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homestead strike

1892 steelworker strike near Pittsburgh against the Carnegie Steel Company. Ten workers were killed in a riot when "scab" labor was brought in to force an end to the strike. union members won temporary victory

pullman strike

1893 economic depression caused pullman to cut wages without reducing rents that his employees paid for living in company houses led to fierce strike bc dual blow to lower income and purchasing power strike broke by the federal govt- president cleveland ordered troops to get rr working used sherman antitrust act to punish unions for conspiring to restrain trade

prohibition- ch 21

18th amendment banning alcohol sale and manufacturement was ratified Volstead act - passed same year 18th amendment was ratified, this set up the legal machinery to enforce the amendment supporters claimed prohibition would promote family stability, improve morals, prevent crime in rural areas "moonshiners" took grain and turned it into liquor in big cities, speakeasies offered illegal alc and entertainment to satisfy prohibition did reduce alc consumption, but crime flourished gangsters paid off police, bribed, turned cities into battlegrounds, reinforced the notion that urban life eroded american values most americans eventually welcomed an end to prohibition


1920s took US from rural small town society to urban, industrial aim at mass of american consumers producing for mass market, ford transformed nature of work and pleasure assembly line revolutionized labor pace most americans at or below poverty line stock crash and great depression exposed shortcomings of corp business world, inadequate oversight by fed govt, overreliance on private sector

battle of the soul of the democratic party

1924 presidential election exposed fault lines within dem party dems had dominated the south since reconstruction and republicans ceased to compete for office in the region southern democrats shared fundamentalist religious beliefs and support for prohibition that usually placed them at odds with big-city dems northern wing also represented immigrants who rejected prohibition as contrary to their cultural practices selection of presidential ticket proved even more divisive- urban dems favored NY governer Alfred Smith- came from irish catholic immigrant family who denounced prohibition lost nomination to John davis - protestant and defender of prohibition, who lost to COolidge the delicate cultural equilibrium within dem party shifted to urban forces and nominated Al Smith as presidential candidate republicans selected hoover, he declared americans today are nearer the final triumph over poverty than ever before, he was a protestant supporter of prohibition Hoover won the elevtion, smith lost reliable democratic votes to religious and ethnic prejudices smiths candidacy laid the foundation for future democratic political success

urban crowding problems

traffic moved slow, pedestrians and commuters had to navigate busy streets, garbage clusters everywhere increase in crime poverty forced poor to turn to theft or prostitution

skilled workers

had training or abilities more difficult to replace operate as independent craftsmen provided own tools and worked at own pace enhanced their sense of personal dignity, reflected their notion of themselves as free citizens, distinguished from unskilled

1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

Congress banned entry to all Chinese except students, teachers, merchants, tourists, and government officials. In 1892 congress extended law for 10 more years. In 1902 Chinese immigration restricted indefinitely and not repealed until 1943. chinese succesfully passed through angel island immigration changed compostion of american population economic incentives - importance in luring immigrants is underscored by the fact that millions returned home after earning enough money

industrialization of labor

transformed the workplace, bringing together large numbers of laborers under difficult conditions most workers came from garmers who couldnt make a decent living from soil and the immigrants from europe mainly from eastern

noble order of the knights of labor

Labor organization founded in 1869 by Uriah Stephens. The Knights sought to include all workers in one giant union. advocates by eigh hour work day, abolition of child labor and equal pay for women

diplomacy and war

Mexican revolution - spawned a civil war among various insurgent factions resulting instability threatened US interests in mexico (oil) mexicans refused to accept wilsons demands, so he withdrew diplomatic recognition from mexico and sent US navy to their port which worsened the situation and they fought back and sent troops to new mexico. Wilson tried to capture villa, failed, led to angered mexican eladers and confirmed their sense that wilson had no respect for mexican sovereignty terrorist attack by siberian nationalist plunged europe into world war. in great war- wilson kept US neutral. women reformers and suffragists organized womens peace aprties to keep US out of war wilson faced 2 problems staying neutral- 1. US had closer/more important economic ties with allies over central powers which would cause disparity as war went on...when the allies didnt have funds for US goods, they got loans from private bankers that wilsons admin first denied, but then allowed bc he was concerned that failure to keep up prewar level of commerce would hurt the country economically 2. problem arose from GB and germanys differing war strategies. britain navy violated international law by mining waters - Wilson protested this treatment weakly, he believed british could pay compensation for such violations after the war US neutrality couldnt last long- german submarine off irish coast attacked british luxury liner - U-boat torpedoes sunk ship and killed many passengers... americans called president to respond, wilson held germans in strict accountability for actions and demanded germany refrain from further attacks against passenger lines and offer financial settlement to survivors president diminished chance of US staying out of war by pursuing neutrality that treated combatants unequally National defense act - increased size of US army, navy, and national guard US public opinion divided on great war, wilson ran for peace candidate in reelection

Lingering Progressivism

Progressives held on to congress seats and helped pass Shepherd-towner act - appropriated federal funds to establish maternal and child centers Senator thomas walsh led investigation into the teapot dome scandal - their efforts to restrict power of supreme cout, reduce tax cuts for wealthy, nationalize railroads, extend agricultural relief to farmers- all rebuffed by conservative legislative majorities progressive party collapsed in 1925 progressivism managed to stay alive on local and state levels social workers continued efforts to alleviate urban poverty and lobby for new govt assistance to poor women in teh childrens beureau maintained progressive legacy by supporting assistance to families and devising social welfare proposals progressivism weakness contributed to the govts failure to check the worst corp and financial practices

Gender and Empire

US worried that rising genreation of US men lacked opportunities to test and strengthen their manhood depression of 1890s hit working-class men hard causing them to question their self-worth as they lost the ability to support families growing presence of women as political activists was troubling to male identity men warned that dire consequences would result if women succeeded in feminizing politics alfred thayer mahan - believed womens suffrage would undermine the nations military security bc women lacked the will to use physical force asserted that giving the vote to women would destroy the constant practices of the past ages which men are assigned the outdoor rough action of life and women indoor sphere to call the family males could reassert their manhood by adopting a militant spirit - jingoists - war enthusiasts (roosevelt and thayer mahan) saw war as necessary to development of generation of men who could meet challenges of modern age

The war in spain

Us went to war with spain over cuba in 1898 bc US policymakers decided that cuban independence from spain was in our economic and strategic interests victory brought control over cuba, spains overseas empire- turned US into major imperial power

The failure of ratification

Wilson returned to DC to face another wrenching struggle in senate over ratification of versailles treaty republicans held majority in senate- needed 2/3 support of senate to secure ratification henry cabot lodge - republican- opposed article X of LoN covenant which sanctioned collective security arrangements against military aggression argued alliance compromised the US independence in conducting its own foreign relations president agreed to modifications to the treaty so monroe doctrine and americas obligations were kept intact to secure countrys national self-interest lodge wasnt satisfied and insisted on adding reservations limiting compliance with the treaty, including language affirming congresss right to declare war before agreeing on LoN military action president refused to compromise further, insisted he was morally bound to honor the treaty he negotiated in good faith wilson rejected additional changes, faced resistance from 16 lawmakers "irreconcilables" who opposed the league under any circumstances- mainly republicans - voiced traditional US rejection of entangling alliances Wilson attempted to rally public opinion - sept 1919, embarked nationwide speaking tour to carry message directly to americans oct 2- wilson suffered stroke that left him paralyzed, unstable, impaired nov 1919 senate rejected amended treaty, march 1920, treaty ratification failed again US never signed the treaty of versailles or joined league of nations, weakening the league and diminishing the prospects for long-term peace

extending US imperialism

after war was over and new empire in place, US sought to extend its influence competing with european rivals for even greater global power

how the other half lived

as middle and upper classes feld the industrial urban center for the suburbs, working poor moved in to replace them lived in old factories adn homes in cellars to deal with high rent prices, families crammed into apartments and led to increased population density and overcrowding where immigrants lived overcrowding fostered communicable diseases and frustration (typhus ward and suicide ward) tenements - where impoverished immigrants lived in muli family apartment buildings, miserable places to live tenement sweatshops - functioned as workplaces, paid by amount product produced kept costs down Triangle shirtwaist company - jews and italians worked for long hours and little pay here Bureau of Fire Protection - required safety devices in buildings and prohibited smoking in factories, spearheaded legislative efforts to improve working conditions in general, protect women workers and abolish child labor slums - potential for disease, unsanitary, fire hazard, crime- vulnerable to epidemic

