HSAD 623

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When a professional determines the extent of information needed, accesses information effectively and efficiently, and evaluates information sources critically, he or she can be described as:

information literate

____________________supported by the EHR is emerging as a key to better quality outcomes for patients.

interprofessional collaboration

A criminal attack on a network using software designed to guess passwords is known as:

brute force attack

When persons living with a chronic disease use the Internet for blogging about their health challenges or participating in online discussion forums, this is known as:

peer to peer support

In deep transpersonal caring, both the care giver and the care recipient may experience healing.


(all) An example of nonclinical use of telehealth is:

-All of these are correct. -administrative supervision. -research data collection. -grand rounds.

Home care telehealth includes which of the following activities?

-Both providing customized patient education in dietary or exercise needs and review of results of medical tests and exams -Review of results of medical tests and exams -Providing customized patient education in dietary or exercise needs -Assistance to physicians in the implementation of medical treatment protocols

Health literacy skills include the ability to: (alll)

-analyze the various risks and benefits of treatments. -locate and evaluate health information for credibility and quality. -negotiate complex healthcare environments. -Correct! All of these are correct.

Reflection on practice includes: (all)

-codifying tacit knowledge. -putting personal or experiential knowledge into words. -considering why a practice situation turned out as it did.

Strategies to build an organization's knowledge base include: (all)

-joining a community of practice. -sharing experiences in a practice council. -encouraging collaboration with other professionals.

In addition to organizational commitment of resources to address safety concerns, what is a key feature of a safety culture as identified by the AHRQ? (all)

A blame-free environment where individuals are able to report errors or near misses without fear of reprimand or punishment Encouragement of collaboration across ranks and disciplines to seek solutions to patient safety problems Acknowledgment of the high-risk nature of an organization's activities and the determination to achieve consistently safe operations

Which of the following is an example of a professional database?


Which of the following statements best describes caring as defined by Watson's Theory of Human Caring?

Caring is healing consciousness and intentionality to care and promote healing.

A practice council is focused on reducing workarounds related to medication administration. Which approach is likely to be more successful?

Collecting data in the institution by asking professionals to journal examples of workarounds

An ethics approach that emerged from relatively homogenous societies where beliefs were similar and the majority of societal members shared common values is known as:

Hippocratic tradition

Which of the following is a type of behavior leading to patient safety compromises?

Risky behaviors (workarounds) Human error (unintentional mistakes) Reckless behavior (total disregard for established policies and procedures)

Telehealth is provided for which of the following patient populations?

Those recently discharged from hospitals Only homebound patients or those with limited access to transportation and rural populations who lack access to primary care Homebound patients or those with limited access to transportation Rural populations who lack access to primary care

Ethics is best described as:

a goal-oriented approach to answering questions that potentially have multiple acceptable answers.

Safe off-site use of portable devices can be accomplished by:

a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt data. limiting the information carried outside the secure network. installing software to perform a remote data wipe.

Devices that recognize thumb prints, retina patterns, or facial patterns are known as:

biometric devices

Behaviors leading to unintentional data breaches include:

both losing an input device and walking away from a workstation without logging off.

Psych Info, OTR Seeker, and SpeechBITE are examples of:

both online databases and credible information sources.

Practice-based ethics as described by Husted and Husted (1995) focuses on:

bringing about human benefit.

A dedicated clinician is required on the receiving end of the transmissions from patients at home. This requirement has limited the application of telehealth because of:

cost and scheduling difficulty

The gap between those who have access to online information and to those who do not is called:

digital divide.

The estimate of how much exposure to a potential hazard would cause varying degrees of health effects is known as:

dose-response assessment

Employee training on security measures is largely ineffective because of the complexity of the threats.


Extremely varied in nature, quantitative data can include nearly any information that can be captured and is not numerical.


HIPAA has improved the privacy and security of patient health information by applying the requirements of the HITECH act to the business associates of covered entities and by enhancing the breach notification requirements of the HITECH act.


Principles of nonmaleficence are related to direct contacts with patients and do not apply to information published on health websites.


Risk factor assessments do not complement the vital statistics data systems but complement the morbidity data systems by providing information on factors earlier in the causal chain leading to illness.


The .health domain name is available to anyone who chooses to use it for their website.


