HS Physics Set 7

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60. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Short Answer A horizontal water pipe tapers so that the cross-sectional area of the pipe decreases. If the water moves at 3 meters per second in the larger portion of the pipe and at 15 meters per second in the smaller portion, what is the change in pressure, in pascals, as the water moves from the larger portion to the smaller portion of the pipe? Assume the density of water is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter and incompressible.

-108000 (DO NOT ACCEPT: 108000)

90. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Short Answer A one-dimensional electrical potential has the form V(x) = 4x2 - x. What is the electrical field associated with this potential in terms of x?

-8x + 1 (DO NOT ACCEPT: 8x - 1)

132. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Short Answer A 1 meter long wire lying along the x-axis carries a current of 10.0 amperes in the negative x direction. The wire is in a uniform magnetic field 1.0 × 10-3 teslas per square meter. Expressing your answer in scientific notation with one significant figure, what is the magnitude of the magnetic force on the wire in newtons?

1 X 10-2

105. TOSS-UP 20) PHYSICS Short Answer Providing your answer in scientific notation with one significant digit, what is the value of 1 erg in joules?

1 X 10-7

54. BONUS 8) PHYSICS Short Answer Two light waves travel the same distance of 6 × 10-7 meters but in mediums of refractive indices 1.54 and 1.00. Providing your answer in scientific notation to one significant figure, what is the time delay in seconds between waves?

1 × 10-15

18. BONUS 19) PHYSICS Short Answer A proton is travelling with a speed of 300,000 meters per second to the east in a region where there is a magnetic field of 4 teslas pointing to the north. What is the magnitude and direction of the electric field in newtons per coulomb that must be present if the proton is to move through this region undeflected?

1,200,000, DOWN

64. BONUS 7) PHYSICS Short Answer In 1955, a soldier's parachute failed to deploy, causing him to fall 1200 feet from the plane to the ground. However, he managed to land in a snow bank, surviving the fall and suffering only minor injuries. Assuming the paratrooper weighed 100 kilograms, that he had reached terminal velocity of approximately 50 meters per second, and that the snow exerts an average force of 120,000 newtons, what minimum depth of snow, in meters to one decimal place, was necessary to stop him?


39. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Short Answer A metal rod with coefficient of linear expansion 1.7 x 10-5 per degree Celsius and length 10.0 meters is at 20° Celsius. What is the increase in length in millimeters when it is heated to 30° Celsius?


68. BONUS 19) PHYSICS Short Answer The coefficient of kinetic friction between a car's tires and a flat road is 0.8. The car is travelling at 40 meters per second when the driver slams on the brakes, causing the tires to lock. Assuming the acceleration due to gravity is 10 meters per second squared, how far will the car travel in meters after the driver hits the brakes?


24. BONUS 9) PHYSICS Short Answer A large water rocket is in the process of taking off. It is noted that when the rocket weighs 600 newtons and has an exhaust speed of 5 meters per second that it doesn't leave the ground and it also ceases to apply a force on the ground. What must be the volume flow rate of the exhaust in liters per second?


100. BONUS 23) PHYSICS Short Answer A 2 kilogram ball experiences a force according to the relation 𝐹 = 6𝑡2, where F is the force in newtons and t is the time in seconds. Assuming that the ball started from rest, how fast in meters per second is the ball moving after experiencing this force for 5 seconds?


118. BONUS 3) PHYSICS Short Answer What is the minimum current in amperes a circuit breaker fuse must be able to handle in order to run a 1450 watt refrigerator hooked up to a 110 volt kitchen circuit, assuming fuses are only available in whole number increments?


36. BONUS 15) PHYSICS Short Answer At the bottom of a loop-the-loop on a roller coaster, Mike's apparent weight is three times his weight. Assuming g = 10 meters per second squared and the diameter of the loop-the-loop is 20 meters, what is Mike's speed as a whole number in meters per second?


116. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Short Answer Rounded to the nearest thousand, how many joules of work are done in pulling a wagon with a force of 2000 newtons over a horizontal surface of 10 meters, with a chain that makes a 45º angle with the surface?


14. BONUS 7) PHYSICS Short Answer After running for 20 minutes, a person's diastolic blood pressure is 100 millimeters of mercury. Providing your answer to two significant figures, what is the equivalent height in centimeters of a column of water, assuming the mass density of mercury is 13.6 grams per cubic centimeter and the mass density of water is 1.0 grams per cubic centimeter?


20. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Short Answer A 100 microfarad parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates is connected to a 1.5 volt battery and becomes fully charged. The battery is disconnected from the capacitor and a dielectric with a dielectric constant of 7 is inserted between the plates. What is the charge in microcoulombs on one plate of the capacitor after the dielectric is inserted?


76. BONUS 15) PHYSICS Short Answer If we could capture one second of the total energy output of the Sun, store it, and use it with just 20% efficiency, how long, in years and to two significant digits, would this energy last based upon current global energy consumption? Assume the current global energy consumed per year is about 500,000,000 terajoules and the current luminosity of the Sun is 4 x 1026 watts.


112. BONUS 7) PHYSICS Short Answer A 2 kilogram object experiences a force with respect to time according to the relation F = 4t newtons from time t = 0 seconds to time t = 3 seconds. What is the impulse that the object experiences in kilogram meters per second during these three seconds?


23. TOSS-UP 9) PHYSICS Short Answer In order to play a low C followed by a high C, one octave up, on a violin string, the violinist must increase the frequency of the string by what factor?


138. BONUS 13) PHYSICS Short Answer Which of the following three choices has the longest period: 1) a pendulum [PEN-juh-luhm] on Earth with a cord length of 3 meters, 2) a pendulum on the Moon, where the acceleration due to gravity is roughly 1.6 meters per second squared, with a cord length of 1 meter, or 3) a pendulum on Jupiter, where acceleration due to gravity is 26 meters per second squared, with a cord length of 10 meters?


