Human Anatomy: Quadrants and Regions Quiz

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The left kidney is located in the _____ region

Left Lumbar Region

The stomach is found primarily in the ________ quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity.

Left Upper Quadrant (LUQ)

The spleen is located in the _________ region

Left hypochondriac

What organs are found in the Right Upper Quadrant?

liver, gallbladder, stomach, duodenum, right kidney, pancreas, transverse colon, right adrenal gland

Right organs are found in the Left Upper Quadrant?

liver, left adrenal gland, stomach left kidney, pancreas, spleen, transverse color, small intestine

The liver is located in the _____ region

Epigastric Region

The majority of the stomach is located in the _______ region

Epigastric Region

The rectum is located in the ______ region

Hypogastric Region

The appendix is located in the _____ region

Right Iliac Region or Hypogastric Region **ASK ABOUT**

The appendix is found in the _____ quadrant.

Right Lower Quadrant (RLQ)

The right kidney is located in the ___________ region

Right Lumbar Region

The liver is found in the _______ quadrant

Right Upper Quadrant (RUQ)

The "belly button" would be located in the ________ region

Umbilical Region

All four quadrants contain portions of

the small & large intestines

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