human bio final 10,11,14

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When typing a patient's blood, agglutination occurred with anti-A and anti-Rh antibodies. What is this patient's blood type?

A positive

A person with blood type _____ has both A and B antigens on his or her RBCs.


A person with blood type has antigen A on his or her RBCs.


Which patient might be diagnosed with physiologic jaundice?

newborn baby

Which of the following is a risk factor for developing essential hypertension?

race, genetics, obesity

Which of the following is associated with the sickle cell trait?

resistance to the malaria-causing parasite

Which of the following is the correct order of events? coronary atherosclerosis, pulmonary edema, congestive heart failure congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema, coronary atherosclerosis pulmonary edema, coronary atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure coronary atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema

coronary atherosclerosis, congestive heart failure, pulmonary edema

Which of the following will reduce blood pressure?

decreasing peripheral resistance

By what pathway does oxygen leave capillaries to supply body tissues?

diffusion through capillary cell membranes

What is a common cause of valvular stenosis?


Which of these functions to maintain osmotic pressure and pH balance?


Which of the following is a warning sign of an impending myocardial infarction?

angina pectoris

Which type of vessel has a thick tunica media?


What part of the heart's intrinsic conduction system carries impulses into the interventricular septum?

atrioventricular (AV) bundle

Where does the sinoatrial node send an impulse after it initiates the electrical signal?

atrioventricular (AV) node

Which leukocytes release histamine during the inflammatory response?


Which of the following is characteristic of whole blood?

five times the viscosity of water

Where is the hepatic portal vein located?

between the stomach, intestines, and the liver

What triggers the adherence of platelets to the wall of an injured blood vessel?

collagen fibers

What blood vessel do you palpate when checking the pulse in your neck?

common carotid artery

Which of the following supply the myocardium with oxygen-rich blood?

coronary arteries

Which of these organs is an accessory organ of the digestive system?


What is a possible complication to arteriosclerosis?

heart attack

Which of these is a normal value for whole blood?

hematocrit: 45%

Which cell the precursor of all types of blood-formed elements?


What disorder is associated with a deficiency of clotting factors?


Which of the following inhibits clot formation?


What structure controls the movement of chyme from the small intestine to the large intestine?

ileocecal valve

Pericarditis is most closely related to which of the following cardiac conditions?

inadequate amounts of serous fluid

What is a function of saliva?

inhibits bacterial growth in the oral cavity

Which arteries carry oxygen-rich blood into the cranial cavity?

internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries

Which vessels drain blood from organs of the pelvic cavity?

internal iliac veins

Pernicious anemia is caused by lack of vitamin B12 absorption by the small intestine. What substance is lacking or in low concentrations that causes this condition?

intrinsic factor

Which anemia is caused by a genetic mutation?

sickle cell anemia

Jordan is told that while his atria are beating normally, his ventricles are beating slower than normal. His doctor suspects a heart block. Damage to what part of Jordan's heart is causing this problem?

the atrioventricular (AV) node

Maurice was born "tongue-tied," a condition known technically as ankyloglossia. Maurice is unable to speak properly and has difficulty swallowing because his tongue cannot efficiently push food to the back of his mouth. What structure in Maurice's mouth must be surgically corrected to fix these problems?

the lingual frenulum

Which of the following teeth are most likely to become impacted and require surgical removal?

third molars

Which clotting factor converts fibrinogen to fibrin?


A pulmonary embolism can be a direct result from which of the following conditions?


Which of the following conditions is NOT characterized by excessive bleeding?


Through which valve will blood flow when leaving the right atrium?

tricuspid valve

Which of these layers is found in capillary walls?

tunica intima

What blood type has both anti-A and anti-B antibodies in their plasma?

type o

Which of the following will slow the heart rate?

vagus nerve stimulation

Which of these occurs first in hemostasis?

vascular spasm

Which of these will increase arterial blood pressure (BP)?

vasoconstriction of arteries

In peritonitis, the peritoneal membranes stick together at the sight of infection. What function does this serve?

The peritoneal membranes' sticking together helps to prevent the infection from spreading.

What is the protein found in blood plasma that acts to keep water in the bloodstream?


Rh antigens are separate from ABO antigens and were originally discovered in Rhesus monkeys.

Anti-Rh antibodies are not automatically made, unlike the antibodies in ABO blood groups. An Rh- mom carrying her second Rh+ fetus is at risk for hemolytic disease of the newborn.

Which of the following occurs when the pressure in the ventricles rises higher than the pressure in the atria?

Atrioventricular valves close.

A person with blood type has antigen B on his or her RBCs.


What information can a clinician obtain from an electrocardiogram (ECG)?

abnormality in electrical activity of heart

What is the cause of the physiologic jaundice seen in some newborns?

Liver is too immature to handle the breakdown products of hemoglobin if fetal RBCs are rapidly destroyed.

Donor and recipient blood types are A positive. Mixing recipient serum with donor RBCs caused agglutination. No agglutination occurred when donor serum was mixed with recipient RBCs. Is the blood safe for transfusion?

No, antibodies in the recipient's plasma are interacting with some unidentified antigen on the donor RBCs.

A person with blood type has neither A nor B antigen on his or her RBCs.


What blood type can a person with O negative blood receive in a transfusion?

O negative

Which of these indicates leukocytosis?

WBC count higher than 11,000 cells/mm3

What is the ultimate cause of orthostatic hypotension?

a slowly reactive sympathetic nervous system

After listening to Janetta's heart for several seconds, her doctor told Janetta that she has an incompetent right atrioventricular (AV) valve. What did Janetta's doctor hear that led to that conclusion?

a swishing sounds

Which of these is a plasma electrolyte?


Which of the following conditions could lead to a person's becoming jaundiced?

cirrhosis hepatitis gallstones

Where is the radial artery located?

lateral forearm

What chamber of the heart will blood enter after passing through the bicuspid valve?

left ventricle

Romaine, a 23-year-old woman, is complaining about constant infection and heavy monthly menstruation. A blood test reveals that Romaine has accelerated leukocytosis but an abnormally high number of immature white blood cells (WBCs). What is Romaine's diagnosis?


Which blood cells are responsible for fighting infections?


What term refers to a deficiency of white blood cells?


What accessory organ produces bile?


Which of these produces bile?


Carla was born with a ductus arteriosus that did NOT close properly. What organ would be directly affected by this congenital heart defect?


Which of these is found in saliva?


What type of anemia is associated with atrophy of the stomach mucosa in the elderly?

pernicious anemia

Which of these formed elements is responsible for stopping bleeding?


What is the basis of the ABO blood groups?

presence or absence of A and B antigens on the surface of RBCs

What is the function of the heart valves?

prevent backflow of blood

Where is most of your food digested?

small intestine

Which of these describes a fenestrated capillary?

special capillary type with small pores found in tissue where absorption is important

Which of these will decrease heart rate?

stimulation by vagus nerves

What term refers to the contraction of the heart?


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