78. BONUS 18) PHYSICS Short Answer Given h = 6.6 x 10-34 joule seconds and providing your answer in scientific notation to one significant figure, what is the energy of a photon in joules with a wavelength of 0.1 micrometers?

2 x 10-18

162. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Short Answer During Bragg diffraction, x-rays are shone on a crystal to determine the crystal's structure. Providing your answer in scientific notation, if x-rays with 1 nanometer wavelength are incident on a crystal and the second maximum appears at 30 degrees, what is the lattice spacing, in meters, of the crystal being studied?

2 x 10-9

80. BONUS 21) PHYSICS Short Answer Given that the elementary charge is 1.6 x 10-19 coulombs and providing your answer in scientific notation to one significant digit, how many excess electrons would be present in an object with a net negative charge of 2.5 coulombs?

2 x 1019

37. TOSS-UP 18) PHYSICS Short Answer By number, rank from greatest to least the moments of inertia for a golf club rotated about the following axes: 1) through the center of mass and parallel to the long axis of the club; 2) through the end of the handle and perpendicular to the long axis of the club; 3) through the center of mass and perpendicular to the long axis of the club.

2, 3, 1

110. BONUS 1) PHYSICS Short Answer You are in a spaceship and you bounce a ball off of a wall and catch it. The time between the instant you throw the ball and when it returns is 1.5 seconds. Another spaceship is travelling at a speed 4/5 the speed of light relative to your ship. From the frame of reference of the other ship, providing your answer to the nearest tenth, how long does it take in seconds for you to throw and catch the ball?


140. BONUS 17) PHYSICS Short Answer A rod of length 1 meter and mass 2 kilograms is pivoted perpendicularly to its length and through its center of mass. If two point masses, each with a mass of 1 kilogram, are attached to each end of the rod, what is the total moment of inertia in kilogram meters squared of this collection of objects?


34. BONUS 12) PHYSICS Short Answer A pilot in training is placed into a human centrifuge where she will experience 5 g of force pulling her inward, the acceleration at which most people will begin to lose consciousness. Given g as 10 meters per second squared, if the centrifuge has a mechanical arm that holds her at a radius of 8 meters, how fast will the pilot be traveling in meters per second?


52. BONUS 2) PHYSICS Short Answer A curve banked at 45° has a radius of 62.5 meters. Assuming g = 10 meters per second squared, if a car is to navigate through the curve with no friction needed, with what speed, in meters per second, should the car travel?


91. TOSS-UP 4) PHYSICS Short Answer If it takes 60 pounds-force to loosen a lug nut with a 5 inch wrench, how much force in pounds-force would it take if you used a 12 inch wrench instead?


57. TOSS-UP 20) PHYSICS Short Answer Ryan, who weighs 150 pounds, and Kate, who weighs 50 pounds, are standing on slippery ice and push off from each other. Ignoring friction, if Ryan moves off at 1 meter per second, Kate moves off with what speed in meters per second?


98. BONUS 17) PHYSICS Short Answer A projectile is launched with a speed of 10 meters per second from the top of a 30 meter tall cliff at an angle of 30° above the horizontal. Assuming that g is 10 meters per second squared, how many seconds after launch will it take this particle to strike the ground at the bottom of the cliff?


136. BONUS 10) PHYSICS Short Answer A child is playing on a straight metal slide which is at 45° to the level ground. The child slides down the slide in twice the time it would take if the slide was completely frictionless. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction of the slide?

3 4 (ACCEPT: 0.75)

6. BONUS 14) PHYSICS Short Answer The breakdown electric field of air is approximately 3 million volts per meter. Assuming that lightning moves uniformly through a cylinder of air with a crosssectional area of 1 square meter and providing your answer in scientific notation with one significant digit, if a typical storm cloud is at an altitude of 2,000 meters and the resistivity of air is about 10 ohm-meters at breakdown, what is the current in amperes of a cloud-to-cloud lightning strike?

3 x 105

117. TOSS-UP 3) PHYSICS Short Answer A ball is dropped from rest at a height of 60 meters above the ground. If the potential energy is zero at the ground, then at what height in meters is the potential energy 60% of its initial potential energy?


50. BONUS 23) PHYSICS Short Answer A 35.4 x 10-11 coulomb charge is placed into a spherical Gaussian [GOUS-ee-uhn] surface with a radius of 5 meters. Given that epsilon naught is 8.85 x 10-12 farads per meter, what is the electric flux through this surface in newton meters squared per coulomb?


119. TOSS-UP 9) PHYSICS Short Answer What is the efficiency of a Carnot heat engine in which 500 joules of heat enters from the hot reservoir and 300 joules exits into the cold reservoir?


33. TOSS-UP 12) PHYSICS Short Answer A cheetah has an ability to accelerate from 0 to 30 meters per second in three seconds. Assuming constant acceleration, what distance in meters can the cheetah cover in this time interval?


83. TOSS-UP 12) PHYSICS Short Answer You are traveling down a level highway in your car with mass 1000 kilograms at 30 meters per second when you see a deer and hit the brakes. How much time, in seconds, would it take to stop fully if the applied braking force is 5000 newtons?


122. BONUS 15) PHYSICS Short Answer Charged particles in a uniform magnetic field will undergo circular motion with a period of T = 2πm/(qB). The magnetic field of the Earth is roughly 10-4 tesla, assuming it is uniform. Given the mass of a proton to be 1.6 x 10-27 kilograms and its electric charge to be 1.6 x 10-19 coulombs, providing your answer in scientific notation to one significant figure, what period in seconds would you measure for a proton?

6 x 10-4

3. TOSS-UP 8) PHYSICS Short Answer The breakdown electric field of air is approximately 3 million volts per meter. Providing your answer in scientific notation, if a typical storm cloud is at an altitude of 2,000 meters, what is the voltage drop between the ground and the storm cloud just before the lightning strike?

