Human Anatomy and Physiology - Checkpoints

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Refer to the illustration. Growth hormone is produced by gland ____.


Refer to the illustration. Eggs mature in the structure labeled ____.


Refer to the illustration. The pituitary is gland


Refer to the illustration. Which of the hormones shown would activate the receptor protein on the right?


Refer to the illustration. Which of the numbers labels compact bone?


Normal blood pressure for adults in millimeters of mercury is _________________________.

120/80 for males and 110/70 for females

By the end of the 2nd trimester, the fetus is about ___________ long and weighs about _______________.

13 in (34 cm); 2 pounds (900 g)

Refer to the illustration. Fertilization usually occurs in the structure labeled ______.


Refer to the illustration. The elbow, a pivot joint that allows your hand to turn over, is shown in diagram _____.


Refer to the illustration. The structure that connects the epididymis to the urethra is labeled ___.


Refer to the graph. The graph shows the progress of digestion as carbohydrates, fats, and proteins pass through the human digestive tract. The horizontal axis indicates the relative distance along the digestive tract, from the mouth to the anus. The vertical axis indicates the percentage of undigested food remaining as the food moves through the digestive tract. The percentages of undigested carbohydrate, fat, and protein are shown separately, but they are identified as 1, 2, or 3. Knowing that saliva breaks starches into monosaccharides, some of which are absorbed in the mouth, which of the traces indicates the carbohydrate digestion?


Refer to the illustration. The aorta is structure _____.


Refer to the illustration. The gland that is stimulated during emergency situations (causing the "fight or flight" response) is gland


Refer to the illustration. Which joint allows bones to glide over each other?


Refer to the illustration. The tube that carries urine during excretion and semen during ejaculation is labeled ___.


Refer to the illustration. Sperm are produced in the structure labeled ____.


A person with antigen A on their red blood cells can give blood to someone with blood type(s) _______.

A and AB

Refer to the illustration. If one of the steroid hormones were able to activate a cell containing the receptor protein, _______________________.

A receptor molecule for the steroid would have to be found in the cell's cytoplasm

Refer to the illustration. When an impulse moves down the axon, ___________________.

A small part of the axon momentarily reverses its polarity

If a blood vessel has valves, it is probably __________________.

A vein

The organs for digestion, excretion, and reproduction are located in the ___________ cavity.


Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause all of the following except _________________.

Accelerated brain development

Nicotine mimics the action of the neurotransmitter _____________________.


Which of the following would not be influenced by cyclic AMP?

Action of steroid hormones

The role of helper T cells in immune response is to _____________________.

Activate two different types of immune system cells

Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced by the ___________ in response to stress.

Adrenal cortex

The _____________ contains the placenta, uterine lining, and the amnion.


The actual exchange of gases occurs at the site of the __________.


A misdirected immune system response against a harmless antigen is called ________________.

An allergic reaction

Which of the following definitions is correct?

An effective dose is a dose that causes a desired effect

Refer to the illustration. The structure labeled "1" is _________.

An ovary

After the initial immune response subsides, B cells that patrol body tissues for long periods of time ____________________.

Are called memory cells

Nodes of Ranvier________________________________.

Are gaps in the myelin sheath

When a nerve impulse reaches a synapse, neurotransmitters ________________________.

Are released into the synaptic cleft

Which of the following has the thickest muscle layer?


Which type of blood vessel is both strong and elastic?


Which of the following is not a psychoactive drug?

Ascorbic acid

Body hair helps with the sense of touch because many mechanoreceptors in the skin are found ________________________.

At the base of hair follicles

Electrical impulses in the heart are relayed to the ventricles by the ___________.

Atrioventricular node

Refer to the illustration. During which time period are the first antibodies to the pathogen produced?


Refer to the illustration. Joint 1 is an example of a __________.

Ball-and-socket joint

Cytotoxic T cells recognize cells that have been infected by viruses ___________________________.

Because the infected cells have the pathogen's antigens on their surface

A few B cells that have encountered a pathogen _________________.

Become memory cells

An abnormality involving platelets would probably affect the process of ____________.

Blood clotting

The periosteum is a section of the bone that contains __________.

Blood vessels

What is the difference between cartilage and bone?

Bone contains significant mineral deposits between its cells, while cartilage does not.

Ligaments attach _______________.

Bone to bone

Bile ____________________________________.

