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The psychological and physiological impact of bullying can include A)higher levels of workplace commitment B)improvement in stress hormones C)increased feelings of trust D)Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder


The videos illustrate that who can be bullied? A)Only nice individuals B)Usually just the young C)People who are overly friendly D)anyone, even successful individuals who are magazine editors and surgeons


This type of discipline does not involve punishment: A)Negative B)Neutral C)Progressive D)Positive


Turnover can be costly because A)Replacement hires often require a higher rate of pay due to increases in the average market pay B)A new employee has to be recruited C)Lost productivity is experienced until a replacement is hired and trained D)Of all of the reasons in the other answer choices


Turnover is the A)Rate of hiring divided by the rate of quitting B)Psychological process an employee goes through before quitting C)Process used to get more internal hires D)Rate at which employees leave the organization


What did Lilly do about the inequity in her pay? A)nothing other than do news interviews B)get top management to make the situation "right" C)start a lawsuit but settle D)take her former company to court with a case related to pay discrimination


What piece of legislation was based on Lilly's situation? A)Pay and Discrimination in Employment Act B)The Gender Equality Pay Act C)The Equal Pay Act D)The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act


Which is likely to be more challenging for the HR department to handle? A)Quits and retirements are easy for the HR department to handle B)An employee retiring C)Quits and retirements are equally challenging D)An employee quitting


Which of the following requires employees to take unpaid leave? A)pay freeze B)natural attrition C)pay cut D)furlough


voluntary turnover

Either retirement (can be panned for in many cases/ often allows for time to train new employees) or quitting (harder for a company to plan for)

HRM Problem 1: My company has 100 employees and 50 managers. The annual turnover rate for employees is 20% and managers is 10%. How many of each will we need to replace over a 2-year period?

Employees ◦100 employees x 20% rate = 20 replacement employees ◦20 employees x 2 years = 40 replacement employees Managers ◦50 managers x 10% rate = 5 replacement managers ◦5 employees x 2 years = 10 replacement managers Total = 50 replacement hires over the 2-year period (40 employees and 10 managers)

HRM Forecasting

Is planning that that takes place so that a company has the right number of people, with the right skills, at the right time -Takes into account employee turnover -replacement hires -takes into account company growth -new hires

involuntary turnover

Termination -also referring to as "firing" an employee

Functional turnover

When turnover is beneficial (ex. a problem employee quitting)

Major types of disciplinary systems

progressive positive Article 1

Workplace bullying

repeated, health-harming mistreatment by one or more people of an employee: abusive conduct which is

What type of policy did Lilly's company have related to discussing one's pay? A)A secret pay policy - employees were NOT allowed to talk about pay B)There was no policy C)Only supervisors and employees who had served 10 years could discuss pay D)Employees could discuss pay if they felt comfortable


Which age groups are more likely to be bullied according to the CBS clip with Mary Lou Quinlan? A)55 and older; 24 and younger B)workers under 21 C)individuals in their 40s D)individuals in their 30s


Which of the following is a reason progressive discipline is important according to the article? A)Managers can address problematic employee behavior before it escalates B)Employees need to know that management is powerful C)Managers get to demonstrate their power D)Employees work harder and are more productive if they fear discipline


Which of the following would be a time when positive discipline would NOT be appropriate? A)flagrant violation of policy (e.g., violence in the workplace) B)if an employee is late several times C)a small issue with an aspect of an employee's performance D)violation of dress code


Which of the following would likely be considered a legitimate reason for accommodating employees who do not want to be in the workplace because of COVID-19? A)If an employee has a compromised immune system B)If an employee does not feel comfortable returning C)If an employee prefers to telework D)If an employee would rather work-at-home a few days a week


How did Lilly find out she was not earning as much money as her male counterparts? A)An accountant in the company B)An anonymous note C)A friend at work D)Her supervisor


dysfunctional turnover

When turnover is not good for the company (ex. High performer quitting)