6 x 109

124. BONUS 21) PHYSICS Short Answer A container contains 3 moles of helium. The volume remains constant after 2 moles of gas are added and the temperature is halved. Providing your answer as a fraction, what is the ratio of the initial gas pressure to the final gas pressure?


120. BONUS 9) PHYSICS Short Answer A typical incandescent light bulb wastes 90% of its power as heat. Ignoring the contribution of the walls and any furniture, if you left a 100 watt incandescent bulb on in a 5 by 5 by 5 meter room for 100,000 seconds, how much would the temperature of the air in the room increase, in degrees Celsius? Assume, for simplicity, that the room is a closed thermodynamic system, the heat capacity of air is 1 joule per gram per degree, and the mass density of air in the room is 1.2 kilograms per cubic meter.


70. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Short Answer A 10 ohm resistor, a 20 ohm resistor, and a 30 ohm resistor are connected in series to a 12 volt battery. How much energy in joules is dissipated in heat through the 30 ohm resistor in 60 seconds?


32. BONUS 6) PHYSICS Short Answer A door of area 3 square meters and thickness 4 centimeters is composed of a material whose thermal conductivity is 0.10 watts per meter Kelvin. What is the heat flow, in watts, through the door when the temperature difference is 10 Kelvin?


30. BONUS 21) PHYSICS Short Answer Two satellites are orbiting in circular orbits of radii r1 and r2 around a planet, where r1 = 4r2. What is the ratio of their periods of revolutions T1/T2?


62. BONUS 1) PHYSICS Short Answer A rocket sled can accelerate to 40 meters per second in 0.05 seconds. What force, in newtons, would a 100 kilogram test dummy on the rocket sled experience from this motion?


48. BONUS 17) PHYSICS Short Answer What is the root mean square voltage of a power supply that outputs a sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 60 hertz and peak voltage of 120 volts?


114. BONUS 12) PHYSICS Short Answer A parallel plate capacitor has an area of 2 square meters and plate separation of 1 millimeter. If the electric field between the plates is 10 volts per meter, and given 9 x 10-12 coulombs squared over newtons meter squared as ε0 [epsilon naught], providing your answer in scientific notation with one significant figure, what is the energy in joules stored by the capacitor?

9 x 10-13

38. BONUS 18) PHYSICS Short Answer Properly match the type of energy transfer with the following four situations described: A) mechanical work; B) matter transfer; C) electromagnetic radiation; D) mechanical waves; with 1) pushing a box across the floor; 2) listening to music; 3) seeing a bright light bulb; 4) filling a gas tank with fuel.


88. BONUS 18) PHYSICS Short Answer In neutron decay, a neutron decays into a proton, an electron, and what else?


2. BONUS 2) PHYSICS Short Answer A set of non-zero vectors is added to obtain a sum of zero. What is the minimum number of vectors in the set if they are a) equal in magnitude or b) unequal in magnitude?


41. TOSS-UP 4) PHYSICS Short Answer Which law of physics explains how a changing magnetic field can produce an electric current?


61. TOSS-UP 1) PHYSICS Short Answer Schrödinger's equation is a fundamental part of what scientific theory?


123. TOSS-UP 21) PHYSICS Short Answer What law describes the relationship between the direction of incident and refracted light rays?


109. TOSS-UP 1) PHYSICS Short Answer A 1 nanocoulomb charge is held 1 meter above an infinite sheet with a surface charge density of 1 nanocoulomb per meter squared. If the charge is moved to 2 meters from the sheet, then by what factor does the electric force on the charge change?


134. BONUS 4) PHYSICS Short Answer What famous nuclear reaction bypasses the "mass 8 gap" in stellar burning and proceeds mainly through the Hoyle state in carbon-12?


133. TOSS-UP 4) PHYSICS Short Answer According to the Standard Model, protons and neutrons are made of quarks. What are the quark constituents of protons?


113. TOSS-UP 12) PHYSICS Short Answer What are the units of the dielectric constant?


40. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Two pipes of diameters 𝑑1 and 𝑑2 are connected. What is the ratio of kinetic energy per unit volume (k1/k2) of water flowing through these pipes? W) � (𝑑2 /𝑑1) 4 [open parenthesis d2 over d1 close parenthesis to the power of 4] X) (𝑑2/𝑑1)2 [open parenthesis d2 over d1 close parenthesis to the power of 2] Y)(𝑑1/𝑑2) 4 [open parenthesis d1 over d2 close parenthesis to the power of 4] Z) (𝑑1/ 𝑑2) 2 [open parenthesis d1 over d2 close parenthesis to the power of 2]

W) (𝑑2/ 𝑑1) 4

1. TOSS-UP 2) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A train approaches a station with a velocity of +15 meters per second relative to the ground. If a person on the train is moving towards the rear of the train at a speed of 1.5 meters per second relative to the train, what is the velocity, in meters per second, of the person relative to the ground? W) +13.5 X) - 13.5 Y) +16.5 Z) -16.5

W) +13.5

75. TOSS-UP 15) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Three unequal forces act on an object. If the forces have magnitudes of 30 newtons, 50 newtons, and 70 newtons, what is the minimum net force in newtons that can act on this object? W) 0 X) 10 Y) 50 Z) 90

W) 0

71. TOSS-UP 3) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 20 kilogram mass is suspended from the end of a spring with a spring constant of 5 newtons per meter. If the mass is displaced 10 centimeters from equilibrium [ee-kwuh-LIB-ree-uhm], what is the maximum speed of the mass in meters per second? W) 0.05 X) 0.25 Y) 0.5 Z) 2

W) 0.05

16. BONUS 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice What is the wavelength in nanometers of a photon of period 3.33 × 10-18 seconds? W) 1 X) 3 Y) 6 Z) 9

W) 1

12. L BONUS 1) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Two objects of masses m1 and m2 with speeds v1 and v2, where v2 = 0, suffer collision, stick together, and move off with speed V. Which of the following equals the ratio v1/V? W) 1 + m2/m1 X) 1 + m1/m2 Y) 1 - m2/m1 Z) 1 - m1/m2