Breaks down globules of fat into tiny droplets

Alveoli in the lungs are connected to the bronchi by a network of tiny tubes called ___________.


Embryonic cells are organized into the major organ systems ________________________________.

By the end of the 1st trimester

Refer to the illustration. Which time period would be characterized by the most rapid division of B cells?


Excessive amounts of fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E, and K ______________________.

Can be harmful

Prostaglandins ________________________________________.

Can cause pain, fever, and changes in blood pressure

Some viruses are thought to induce ________, a disease characterized by uncontrolled cell division.


The smallest and most numerous blood vessels in the body are the _______________.


Most of the body's energy needs should be supplied by dietary _____________.


Refer to the illustration. Most of the energy in the molecule shown is stored in the _________________.

Carbon-hydrogen bonds

The heart and the blood vessels are separate organs that form the ________.

Cardiovascular system

In a fetus, most bones are originally made of __________.


Tars, produced from burning tobacco, do all of the following except _________________________________.

Cause addiction to cigarettes

Gray matter includes __________________.

Cell bodies of neurons

From the smallest functional units to the largest, the body is organized as follows:

Cell, tissue, organ, system, body

Refer to the illustration. Structure 2 in the diagram is the __________________.


The higher mental functions, such as reasoning, are mostly carried out in the _________________.

Cerebral cortex

The membrane that interacts with the uterus to form the placenta is the ______________.


Which of the following human activities is most closely associated with the emergence of viruses not previously seen in humans?

Clearing of forests for housing

The period of rapid division of an egg immediately after fertilization is called _____________.


The large intestine is also called the ___________.


The type of bone that provides the greatest strength for support is __________.

Compact bone

The breathing center in the brain is most sensitive to the ________________.

Concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood

Color blindness is caused by faulty or missing ________.


Blood, bone, and cartilage are examples of __________.

Connective tissue

Refer to the illustration. These cells ________________.

Contain hemoglobin

When light enters the eye, it first passes through the _____________ .


The ruptured follicle left in the ovary after ovulation develops into a _____________.

Corpus luteum

Which of the following is most directly involved with the action of most amino acid-based hormones?

Cyclic AMP

A ___________________________ recognizes and destroys cells infected by a virus.

Cytotoxic T cell

A sperm cell consists of a tail used for locomotion, a midpiece containing mitochondria, and a head that contains ____________.


Extensions at one end of a neuron's body that receive input are called __________.


The total amount of force that a muscle exerts _____________.

Depends on the total number of individual muscle fibers that hve been stimulated

Which of the following is used to determine whether a person has been infected with HIV?

Determining whether the person has antibodies to HIV in his or her blood

The ___________ is a wall of muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominal cavities.


The dome-shaped muscle below the chest cavity is called the ___________ .


The pressure exerted on the inner walls of the arteries when the heart relaxes between beats is the ________ pressure.


When B cells encounter a pathogen, they _______________________.

Divide and produce large amounts of antibodies

Mature red blood cells _______________.

Do not have a nucleus

The process by which sperm leave the male's body is called _______________.


Which of the following is a function of both the excretory system and the digestive system?

Eliminating wastes

The Ebola virus, the SARS virus, and hantavirus are examples of ____________.

Emerging viruses

Fat molecules are broken down into fatty acids by ____________.


During swallowing, the air passageway of the phaynx is covered by the _________.


Tightly connected cells that are arranged in flat sheets are characteristic of _________.

Epithelial tissue

Tissue that is specialized to cover the inner and outer surfaces of the internal organs is called ________.

Epithelial tissue

When the diaphragm and rib cage muscles relax,

Expiration occurs

The fallopian tubes __________________________________.

Extend from the ovaries to each side of the uterus

The structure joining the ovary and the uterus is the ____________________, where fertilization takes place.

Fallopian tube

Refer to the illustration. The structure shown is most likely a portion of a ___________.

Fat molecule

Connective tissues include

Fat, tendons that connect muscle to bone, and the layer beneath your skin that connects the skin to muscle

The first stage of urine formation is called _______________.


Refer to the illustration. At the location labeled "X," __________________________.

Filtration is taking place

The yolk sac is formed during the ___________________.

First trimester of pregnancy

Muscles that bend joints are categorized as ________________.


Motor neurons transmit messages _______________________.

From the central nervous system to a muscle or gland.