haymarket square

at Mccormick harvester plant in chicago, conflict over wages and work conditions, police officers killed 2 strikers in strike in response to this, HS held a rally to protest police violence anarchists govt represented interests of capitalists and stifled freedom for workers generally advocated tearing down govt authority , restore freedom, form worker communes to replace capitalism anarchists like spies advocated the violent overthrow of govt to achieve goal

grangers return to original mission

because prices began to rise for some crops which relieved the economic pressure on midwestern farmers oassage of regulatory legislation in a number of states convinced them that their goals were achieved lack of marketing and business experience led to collapse of agricultural collectives

financial crash

black tuesday - oct 29 1929, crash of US stock market that marked beginning of great depression rising market, bolstered by optimistic buyers, earned huge profits for investors and the value of stocks doubled panicked sellers sent stock prices into free fall crash had enormous impact on the economy and rest of the world - so much of stock boom depended on generous margin equiptments, when investor-borrowers got caught short by falling prices, they couldnt repay the financial inst that extended them credit did not only cause great depression- seeds for that were stemmed from flaws in economic system that produced disparity in wealth, inadequate consumption, overextension of credit, govt unwillingness to relieve the plight of farmers republican admin made it worse by lowering taxes on rich and raising tariffs to benefit manufacturers federal reserve board exacerbated the situation by keeping interest rates high, making it difficult for people to get loans and repay debt depression affected capitalist nations throughout the world

perilous prosperity

boom was accompanied by growing income inequality majority of workers lived on poverty line, farmers plunged deep corp profits increased faster than wages resulting in a disproportionate share of wealth going to the rich income inequality was a critical problem bc americas new mass=production economy depended on increasing consumption and higher income groups could consumer only so much cutbacks in demand forced manufacturers to reduce production, reducing jobs and increasing unemployment which dragged down consumer demand even more wealthy used disproportionate wealth to speculate in stock and risky real estate ventures to encourage investments, brokers promoted buying sticks on margin and required down payments of only a fraction of market price - without govt oversight, banks extended credit without thinking about what would happen in a financial crisis and they had to require all loans business people managed firms in a reckless way that created a high level of interdependence among them - this system of corp ownership and control meant the collapse of one company could bring down many declining world demand following ww1 , together with increased productivity bc of mechanization of agriculture drove down farm prices and income ... wheat and cotton prices cut farm income in half collapse of farm prices had most devastating effects on tenants and sharecroppers who were forced off their lands in mortgage foreclosures ww1 destroyed european economies leaving them ill equipped to repay the 11 billion borrowed from US. germany and france also couldnt meet obligations US govts negotiated a deal where the US provided loans to Germany to pay its reparations and britian and france reduced the size of germanys payments. this ended in circles what appeared to be a good resolution at the time proved a calamity causing US bankers to add to the cycle of spiraling credit and placed them at the mercy of unstable european economies republican administrations supported high tariffs on imports, reducing foreign manufactures revenues and nations tax receipts making it more difficult for countries to pay off their debts

mckinley election

caused political realignment of the split parties republicans sucess in fashioning a coalition that included both corp capitalists and their workers

breaking with the old morality

challenged to the virtues of thrift and sacrifice were accompanied by a transformation of the moral codes of late 19th century america, mainly sex enterntainment industry played large role in prompting relaxed attitudes toward sex to mass audiences in nation female stars dressed as flappers and wooed audiences representing the liberated new women new women - 1920s term for modern sexually liberated women- popularized in movies and magazines flouted traditional morality most americans remained faithful to traditional values radio was first to get recognized most spirited challenge to both traditional and modern consumer culture came from the diverse group of intellectuals called the lost generation lost generation - term used by writer gertrude stein to describe the writers and artists disillusioned with the consumer culture of 20s they were already concerned about the impact of mass culture and corp capitalism on individualism and free thought. they focused their talents on criticizing what they saw as the hypocrisy of old values and conformity ushered in by the new sinclair lewis ridiculed the narrow-mindedness of small town life, the empty materialism businessmen, and the insincerity of evangelical preachers scholars joined literary and social critics in challenging conventional ideas scholars also discredited conventional wisdom about race studies that proported to demonstrate the intellectual superiority of whites over blacks argued culture of so-called primitive tribes produced less stressful and more emotionally connected lifestyles than advanced societies

urban politics at the turn of the century

cities were controlled by state legislatures adn needed state approval to raise revenues and pass regulations no zoning laws to regulate housing construction

progressive origin

contended that old ways of governing and doing business didnt address modern conditions attacked lassiez-faire capitalism by regulating monopolies to limit the power of corp trusts advocated instituting an income tac as well as a variety of initiatives designed to give citizens a greater say in govt progressives- interested primarily in urban and industrial america populists - emerged in direct response to the problems that plagued rural america

politics and the fading prosperity

cultural clashes tore the dems apart, left republicans in command of national politics dems tried to reconcile the tensions between traditional and modern america, failure to do so kept republicans in power despite growing evidence of their inability to resolve serious economic problems

prosperity, consumption and growth

despite turbulence of immediate postwar period- 1920s time of economic growth and urbanization unemployment rates remained low, producers added new workers in an effort to keep up with increasing consumer demand govt officials took active role in stimulating growth, average purchasing power of wage earners soared which left out many americans from sharing in prosperity

expand upward and outward

dominant form of brick and stone construction prevented buildings from rising more than 4-5 storeis as cities become more populous, land values soared cloudscrapers turned to skyscraers with the new structural steel development transportation technology made it possible for residents to move around a much alrger urban landscape (outwards) electrification of public transportation and the construction of bridges made it feasible for people to live consierable distances from workplace

racial violence in postwar era

drawn by promise of wartime industrial jobs, african americans left south and headed north hoping to escape poverty and racial discrimination great migration - began in 1917-18 and by 1930 1,200,000 blacks left south most blacks during ww1 found jobs in steel production, meatpacking, shipbuilding, but most were still low-paying. women remained employed domestic workers mostly, but some obtained manufacturing jobs for many, north wasnt the promised land they expected, instead encountered bitter opposition from white migrants from south competing for employment and scarce housing racial hostiles exploded as blacks/whites returned from war 1919 race riots erupted in 25 cities throughout country worst was in chicago- black youth swimming at lake michigan beach crossed over into an area of water reserved for whites, white bathers shouted to return and threw stones at hime which caused him to drown. caused mobs of blacks and whites to attack eachother, ransack businesses and torch homes- left many dead/homeless

cultural wars

during the era when technological innovations overturned traditional economic values, when social behavior was in a state of flux, and white supremacy came under assault, many segments of population resisted changes defenders of old america attempted to roll back the tide of modernity - prohibition was greatest victory