W) 1 + m2/m1

47. TOSS-UP 17) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 1 kilogram object is travelling to the left at 3 meters per second when it explodes into 2 equal pieces. One piece is travelling at 7 meters per second to the left after the explosion. What is the velocity in meters per second of the other piece after the explosion? W) 1 to the right X) 1 to the left Y) 4 to the right Z) 4 to the left


65. TOSS-UP 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A wire carries a current of 2 amperes vertically upward. What is the magnitude and direction of the magnetic field in teslas produced by the wire 4 millimeters to the North of the wire? W) 1 x 10-4 , West X) 1 x 10-4 , East Y) 2 x 10-4 , West Z) 2 x 10-4 , East

W) 1 X 10-4 , WEST

145. TOSS-UP 8) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Given R = 1.097 × 107 inverse meters, which of the following represents the wavelength of the longest wavelength Lyman line of the hydrogen spectrum in meters and the region of the electromagnetic spectrum in which it lies? W) 1.22 × 10-7 ; ultraviolet X) 1.22 × 10-7 ; visible Y) 1.22 × 10-6 ; infrared Z) 1.22 × 10-6 ; visible

W) 1.22 × 10-7 ; ULTRAVIOLET

106. BONUS 20) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A light wave travels a distance of 3 × 10-7 meters in a medium of refractive index n ≈ 1.5. How much time does this trip take? W) 1.5 × 10-6 nanoseconds X) 4.5 × 10-6 nanoseconds Y) 1.5 × 10-6 seconds Z) 4.5 × 10-6 seconds

W) 1.5 × 10-6 NANOSECONDS

46. BONUS 13) PHYSICS Multiple Choice An RLC circuit consists of a 2 henry inductor, a 1000 ohm resistor, an 8 farad capacitor, and a power supply in series. With what frequency in hertz must the power supply operate in order to establish resonance in the circuit? W) 1/8π X) 1/4 Y) 4 Z) 8π

W) 1/8π

84. BONUS 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Epsilon naught, εo, and mu naught, µo, are permittivity and permeability constants of free space, respectively. The speed of light is found in terms of these constants as which of the following? W) 1/squareroot(𝜀0𝜇0) [1 over the square root of the quantity epsilon naught mu naught] X) squareroot(𝜀0𝜇0) [the square root of the quantity epsilon naught mu naught] Y) 𝜇0 /4𝜋𝜋0 [the fraction with numerator mu naught and denominator 4 pi epsilon naught] Z) 𝜀0/𝜇0 [epsilon naught over mu naught]

W) 1/squareroot(𝜀0𝜇0)

144. BONUS 2) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following best estimates the momentum carried by an electromagnetic wave with energy of 30 joules? W) 10-7 X) 10-5 Y) 3 x 10-7 Z) 9 x 10-5

W) 10-7

26. BONUS 15) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Assuming h = 6.63 x 10-34 joule seconds, what is the approximate energy of a photon in joules in a 1000 nanometer light beam? W) 2 × 10-19 X) 2 × 10-18 Y) 2 × 10-17 Z) 4 × 10-18

W) 2 × 10-19

66. BONUS 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A solid sphere of uniform density rolls down an incline without slipping. At the bottom of the incline, what fraction of the kinetic energy of the sphere is rotational kinetic energy? W) 2/7 X) 5/7 Y) 1/2 Z) 7/10

W) 2/7

160. BONUS 19) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A lady in a spacecraft travelling away from the Earth at 4/5 the speed of light gives birth to a child at 1:00 p.m., which, according to the spacecraft's clock, is only 3 hours after the spacecraft departed from the Earth. Assuming constant acceleration during those 3 hours, what is the child's birth time according to a stationary clock on the Earth? W) 2:00 p.m. X) 4:00 p.m. Y) 6:00 p.m. Z) 7:30 p.m.

W) 2:00 p.m.

161. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If the magnitude of a magnetic field is multiplied by 4, by what factor is the magnitude of the energy difference ∆E [delta E] between electron states ms = ± 1 2 2T multiplied? W) 4 X) 2 Y) 1/2 Z) 1/4

W) 4

153. TOSS-UP 1) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Water flows at 2.0 meters per second through a tube of radius 1 centimeter. The dynamic viscosity of the water is 1.0 × 10-3 pascal seconds. Which of the following best represents the Reynolds number and the nature of the flow, given that the density of water is 1.0 × 103 kilograms per cubic meter? W) 40,000; turbulent X) 40,000; laminar Y) 20,000; turbulent Z) 20,000; laminar

W) 40,000; TURBULENT

56. BONUS 14) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 100 meter spaceship moves past you with speed √3𝑐/22T. At what length in meters do you measure the spaceship? W) 50 X) 50 √3 Y) 100 Z) 200

W) 50

67. TOSS-UP 19) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 500 kilogram roller coaster car rounds the top of a hill with a radius of 25 meters at a speed of 15 meters per second. Given that the acceleration due to gravity is 10 meters per second squared, what is the normal force in newtons on the car at this point? W) 500 X) 4500 Y) 5000 Z) 5500

W) 500

35. TOSS-UP 15) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A chunk of gold with a density of 19,300 kilograms per cubic meter and volume of 0.3 cubic meters is completely submerged in water. Assuming g = 10 meters per second squared and the density of water is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter, what is the apparent weight of the gold in newtons? W) 54,900 X) 64,900 Y) 183,000 Z) 193,000

W) 54,900

19. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A top is spinning at a rate of 2π radians per second when it slows uniformly to a stop in 15 seconds. Through how many revolutions did the top turn before stopping? W) 7.5 X) 7.5π Y) 15 Z) 15π