Sensory neurons transmit messages ____________________________.

From the environment to the spinal cord of brain

When digestive enzymes eat through part of the stomach lining, such as when Helicobacter pylori is present in large numbers, they cause ___________.

Gastric ulcers

The developmental processes that occur during the 38-week period of pregnancy are collectively called ______________.


Brain cells and red blood cells receive most of their energy directly from ________________.


HIV causes AIDS by ______________________________.

Gradually destroying a person's immune system

Which part of the spinal cord contains dendrites, axons that aren't myelinated and the cell bodies of Neutrons?

Gray matter

Sperm and eggs are both __________.


Vitamins are organic compounds that __________________.

Help activate enzymes during chemical reactions

Antibodies _________________________.

Help destroy microbes that invade the body

HIV causes AIDS by attacking and destroying ______________.

Helper T cells

The iron-containing molecule in red blood cells is called _____________.


________________ is a chemical released from cells during an allergic reaction.


The kidneys play a major role in maintaining _________________________.

Homeostasis by removing urea, water, and other wastes from the blood

Which of the following structures produces releasing hormones?


Which of the following is an effect of a depressant drug?

Impaired doordination

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause all of the following in the fetus except __________________________.

Improved eyesight

Smooth muscle can be found __________.

In internal organs

Alcohol consumption can do all of the following things except ______________________________.

Increase the blood flow to hands and feet

Nitrous oxide, ether, paint thinner, and glue belong to a class of psychoactive drugs called ______________.


The point at which a muscle is attached to a bone is called the ____________.


Which of the following occurs as air rushes into the lungs from the environment to equalize air pressure?


The myelin sheath _____________________________________.

Insulates the axons

The autonomic nervous system controls _____________________.

Involuntary functions of the internal organs

A goiter results from a lack of __________.


Acetylsalicilic acid, or aspirin, not only lowers fevers and relieves pain, but it can also_______________________.

Irritate the stomach lining

Fetal alcohol syndrome ____________________________________.

Is a cluster of physical and mental defects associated with exposure of a fetus to alcohol

Refer to the illustration. Blood in chamber 1 _________________.

Is full of oxygen

The insertion of a muscle __________.

Is located on a bone that moves when the muscle contracts

The adrenal medulla is different from the adrenal cortex in that the adrenal medulla ________________________.

Is stimulated to release its hormones by the nervous system

Each alveolus _________________.

Is surrounded by capillaries

John and James are identical twins. During the summer following their 15th birthday, they went on a vacation and stayed in a cabin with two of their cousins. One of the cousins came down with chicken pox during the vacation. Chicken pox is caused by a virus. Two weeks later, John came down with chicken pox. James, however, never developed any symptoms of the disease. Which of the following is the best explanation for the different responses John and James had to their exposure to the same disease?

James had been exposed to chicken pox at an earlier age and developed the disease. His body produced memory cells that protected him from further infections of the disease. John did not get exposed to chicken pox at an earlier age.

The point where two or more bones meet is called a __________.


Refer to the illustration. Joint 4 would most likely be found in the _________.


The process that involves muscular contractions of the uterus is called ____________________.


Hypothyroidism can cause __________________________.

Lack of energy

Oxygenated blood from the lungs is received by the _____________.

Left atrium

Urine, when compared with the initial filtrate, contains ________________________.

Less water, fewer minerals, and more urea

Infections generally result in an increase in the number of ________.


Pulmonary circulation is the flow of blood to and from the ____________.


Refer to the illustration. The material labeled "1," which fills the center and spaces at the ends of bones and produces blood cells, is called _________.


Refer to the illustration. The most likely reason for Response II being greater than Response I is that

Memory cells were produced during Response I.

The _________________ valve prevents blood from going from the left ventricle to the left atrium.

Mitral or bicuspid

Smooth muscle ________________.

Moves food through the digerstive tract, is not under consccious control, and can change the diameter of blood vessels.

Refer to the illustration. The diagrams show a nerve impulse _________________.

Moving an action potential along a neuron

An autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks myelinated nerves is ________________.

Multiple sclerosis

Tendons connect ___________.

Muscle to bone

All essential amino acids ___________________.

Must be obtained from the foods we eat

Atherosclerosis is characterized by ___________________.

Narrowing of the inner walls of coronary arteries due to buildup of fatty materials

Refer to the illustration. The structure shown is a(n) _______________.