nativists vs immigrants

earlier attempts at temperance reform had been largely aimed at immigrants end of ww1 brought new catholic and jewish emigration from east and south europe, which triggered religious prejudice among protestants old stock americans associated these immigrants with immoral behavior and political radicalism - saw them as a threat to traditional US culture/values native-born workers saw immigrants as a source for cheap labor that threatened their jobs/wages Sacco and Vanzetti Case - Sacco and vanzetti were convicted of robbery and murder, trial centered on descendants foreign births and political views rather than the facts pertaining to their guilt or innocence criticism came from all over the world, workers organized vigils and held rallies in solidarity with the condemned men -the 2 men were executed anti-immigrant views that contributed to the conviction and execution were commonplace during the period and shared by americans across the social spectrum Ford- he saw immigrants as a threat and believed they were the cause of a decline in US morality ford believed an international jewish conspiracy was attempting to subvert non-jewish societies- he published documents to justify pogroms against jews ford joined other nativists in supporting legislation to restrict immigration National Origins Act - 1924 act establishing immigration quotas by national origin, intended to severely limit immigration from south and east europe as well as prohibit all immigration from east asia immigration from mexico and elsewhere was exempted bc farmers in southwest needed mexican laborers to tend their crops and pressured the govt to excuse them congress est a border control to control flow of undocumented immigration from mexico native reformers shifted attention to americanization, which developed into one of the largest social and political movements in american history in southwest and west coast, whites aimed americanization efforts at growing population of mexican americans anglo school of administrators and teachers believed mexican americans were suited only for farmwork and manual trade- so for them, americanization meant vocational training and prep for low status/wage jobs during ww1, fed govt ceased appropriating funds for public health programs aimed at benefiting indians to save money Indian citizenship act - passed in 1924 granting citizenship and the right to vote to all american indians chinese exclusion act remained intact, they continued to face segregation and discrimination. immigration restrictions prohibited chinese working men from bringing their wives into the country - 1924 immigration act made it worse by banning all asian women from entering tensions rose between those chinese born in china and their american-born children over assimilation many chinese parents prohibited their children from speaking english at home ands ent them to chinese lang schools after public school chinese american children found cultural preservation efforts an onerous burden as they increasingly partook in americas growing consumer culture despite attempts at americanization, ethnic groups didnt dissolve adn lose cultural identities. in citites were immigrants settled, ethnic enclaves remained intact and preserved the religious practices and social customs of their residents

Wilson New Freedom Agenda

election gave dems control over congress tariff reduction was first - Underwood Act reduced import duties (appealed to farmers and southern) incorporated reform thaqt progressives had adopted graduated income tax 16th amendment - legal basis for income tax after surpreme court declared unconstitutional grad. income tax advanced cause of social justice by moderating income inequality eastrn banj4rs wanted reforms that would stabilize system plagued by cyclical financial panics while keeping banking system under private control of bankers Federal reserve system - est 12 regional banks that lent cash reserves to member banks at rediscount rate (could be adjusted according to fluctuating credit demand) farmers won more rational and flexible credit supply, wall street bankers won power over FRS Wilson steps to resolve economic concentration problem - created federal trade commission - power to investigate corp activities and prohibit unfair practices enacted clayton antitrust act (attacked monopolies) banned certain corp opertions , exempted labor unions from prosecution under antitrust legislation adamson act - 8 hr workday provided and overtime pay keating own act - outlawed child labor in firms that engaged in interstate commerce workmens compensation act - provided insurance for fed employees in case of injury after being reelected, wilson glorified KKK and denigrated african americans, introduced racial segregation into govt offices and blacks lost jobs in post offcies and fed agencies in south segregation and discrimination in best interest of african americans fed govts extended regualtio over activities of corps and banks wilson steered govt on course to benefit ordinary citizens and passage of social justice measures originally opposed

MCLuckie and Lease

fought for their own iinterests against the economic and political power of business, regain control of lives

fundamentalism vs modernism

fundamentalists also fought to uphold long established values against modern day incursions distribution of the book "the fundamentals" informed readers that the bible offered true account of the genesis and development of humankind and the world that its words had to be taken literally believers of this approach called fundamentalists, their appeal was strongest in the midwest and south fundamentalists were most bothered by darwins theory of evolution. they rejected his explanation and repudiated the views of fellow protestants who attempted to reconcile darwanism with gods word by reading the bible as a symbolic representation of what might have happened anti-evolution law passed - made it legal to teach in public schools/college that any theory that denies the story of the divine creation of man as taught in the bible "trial of the century" - dayton, tennessee recruited john scopes (science teacher) to defy law by lecturing from a biology textbook that presented darwins theory Darrow headed defense team, bryan assisted the prosecution bryan believed that accepting scientific evolution would undermine moral basis of politics and that communities should have the right to determine the childrens school curriculum jury declared scopes guilty, but his conviction was overturned by an appeals court on a technicality fundamentalists remained certain in their beliefs- anti-evolution laws stayed in force until 1970s trial hadnt settled anything, served to highlight a cultural division over the place of religion in american society

government promotion of economy

general prosperity of 20s owed to backing by federal govt republicans controlled presidency and congress, claimed for laissez-faire principles and opposed various economic and social reforms, willing to use govt power to support large corps and wealthy senate warren harding was elected president in 1920, declared he wanted less govt in business and more business in govt treasury sec andrew mellon, believed the govt should stimulate economic growth by reducing taxes on rich, raising tariffs to protect manufacturers from foreign comp, and trimmin budget mellon believed those onmlower rungs of economic lader would prosper once businesspeople invested extra money received from tax breaks into expanding production republicans turned progressive era regulatory agencies into boosters for major corps and financial institutions by weakening enforcement Sec of commerce herbert hoover believed that fed govt had a role to play in economy and in lessening economic suffering, he insisted on voluntary cooperation between public and private sectors. he favored cration of trade associations in which businesses would collab to stabilize production levels, prices and wages. in turn, commerce dept provided helpful data and info to improve productivity and trade hoovers vision to fit into a larger republican effort to weaken unions by promoting voluntary business-sponsored worker welfare initiatives American Plan- voluntary program initiated by businesses in early 20th centry to protect workers welfare- was meant to undermine the appeal of labor unions already under pressure form certain tactics, unions were further damaged by a series of supreme court rulings that restricted strikes and overturned hard-won victories such as child labor legislation and min wage laws Teapot Dome scandal - oil and land scandal during Warren harding administration that highlighted close ties between big businesses and fed govt 1921- Interior sec Albert fall collaborated with navy secretary edwin denby to transfer potential oil fields to interior dept which parceled out these properties to private companies. as a result, sinclairs mammoth oil company received a lease to develop the teapot dome section of wyoming, for money. fall and sinclair were convicted on a number of charges and sent to jail harding died of heart attack and vice pres calvin coolige took over- he distanced himself from scandals of predecessors admin and reaffirmed hardings economic policies

good government progressivism

goal to diminish power of corrupt urban political machines and unregulated corps pushed for good government reforms to produce greater efficiency openness and accountability in govt

The Harlem Renaissance

greatest challenge to conventional notions about race came from african americans southern black immigrants to north during/after ww1 created a black cultural renaissance New Negro- second generation born after emancipation that fought for their rights these intellectuals refused to accept white supremacy, expressed pride in their race, sought to perpetuate black racial identity, demanded full citizenship and aprticipation in american society Harlem renaissance - work of african american writers and musicians that flourished following ww1 the poets/artists of this time captured imagination of blacks and whites alike, rejected white standards of taste as well as staid middle-class black values black music became a vibrant part of mainstream american pop culture unique compositions of jazz and blues combination grew out of the everyday experiences of black life and expressed the thumping rhythms of work, pleasure and pain

farmers alliances

groups of farmers, or those in sympathy with farming issues, who sent lecturers from town to town to educate people about agricultural and rural issues to advance economic interests mary elizabeth lease- forceful and colorful rhetoric was best recruiter


growth of cities helped promote spread of consumer oriented economy people had more convenient access to dept stores and chain stores cities contained plenty of poor people who couldnt afford to buy items considered luxuries, large middle class of shoppers provided the growing market majority of americans lived in cities according to census of 1920 - end of ww1 brought decline in demand for agricultural goods, many americans left their farms and villages for cities war pushed large number of african americans out of rural south for jobs in cities, immigration from southern and eastern europe resumed after war, western city leaders boasted of the business and employment opportunities and landscapes that awaited migrants to their communities motion picture industry settled in LA in 1920s and boosted economic growth and consumer spending

marcus garvey and black nationalism

harlem became headquarter of most significant alternative black political vision of 20s, along with providing a fertile ground for african american intellectuals jamaican-born marcus mosiah garvey settled in harlem and became leading exponent of black nationalism Garvey set up Universal Negro Improvement Association UNIA - org through which he promoted racial separation and pride as well as economic self-help through black business ownership Garvey favored a back to africa movement that would repatriate many black americans to their ancestral homelands on the african continent planned to transport passengers between the US, west indies, africa - together would help overthrow colonial rule and use their power to assist black people throughout the world offering a revival of black cultural heritage and providing an outlet for dreams of economic advancement garvey also tapped into racial discontent of african americans for whom living in US proved difficult denounced what he saw as accomodationist efforts to the NAACP and declared "doesnt want to become white" UNIA and stephensons klan agreed on necessity of racial segregation, Garvey never accepted premise that blacks were inferior garveyism became first mass african american movement in US history and was especially effective in recruiting working class blacks Garvey made enemies with Du Bois and fellow members of NAACP philip randoplh - saw UNIA as another form of exploitative capitalism labeled garvey as an unquestioned fool and ignoramus Harvey was convicted of mail fraud related to black star line (trasnportation) and served 2 years in prison until president coolidge commuted his term and had him deported

progressivism and indians

indian muckrakers criticized govt policies and anti-indian attitudes yavupai tribe member - called for abolition of indian office as an impediment to welfare of native americans Arthur C Parker - challenged notion that indians suffered mainly bc of their own backwardness, also condemmed US for robbing american indians of their cultural and economic independence indian reformers didnt succeed in convincing state and def govt to pass legislation to address their concerns