W) 7.5

111. TOSS-UP 7) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A field emission microscope requires which of the following? W) A conductor with a very fine point X) High energy alpha particles Y) A light source with a wavelength shorter that the smallest observable feature size Z) A low amplitude, time-varying magnetic field


157. TOSS-UP 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following ways will allow you to increase the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor? W) Decreasing the plate separation X) Increasing the plate separation Y) Decreasing the surface area of each plate Z) Increasing the charge on the plates


31. TOSS-UP 6) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A human eye has three layers with refractive indices n1 , n2 , and n3, where n1 < n2 and n1 = n3 . Which of the following properties of a light ray is the same in all layers? W) Frequency only X) Speed only Y) Wavelength only Z) Frequency and speed


92. BONUS 4) PHYSICS Multiple Choice On a sunny clear day, the sky seems to be bluer directly overhead than it does toward the horizon. Which of the following is the reason? W) Light from the Sun undergoes more scattering with distance X) The atmosphere has higher density at the zenith versus closer to the Earth's surface Y) There is more oxygen in the air closer to the Earth's surface than high in the atmosphere Z) The upper atmosphere is colder than the Earth's surface


51. TOSS-UP 2) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A box of proper length l, proper width w, and proper height h is falling right-side up without tumbling toward the ground. The Lorentz contraction predicts that which of the following dimensions will be contracted? W) Only height X) Only height and length Y) Only length and width Z) Height, width and length


10. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A box slides with friction up a ramp, comes to rest briefly, and then slides back down. Which of the following statements about this motion is true? W) The magnitude of the acceleration of the box at any point sliding up the ramp is greater than the magnitude of the acceleration at the same point down the ramp X) The magnitude of the acceleration of the box at any point sliding down the ramp is greater than the magnitude of the acceleration at the same point up the ramp Y) The magnitude of the acceleration of the box at any point sliding up the ramp is the same as the magnitude of the acceleration of the box at the same point down the ramp and is non-zero Z) The magnitude of the acceleration of the box at any point sliding up the ramp is the same as the magnitude of the acceleration of the box at the same point down the ramp and is zero


108. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice In a science lab, a sphere rolls on a horizontal flat surface until it eventually comes to rest, but not as a result of a frictional force. Which of the following is the best explanation of why the sphere comes to rest? W) The spherical shape and/or flat surface must not be ideal and the sphere will stop where a defect makes that location a minimum potential-energy position X) Some other force, like fluid friction, must be acting on the sphere Y) Angular momentum between the rolling sphere and the spinning Earth must be conserved Z) The force of gravity must not be constant even though the surface is flat


131. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice What physical unit is the product of velocity, magnetic field, and length? W) Volt X) Newton meter per ampere second squared Y) Joule per second squared Z) Newton per ampere


44. BONUS 10) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Free neutrons decay to protons, electrons, and antineutrinos. What fundamental force is responsible for this decay? W) Weak nuclear X) Strong nuclear Y) Electromagnetic Z) Gravitational


155. TOSS-UP 7) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following experiments provided evidence in favor of the wave theory of light? W) Young's double slit experiment X) Michelson-Morley experiment Y) Robert Millikan's oil-drop experiment Z) Huygens' experiment


95. TOSS-UP 13) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If object A and object B are in thermal equilibrium, and object B and object C are in thermal equilibrium, then object A and object C are also in thermal equilibrium. This situation is an example of what law of thermodynamics? W) Zeroth X) First Y) Second Z) Third


148. BONUS 14) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A sports car driver slams the brakes and the car slows from 90 miles per hour to a complete stop in 4 seconds. In terms of g, which of the following is closest to the car's acceleration? W) -0.5 g X) -g Y) -2g Z) -5g

X) -g

139. TOSS-UP 17) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A square loop of wire with a resistance of 2 ohms and a side length of 2 meters has a magnetic field of 5 teslas passing straight through it. If the field is uniformly reduced to zero in 10 seconds, what is the magnitude of the current generated in the loop in amperes? W) 0.5 X) 1 Y) 2 Z) 4

X) 1

158. BONUS 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice An electron and positron collide and annihilate [uh-NY-uh-layt] one another. Which of the following is nearest the energy released, in mega electronvolts? W) 0.5 X) 1 Y) 2 Z) 10

X) 1

25. TOSS-UP 15) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Two satellites of masses m1 and m2, where m1 = 4m2, are deployed in circular orbits of the same radius in the gravitational field of Earth. What is the ratio of their linear speeds v1/v2? W) 1/4 X) 1 Y) 2 Z) 4

X) 1

146. BONUS 8) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Assuming a metabolic rate of 500 watts, how much energy in joules is transformed by a 70 kilogram person while exercising for 1 hour? W) 1500 X) 1.8 million Y) 5 .4 million Z) 6.3 trillion


74. BONUS 9) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 100 watt current of heat flows via conduction between two stable temperature reservoirs through a material of length 5 centimeters and cross-sectional area 0.5 square meters. If the length of material is extended to 1 meter and the cross-sectional area increased to 1 square meter, what is the new heat current in watts? W) 5 X) 10 Y) 20 Z) 50

X) 10

143. TOSS-UP 2) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Assuming g = 10 meters per second squared and the density of freshwater is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter, what is the buoyancy force in newtons exerted on a rock with mass of 100 kilograms and a volume of 10,000 cubic centimeters sitting at the bottom of a freshwater lake? W) 10 X) 100 Y) 1000 Z) 10000

X) 100

22. BONUS 3) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Assuming that 1 atmosphere = 1.01 × 105 pascals and the density of water is 1000 kilograms per cubic meter, at what depth of water will the absolute pressure be 10.8 times the atmospheric pressure? W) 10.1 meters X) 101 meters Y) 1,010 meters Z) 10.1 kilometers


45. TOSS-UP 13) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A particle is constrained to move in one dimension according to the relation x = 3t 3 [x equals 3 t cubed], where x is the position from the origin in meters and t is time in seconds. What is the acceleration in meters per second squared of the particle at t = 7 seconds? W) 18 X) 126 Y) 441 Z) 1029

