HTH : ch. 6 LS

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______ is the long-term process in which plaques build up arterial walls

>> atherosclerosis

During a stroke, cells in the ______ die. >> brain >> liver >> lungs >> heart

>> brain

Oxidized LDL is: >> a good form because it can be used for energy >> a more accessible source of stored fuel >> a bad form because it's formed into plaque

>> a bad form because it's formed into plaque

Excessive amounts of ______ can lead to increased VLDL production and CVD risk >> alcohol >> protein >> refined carbohydrates >> dietary fat

>> alcohol >> refined carbohydrates

Most cases of CVD result from:

>> atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis can be initiated from factors such as: >> cigarette smoke >> excess glucose >> viruses >> bacteria

>> cigarette smoke >> excess glucose >> bacteria

Maintaining a tattoo dietary intake of fat no greater than 35% of total calories will most likely cause a person's risk of developing atherosclerosis to: >> increase >> remain the same >> decrease

>> decrease

______ is the enzyme tat breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol.

>> lipase

What is the best way to reduce a person's risk of CVD? >> used filtered cigarettes >> decrease fiber intake >> consume more saturated fats >> lose excess body fat

>> lose excess body fat

A ______ is a lipid that has a single fatty acid attached to the glycerol backbone.

>> monoglyceride

T/F: when a person complains of frequent chest pain, the term used to describe this is angina

>> true

Lipid build up within the wall of the artery is known as ______ ______.

>> arterial plaque

______ is found only in foods that contain animal products.

>> cholesterol

Which of the following are factors that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis? >> plaque is wedged in the lumen >> artery lining is smooth >> clots form >> build up of arterial plaque

>> plaque is wedged in the lumen

______ are a type of prescription drug that reduces a person's elevated blood lipid levels.

>> statins

Which of the following are components of a lipoprotein? >> triglycerides >> phospholipids >> cholesterol >> carbohydrate >> protein

>> triglycerides >> phospholipids >> cholesterol >> protein

Which of the following are traits of a Mediterranean diet/lifestyle? >> using heart-healthy unsaturated fats >> drinking one glass of wine a day >> consuming large quantities of red meat >> frequent physical activity

>> using heart-healthy unsaturated fats >> drinking one glass of wine a day >> frequent physical activity

A lipoprotein that has a high cholesterol content is: >> LDL >> VLDL >> HDL >> LPL

>> LDL

A lipoprotein that transports cholesterol away from tissues and to the liver >> LPL >> LDL >> HDL >> VLDL

>> HDL

Lipid build-up within the wall of the artery is known as ______ ______.

>> arterial plaque

LDL is responsible for delivering ______ to the tissues >> protein >> phospholipids >> triglycerides >> cholesterol

>> cholesterol

Cardiovascular disease is a group of diseases that affect the ______ and blood vessels.

>> heart

A blood clot can adversely affect health by: check all that apply >> causing the death of cells supplied by a blocked artery >> partially closing off oxygen to cells >> causing high cholesterol in b look vessels

>> causing the death of cells supplied by a blocked artery >> partially closing off oxygen to cells

LDL is responsible for delivering ______ to the tissues. >> cholesterol >> triglycerides >> protein >> phospholipids

>> cholesterol

In effort to move lipids through lymph and blood, the body coats lipids with a layer of protein, phospholipids and cholesterol to form ______, a type of lipoprotein

>> chylomicrons

Arteriosclerosis is described by which of the following? Choose all that apply >> decreases flexibility of the artery >> contributes to the development of hypertension >> caused by a blood clot that breaks free from where it was formed >> commonly called "hardening of the arteries"

>> decreases flexibility of the artery >> contributes to the development of hypertension >> commonly called "hardening of the arteries"

Select all of the following dietary changes that will most likely lower the risk of atherosclerosis development, >> ensuring that foods have some saturated and trans fat >> eating fewer foods that contain trans fats >> follow a diet that supplies more monounsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acids >> replace foods high in saturated fats with foods that contain polyunsaturated fats

>> eating fewer foods that contain trans fats >> follow a diet that supplies more monounsaturated fatty acids than saturated fatty acids >> replace foods high in saturated fats with foods that contain polyunsaturated fats

Additional risk factors for atherosclerosis include: >> endorphins >> elevated triglycerides >> anemia >> genetics >> stress

>> elevated triglycerides >> genetics >> stress

Manufactures often add ______ to foods to keep oily and watery ingredients from separating during storage.

>> emulsifiers

Adipose tissue is comprised of: >> fatty acids >> cholesterol >> protein >> glycerol

>> fatty acids >> glycerol

Which of the following foods tend to contribute a high amount of saturated fat to the diet of Americans? >> peanut butter >> hard cheese >> sausage >> hot dogs

>> hard cheese >> sausage >> hot dogs

When a portion of the heart muscle dies due to a lack of nutrients and oxygen triggered by a complete artery blockage it is known as a ______ ______.

>> heart attack

People have a higher number of smaller, denser LDL's are at a ______ risk of developing atherosclerosis as compared to others >> higher >> similar >> lower

>> higher

A condition that is characterized by abnormally high blood pressure levels and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease is called: >> hypertension >> embolism >> myocardial infarction >> hyperthyroidism

>> hypertension

What are some risk factors for CVD? >> insulin resistance >> physical inactivity >> low body fat

>> insulin resistance >> physical inactivity

Individuals with hypertension are at a risk for ______ if it remains uncontrolled. >> hyperlipidemia >> kidney disease >> heart failure >> stroke

>> kidney disease >> heart failure >> stroke

What enzyme breaks down triglycerides into fatty acids and glycerol into the bloods stream? >> amylase >> protease >> lipase

>> lipase

What enzyme breaks down triglycerides into free fatty acids and glycerol in the bloodstream? >> protease >> amylase >> lipase

>> lipase

The structure of phospholipids, having water soluble and water insoluble components, allow phospholipids to form the ______ of the cell. >> membrane >> mitochondria >> sarcoplasmic reticulum >> cytoplasm

>> membrane

When blood vessels that carry blood to all tissues except to the heart or brain have atherosclerotic plaques, the condition is called ______. >> heart attack >> peripheral vascular disease >> hypertension >> atherosclerotic build-up disease

>> peripheral vascular disease

Lecithin is a common example of a(n) ______, which is naturally found in plant and animal foods.

>> phospholipid

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