The economics of expansion

industrialization of Us and growth of corp capitalism stimulated imperialists desires importance of exports to US economy increased in second half of 19th century as industrialization gained momentum bulk of exports went to europe and canada- greatest purchasing power social unrest that accompanied depression worried business and political leaders about stability of the country the way to sustain prosperity and radicalism was to find foreign markets for US goods missionaries tried to convert native islanders to christianity (hawaii), businessmen tried to establish plantations on island to grow sugarcane queen of hawaii sought to increase the power of indigenous people she governed at expense of the sugar growers white plantation owners overthrew queens govt, then entered into a treaty of annexation with US - planters remained in power and waited for opportunity to seek annexation


investigative journalists looking to expose corruption in government and shady big business operations details uncovered thru research informed and aroused mainly middle class readers Ida Tarbell - ruthless and dishonest business practice of rockefeller family standard oil company (other big reveals)

depression politics

jacob coxey (populist reformer) demanded congress to initiate federal public works program to provide jobs for unemployed Coxeys army : parafe of unemployed people to capital, attempted to mount protests on grounds of capital building the police broke up demonstration and arrested coxey for trespass

a new wave of immigrants

lassin and vik were part of the flood of immigrants who enteres the US around outbreak of WW1 urban immigrants were wwelcomed by political bosses who saw in them a chance to gain the allegiance of millions of new voters majority of white immigrants to america were northern european protestants new immigrants encountered hostility from those whose ancestors arrived generations earlier and faced difficult challenge of retaining their cultural identities

resurrection of the ku klux klan KKK

originally an org dedicated to terrorizing emancipated african americans and their white republican allies in the south, they branched out and now target catholics, jews, and anyone who was alleged to have violated community moral values consisted of cross section of native-born protestants from middle/working classes who sought to reverse a perceived decline in their social and economic power celebrated its founding at stone mountain/GA. 2 symbols american flag and burning cross that represented fiery determination to stand up for christian morality and against all those considered un-american growth of KKK resulted from desire to reestablish traditional values than from sheer hostility toward blacks wives joined husbands as devoted followers- women appreciated message condemning abusive husbands and fathers/group affirmation of the status of white protestant women as the embodiment of virtue to gain greater legitimacy, klan participated in electoral politics. politicians joined to advance their careers

Interstate commerce commission

regulate railroads- passed in 1887 enforeced the law in favor of railway lines rather than the shippers

clashes between workers and owners

since owners refused to negotiate, workers withheld labor and went on strike employers had powerful weapons to break strikes to protect their businesses in england- laborers striked for better wages and working conditions

challenges to social conventions

social and cultural consequences of second industrial revolution - modern cutlural patterns emerged 2 mainstays of modern capitalism was advertising and credit sexual standards under assault, influenced clothing styles and dating, racial assumptions, cultural renaissance

pacification of cuba

teller amendment - pledging cubas independence from spain racial prejudice and cultural chauvinism blinded americans to the contributions cubans made to defeat spain US officials presumed cuba was unfit for immediate freedom, so island remained under US military occupation until 1902 cubas transition to self-rule came with adoption of governing document based on US constitution platt amendment - limited cuban sovereignty - prohibited the cuban govt from signing treaties with other nations without US consent - permitted US to intervene in cuba to preserve independence and remove threats to economic stability and lease gantanamo bay as naval base

Americans Become Consumers

the spurt of economic growth in 20s resulted from application of technological innovation and scientific management techniques to industrial production the assembly line saved enormous time and energy by emphasizing repetition, accuracy, and standardization streamlined products lowered costs which allowed Ford to lower prices second industrial revolution - focsed on production of consumer-oriented goods previously considered luxuries fridges, washing machines, toasters, vacuums- applied to middle-class housewives whose husbands could afford them automobile had most profound effect on american life automobiles changed daily living patterns - extended boundaries of suburbs farther from the city, carls allowed travel to vacations greater distances, roadside landscape changed, provided new dating opportunities for young Ford had to convince americans to spend their money to purchase their products. focused on advertisements and driving desire/hopes of success majority of americans didnt have disposable income to afford new consumer goods, companies ended yo extending credit in dizzying amounts installment plans

depression of 1890s (1893)

the stock market collapsed when the philadelphia and reading railroad went bankrupt depression became chief political issue of of mid 1890s and resulted in realignment of power between two major parties (populist party split and collapsed)

organizing unions

unions0 workers seeking rights and benefits from employers through collective efforts prompted by attitudes that were uncommon among employers most employers convinced they and emplyees shared similar interests and believed they were morally anf financially entitled refused to engage in negotiations with unions (collective bargaining)

becoming an urban nation

urban growth brought remarkable physical changes to the cities

the roots of progressivism

Gifford pinchot and gene stratton-porter reveal the efforts of just two of the many individuals who searched for ways to control the damaging impact of modernization on the US 1900-1917 americans sought to bring some order out of the chaos accompanying rapid industrialization and urbanization those who believed in the need to combat problems of Industrial america possessed an optimistic faith- they could relieve the stresses and strains that modern life brought if people joined together and applied human intelligence to the task of improving the nation, progress was inevitable (progressive era) pursuit of progress and stability reformers tried to control the behavior of groups they considered a threat to the social order progressives tried to impose white middle class standards of behavior on immigrant populations could eliminate problem altogether by curtailing further immigration from southern/eastern europe advocated birth control to preserve lives of childbearing women and promote ethnic and racial engineering fought for womens sufferage, consumer protection, regulation of business, good govt reform white southern progressives favored racial segregation and disfranchisement of african americans black progressives and white allies created orgs dedicated to securing racial equality middle and upper classes convinced they needed to take remedial measures otherwise the country would collapse under conflict conservatives- support individualism and the free market radicals- pressed for socialist reorganization of the economy and democratization of politics

fighting for womens suffrage

Susan b anthony and elizabeth cady stantons national woman suffrage association and lucy stone and julia ward howes american woman suffrage association - both failed to achieve anything (both campainging for womens suffrage) combined and formed National American Woman Suffrage Association - 1918 women could vote fully in 15 states suffragists - broad coalition of supporters, based campaign on variety of arguments refromers like j addams attributed corruption in politics to absence of womens maternal influence suffragists like alice paul rejected said arguments asserting that women deserved the vote of their equality with men as citizens she founded national womens party and proposed that congress adopt an equal rights amendment to provide full legal equality to women male/female opponents fought womens suffrage - believed women were best suited by nature to devote themselves to their families and leave the world of politics to men insisted extending vote to women would destroy home, lead to morel degeneracy of children, tear down social fabric of country poll taxes disfranchised poor whites extending the vote to white women would benefit mainly middle class who had enough income to satisfy restrictive poll tax requirements protestant women and men viewed catholics and jews from southern and eastern europe as racially inferior and spiritually dangerous - blamed immigrants for ills of cities where they congregated some suffragists believed that the middle class protestant women would help clean up the mess immigrants created african american women challenged said racial arguments and had additional incentive to press for enfranchisement

winning hearts and minds

after america entered great war, wilson waged a campaign to rally support for his aims and stimulate patriotic fervor Committee on Public Info (CPI) - focused on generating propaganda and ensure loyalty CPI also coordinated rallies to sell bonds and raise money to fund the war, persuaded reporters to censor war coverage, produced films depicting allies as heroic saviors of humanity and the central powers as savage beasts, and made posters emphasizing depravity of enemy and responsibility to defeat central powers Espionage Act and Sedition act - limited freedom of speech by criminalizing certain forms of expression espionage - prohibited antiwar activities, banned mailing of publications advocating forcible interference w any laws sedition - punished individuals who expressed beliefs disloyal or abusive to US govt/military most defendants brought to trial in these acts were critics who merely spoke out against war 100% americanism - promote national unity and punish those who didnt conform (govt) american protective league (APL) - association endorsed by justice dept that spied on german residents suspected of disloyal behavior repressive side, anti-immigrant bias flourished - 18th amendment prohibiting sale of alcoholic beverages minorities hoped the war would push the US to live up to its rhetoric and extend freedom at home - army remained segregated american indians - gained recognition in war by communicating messages in their native languages to confuse germans listening in - indians and african americans hoped their wartime patriotism would bring jsutice, but didnt

