior-based appraisal (such as critical incident) should be more valid than trait-based appraisals because it's clearly more job related.

True Describing an employee as "aggressive", "imaginative", or "relaxed" doesn't tell us how well the job is being done. Critical incidents = focus on behaviors, judge performance rather than personalities.

True or False? The NLRB should prevent or correct employer actions that can lead to unfair labor practice charges.

True Employer or employee actions prohibited by the Wagner Act, Taft-Hartley Act, or other labor laws.

How does FLSA protect children?

Under 14 = not allowed to work (unless for newspapers, babysit, actor, or family-owned business) 14-15 = non-hazardous jobs and can't exceed 3 hours on school days (8 hours on non-school days) 16-17 = work unlimited hours in nonhazardous jobs

Paid Time Off (PTO)

Vacation, sick leave, personal days, and holidays combined into one account managed by employees. - gaining in popularity due to flexibility - PTO is accrued according to the amount of time employees worked and the employees ' position.

Does the Halo error apply to managers?

Yes Managers may also tend to give higher ratings to employees that they themselves have hired over those hired by other managers. Students also tend to rate a faculty member as outstanding on all criteria based on a few things he/she did in the classroom

Are violations still common with FLSA?

Yes Starbucks = $100 million to baristas who had tips diverted to managers

Can you sell back unused PTO days?

Yes You can also donate them to a pool that can be used by employees who have exhausted their leaves.

Example of critical incident appraisal

a police sergeant might write the following critical incident about one of her officers: "Brought order to a volatile situation by calmly discussing options with an armed suspect during a hostage situation, which resulted in all hostages being released, and the suspect being apprehended without injury to any individual." Note that with this approach to appraisal, specific behaviors are cited, not vaguely defined individual traits.

Disadvantages of the forced-choice method

appraisers dislike it; forced to make distinctions between similar-sounding statements

The cost of COBRA is paid solely by the

employee - Can be quite expensive because the employee must pay their premium in addition to any share the employer previously paid

Organizations covered by collective bargaining agreements tend to have What do they have unlike non-unionized industries.

higher wages and better benefits than similar employers that do not have unions - The biggest impact is typically for unskilled or semi-skilled middle to lower income employees

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