The basic functional unit of the kidney is the ________________.


Dopamine is a substance released into a synapse to carry an inhibitory message. It is therefore classified as a(n) ________________________.


Refer to the illustration. The structure labeled "X" is a ___________________.

Neurotransmitter molecule

Which of the following does not occur when tobacco smoke is inhaled?

Nicotine is immediately converted into vitamin Bv1

Refer to the illustration. The structure labeled "2" is ____________.

Not: A follicle

In an embryo, major internal organs become evident __________________________.

Not: During the 2nd month

Which of the following structures of the male reproductive system is located within the pelvic cavity?

Not: Epididymis

Steroid and thyroid hormones form hormone-receptor complexes that are not ___________________________________.

Not: Inside the cell

The layer of photoreceptors and other neurons at the back of the eye is called the _________.

Not: Optic nerve

Neurons that make up the optic nerve are ________________.

Not: Photoreceptors

The posterior lobe of the pituitary gland ______________________________________.

Not: Produces and secretes certain steroid hermones

Refer to the illustration. This structure allows for an increase in _______________.

Nutrient absorption area

During the fetal period, ______________________________________.

Nutrients, gases, and other substances pass from the mother to the fetus through the placenta

During the fetal period, _______________________________________________.

Nutrients, gases, and other substances pass from the mother to the fetus through the placenta

Chemoreceptors that detect odors and are located in the roof of the nasal passage are called _______________ receptors.


Organs that work together form __________.

Organ systems

Degeneration of cartilage causes _____________.


The ______________ sends enzymes and sodium bicarbonate into the first part of the small intestine.


Which of the following is not involved in the body's response to a physical threat?

Parasympathetic nervous system

All vaccines are produced from killed or weakened ____________________.


The passage from the mouth to the larynx or esophagus, in humans is called the ___________.


Production of sperm is regulated by luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which are produced by the __________.

Pituitary gland

Carbon dioxide gaseous waste from the fetus is transferred to the mother's blood through the _________________.


The structure that exchanges substances between the mother and the fetus is called the ____________.


Which of the following does not describe the testes?

Produce sperm

Red bone marrow __________.

Produces red blood cells

The major building blocks of body tissue are supplied by foods containing ___________.


Pepsin and hydrochloric acid in the stomach begin the digestion of _____________.


Yellow bone marrow _____________________.

Provides an energy reserve

The peripheral nervous system _________________________________.

Provides pathways to and from the central nervous system

Which of the following is not a viral disease of humans?


Muscles exert force by _____________.

Pulling on surrounding tissues

Which of the following does not occur when a drug blocks reuptake of neurotransmitters for a prolonged period?

Receptor proteins across the synapse modify their shape to expel the neurotransmitter molecules

Refer to the illustration. The cells are ____________.

Red blood cells

The most effective treatment for AIDS is now considered to be the administration of several different antiviral drugs to patients because it is unlikely that the virus would have mutated to develop ________ to all of the drugs.


The sodium-potassium pump _______________________

Restores resting potential

Which structure translates light into nerve signals?


_________ is a painful degeneration of movable joints caused by attacks on the joints by the cells of the immune system.

Rheumatoid arthritis

The heart and lungs are protected by the _____________.

Rib cage

The ___________ respond(s) to dim light coming into the eye.


The filtrate removed from the blood by the kidneys might contain ______________________________.

Salts, amino acids, glucose, and urea

The region between Z lines is called the


In order to cool them, the testes are suspended in the _______, which lengthens or contracts according to the temperature.


Within the testes, sperm are produced in structures called ___________________.

Seminiferous tubules

Chickenpox and __________ are caused by the same virus.


The anterior cruciate ligament stabilizes the knee during ______ motion.

Side to side

Refer to the illustration. This structure is found in the ___________.

Small intestine

Fat-soluble hormones pass through the cell membrane easily. Such hormones are referred to as _________________.

Steroid hormones

It has been known for a long time that muscle contraction requires ATP. Recently, scientists have discovered that ATP is required in order for the muscle filaments actin and myosin to slide past each other, resulting in muscle contraction. The ATP is specifically required to release the attachments between actin and myosin in the many cycles of attachment, release, and reattachment that result in sliding of these filaments past each other. Which of the following phenomena is explained by this specific role of ATP?

