HUM1020 Final Exam Study Set

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The following had a strong influence on Pablo Picasso's Les Demoiselles d'Avignon?

African masks

The auteur who was innovative in the use of long-shot and intense color effect and whose work directly influenced The Magnificent Seven is

Akira Kurosawa.

The composer known for his use of fugues and improvisation is


The composer did the most to elevate jazz into a serious art, bridging concert hall and jazz club, was

Duke Ellington.

Berthe Morisot was the first woman to gain entry into the closed world of the

French Impressionists.

The artist whose landscape paintings mix realism with colorful abstractions to create striking vibrancy is

Georgia O'Keeffe.

The problem of suffering, woman as transgressor, and curiosity are all part of the

Greek myth of Pandora.

This avant-garde composer's ballet The Rite of Spring provoked a riot:

Igor Stravinsky

Claude Monet and others who viewed painting as an experience of color and light were known as


The figure who is considered the "true father of rock" is

Little Richard.

The filmmaker who developed slapstick is

Mack Sennett.

The Renaissance sculpture that looks back to the ideal heroism of classical forms is

Michelangelo's David.

This composer was innovative in improvisational bebop but moved on to the more disciplined music of cool jazz.

Miles Davis

Godard and Truffant are both French

New Wave filmmakers.

The building that typifies the classical Greek world's concern for mathematics and artistic order is the


German bombers, Cubist elements, and the Paris World's Fair are all associated with

Picasso's Guernica.

Which type of art was most influenced by television and billboards?

Pop art

A filmmaker whose innovative camera work played a large part in creating political propaganda is

Sergei Eisenstein.

According to many, the work that epitomizes Hollywood musicals is

Singin' in the Rain.

This building is considered secular architecture.

Sydney Opera House

A groundbreaking film known for its editing techniques is

The Battleship Potemkin.

The work that gives insight into the cultural history of Greece and Troy is

The Iliad.

The first novel of the Western world is entitled

The Tale of Genji.

The invention of the motion picture is credited to

Thomas Edison.

The 1959 Brazilian film Black Orpheus is an updated version of a myth involving

a descent into the underworld.

Two melodic lines playing against each other are found in

a fugue.

Breaking Bad, Orange Is the New Black, and Mad Men are all part of

a new golden age of television.

John Updike's short story "Varieties of Religious Experience" shows

a set of perspectives on the tragedy of 9/11.

Freudians may interpret the Minotaur myth as

a young person's arriving at sexual maturity.

According to many historians, the first prose fiction novel is

a. The Tale of Genji

Kandinsky's main innovation is developing art that is


A mythical figure known more for virtue and contributions to society than for singular exploits is an example of

an Asian or Middle Eastern hero.

Shirley Jackson's short story "The Lottery" ends with the revelation that the officials have chosen someone to die. It provides an example of

an epiphany.

What does Carl Jung call the models that help us understand experiences and deal with the difficult task of being human?


The myths of childhood

are representative of how we absorb values.

Artistic movements such as cubism and surrealism, which do not start with the familiar world, are examples of

art as alteration.

Directors who choose their own projects and write screenplays that reflect their signature styles and their personal philosophies are called


If a work features atonality, it is likely to be


The Oedipus plays and The Oresteia plays all concern myths of

being cursed by fate.

Frank Lloyd Wright is known for structures such as Fallingwater that

blend into their natural surroundings.

The type of music most likely to be played by two violins, one viola, and one cello is

chamber music.

A work of literature that has endured over time and continues to be relevant is considered a(n)


Harmony, order, and balance in a work of art are characteristic of


Jung's label for the idea that humans share inborn and instinctual models for understanding human experience is

collective unconscious.

"What goes around comes around"; "Just desserts"; "All you need is love"; are all categories of

common sayings.

Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "The Lotos-eaters," based on a section of Homer's The Odyssey, is considered an example of how myth

continues to influence the humanities.

Spirituals, jazz, blues, and ragtime all own their origins to the

difficulties facing African-Americans in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Films that aim at revealing nonfictional truth are


This editing technique involves breaking a short scene into detailed components.

elongated moment

Alfred Hitchcock's famous shower scene in Psycho represents his technique of

endowing everyday events with danger.

The film genre where both heroes and villains are cynical and disillusioned is

film noir.

In the mid-20th century, the music that became associated with political protest and social justice was

folk music.