X) 126

135. TOSS-UP 10) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If 500 joules of energy are required to move a 20-coulomb charge from point A to point B, what must be the potential difference, in volts, between A and B? W) 0 X) 25 Y) 1000 Z) 10000

X) 25

96. BONUS 13) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following is nearest escape velocity on the surface of the Earth, in miles per hour? W) 1000 X) 25,000 Y) 66,000 Z) 670 million

X) 25,000

128. BONUS 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Two objects with masses m1 and m2 are hanging vertically by different springs of spring constants k1 and k2. If m1 = 3m2 and k1= 2k2, what is the ratio x1/x2 of their stretches? W) 2/3 X) 3/2 Y) 4 Z) 6

X) 3/2

21. TOSS-UP 3) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A box is sitting on a ramp with a coefficient of static friction of 0.7. Which of the following is closest to the smallest ramp angle for which the box will begin to slide down the ramp? W) 30° X) 35° Y) 45° Z) 60°

X) 35°

142. BONUS 23) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A motor has a DC resistance of 5 ohms. The motor operates on 220 volt AC, and when running at full speed, it generates a back electromotive force of 200 volts. What is the current, in amperes, drawn when the motor operates at top speed? W) 0.4 X) 4 Y) 40 Z) 44

X) 4

4. BONUS 8) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A circuit consists of 5 capacitors of 5 microfarads each and a voltage source of 20 volts. If the capacitors are connected in series, what is the potential difference across each of them? W) 4 microvolts X) 4 volts Y) 10 volts Z) 20 volts


127. TOSS-UP 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A body with a 2 kilogram mass has position vector r = 3i + 2t2j meters. What is the velocity at t = 1 second? W) 1j X) 4j Y) 3i + 4j Z) 1i + 1j

X) 4j

130. BONUS 18) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Assuming the Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 × 10-23 joules per Kelvin, what is the average translational kinetic energy in joules of molecules of an ideal gas at 127o Celsius? W) 2.6 ×10-21 X) 8.28 × 10-21 Y) 2.6 ×10-22 Z) 8.28 ×10-22

X) 8.28 ×10-21

97. TOSS-UP 17) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Fluid pressure is caused by which of the following? W) Gravitational interactions among atoms and molecules of the fluid X) Collisions of fast moving atoms and molecules of the fluid Y) Strong nuclear force among nucleons Z) Weak forces among particles


11. TOSS-UP 1) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If the viscous force acting on an object moving through a liquid or gas is modeled as F = -bv, where F is the resistive force, v is the velocity, and b is a constant, which of the following types of equation will need to be solved in order to determine the acceleration as a function of time? W) Transcendental X) Differential Y) Hyperbolic Z) Logarithmic


85. TOSS-UP 15) PHYSICS Multiple Choice The power input in a perfectly efficient step-up transformer is which of the following? W) Larger than the power output X) Equal to the power output Y) Smaller than the power output Z) Not related to the power output


73. TOSS-UP 9) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following light movement directions is NOT able to produce total reflection from a surface perpendicular to a light beam? W) From water to air X) From air to water Y) From glass to air Z) From oil to air


27. TOSS-UP 18) PHYSICS Multiple Choice In order to see a full height image of your body, the vertical size of a mirror should be at least which of the following? W) One-fourth of your height X) Half of your height Y) Your height Z) Twice your height


141. TOSS-UP 23) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A simple pendulum [PEN-juh-luhm] is pulled back to a large angle less than 90°, so that the small angle approximation is no longer valid for this situation. Which of the following statements is true about the period of oscillation of the pendulum? W) It is independent of the amplitude X) It is larger than the small angle approximation Y) It is smaller than the small angle approximation Z) It depends on the square root of the amplitude


121. TOSS-UP 15) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A small rubber duck is held underwater at a depth of 10 meters, then released. When the duck reaches a depth of 5 meters, how much has the buoyant force on the duck changed? W) It has decreased by half X) It is unchanged Y) It has doubled Z) It has quadrupled


5. TOSS-UP 14) PHYSICS Multiple Choice One hundred resistors have minimum, mean, and maximum values of 110 ohms, 150 ohms, and 300 ohms, respectively. If all 100 resistors are connected in parallel, which of the following ranges could contain the equivalent resistance? W) The provided information is insufficient to answer the question X) Less than 110 ohms Y) More than 110 ohms but less than 300 ohms Z) More than 300 ohms


125. TOSS-UP 6) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following quark compositions does NOT have a total of zero strangeness quantum number? W) Up, down X) Up, strange Y) Strange, antiparticle strange Z) Down, down


147. TOSS-UP 14) PHYSICS Multiple Choice What is the speed of a particle that has a Lorentz factor of 3.0? W) 2𝑐√3 X) (3𝑐√2)/2 Y) (2𝑐 √2)/3 Z) (𝑐√2 )⁄3

Y) (2𝑐√2)/3

58. BONUS 20) PHYSICS Multiple Choice The orbit of Mercury has a semi major axis of 0.4 AU and an eccentricity of 0.2. At which of the following distances from the Sun in AU will Mercury move the slowest? W) 0.3 X) 0.4 Y) 0.5 Z) 0.8

Y) 0.5

13. TOSS-UP 7) PHYSICS Multiple Choice You are at a party where the sound level is 70 decibels. Someone turns up the radio and the sound level suddenly increases to 100 decibels. By what factor has the sound intensity been multiplied? W) 30 X) 100 Y) 1000 Z) 10,000

Y) 1000

94. BONUS 10) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A transformer has a primary coil with 10 loops and a secondary coil with 100 loops. If the primary coil is supplied with a household voltage of 100 volts and current of 10 amperes, what is the maximum voltage, in volts, across an open circuit produced in the secondary circuit? W) 10 X) 100 Y) 1000 Z) 10,000

