HUCL1101 - Module 5

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What are the 5 Guidelines for Improving Feedback Skills?

1. Use paraphrasing - repeat the message to the sender in your own words. 2. Repeat the last word or words of the message - to allow the speaker to more fully develop the thought. 3. Use specific rather than general feedback. 4. Use constructive feedback rather than destructive feedback. 5. Do not deny sender's feelings.

What does Symbolic Non-Verbal Communication entail?

Clothing Hair Jewelry Body art Cosmetics Automobile House

Feedback tells the sender:

How much of the message was understood, Indicates whether the receiver agrees or disagrees with the message, and Helps the sender correct the confusing or vague language

What does Body Language as Non-Verbal Communication entail?

Posture Ambulation Touching Personal space Eye contact Hand gestures Facial expressions

Which best describes effective communication? - Flow of messages sent by verbal and non-verbal means from one person to another - Talking quietly, speaking clearly and maintaining good eye contact - "Intended" meaning of message is the same as the "received" message - Any activity that stimulates a perception and response in another

"Intended" meaning of message is the same as the "received" message

It is easy for the beginner to confuse assertive behavior with aggressive behavior. Why is this?

An assertive HAA is able to use clear, direct, non-apologetic expressions of feelings and expectations. Descriptive rather than judgmental criticisms and "I" rather than "you" statements are used. An assertive HAA uses concise statements and specific behavioral descriptions. An assertive HAA uses requests instead of demands and personalizes statements of concern. To distinguish the difference, remember that with assertive behavior the rights of others are not being violated.

We transmit our thoughts and feelings to others and receive their thoughts and feelings in return. What is this process called? - Feedback - Communication - Paraphrasing - Active listening


During a conversation, which behaviors indicate effective listening? - Get as close as possible to the speaker, maintain steady eye-contact - Stop the speaker frequently to ask clarifying questions - Give your full attention to the speaker and encourage him non-verbally - Pay attention to what is being said and have an appropriate reply ready

Give your full attention to the speaker and encourage him non-verbally

Which of the following is not an effective listening technique? - Be and look interested - Interrupt - Do not assume - Maintain eye contact


In a discussion, which behavior identifies poor or ineffective listening? - Looking at the door frequently - Writing down key phrases - Interrupting frequently - Attending to sender

Interrupting frequently

Why is feedback an important part of the communication process? - Allows the receiver to test his paraphrasing ability - Demonstrates the listener's leadership qualities - Let's the sender know that you received the intended message - Shows the sender that you know a great deal about the topic

Let's the sender know that you received the intended message

What responsibility does the receiver have in the communication process? - Concentrate on the message, check for hidden meaning, and get feedback - Listen actively, paraphrasing, question for clarity of meaning - Pay attention to sender, repeat the message word for word - Listen to the speaker, observe facial cues, continue the conversation

Listen actively, paraphrasing, question for clarity of meaning

What is a skill we have little or no training on how to do effectively?

Listening Skills

Define Encoding

involves the sender deciding whether to send the message in verbal symbols or in nonverbal symbols

Define Echoing

repeating back the speaker's words. It lets the speaker know you are listening. Also it helps to pinpoint information

Define Emotions

may be pleasant feelings that develop when a need is readily satisfied, or unpleasant feelings that are aroused when needs are not being satisfied.

Define Paraphrasing

restating what someone else has said, using your own words. It helps to ensure that there is a common understanding of the message, and encourages the speaker to continue

Non-verbal communication can be separated further into 2 types:

symbolic and body language

The most essential quality we possess as human beings is:

the ability to communicate in as many ways as we do

Why is communication not a simple process?

the act of communicating does not guarantee that effective communication has taken place or that the message sent was the same as the message received.

Define Communication

the exchange of ideas, thoughts, or feelings between two or more people; includes all behaviors that one person uses to influence another for the purpose of obtaining a response

Define Message

the images, feelings, and ideas transmitted

Define Receiver

the person receiving the message

Define Sender

the person transmitting the message

What is speaking?

the process of transforming your ideas into verbal messages.