The copyright laws that cover physical books, artwork, and other creative material do not apply in the digital world.


While relationship-centered care promotes enhanced mental and physical well-being in patients, it has little effect on professionals.


Which aspect/s of the Foundation of Knowledge model act/s on and may transform any of the other aspects of the model?


In ethics theory, autonomy means:

freedom from controlling interferences.

A community of practice (CoP) would best be described as:

groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly.

Fair, equitable, and appropriate treatment in light of what is due or owed to a person is known as:


Early in healthcare professional education, conscious attention is focused mainly on:

knowledge acquisition.

An intentional departure from the accepted standard of care is called:


Professional obligations of nonmaleficience include:

not inflicting harm and not imposing risks of harm

Acceptable use policies in an organization typically restrict downloads of files by employees because:

of increased vulnerabilities to viruses.

An interprofessional team approach to caring for both humans and animals to improve the collective health of a community or population is referred to as:

one health

When a healthcare professional is largely competent in carrying out care, efficient with interventions, but inattentive to communication and nonverbal cues projected by patients and families, we say the professional is:

physically present.

New technologies in digital communications, electronic health records, and telehealth raise issues related to:

privacy and confidentiality

New technologies used in healthcare such as smartphones or Google Glass create potential ethical issues associated with:

privacy and confidentiality.

Anne is feeling overwhelmed with her personal issues and the complexity of the patients she cares for. She decides to keep a personal journal to provide her with insights into her patient experiences, and to help her get back to her caring roots. This strategy is known as:

reflective practice.

According to the Joint Commission, a patient safety issue that results in death, serious harm, or temporary harm is termed a:

sentinel event

Strategies for active listening include all except:

sharing test results.

The manipulation of a relationship, such as pretending to be an employee of the IT office and requesting an employee's password is known as:

social engineering

Assess the strength of the password provided.!E1E2E30


A specialized system of data collection to detect trends in the incidence and severity of a specific disease or health related syndrome is also known as:

syndromic surveillance.

Electronic prompts in a technology-based medication administration system warn against the possibility of drug interaction, allergy, or medication overdose when:

the medication is about to be administered. the pharmacist verifies and dispenses the medication. the physician enters the order in the CPOE system.

Qualitative research on a practice intervention provides insights into:

the patient's subjective opinion of the effectiveness of the intervention.

A benefit for healthcare professionals to using technology for patient education is:

to improve the compliance and documentation of education.

As knowledge expands with professional growth, its use becomes more:


A common thread in all ethics approaches is that they all are goal-oriented approaches to answering questions that have the potential for multiple acceptable answers.


A comprehensive surveillance effort supports timely investigation and identifies data needs for managing the public health response to an outbreak or terrorist event. Informatics tools are becoming increasingly important in these public health efforts.


A core difficulty with social media networks is that networks overlap so that the unintended audience is almost always greater than the intended one.


Biosense provides improved real-time biosurveillance and situational awareness in support of early detection.


Caring between is a co-creation of a caring environment by creating an intention to care.


Copyright violators may be fined or prosecuted.


Many organizations are looking to informatics technology to help manage complex safety issues by using smart technologies that provide knowledge access to users, provide automated safety checks, and improve communication processes.


Morals are widely shared social conventions about right and wrong human conduct.


Numerous alarms and multiple false alarms can cause alarm fatigue, resulting in slow response times to legitimate alarms.


Patient identification, staff communication, and use of alarms are part of the Hospital National Patient Safety Goals.


The Epidemic Information Exchange is a secure communication system for practitioners to access and share preliminary health surveillance information.


The overall question the risk assessment has to answer is "How much risk is acceptable?"


When RFID tags are embedded in patient identification bracelets, they can help with patient tracking during procedures and testing or function as part of the EHR communicating pertinent information to clinicians at the bedside.


A meta-analysis helps to generate new practice evidence and knowledge by:

using statistical methods to combine the results of several quantitative studies.

Assess the strength of the password provided. Your initials with one letter in CAPS


An organization's confidentiality policy should clearly define:

which data are confidential. procedures for releasing confidential information. procedures to follow if confidential information is accidentally released without authorization.

Software that tracks and monitors employee network activity typically tracks:

which files an employee accesses. what changes were made to files. whether or not files were copied.

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