Avoidable turnover

could have been prevented

progressive disciplinary system

-Frequently used by companies -Series of steps with increasing consequences -Gives the employee an opportunity to change his/her behavior

Layoff survivors

-Often experience guilt -Decrease in productivity

positive discipline system

-Positive discipline -Does not involve punishment -Encourages employees to take responsibility for their actions -Can still result in termination

Types of layoff criteria

-Seniority -Performance

What to plan for before conducting a meeting

-Use a checklist -Employee access -Recovering employer property -Security risks -Consider timing (Day and time of week)

psychological/ emotional impact of workplace bullying

-anxiety/ panic attacks -induced clinical depression -post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) -Suicidal ideation/ had plan -medications: 1st time/ increased dose -betrayal/ distrust of institution

Hot stove rule

1.Give warning 2.Be consistent 3.Take immediate action*

steps of progressive disciplinary system

1) verbal warning 2)series of steps with increasing consequences 3) gives the employee an opportunity to change his/her behavior

Furloughs were mentioned in the video as one of the options businesses could take to deal with the impact of COVID-19. Which of the following is true about furloughs? A)all answer choices are correct B)furloughs can be staggered C)employees are required to take unpaid leave D)employee benefits can still be received


How are positive and progressive discipline alike? A)they both involve a series of increasingly serious steps B)they both foster employee responsibility and discourage fear C)they help avoid confrontation D)They both involve days off without pay


If an employee is terminated for reasons that are either illegal or inappropriate, this is: A)wrongful discharge B)rightful discharge C)due process D)just cause


How does pay inequity hurt employees according to Lilly? A)It really doesn't hurt employees but is a matter of ethicss. B)It hurts the employee and their family's standard of living as well as employee retirement C)It hurts the community due to less being collected in payroll taxes D)It can only hurt their pride if they let it.


In the video several best HR practices were mentioned. These included all of the following EXCEPT: A)Requiring employees to check in with their supervisor every day to improve attendance tracking B)Developing a plan for communication with employees C)Revisiting and revising workplace policies, especially those related to leave D)Planning for higher than normal absenteeism by cross-training


Lilly Ledbetter experienced pay discrimination when she worked for ________________________. A)Goodyear Tire & Rubber, Co. B)Bridgestone C)Michelin D)Firestone


Outplacement assistance involves: A)helping employees find new jobs B)deciding how layoffs should be handled C)deciding how terminated employees should go out of the building D)deciding who to fire


I have 100 employees and an average annual turnover rate of 20%. How many employees should I expect to have to replace in the next two years? A)5 employees B)40 employees C)10 employees D)20 employees


If an employee is asked to leave the company because of poor performance, this is a A)Withdrawal B)Termination C)Voluntary quit D)Early retirement


According to the lecture, bullying is often driven by a perpetrators' ______________________________. A)need to control B)social skills C)desire to be popular D)lack of manners


According to the video, the workplace impact of COVID-19 on small businesses includes A)new legal requirements and need for new HR policies B)issues dealing with retired employees and pensions C)making it easier to hire and fire employees D)very little in terms of changing HR policies and procedures


According to the video, upon what organization did many employers rely for guidance related to COVID-19 and workplace practices? A)Centers for Disease Control (CDC) B)Food & Drug Administration (FDA) C)EEOC D)OSHA


After contacting the EPA to report his company for disposing of toxic chemicals in a local lake, James was fired. If the company terminated James in reaction to him reporting their environmental violations, this would be a case of: A) retaliatory discharge B)constructive discharge C)voluntary discharge D)a quit


An employee separation occurs when: A)an employee ceases to be a member of an organization. B)employee turnover reaches maximum capacity. C)global competition increases beyond labor supply. D)an employee decides to take vacation and travel outside the country


The definition of bullying indicates that it includes A)verbal abuse B)humiliation or social exclusion C)threats & intimidation D)a misunderstanding

A, B, and C

Wrongful discharge

An employer's termination of an employee in violation of the law or an employment contract.