Y) 1000

159. TOSS-UP 19) PHYSICS Multiple Choice The wavelength shift of light from a quasar gives the recessional speed v ≈ 2.18 × 108 meters per second. If the Hubble constant is 21.8 millimeters per second per light year, what is the approximate distance of the quasar in light years? W) 108 X) 109 Y) 1010 Z) 1011

Y) 1010

99. TOSS-UP 23) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A proton initially at rest is accelerated through a potential difference of 1 megavolt. What is its final kinetic energy in electronvolts? W) 103 X) 1.6 × 106 Y) 106 Z) 1.6 × 106

Y) 106

79. TOSS-UP 21) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If the proper energy of 15 grams of matter is 1.35 x 10n joules, what is the value of n? W) 9 X) 12 Y) 15 Z) 18

Y) 15

7. TOSS-UP 20) PHYSICS Multiple Choice The triple point of water is nearest which of the following temperatures? W) 273° Fahrenheit X) 273° Celsius Y) 273 Kelvin Z) 0 Kelvin


43. TOSS-UP 10) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A slingshot stretched by a distance x gives a pebble speed v. What is the speed of the same pebble if a slingshot, obeying Hooke's law, is stretched by a distance 2x? W) v/2 X) v Y) 2v Z) 4v

Y) 2v

129. TOSS-UP 18) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If the tension in a stretched string is multiplied by a factor of 9, the speed of the transverse wave is multiplied by what factor? W) 1/9 X) 1/3 Y) 3 Z) 9

Y) 3

154. BONUS 1) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 1000-watt oven is connected to a 240-volt AC power source. Which of the following is nearest the peak voltage across the oven? W) 120 X) 270 Y) 340 Z) 370

Y) 340

69. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 3 kilogram mass, a 4 kilogram mass, and a 5 kilogram mass are placed in a line at positions of 3 meters, 4 meters, and 5 meters, respectively, from the origin. Which of the following is nearest the location of the center of mass of this set of masses in meters from the origin? W) 0.24 X) 1.00 Y) 4.17 Z) 12.0

Y) 4.17

152. BONUS 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Bats find their prey in the dark via echolocation [ek-oh-loh-KAYshuhn]. Given that the speed of sound is 300 meters per second, if a bat emits a chirp at a frequency of 66 kilohertz, what is the smallest size of insect in millimeters it is able to detect? W) 0.2 X) 1 Y) 5 Z) 16

Y) 5

77. TOSS-UP 18) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A 2 kilogram piece of clay is moving with a velocity of 4 meters per second to the north when it collides perfectly inelastically with another 2 kilogram piece of clay that is moving with a speed of 3 meters per second to the east. Which of the following is nearest the angle in degrees that the combined clay's velocity will make with the east after the collision? W) 30° X) 37° Y) 53° Z) 60°

Y) 53°

81. TOSS-UP 6) PHYSICS Multiple Choice How many types of quarks are there in nature? W) 3 X) 5 Y) 6 Z) 10

Y) 6

42. BONUS 4) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A wireless router transmits an 802.11a Wi-Fi radio signal at 5 megahertz with a speed up to 54 megabits of data per second. What is the wavelength of the router's signal in meters? W) 10 X) 15 Y) 60 Z) 150

Y) 60

63. TOSS-UP 7) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Two spheres, each with a charge of 3 microcoulombs, are separated by 9 meters. Given that k = 9 x 109 meters per farad, how much electric potential energy in joules is stored in this combination of charges? W) 9 x 10-6 X) 1 x 10-3 Y) 9 x 10-3 Z) 9 x 109

Y) 9 x 10-3

53. TOSS-UP 8) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following statements is NOT true? W) Electrons, protons, and neutrons obey the Pauli exclusion principle X) The Pauli exclusion principle applies to all fermions Y) All fermions have a spin of 1/2 Z) Electrons, protons, and neutrons obey Fermi-Dirac distribution


156. BONUS 7) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If bombarding a beryllium target by alpha particles produces a neutron, which of the following must also be produced? W) Lithium X) Boron Y) Carbon Z) Nitrogen


15. TOSS-UP 12) PHYSICS Multiple Choice What is the main difference between transverse and longitudinal waves? W) Wavelength X) Frequency Y) Direction of the medium displacement with respect to the direction of wave propagation Z) Phase difference


55. TOSS-UP 14) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A projectile is launched tangentially to the Earth's surface with a speed such that it will neither collide with the Earth nor escape its gravity. Ignoring air resistance, this projectile's trajectory will have what shape? W) Parabolic X) Circular Y) Elliptical X) Hyperbolic


59. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following quantities has an inverse-cubic relationship with distance? W) The magnitude of the gravitational force between two point masses X) The electric potential energy for a point charge Y) The magnetic field strength at an axial point from the center of a current loop Z) The speed of a satellite in circular orbit around the Earth


86. BONUS 15) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A high energy photon near a nucleus can produce an electronpositron pair. What is the minimum energy a photon must have for this to happen? W) Half of the proper energy of the electron X) The proper energy of the electron Y) Two times the proper energy of the electron Z) Ten times the proper energy of the electron


93. TOSS-UP 10) PHYSICS Multiple Choice The messenger particles of weak interaction are which of the following? W) Z bosons only X) W+ and W- bosons only Y) Z, W+ , and Wbosons Z) Virtual photons


9. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A spaceship going away from you at a speed 0.2c sends an electromagnetic signal to you. What is the speed at which the signal approaches? W) 0.2 c X) 0.8 c Y) c Z) 1.2 c

Y) c

29. TOSS-UP 21) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A light ray passes from air (n1 = 1.00) to three layers of the human eye: cornea (n2 = 1.33), lens (n3 = 1.41), and vitreous humor (n4 = 1.33). The speeds of light in these mediums are, respectively, v1, v2, v3, v4. Which of the following must be true about the relationships between the speeds of light in the different media? W) v1 < v2 < v3 < v4 X) v4 < v3 < v2 < v1 Y) v3 < v2 and v4 < v1 Z) v2 < v3 and v1 < v4

Y) v3 < v2 AND v4 < v1

72. BONUS 3) PHYSICS Short Answer A distant planet has a 3:2 spin-orbit resonance due to tidal influences from its nearby host star. If this planet's sidereal day is 50 Earth days, how long, respectively, in Earth days, are its year and its solar day?