Hostility towards recent immigrants

after the welcoming of the statue of liberty, many americans whose families arrived before the 1880s considered the influx of immigratns a necessary evil at worst a menace industrialists counted on immigrants for cheap labor - existing workers saw the newcomers as a threat to their economic livelihoods and belived their arrival would result in greater competition for jobs and lower wages vast majority of immigrants were not radicals, large proportion of radicals were recent immigrants - this made it easier for businessmen and spokesmen to associate all immigrants with anti-american radicalism anti-immigrant fears lef to congress passing a statute restricting citizenship to those deemed white , catholics and jews were included in "white" newer immigrants were radically inferior and became a convenient target for histility nativism - belief that foreginers pose a serious danger to ones native society and culture. arose as a reactionary response to immigration american protective association - proposed restricting catholic immigration maming english a prereq to american citizenship, prohibiting catholics from teaching in public schools immigration restriction league created to lobby for federal legislation that would exclude adult immigrants unable to read own language eugenics - pseudoscience that advocated biological engineering and supported selective breeding of desirable races to counter rapid population growth of useless races

skilled/unskilled workers income

although saw improvements, did not earn enough income to support families disparities based on job status, race, ethnicity, sex skilled earn more than unskilled whites paid more than african americans, who were shut out of better jobs europeans help higher paying skilled positions

social turmoil

an inevitable outcome of cultural change Ossian Sweet and Stephenson shaped 1920s by acheiving financial success in ww1 atmosphere of growing social friction nad intense racial resentments Sweets parents sent him north to demonstrate belief of better life possible for their son stephenson grew wealthy by tapping into racial tensions that shaped sweets lives fear of communist infiltration heightened concerns over immigration and changes in morality and gender roles further raised those fears gender prosperity of period masked tensions but didnt eliminate them rampant consumerism concealed unequal prosperity fostered by republican policies that later lef to great depression decade following ww1 opened up avenues for economic prosperity and new sites for cultural clashes exacerbated by tensions of modern america Govt efforts to supress oppoosition to US involvement in ww1 created an atmosphere of fear and repression influenza epidemic killed thousands of americans and people around world heightened anxiety transition awar from wartime economy produced inflation, labor unrest, escaling racial tensions

National womens trade union league WTUL

an organization of both working class and more well- off women formed in 1903 to support the efforts of women to organize labor unions and to eliminate sweatshop conditions dedicated to securing higher wages, an 8 hr day, improved working conditions - protect women in workplace Mulller v Oregon - upheld oregon law est 10 hr work day for women, also convinced lawmakers to est pensions for mothers and widows focus shifted to fed govt with founding of Childrens bureau in the dept of commerce and labor - collected data and devised a variety of publicly funded social welfare measures 1916 - law banning child labor under age of 14 shepherd towner act - allowed nurses to offer maternal and infant health care info to mothers perkins gilman - need for economic independence, advocated est of communal kitchens that would free women from hosuehold chores and allow them to compete on equal terms with men in workplace

revolution in cuba

cuban war for independence began in 1895 - believed this war would provide land to impoverished peasants and offer genuine racial equality for large afro-cuban population that had be liberated from slavery by end of 1897- spanish govt recognized the war was going poorly and offered the revels a series of reforms that would give the island home rule within the empire but not independence cuba libre- independent cuba with social and racial equality revolutionaries - had help from climate, antiwar sentiment was mounting in spain, spanish troops spread to evenly too far

industrialization contribution to rapid urbanization

drew those living on farms who couldnt earn enough ro were broed into the city in search for better paying jobs mechanization of farming increased efficiency, it also reduced demand for farm labor

progressivism powerpoint

economic, political, social movements moral component - deep christianity vein at work supported by college-educated middle calss religious groups (movement heavily feelt by all sectors of american society) issues concerned to middle class religious groups secured fed income tax, direct election of senators, nominate directly for candidacy, im public education became mandatory public health initiatives, innovations in culture and arts, negative side to era: segregation, immigrant discrimination roots of progressivism: social gospel, churches for social reform

farmers organize

experieced severe economic hardships and loss of political power in face of industrialization new machinery (combine harvester) lef to increase in productivity of american farms soaring production lef to decline in agricultural prices

subtreasury system

federal govt would lcoate offices near warehouses for farmers to store nonperishable commodities farmers receive federal loans for 80% of current market value f their produce alliance pressed govt to increase money supply by expanding amount of silver coinage in circulation consequences: lead to higher prices for commodities, real value of farmers debts would decrease

Waging peace

fourteen points - Wilsons plan for peace, principles that he hoped would prevent future wars envisioned a peace treating including freedom of seas, open diplomacy, abolition of secret treaties, free trade, self determination for colonial subjectss, reduction of military spending League of Nations - wilsons proposal created this, body of nations that would guarantee peaceful resolution of disputes and back up decisions through collective actio, including use of military force as last resort Wilson tried to convince allied leaders to accept components of his plan. allies wanted to scoop up spoils of victory and make central powers pay - european allies intended to hold on to their respective colonies, refused to limit its options by discussing freedom of seas believed in capitalism, as regulated and reformed during progressive era, would raise living conditions throughout the world as it had done in US to prevent spread of communism and benefit US commerce wilson needed the league to keep peace so that war-ravaged and recovering nations had opportunity to practice economic freedom and political democracy president won agreement for est of league of nations treaty of versailles - signed at royal palace Paris authorized league the combat aggression against any member nation through collective military action

humanitarian and social justice reform

humanitarian reformers focused on the plight of urban immigrants, african americnas and underprivileged - tried to improve housing and working conditions for impoverished city dwellers unless conditions improved, immigrants and racial minorities would contaminate cities middle class inhabitants with communicable diseases, crime, threats to cultural norms reformers supported suffrage for women, who believed their votes would purify electoral politics and elect candidates committed to social and moral reform

assimilation dilemma

if immigrants werent completely assimilated, (neither did they remain the same poeple who had lived on farms in villages) melting pot - image of america bc it was better as an ideal than as a mirror of reality even if immigrants had full assimilation, anti-immigrant sentiment of native-born americans reinforced their status as stangers and aliens most immigrants faced the dilemma of assimilating while holding on to their heritage

immigrants arrive from many lands

immigrants who came to the US left homelands to find new job opportunities or to obtain land to start their own farms most came voluntarily, but others made the move bound by labor contracts that limited their movement during agreement japanese immigrants considered part of an inferior "yellow race" and encountered discrimination in west coast settlement