Stiffening of a body after death (Rigor mortis)

Once stimulated by antigens on the surface of macrophages, helper T cells may _________________________.

Stimulate B cells to divide and develop into plasma cells

The force exerted against the arterial walls when the heart contracts is called _________________.

Systolic pressure

A specific cell that a hormone binds to and acts on is called a ________________.

Target cell

A(n) ______________ is a globular cluster of cells specialized to detect chemicals found in foods.

Taste bud

_______________ are found between papillae, in the throat, and on the roof of the mouth.

Taste buds

When cocaine interferes with reuptake receptors on a presynaptic neuron, all of the following occur except ________________________.

The amount of neurotransmitter released by the presynaptic neuron is increased

The central nervous system consists of ________________________________.

The brain and the spinal cord

Whether a drug is classified as a stimulant or a depressant depends upon its effect on _____________________.

The central nervous system

When a heart attack occurs, the most common reason is ________________.

The coronary arteries are blocked, leaving the cells unnourished

Two types of ligament in the knee are __________.

The cruciate and collateral

One important development during the 3rd trimester that will insulate the infant against changes in temperature is ___________________.

The deposition of fat under the skin

Addiction to a drug occurs because ____________________________________________.

The drug alters the normal function of neurons and synapses so that they cannot function normally unless the drug is present

During implantation, ______________________________________________.

The embryo attaches itself to the uterine wall

Which of the following is not involved in the formation of blood clots?

The formation of fibrin-red blood cells complexes that circulate in the blood and are too large to move through reptured blood-vessel walls

Autoimmune diseases occur when _______________________________.

The immune system attacks the organism's own cells

Some neurotransmitters cross a synaptic cleft and open sodium channels in the membrane of the postsynaptic neuron, causing _________________________________.

The initiation of an impulse in the neuron

If no embryo arrives after the uterus has prepared to receive it, ___________________________.

The lining of the uterus is expelled from the body

Urea is formed in __________.

The liver

Which of the following describes the relationship between the mother's blood and the blood of the fetus during pregnancy?

The mother's blood and the blood of the fetus never mix during pregnancy

When an addict stops taking cocaine, the addict's body will not function normally until _______________________________.

The number of receptors in the affected synapses has had time to readjust

Menopause is when ________________________.

The ovaries stop releasing eggs

Which of the following is not part of the axial skeleton?

The pelvis

Refer to the illustration. The vessels labeled "2" carry deoxygenated blood. The vessels are ______________.

The pulmonary arteries

An oxygen debt is created when ____________.

The rate of ATP being used exceeds the rate of ATP being created

Refer to the illustration. Structure 4 is ______________.

The right atrium

Which statement about the resting potential of a neuron is true?

There are many times more Na+ ions outside the neuron's membrane than inside

Hormones are essential to maintaining homeostasis mainly because ____________________________________.

They cause specific responses in specific targets

In which of the following ways are mature human sperm and eggs similar?

They have the same number of chromosomes in their nuclei

The esophagus is located in the ___________.

Thoracic cavity

The lungs are located in the ___________.

Thoracic cavity

The body's normal metabolic rate is regulated by ___________.


Refer to the illustration. The structure labeled "X" is the ___________.


Red blood cells ________________.

Transport respiratory gases

Vaccines are effective in preventing disease because they ________________________.

Trigger antibody formation

Refer to the illustration. If a hormone attached to the receptor protein shown in the diagram, the receptor protein would __________________________.

Trigger events within the cell

Pregnancy is often divided into three 3-month periods called ______________.


Which of the following filtrates is not reabsorbed in significant quantities back into the bloodstream by the nephrons?


Urine leaves the body through the __________.


An artery ______________________.

Usually (but not always) carries oxygen-rich blood

The muscular structure in which the fetus develops is the _______.


_______________is the process by which a dead or disabled pathogen (or proteins from that pathogen) is introduced into the body so that an immune response results without actual infection.


Systolic pressure is caused by contraction of the heart's _____________.


Refer to the illustration. Structure 1 is a(n) ___________.


A person with a broken pelvis would probably be unable to _____________.

Walk around his or her house

A fertilized egg becomes an embryo __________________________________.

When the fertilized egg divides

Defending the body against bacterial infection and invasion by foreign substances is a function of ____________.

White blood cells

Which of the following is not linked to cancer?


The ventricles are _______________________________.

the upper chambers of the heart

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