17. TOSS-UP 19) PHYSICS Multiple Choice The number of lines per centimeter in a transmission grating is 10,000. What is the distance in meters between the lines of the grating? W) 10-3 X) 10-4 Y) 10-5 Z) 10-6

Z) 10-6

150. BONUS 20) PHYSICS Multiple Choice What is the image position in centimeters of a narrow object placed 100 centimeters from a 50 centimeter focal length lens? W) 20 X) 25 Y) 50 Z) 100

Z) 100

28. BONUS 18) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A mass spectrometry experiment is performed with a magnetic field of 0.2 newtons per ampere meter and an electric field of 3.0 × 105 volts per meter. What is the speed of the ions? W) 750 meters per second X) 1500 meters per second Y) 150 kilometers per second Z) 1500 kilometers per second


103. TOSS-UP 14) PHYSICS Multiple Choice An Atwood's machine is built with a massless and frictionless pulley with a mass of 1 kilogram on one side and a mass of 4 kilograms on the other side. Assuming that the acceleration due to gravity is 10 meters per second squared, which is the speed of the masses in meters per second three seconds after being released? W) 5 X) 6 Y) 15 Z) 18

Z) 18

8. BONUS 20) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A pipe with a 30 centimeter inner radius is connected to a pipe with a 15 centimeter inner radius. If incompressible water flows through the pipes, what is the flow speed in centimeters per second in the smaller pipe if the flow speed through the larger pipe is 10 centimeters per second? W) 10 X) 20 Y) 30 Z) 40

Z) 40

126. BONUS 6) PHYSICS Multiple Choice A concave spherical mirror has a radius of 200 centimeters. What object distance in centimeters from this mirror is needed to form a real image that is one fourth of the size of the object? W) 100 X) 125 Y) 250 Z) 500

Z) 500

87. TOSS-UP 18) PHYSICS Multiple Choice The Fahrenheit and Kelvin scales give the same reading at approximately which of the following temperatures? W) 0 X) 212 Y) 273 Z) 575

Z) 575

104. BONUS 14) PHYSICS Multiple Choice You sit on a pier and look straight down into the pond below. The apparent depth of the pond from the surface of the water is 5.0 meters. Given that the refractive indexes of air and water are 1.0 and 1.3, respectively, what is the real depth of the pond in meters? W) 0.3 X) 3.8 Y) 5.0 Z) 6.7

Z) 6.7

82. BONUS 6) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following is the approximate distance in kilometers covered by a photon in one year? W) 9 thousand X) 9 million Y) 9 billion Z) 9 trillion


151. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice In a nuclear plant, 1 kilogram of mass is converted to energy. Given c = 3 x 108 meters per second, how much energy would be produced? W) 9 megajoules X) 9 gigajoules Y) 3 terajoules Z) 90 petajoules


101. TOSS-UP 8) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Two cars of unequal mass crash and stick together in a head on collision. Which of the following statements is true? W) The car with the larger mass experiences the larger magnitude impulse X) The car with the smaller mass experiences the larger magnitude impulse Y) Both cars experience the same magnitude impulse in the same direction Z) Both cars experience the same magnitude impulse in opposite directions


89. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following is true when light enters a denser medium and is refracted? W) Wavelength remains unchanged X) Wave speed increases Y) Wavelength increases Z) Frequency remains unchanged


115. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice As an object falls to the Earth with air resistance present, what happens to the acceleration of the object? W) It remains a constant 9.8 meters per second squared X) It increases from 0 to 9.8 meters per second squared Y) It remains at a constant 0 meters per second squared Z) It decreases from 9.8 to 0 meters per second squared


137. TOSS-UP 13) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following is a consequence of Gauss's law for magnetism? W) A changing magnetic flux through a loop creates an electric current around the loop X) Charges must be moving to produce magnetic fields Y) A time-varying electric flux acts as a current and produces a magnetic field Z) Magnetic monopoles do not exist


149. TOSS-UP 20) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Which of the following is the correct relationship of half-life T1/2 and mean life 𝜏 [tau] of an unstable particle, if λ [lambda] is the decay constant? W) T1/2 = λ/𝜏 [Half-life equals lambda over tau] X) T1/2 = 𝜏/λ [Half-life equals tau over lambda] Y) T1/2 = 𝜏 log2e [Half-life equals tau log base 2 of e] Z) T1/2 = 𝜏 ln (2) [Half-life equals tau natural log of 2]

Z) T1/2 = 𝜏 ln (2)

102. BONUS 8) PHYSICS Multiple Choice Two balls are thrown perfectly horizontally off a cliff on Mars, where the acceleration due to gravity is 3.7 meters per second squared. If ball 1 lands 30 meters further than ball 2, which of the following statements is correct about their initial velocities? W) The velocity of ball 1 is 30 meters per second greater than the velocity of ball 2 X) The velocity of ball 2 is 30 meters per second greater than the velocity of ball 1 Y) The velocity of ball 1 is 30 times larger than the velocity of ball 2 Z) The exact relationship cannot be determined without knowing the height of the cliff


107. TOSS-UP 25) PHYSICS Multiple Choice If a light ray passes from air (n = 1.00) to acetone (n = 1.36), what is the critical angle? W) 47° X) 67° Y) 87° Z) There is no total internal reflection


49. TOSS-UP 23) PHYSICS Multiple Choice An electron is travelling due north when it experiences a magnetic field that is pointing vertically upward. In what direction will the electron be deflected when it initially encounters the field? W) North X) South Y) East Z) West


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