Cultural Justifications for Imperialism

imperialists linked overseas expansion to practical, economic consideration, but race was key component in their arguments for empire many in US and western europe declared themselves superior to nonwhite peoples of other race imperialists asserted a natural right of conquest and world domination contended that "higher civilizations" had a duty to uplift inferior nations in hawaii, christian missionaries served as foot soldiers for advancing US commercial empire clear connection between religious and commercial interests china became magnet for US missionary activity


in final decade of 19th centruy, US transformed into imperial power US jsutified intervention on moral grounds predicated on racist beliefs US had responsibility to uplift inferior peoples to civilized standards and make them capable of self-govt progressive era presidents - wilson and roosevelt- created a sustained US empire roosevelt favored foce while wilson favored negotiations helped construct modern american state, expanded federal govts that officially sanctioned cooperation with responsible corporate leaders in ww1 wilson admin blurred line between public and private business by expanding the reach of govt over economy and curtailing personal liberty Wilson led country into war to guarantee world order in which reasonable nations attempted to resolve controversies failure of US to join league shattered idealistic dream US emerged from war in great financial shapre, became leading foreign creditor, industrial capacity expanded

prostitution, narcotics and juvenile delinquency

increase in number of brothels and streetwalkers that accompanied growth of cities - progressives wanted to eliminate prostitution framed issue in terms of pubic health linking prost. to spread of sexuality transmitted disease- protect female virtue white women considred sexual innocents coerced into prost reformers offered the white slave trade act (mann act) that banned the transportation of women across state lines for immoral purpose also - american social hygiene association subsidized scientific research into std's mann act - used to enforce codes on traditional racial and sexual behavior moral crusaders sought to eliminate use and sale of narcotics west coast, immigration opponenets associated opium smoking with chinese and tried to eliminate its use as part of wide anti-asian campaign reformers convinced passing of harrison narcotics control - prohibiting sale of narcotics besides doctor prescription women reformers lobbied for juvenile court system to focus on rehab rather that punishment for youth offenders

workers for populist party

increase their political and economic leverage secure decent wages and working conditions proved no match for powerful alliance (govt and corps) based on internal conflicts

farmers unite

increased production of most important american crops wheat and cotton lef to drop in price for them, created a debt crisis for farmers early efforts to organize farmers were motivated by desire to counteract the isolation of rural life by creating new forms of social interaction and cultural engagement Patrons of husbandry- founded to brighten lonely existence of rural americans through social and educational activities Grangers- the ^^ association, also promoted collective economic interest of farmers to increase politic involvement grangers managed to obtain regulations that placed a ceiling on the prices railroads and grain elevators could charge


kansas became first state whose constitution banned consumption of alc WCTU (womans christian temperance union) - build around the need to protect the home bc males who drank excessively were likely to abuse wives and children and drain finances quality of family and public life would improve if women received right to vote and young children completed their education without having to work ASL (anti-saloon league) dominant force in prohibition movement - particularly appealed to rural south Webb-Kenyon act - banned transportation of alcoholic beverages into dry states prohibition would help win the war by conserving grain used to make alc and save soldiers from intoxication 18th amendment - made prohibition the law of the land

union membership

low because political and economic power of corporations and prospects of retaliation made decision to sign up for union membership diversity of workers made it difficult to organize americna workers retained their faith in the benefits of capitalist system govt used legal and military authority to side with employers and suppress militant workers

economic depression

made period worse for farmers and industrial workers many joined newly formed populist aprty for failing to represent concerns

women workers/children

majority single and between 16-24 white and black served as maids and domestics others took over jobs once by men (teachers, burses, operators) both worked bc male household head couldnt support family

new industrial city

many americans shared jeffersons idea that democratic values were rooted in the soil of small independent farms some believe the closing of the western frontier endangered the existence of democracy bc it removed the opportunity for pioneer spirit that built america to regenerate commerce was the engine of growth for american cities development of mining industry attracted bsuiness and labor to urban settlements many blacks found they rpeferred their new lives to the ones they had led in the south, the north didnt turn out to be the promised land of freedom - blacks encountered discrimination, residential segregation, difficult to obtain skilled employment

birth control

margaret sanger - leading advocate of birth control witnessed damage that unrestrained childbearing produced on womens health contraception - would save lives of mothers by preventing unwanted childbearing and avoiding unsafe and illegal abortions. keep families from having large numbers of children they couldnt afford believed if women were freed from the anxieties of becoming pregnant, theyd experience more sexual enjoyment and make better companions for their spouses raise quality of white race by reducing chances of immigrant and minority women reproducing unfit children sanger arrested for opening first bc clinic in an immigrant section in brooklyn

Theodore roosevelt and Big stick diplomacy

mckinley assassinated- roosevelt took over he believed that the national govt must intervene in economic and social affairs to maintain stability and avoid class warfare advocated using military power to protect US commercial and strategic interests as well as to preserve international order mahan considered a canal across central america vital bc it would provide faster access to asian markets and improve US navys ability to patrol two oceans effectively Hay-Pauncefote Treaty with britian- granting US right to construct canal US had to negotiate with colombia - they refused to ratify, they declared that transit across panama was vital to world commerce president supported a pro-US uprising sending warships to the harbor of panama city, which prevented colombians from quashing the insurrection since controlling cuba, panama canal, puerto rico... intended to deter any threats to US power in region economic stability provided roosevelt the opportunity to brandish what he called a "big stick" to keep countries in check and prevent intervention by european powers roosevelt announced US opposition to any foreign intervention to reclaim debts - echoed monroe doctrine, affirmed right to US to intervene in internal affairs of any country in latin america or carribean that displayed chronic wrong-doing and couldnt preserve order/manage own affairs roosevelt corollary - proclaimed that countries of central america and carribean had to behave according to US wishes or face military invasion

mechanization (skilled workers)

mech. undercut their autonomy by dictating both the nature and speed of production thru scientific management increasingly applied their craft to servicing machinery and keeing it running smoothly owners reaped benefit of mechanization- skilled workers saw improvements as a threat to their freedom most workers didnt oppose the technology that increased their productivity and resulted in higher wages

urban reformers

men and women who criticized the political bosses and machines solutions centered around toppling machine and replacing it with a urban crisis to allow govt to function on basis of merit rather than influence peddling Pendleton Civil Service reform act - required federal jobs to be awarded on basis of merit rather than through political connections

immigrant restriction

moral reformers sought to restrict immigration all togehter anti-immigrant sentiment reflected racial and religious bigotry - reformers concentrated on prevening catholics, jews, non-europeans from entering US darker-skiinned immigrants = inferior races t Roosevelt entered into executive agreement with japan that reduced japanese immigration to US congress passed legislation to ban people who couldnt read english or their native language from entering country , denied entry to other undesirables (alcoholics, epileptics, mental/physical defective) keep out those who c ouldnt support themselves and might become public wards of the state/ threatened nations political and religious values

the awakening of imperialism

most americans associated colonialism with the european powers and saw overseas expansion as incompatible with US calues supporters of US imperialism saw the acquisition and control of overseas territories as essential to the protection of US interests Theodore roosevelt and woodrow wilson - progressive presidents who sanctioned intervention in economic,moral issues at home, supported vigorous intervention in world affairs both asserted americas right to use its power to secur order and thwart revolution wherever US interests were threatened end of WWI heightened americas critical role in world affairs but brought peace after civil war- US focused on settling western territories, puhsing Natives aside and extracting the regions resources westward expansion= international expansion end of 19th century, changes led many in US to conclude that the time had come for the country to reassert power beyong borders Frederick Jackson Turner argued that ending frontier necessitated a wider field for the exercise of american energy

municipal and state reform

municipal govt failed to keep up w problems ushered by accelerated urban growth upper/middle class businessmen and profs fed up wht wasteful ineffective political machines sought to institute new forms of govt that functioned better and costed less hallmark of urban reform - adoption of commission form of govt commission govts replaced old form of mayor and city council with elected commissioners reformers adopted direct primaries so votrs could select candidates instead of allowing machine politicians decide elections replaced district elections with city wide "at large" elections to reverse infleunce of immigrants clustered in ghettos who supported own ethnic candidates citywide elections expensive - shifted power to those who could afford to run southern lawmakers diminished whatever black political power remained by adopting at-large electoins and commission govt La follette - dismantled statewide political machine by instituting direct party primaris which forbid direct corp contributions to parties , strengthened rr regulatorry commission and graduated income tax

creating immigrant communities

neighborhoods of immigrant groups were clustered together so residents were liekly to learn phrases in neighboring languages ghettos - neighborhoods dominated by single ethnic/racial/class group eased immigrants transitions into american society made it easier for immigrants to find housing, jobs, buy food and seek help mutual aid societies - provide social welfare benefits, members established social centers where immigrants could be among people who shared common heritage churches - offered food and clothing to those ill or unable to find work, immigrants met own religious needs,