Define Decoding

the process of translating the symbols received from the sender to determine the message

Define Feedback

the response to the message

Define Non-Verbal Communication

the use of eye contact, body language, facial expression, or symbolic expressions such as clothing

What is the primary purpose of paraphrasing?

to ensure that you have understood the message correctly. Words have different meanings for different people, and sometimes what you understood the speaker to mean may be different from their intended meaning

Which of the following contribute to ineffective communication? - Selective listening - Asking questions when you do not understand - Verbal and non-verbal messages agree - Messages contain no extra details

Selective listening

What are the elements of effective communication? - Verbal message, non-verbal, need satisfaction, a receiver - Individual, message, receiver, body language - Sender, message, receiver, feedback - Message, body language, receiver, emotional response

Sender, message, receiver, feedback

True or False: Sometimes our verbal and nonverbal communication contradicts each other.


How often will you communicate in the workplace? With who?

The tone of voice, the words spoken, and the facial expressions used during communication with visitors to your workplace and initial contact with clients leaves a lasting impression.

How can self defeating messages become "road blocks" ?

They can prevent us from doing and saying what we want, and if we are in the habit of criticizing ourselves, we may find ourselves criticizing others as well.

What is the best way to be an effective listener? Use your eyes, ears, mind, and feelings Concentrate, ignore controversy, ask questions Make allowance for emotions, listen for unspoken message Avoid distractions and concentrate on your answer

Use your eyes, ears, mind, and feelings

What happens when our needs are met? Unmet?

When needs are met, wellness levels increase; unmet needs cause a reduction in wellness

Although verbal and non-verbal communications occur simultaneously, the majority of our communication with others is actually:


The human being, is a whole being with 3 dimensions:

physical, mental and spiritual dimensions

How Does an HAA Improve their Effectiveness as Communicators?

- Improve their awareness & understanding of themselves - their values, prejudices and reasons for behavior. - Self-awareness is the foundation on which effective communication is built. - By examining their own self-image, one can determine. (how they present themselves, how others perceive them, how others respond to their messages, etc.)

There are a number of techniques you can learn and apply in order to make your spoken messages more clearly and easily understood. What are they?

- Organize your thoughts - Shape Your Message for the Listener - Be specific - Give the "why's" whenever possible - Eliminate distractions - Maintain eye contact - Encourage feedback - Use touch (appropriately)

Define Assertive Response

- standing up for your rights without violating the rights of others. - self-enhancing but not at the expense of others. - It involves open, honest communication and being able to express needs, expectations, and feelings. - being able to both accept compliments with ease and to admit errors. - taking responsibility for your actions.

Define Aggressive Response

- typically self-enhancing at the expense of others. - The person may express feelings but hurt others in the process. - Verbal attacks, disparaging remarks, and manipulations indicate aggressive behaviour. - uses "you" statements, followed by personal judgments. - Using "you" statements provoke more defensiveness than using "I" statements. - Statements that use always and never are often part of aggressive communications. - uses demands instead of requests.

Barriers are those things that make it difficult or impossible for something to happen. In the communication process, barriers can occur in or between any of the essential elements. What are some barriers that relate to ineffective communication?

1. Barriers related to sensory dysfunction (blindness, deafness). 2. Physical or mechanical disorders of the speech organs (defect in mouth, nose, larynx, trachea). 3. Noise (undesirable and unintentional stimulus produces stress and disturbance). Includes external and internal noise.

Criteria for Useful Feedback: (5)

1. Descriptive rather than evaluative. 2. Specific rather than general. 3. Takes into account the needs of both the receiver and the giver of feedback. 4. Directed toward something the receiver can do something about. 5. It is well-timed

According to Dr. Steven Covey we listen at 5 different levels depending on our interest in what is being said or what we might be doing while we are listening. What are they?

1. Ignoring. 2. Pretend Listening. 3. Selective Listening. 4. Attentive Listening (Active Listening). 5. Empathetic Listening.

What are 3 Barriers to Effective Communication?

1. In the speaker 2. In the environment 3. In the listener

What are three communication principles?

1. It is impossible to "not communicate." 2. It is impossible to "uncommunicate." 3. Communication has both a "content" and a "relational" aspect.

What are the three behavioral style responses?