The name given for literary types is


Which of the following would be considered installation art?

hanging a series of drapes in a park in a specific pattern for a short time

The myth also known as "the problem of evil" concerns

human suffering.

All visual art is


Romantic comedies of the 1940s such as Bringing Up Baby, It Happened One Night, and His Girl Friday

joyfully liberated women from stereotyping.

An epic is a

long narrative recounting the actions of a hero.

The kind of fiction by Gabriel García Márquez in which otherwise true-to-life events take place in a world of supernatural events is called

magical realism.

An arrangement or pattern of tones within a musical piece is a


The genius of Shakespeare's sonnets is that they

merge complex thoughts with masterful rhyme and meter.

The name for what an audience actually sees on the screen is

mise en scène.

A poet or artist such as Gerard Manly Hopkins, who made a deliberate break with the past, provides an example of


The type of myth most likely to contain fairy tales is

myth of childhood.

Noises that come from the outside, such as voice-over narration and musical score, are part of

non-diegetic sound.

Alfred Stieglitz's photography is important because it

offered a record of what urban life in America looked and felt like.

A character that is identified with a specific actor, often to the point where the actor and the character are perceived as the same person, is called a(n)


Giotto's influential technique of painting background objects smaller so that they appear more distant, thus achieving the illusion of depth, is called


The technique whereby the camera shows the perspective of characters or the audience is

point of view.

Recent clichés such as "It is what it is" and "You only live once" might best be thought of as examples of

popular mythology.

A novel that is experimental, obscure, and fragmented is likely to be a work of

postmodern fiction.

If a musical work uses syncopation as a dominant feature, that work is like to be an example of


A concert filled with half-sung, half-spoken music that features rapid-fire rhyming is most likely a performance of

rap music.

If a short story depicts a strong reaction against fantasy stories, it is likely to be an example of


Which of the following types of poetry is most likely to be sung or intoned?

religious poetry.

The organization of sound into patterns of time is


The musical genre that fuses gospel, country/western, rap, and rhythm and blues music is

rock and roll.

Tales of knights, chivalrous deeds, and fair ladies, such as the stories about King Arthur, are features of a genre called the


2. The ordered progression of tone frequencies from low to high is a


Performers' singing lines that charmingly confess hidden, irresponsible rogue selves are singing a(n)

scoundrel song.

With respect to childhood myths, Stephen's Sondheim's Into the Woods is meant to

shatter comforting illusions.

The composer John Cage is known for his innovative use of


Cindy Sherman uses photography to focus attention on

society's expectations for women's appearance and behavior.

A myth is best understood as a

story, perhaps historical, that explains something beyond the natural.

The criterion for critical viewing that distinguishes the features of film from the features of other fictional genres, such as novels and plays, involves whether the

style used is unique to the art of video.

The painting technique that is closely associated with the works of Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dalí is called


In John Donne's sonnet "Batter My Heart" the speaker uses a poetic tool called a conceit to

talk about his struggle to free himself from sin.

The musical act that advanced rock and roll by using complex and sophisticated harmonies is known as

the Beatles.

Which famous archetype is associated with the Western journey?

the Holy Grail

Early recognition, great deeds, and eventual loss of power are characteristic of

the hero archetype.

If the myth we are studying involves the notion that life is a series of happenings rather than a quest, that myth is an example of

the non-Western idea of life as a journey.

Which literary form is considered an American invention?

the short story

A poetic form featuring 14 lines and often written in iambic pentameter is

the sonnet.

If we believe that some famous actors (such as Robert Downey Jr.) or wealthy people (such as Bill Gates) might be authorities on things such as politics, we are seeing a modern example of which mythical feature?

the special someone

Creation myths deal with

the unsolved question of the world's origin.

The term for when the camera follows a subject as she or he moves through a landscape is

tracking shot.

A musician rehearsing a piece using a pentatonic scale is probably playing

traditional Asian music.

As an epic, Homer's The Iliad is essentially a(n)

tragic poem about the brutal death of Hector.

The Dutch artist Rembrandt was noted for his

unsurpassed accuracy in the representations of faces, figures, and landscapes.

Georgia Douglas Johnson's poem that opens with the lines "Don't knock at my door, little child, / I cannot let you in . . ." describes the speaker's

unwillingness to give birth.

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