"Making the world safe for democracy"

neither side of war wanted a negotiated peace bc each counted on victory to gain territory and financial compensation to justify sacrifices in lives and material caused by conflict wilson declared the world needed a peace without victory based on self-determination, freedom of the seas, respect for international law, end of hostile alliances germans rejected -their leaders saw no reason to believe the situation would change germany pledged to refrain from using its U-boats against passenger and merchant ships. however, they chose to resume unrestricted submarine warfare to defeat allies before US declared war and their troops couldnt make a difference zimmermann telegram - note revealed that germany had offered mexico alliance in the event that the US joined the allies german u-boats sank armed US merchant ships and wilson declared war against germany and other central powers in 1917 after 4 days of debate, congress voted to approve the war resolution wilson decided that only by going to war would he be able to ensure that the US played a role in shaping the peace security of the nation rested on respect for law, human rights, and extension of free govt concluded that the only way to guarantee this outcome was by helping to defeat germany selective service act of 1917 - conscripted 3 million men by wars end american expenditory forces formed US provided crucial funding and supplies to allies AEF made an impact november 1918- germany surrendered

unskilled workers

no particular skill or expertise immigrants had to adjust both to new counrty and unpleasant harmful industrial work no govt benefits or insurance

the philippine war

not sure what to do with the philippines after beating them in war... imperialists viewed US control of islands as important step forward in their quest for entry into china market Mckinley believed that if US didnt act, another european power would take spains place mckinnley decided to annex philippines Mckinley and US citizens believd that nonwhite filipinos were not yet capable of self-govt anti-imperialists in congress took a strong stand against annexing philippines anti-imperialist league Union leaders feared that annexation would prompt the migration of cheap laborers to the cpunrty and undercut wages anti-imperialists claimed the war had done nothing to affirm US manhood, just that the US acted as a bully, taking the position of a strong man fighting a weak child

settlement houses

offered variety of sercvices to community residents understood immigrants gravitated to the political amchine in local tavern because they helped mitigate their suffering and offered advancement paths immigrants need to hold on to remnants of their original culture

american federation of labor

offering an alternative vision for unionization one giant industrial union that included all workers and organized the labor elite into trade unions concentrated on obtaining better wages and hours for workers

opening the door to china

open door policy- secures naval access to chinese market european powers had already dominated foreign access to chinese markets, leaving little room for newcomers... US sent troops to china to quell nationalist rebellion against foreign involvement known as the boxer uprising (european competitors were compelled to allow US free trade access to china) russian invasion of norther china prompted japanese to attack on russian fleet... roosevelt worried that if japan succeeded in driving russians out, it would cause a shift of equillibrium as far as white races were concerned ... ...to prevent that, roosevelt convened a peace conference that gave japanese control over korea and parts of manchuria but pledged to support US Open Door Policy when Taft became president, he continued his predecessors foreign policy but proclaimed that he would rather substitute "dollars for bullets" - encouraged bankers to invest money in carribean and central american (dollar diplomacy policy) tafts diplomacy lef to extensive intervention in nicaragua. US companies helped install a regime sympathetic to their interests - rebels threatened this pro-US govt, taft invoked roosevelt corollary and sent i US marines to police the counrty and deter future uprising US bankers took control of Nicaraguas customs houses and paid off debts owed to foreign investors

decline of populists

party was torn apart by internal divisions over policy and strategy collapsed after mckinleys victory many of their political and economic reforms ebcame features of reform in 20th centry greatest contribution came in showing farmers their old individualist ways wouldnt succeed in modern industrial era farmers looked to organize interest groups to lobby on behalf of interests

conservative and preservation of the environment

penchant for efficiency that characterized good govt proressivism shaped effots to conserve natural resources Gifford Pinchot -emphasized efficient use of resources and sought ways to reconcile public interest with private profit motives large companies saw conservation as a way to drive smalle4r competitors out of business Hetch Hetch Valley - where fed govt approved consturction of dam and reservoir in san fran after earthquake pinchot supported the project bc he saw it as best use of land for greatest number of people progressive conservationists had racial bias

political machines and city bosses

political amchine - functioned to give citites the centralized authority and services that they lacked political boss - real authority came from leadership of the machine they maintained a tight network of loyalists through city wards provided a public welfare when private charity couldnt cope satisfactorily with growing needs of the poor machine fofered upward mobility out of poverty as they rose through its ranks helped businessmen maneuver through the maze of contradictory and overlapping codes regulating building and licenses that impeded their routine course of activities facilitated the underworld commerce of prostitution, gambling etc by acting an arbiter to keep this trade within est boundaries in return- received the votes of immigrants and money from businessmen corruption and graft led to hgiher taxes on middle class residents proceeds went to provate coffers of machine bosses and other functions had no interest in resolving the underlying causes of the poors problems

populists rise up

populists- peoples party of america endorsed graduated income tax to impose higher tax rates on higher income levels, 8 hr work day, immigration restriction, womens suffrage did not fofer specific proposals to prohibit racial discrimination or segregation focused on remedies to relieve the economic plight of impoverished white and black farmers in general


pragmatics- contended that the meaning of truth didnt reside in some absolute doctrine but could be discovered only thru experience ideas measured by practical consequences progressives derived a skepticism toward origin dogma and instead relied on human experience to guide social action

fighting the war at home

preparing to support war effort, progressives passion for org, expertise adn controlled harnessed effort of palcing economy on a wartime footing and rallying american people behind the war govt gained unprecedented control over american life war effort produced unforseen economic and political opportunities

the war of 1898

president mckinley favored military intervention as a way to increase US control of postwar cuba us staked its claim for determining the relationship between the two countries and protecting its vital interests in carribean US press built support for US intervention by framing the war as a matter of US honor yellow journalism war against spain proclamation asserted the right of the US to remain involved in cuban affairs until it had achieved pacification mckinleys imperialistic course - steered hawaiian annexation treaty through congress, businessmen joined imperialists in creating a commercial empire to catch up to european rivals US army lacked sufficient strength to conquer cuba on its own rough riders - roosevelts own regiment white soldiers harmed black people of area of training - one used a black boy as a target... in retaliation, african americans stormed into streets and exchanged hunfire with whites leaving many qounded US won, peace treaty ended spanish rile in cuba, recognized US occupation of philippines until 2 countries could arrange final settlement result- US foreign policy strategists could now begin to construct empire mahan envisioned

presidential progressivism

problems created by industrialization and growth of big business progressives sought national leadereship positions Roosevelt and wilson instituted progressive reforms during their terms

morality and social control

progressive initiatives crossed over from social reform to social control convinced that immorality of poor was cause of social disorder... reformers sought to impose middle class standards of behavior and morality on lower classes reformers interested in social control were driven by variety of motives efforts to prohibit alc, fight prostitution, all involved attempts to repress and control the poor

goverment by comission

progressives relied on govt commissions to regulated business practices as well as health adn safety standards War industries board - est to supervise purchase of military supplies and gear up private enterprise to meet demand WIB created a govt partnership with the corp sector that lasted beyond war National war labor board - to settle labor disputes bc of strikes in war effort in exchange for "no strike pledge" they supported an 8 hr workday with time and a half pay for overtime, collective bargaining and equal pay for women women found opportunities as telephone operators, nurses, clerical workers, decline of employement as domestic workers wilson pointed hoover to head the food administration - increase the military and civilian food supply mainly through voluntary conservation measures fuel administration - offered higher prices to coal companies to increase productivity rr administration controlled railroads during war, coordinating train schedules etc

western federation of miners

raise wages, imporve working conditions, gain union recongition for most exploited segments of americna labor "wobblies" sought to unite all workers to overthrow capitalism favored strikes and direct action protests

wilson-gorman act

raised tariffs on imported goods protect american businesses by keeping the price of imported goods high deprived foreigners of necessary income to buy american exports included a provision that the populists and other reformers endorsed - income tac of 2 % on all annual earnings over 4000

social gospel

reformers drew inspiration from the religious ideals of it Water Rauschenbusch - urged christians to embrace teachings of jesus on ethical obligations for social justice and to put these teachings into action by working among urban poor W Gladden - argued unregulatd private enterprise was inequitable and compared financial speculators to vampires T Roosevelt and G Pinchot combined moral fervor of social gospel with rationalism of the gospel of scientific efficiency appealed to members of the new middle class growth of businesses during second half of 1900s expanded middle class to include men whose professions grew out of industrialization (engineering, corp management, social work)

election of 1912

roosevelt was convinced he could heal the party breach so he announced candidacy for 1912 republican nomination taft still controlled party machinery and majority of convention delegates roosevelt formed new progressive party and nicknamed Bull Moose expressed philosophy of new nationalism - argued that federal govt should use its power to fight against forces of special privelege and social justice of americans advocated income and inheritance taxes, 8 hr workday and abolition of childer labor, workers comp, womens suffrage Dems nominated wilson and he offered "new freedom" - envisioned society of small business, govts role was ensuring open compensation to make best use of opportunities NEW FREEDOM didnt embrace social reform and rejected womens suffrage support/elimination of child labor