1. Non-assertive. 2. Aggressive. 3. Assertive.

The communication process consists of 4 components:

1. Sender. 2. Message. 3. Receiver. 4. Feedback.

How can the Environment be a barrier to Effective Communication?

Background Noise, Temperature, Interruptions, Physical Environment, Distance Between Persons

Does body language tell more or less about our actual feelings than the words we use?

Body language often tells more about our actual feelings than the words we use, because non-verbal communication is less consciously controlled.

When communicating with another person, which part of a message that is being sent and received is most important? - Both verbal and nonverbal - Content - Nonverbal - Verbal

Both verbal and nonverbal

Which best describes a well written message? - Accurate, illegible, adequate information - Simple, direct, few unfamiliar terms - Complete, concise information, sequence logical to sender - Clear script, contains all necessary meaningful information

Clear script, contains all necessary meaningful information

Which best describes the process of communication? - Talking quietly, speaking clearly, using good eye contact - Meeting others need to love and belong - Exchanging information with individuals - Expressing oneself openly with a lot of self-awareness

Exchanging information with individuals

What is the difference between External and Internal Noise Barriers?

External noise originates outside the body, and is often the result of messages being sent on several channels simultaneously. Internal noise may come from individually programmed attitudes, values, interests, or needs. External messages cannot be heard accurately because the inner control system obscures the external message.

Effective communication is virtually impossible without this:


What Does Feedback Look Like?

Feedback can be: As simple as a nod, It may be an answer to a question, or It may be used to encourage further communication and to assist the sender in developing ideas or sharing feelings.

Which of the statements is an accurate description of communication? - Individual abilities, like wine, always improves with age - Messages are sent by speech and body language - Everyone has the innate ability to communicate effectively - Language is the sole basis of communication

Messages are sent by speech and body language

What does negative feedback do to our self-esteem? What does positive messages do?

Negative feedback messages undermine our self-esteem. Positive messages build self-esteem, and help us to be more accepting of ourselves and others.

What must the receiver of verbal communication do to indicate that the message was received? - Listen quietly - Offer feedback - Provide nonverbal communication - Smile

Offer feedback

How can the Speaker be a barrier to Effective Communication?

Poor Delivery, Personality, Annoying Tone of Voice, Language, Appearance, Red Flag Words, Smell, Volume, Prejudice, Posture, Eye Contact

How can the Listener be a barrier to Effective Communication?

Poor Health, Fatigue, Lack of Interest, Past Experience, Assumptions, Attitude, Learning Ability, Memory, Strong Feelings

Non-verbal communication occurs through:

body language

How can decoding become unsuccessful?

can be caused by inconsistency in the verbal and non-verbal symbols from the sender; Lifestyle, age, cultural background, environment, and poor listening habits are other reasons for incorrect decoding

Define Non-assertive Response

typically self-denying and does not express true feelings; This person does not stand up for his/her rights and allows others to choose for them; Because of inadequate behavior the individual feels hurt and anxious.

What are the 2 avenues of communication?

verbal and non-verbal.

When is communication considered effective?

when the receiver clearly understands the message as it was intended by the sender

We use feedback to:

• check our understanding of the speaker's message • show our interest and help the speaker to stay on track • provide the speaker with information as to how they affect us

Positive non-verbal communication lets the listener know that you are involved and interested in communicating with them. It is characterized by:

• facing the person you are speaking with • maintaining an open posture (arms and legs uncrossed) • leaning towards the other person • maintaining eye contact • being relaxed and alert

When giving feedback, it is important to treat others with respect by adhering to the following rules of communication:

• make eye contact • use a positive tone of voice and positive non-verbal expressions • use "I" statements • be descriptive rather than evaluative • be direct and specific • do not make assumptions or judgements, or attribute motives to others

To show our interest, while allowing the speaker to stay on track, we use these techniques:

• non-verbal cues - for example, nodding, leaning forward, etc. • verbal statements - such as "Really," "Oh yes," or "UH huh!"

Effective listening involves making sense of what you hear. The listening process involves four elements:

• the ability to hear accurately • the ability to be objective • the ability to establish personal rapport • the ability to be interactive

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