A common criterion for layoffs is A)employee voting B)seniority C)disciplinary problems D)likeability


Ellie quits her job after her spouse gets an excellent out-of-state job offer. Her company viewed the move as a good thing because Ellie was a poor performance and often had disciplinary problems. This is an example of which type of turnover? A)Functional; avoidable B)Functional; unavoidable C)Dysfunctional; unavoidable D)Dysfunctional; avoidable


Jasmine is 57 years old and she has been a division manager for Elf Cookies for 32 years. Recently, the business has seen an decrease in demands and has a surplus of labor which means higher payroll expenses than they can cover in the long run. Elf Cookies is offering employees who are 55 and older, and who have worked for the company for over 20 years, specific benefits and financial incentives to retire within the next 60 days. If Jasmine decides to take the incentive, her separation is considered a: A)constructive discharge B)early retirement C)termination D)layoff


Last year at my company, one woman left her job to pursue another job, one man left his job to become a stay-at-home parent, and three people quit to go back to college. The company did not replace these employees. These actions, which are called ______________, helped to avoid an expected labor surplus. A)hiring freezes B)Answer natural attrition C)involuntary turnover D)planned turnover


Many small businesses had to cut pay due to reduced revenues related to COVID-19. What was one of the risks mentioned in the video for businesses who planned to have pay cuts? A)none of the answer choices B)discrimination (based on which groups had pay cuts) C)unemployment insurance rates increasing D)potential violations of the ADA


Turnover can be good for a company because A)Replacement employees are usually hired at a higher rate of pay B)A better employee can be hired C)Separations costs are rare D)Lost productivity is usually not a concern


Ultimately, refusal of an employee to return to work can be considered ____________________ assuming the employee does not have a legitimate reason to be accommodated and is out of leave. A)a temporary absence B)resignation C)a furlough D)a layoff


When employers plan for employees to return to work during COVID-19, they should consider creating a return to work guide that includes A)information about work from home policies B)all the topics listed C)information about face covering requirements D)information about social distancing


Which of the following suggests that a disciplinary system should give warning, be consistent, and take immediate action after proper investigation? A)The WARN system B)Hot Stove Rule C)Positive discipline approach D)Reminder discipline


Bullying often results in negative consequences including A)feeling of betrayal B)anxiety & depression C)all answer choices are correct D)distrust of the employer


Can employers require employees to return to work if the employee is reluctant due to COVID-19? A)No, businesses can no longer require employees to come in if they are teleworking B)Yes across all cases C)Yes in most cases but there are exceptions D)No, businesses cannot require employees to return to the workplace until there is a COVID-19 vaccine


Companies sometimes choose to layoff workers. Employees who remain (i.e., layoff survivors) tend to A)become better at arriving on time B)become more productive C)experience guilt D)thank management for saving their jobs


Documentation is important to A)punitive disciplinary systems B)neutral systems of discipline C)progressive and positive disciplinary systems D)progressive disciplinary systems


If a company addresses a disciplinary issue with an employee who has been counseled about it before and tells the employee they have a day of decision-making leave, what system of discipline is being used? A)Punitive B)Progressive C)Positive D)Opportunistic


If an employee quits, turnover is considered to be A)Involuntary B)Passive C)Voluntary D)Permissive


Lilly was not paid the same as __________________________________. A)women at other companies doing the same job B)other women in the company C)her male counterparts D)others in her community


Lilly worked in a plant in what state? A)Louisiana B)Mississippi C)Alabama D)Texas


Severance pay is an example of A)A hiring cost B)How competitors can influence pay C)A separation cost D)Illegal in many states


Suspension without pay would be most likely in what system of discipline? A)Progressive and positive disciplinary systems B)Protesting C)Progressive D)Neutral