T. Rooosevelt and the square deal

rough riders - roosevelt formed soldiers who fought in cuba against spanish bully pulpit - what he considered his office to be (activist style) a platform from which to promote his programs and rally public opinion opposed ideological extremism - believ ed he could serve as an impartial arbiter among competing factions and detrmine what was best for public reform was best against revolution "square deal" - provide economic and political stability - took over coal strike and threatened to dispatch fed troops tot ake over mines and gave them what they wanted but didnt recognize the unions tackled problems caused by giant business trusts - affirmed fed govts power to regulate business trusts that violated public interest the jungle - muckraking novel that portrayed impoverished lives of immigrant worker4s in chicago and wokring conditions meat inspection act - benefitted consumers and provided way for large corp to eliminate competition from smaller firms who couldnt afford to raise standards pure food and drug act - prohibited sale of adulterated and fraudulently labeled food and drug roosevelt lacked commitment to black equality and enspoused racist ideas of eugencies in fashion stopped cooperating with southern black officeholders and created republican party - incident in texdas when white residents charged at black soldiers stationed, roosevelt dischrged the military men

progressivism and african americans

social justice progressives faced huge barriers in the fight for racial equality by 1900 white southern supremacists disfranchised msot black voters and imposed a rigid segregation system in education and public life 1908 riot broke out when local sheriff tried to protect two black prisoners from the lynch mob - triggered two days of white violence against balcks Brooker T washington - approach that his critics called accomodation but that he defended as practical. most powerful african american of his generation Tuskagee Institute - african american educational institute founded in 1881 by Brooker t wash. - focused on teaching industrious habits and practical job skills urged african americans to remain in the south, accept racial segregation and concentrate on moral and economic development called white leaders to protect blacks from growing violence directed at them Wells - believed black leaders had to speak out vigorously against racial inequality and lynching wells concluded that racists used violence to ensure that african americans would not challenge white supremacy Du Bois - agreed with washington about advocating self-help as a means for advancement but didnt believe it would succeed without proper education and equal voting rights Du bois argued african americans needed a liberal arts education Du bois created the Niagra Movement - all black org demanded vote and equal access to public facilities for blacks national association for advancement of colored people NAACP; initiated court cases challenging racially discriminatory voting practices and other bias forms in housing and criminal jsutice southern blacks committed to securing a quality education for their children after whites failed to live up to responsibilities under plessy v ferguson

the red scare 1919-1920

success of bolshevik revolution in russia and creation of union of societ socialist republics terrified officials of capitalist countries in western europe and US fear furthered with creation of cominterm - association of communists who pledged to incite revolution in capitalist countries around the world sparked panic over communist inspired radicalism (red scare ) which set stage for suppression of dissent Schenck v US of supreme court invoked espionage act to uphold conviction of chalres schneck (sec of socialist party ) for mailing leaflets opposing the military draft justice oliver holmes argued during wartime congress has authority to prohibit infividuals from using words that create a clear and present danger to the safety of the country court upheld conviction under Holmes doctrine , later court further limited free speech by sustaining guilty verdict of 5 anarchist who distributed leaflets denouncing US military efforts to overthrow bolshevik regime postwar economic problems increased anxiety of american citizen, reinforcing position of officials who sought to restore order by suppressing radicals consumer goods were in short supply bc industries were slow to convert their plants from military to civilian production deamnd exceded supply, so prices soared for consumers. farmers who benefitted from wartime conditions faced falling crop prices as european nations resumed agricultural production and fed govt ended price supports widespread strikes launched by labor unions in 1919 contributed to fear of US under assault by sinister radical forces inflation undercut wages adn employers launched new roundof union-busting efforts, labor went on the offensive striking boston policemen left city unguarded resulting in widespread looting and violence communist and socialists supported some union activities, but millions of workers struck for higher wages and better working conditions had ties to extremists major prewar radical org, industrial workers of the world, never recovered from govt harassment that crippled during ww1 scattered ats of violence allowed govt and business leaders to stir up anxieties about communist threat may 1919- radicals sent more than 30 incendiary devices through the mail to americans, bombs got defused before reaching targets bombs then exploded in 8 cities including doorstep of mitchell palmer the attorney general of US after attack on his home, he launched a govt crusade to root out and prosecute communists - traced sourced to recent immigrants from russia and eastern/western europe govt agents in 12 cities arrested foreigners and deported them Palmer Aids - authorities seized 6000 suspected radicals and interrogated them without benefit of legal counsel, officially arrested 556 of them, the raids didnt uncover any extensive plots to overthrow the uS govt americas initial support of palmer aids waned in face of civil libertty biolations that accompanied the raids ACLU - american civil liberties union - created by pacifists, progressives, constitutional lawyers, yo monitor govt abridgements of bill of rights after hoover became direct of bureau of investigation, he continued spying and collecting info in suspected radicals and increasing his power late 1918- influenza epidemic struck US, terror gripped nation as it killed more than 675000 people

pollack v farmers loan and trust

supreme court declared income tax unconstitutional and denounced it as the opening wedge in a war of the poor v rich

taft retreats from progressivism

taft didnt have charisma or energy of predecessor and moved slowly comapred to roosevelt - weak leader, took stands opposite of progressives payne- aldrich tariff - raised duties on imports , taft signed it into law which alienated key progressive legislators

Wilson and american foreign policy

when wilson became president, he pledged to open a new chair in US relations with Latin america and rest of world vowed to place diplomacy and moral persuasion at center of US foreign policy US military intervened repeatedly in latin america and fought on european soil in global conflict called great war


with few immigrants that spoke english, foreign language newspapers proliferated to reform their readers of events helped sustain ethnic solidarity in the new world as well as maintain ties to the old world

female progressives and the poor

women played the leading role in efforts to improve the lives of impoverished Toynbee Hall settlement house - impressed jane addams for its work in helping poor residents Hull House - J Addams and friend est. as a center for social reform settlement houses became all-purpose urban support centers for providing recs, social acitivites, educational classes for neighboring residents civic housekeeping - women could protect their individual households from the chaos of industrialization and urbanization by attacking sources of chaos in the community at large settlemetn houses and social workers occupied front lines of humanitarian reform - found support from women clubs local groups provided middle-class women places to meet, share ideas, work on projects initially devoted to discussion of religion, culture, science.. club women began to help the needy and lobby for social justice regulation club women carried message to state and fed govts and campaigned for legislation that would est social welfare programs for working women and their children african american women created own clubs that challenged racist notions that black men and women were incapable of raising healthy and strong families. 1916- NACW created

working class leisure

workers carved out recreational spaces that they could control and offered relief from backbreaking toil sunday day of rest working class wives preferred to gather to prepare for weddings, birth etc

Crime, abandonment, boarders

young men joined gangs based on ethnic heritage and battled those of other groups to protect their turf tongs (secret orgs) controlled opium trafe gambling and prostitution lots of husband abandonment, drunk sex, abuse boarders whom immigrant families took into their homes for economic reasons also showed issues cramped spaces gave lack of privacy generational conflicts within families began to develop as americna born children of immigrants questioned their paretns values social organizations and mutual aid societies that immigrant groups est were a response to real problems challenging health and stability

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