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How do you declare functions in js front end

with function keyword+

how do you include javascript in html

with internal script tags or with external src files

what are some attribut special characters example

- - value must match within a space seperated list of words. ^ - starts with the value. $ - ends with the value. * - contains the substring value.

what are scripting

.sh files a manifest of commands for bash to run automatically line by line.

What's a shell

A program taht interprets user input. I.e. bash.

how do you write a script

On the first line a shebang is used to denote the shell program of choice, then to execute either pass the file as an arg so sh or bash command, or make it an executable using chmod then call it in the shell.

what is the default administrator account

Root and is rarely stoped by the system from doing anything.

what is character encoding

a method of converting bytes into characters.a program must choose the appropriate encoding to display an html doc properly.

what's a pseudo class

a pseudo class is a specific keyword at the end of a selector used to specify that you want to style the selected element but only when it is in a certain state. I.e. when hovering mouse or checked box.

What is bootstrap

a responsive mobile first css framework... a bunch of pre-written css styles that you can use.

what's br

a self closing tag that does nothing but ad a line break.

what are internal stylesheets

a style sheet is a set of css selectors with associated rules for styling a HTML written in the head of a html doc, it sets precedence for the entire style doc.

what does style attribute do

adds css to that particular tag.

what are nav usually used for

an element usually used to enclose a section that has links like a navbar.

what are the bod model boxes

content - tihs contains the actual text or image, padding - space between content and border. Border - space between padding and margin - the space between the end of one element and start of another.

whats p used for

creating paragraphs.

what's charset metatag do

defines the character encoding for the page.

what are the two ways of selecting nested elements

descendant and direct (child)

some simple selectors in css

div, we can select all the divs and make their color red or whatever.

how do you get started with bootstrap

either use the CDN (content delivery network) including a link tag with the right url or download bootstrap yourself and link it.

whats consistency in bootstrap

every element will look and feel unified in its design.

what are sibling selectors

general(-) select any ul elemnt that follows aft a p elemnt and share the same parent and adjacent (+) select any ul element that follow directly after a p element.

what's the title attribut do

gives a suggested title for the element. It's behavior depends upon the elemnt tat carries it.

what's the div tag in html

has no effect on the content or layout until styled using css, but is used as a pure container

what are some components of Bootstrap

headings, lists, tables, forms, dropdown menus, modals and more

what are some pseudo class selectors (7): :active :visited :checked :disabled :first :nth-child and

hover example button :hover {background element-color: green;}

what's a css selector

how we select specific html elements that we want to style. After a selector you place curly braces then write the css rules you want for that selector, the simplest selector is the tag you want styling which will affect all elements with that tag name.

what is the gen descendant used for

if we have a span thats nested farther from the div i.e. in a <p> then we use the space div span {..}

what are the three ways to include css in html

inline styling, using internal stylesheets, and using external stylesheets.

what's an attribute

it's used to define the characteristics of an html element., they are placed with the elements opening tag

what are css styling rules

key value pairs separated by the colon, writing in double quotes. You can have multiple rules seperated by a semicolon

what are attribute selectors

selecting elements by attributes using square brackets and special characters to match patterns.

what are head tags used for

supply meta data regarding the html document.

what's the wildcard

the * wildcard character can be used to specify all elements and can be used in any context.

what's h1 used for

the creation of headings h1 - h6 h1 being the biggest.

what's the Doctype mean in html

the declaration used by a browser to understand which version of html the document is using.

What're the most critical components of Bootstrap

the grid system, Responsive by default, Components, Utility classes and consistency.

what's the utility class

the utility class is used to style various elements

what's the css box model

the way elements are defined.

waht are two attributes

title and id

two reasons you would use an id attribute

to identify a specific element. Or to single out one element with that id when there multiple elements like it i.e. one p element out of a bunch of p's

what is the direct descendent used for

to select elements that are direct descendants of other elements you use th e> operator. Div > span {...}

what are elements made up of

two parts a name and a value. The name is the property you wanna set and the value is what you set in that property.

what's a container in bootstraps

used to create boxed content the container is used to set content's margins dealin gwith responsive behaviors for layouts... it contains the row elements and the row elements are container of columns (grid system)

what are forms

used to take input What does AJAX stand for?? Asynchronous Javascript and XML

what does the id attribute of an html tag do

used to uniquely identigy any element wishin an html page.

hwo do u insert images into pages

using the img tag

how do you use css inline styling

using the style attribute.

what are the class and id selectors

ways you can be more specific in styling different elements in a page. To make a class you use ,classname {hight : xxx} ids are more specif to individual elements and cant be used anywhere else like var names.

what is the grid system

within a container you can create rows, which each have 12 columns they're responsive by default and use diff. Classes to collapse columns

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