The Families First Coronavirus Response Act did all of the following EXCEPT: A)required paid sick leave for employees quarantined due to COVID-19 B)required paid sick leave for employees who were caretakers C)provides additional leave ONLY for full-time employee who contracted COVID-19 D)expanded family and medical leave


What type of performance ratings did Lilly have at her company? A)Some high ratings, but also some very low B)No ratings C)Good ratings throughout her career D)Low ratings


two types of wrongful discharge

Constructive discharge & retaliatory discharge

According to both videos, ________________ are more likely to be bullied than ______________________. A)children; adults B)men; women C)adults, children D)women; men


According to the lecture on bullying, how does it usually end? A)with the bully quitting B)with strict disciplinary action against the bully C)with the bully being punished D)with the person being bullied leaving the organization


Alisha is Evan's manager. Evan has a problem arriving to work on time. Alisha first gives Evan a verbal warning, then suspends him without pay, and finally terminates him for being late. This is an example of what type of discipline? A)Positive B)Negative C)Neutral D)Progressive


An individual being bullied is referred to as the __________________________. A)one who started the situation B)impacted person (IP) C)perpetrator D)target


In both videos, what was recommending to individuals who are being bullied? A)try to ignore he negative behavior B)immediately tell HR C)immediately tell your boss D)document the behavior


Lilly Ledbetter also experience other difficulties in addition to pay equity. During the pursuit of her court case, she A)lost a daughter B)lost her home C)lost her son D)lost her husband due to cancer


Regardless of the system of discipline, ___________________ should occur. A)interviews of all company employees B)gossip and texts between employees should be considered C)a conversation with the CEO D)investigation


Sylvia is an excellent employee. She asks for a raise after 3 years of working at the same rate of pay. The company owner refuses to offer her a raise, and she quits after finding another higher paying job. This is an example of turnover that was ___________ and ____________. A)Dysfunctional; unavoidable B)Functional; unavoidable C)Functional; passive D)Dysfunctional; avoidable


The process of reducing the scale and scope of a company to improve its financial situation is referred to as: A) employee layoffs B) discharging C) wrongsizing D) downsizing


What employers should do before terminations

Employers should demonstrate that: ◦That an employee was terminated for "Just cause" ◦That due process was demonstrated Documentation before terminating an employee is very important ◦Provides legal defense for termination ◦May be important to unemployment claims

Alternatives to layoffs

Hiring Freeze Natural Attrition Pay Freeze Pay Cut Furloughs Early retirements

Consequences of Turnover

Lost productivity Separation costs Recruitment Selection Training

HRM Problem 2: My company has 100 employees and 50 managers. The annual turnover rate for employees is 20% and managers is 10%. The company is planning to expand next year so that its size is doubled. The ratio of managers to employees will be the same. How many replacement hires will I need and how many new hires will I need next year? How many total hires will I need?

Replacement Hires Employees ◦100 employees x 20% rate = 20 employees Managers ◦50 managers x 10% rate = 5 employees New hires = double company with same ratio (add 100 new employees & add 50 managers) Total Hires = replacement + new ◦120 employees (20 replacement + 100 new) + 55 managers (5 replacement + 50 new) = 175 total new hires

unavoidable turnover

could not have been prevented

Reasons for rightful discharge

¨Insubordination ¨Violating company policy ¨Lying on job application ¨Excessive lateness or absence ¨Low productivity ¨Incompetence ¨Negligence ¨Sleeping on the job ¨Violating safety rules ¨Stealing ¨Fighting ¨Gambling ¨Alcohol/drug use/possession on the job ¨Conviction of a crime ¨Job obsolescence ¨Economic downturn ¨Inability to perform essential duties of job

involuntary separations

◦Discharges (dismissal) ◦Layoffs ◦Downsizing ◦Rightsizing (moving the structure around for a better fit like a puzzle)


◦Helping employees transition into new jobs ◦Job-search assistance outplacement ◦Emotional support outplacement

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