Human Biology

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the viscera

"somatosensory" does not refer to sensory signals from ___________


(T/F) Several muscles of facial expression are stimulated by the facial nerve. In other words, these muscles are innervated by the facial nerve.

myasthenia gravis

A 35-year-old woman complains of drooping eyelids, weakness in her limbs, and poor physical endurance. What is a likely cause of her symptoms?


A ________ is an effector.


A ___________ is a quick involuntary stereotyped reaction of glands or muscles to stimulation

Ruptured calcaneal tendon

A clinician induces contraction of the gastrocnemius and soleus and notices that the foot does not plantar flex as expected. Which of the following would be a logical diagnosis?


A condition caused by prolonged repetitive motions of the wrist and fingers is called carpal ________ syndrome.


A dark pigment in skeletal muscle fibers that stores oxygen is ____________


A football player's arm is dislocated during a tackle. Which of the following muscles was most likely injured?

a functional group of muscles surrounded by fascia.

A muscle compartment is best defined as __________________.


A muscle that attaches to the intertubercular groove, adducts the arm, and is important when one does push-ups is the pectoralis __________


A muscle with two heads that forms part of the triceps surae and plantar flexes the foot is the __________


A myelin sheath is composed primarily of _________

Spina bifida

A neural tube defect called __________ _________ occurs when the vertebrae fail to develop properly and the spinal cord is exposed


A neuron that has a single process leading away from its neurosoma is structurally classified as __________.

flexor (withdrawal)

A nurse pricks your finger to type your blood. you flinch at the pain, pulling back your hand. This is called the ________ reflex


A presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitters to be received by a postsynaptic neuron. Which general property of neurons does this presynaptic neuron demonstrate?


A reflex in which the sensory input and motor output are on opposite sides of the spinal cord is called a/an _________ reflex arc


A sheet of connective tissue that separates neighboring muscles is called a/an _________


A small gap called the _________ cleft lies between a presynaptic neuron and postsynaptic cell.

Skeletal muscle fibers

A somatic motor neuron carries signals to which of the following?

Sciatic nerve

A stab wound to the buttocks produces a sharp pain that travels from the gluteal region along the posterior side of the thigh and leg as far as the ankle. Which nerve was damaged?


A/an __________ is a condition where the viscera protrude though a weak point in the abdominopelvic cavity.

orbicularis oris

After taking their wedding vows, a bride and groom often ceremonially use which of the following muscles before walking away from the altar?

peripheral nervous system

All of the nervous system except the brain and spinal cord is called the ___________ ________ ________


An abnormal shortening of a muscle that is not stimulated by the nervous system is called _____________

abductor digiti minimi

An injury that results in complete functional loss of the ulnar nerve will affect the _________ ______ ______ muscle


Are electrical synapses useful for integrating information and making decisions?

Cauda equina

Below L2, the vertebral canal is occupied by a bundle of spinal nerve roots called the _________ __________


Both the gastrocnemius and _____________ muscles attach to the heel by the way of the calcaneal tendon


Can some smooth muscle be autorhythmic?

There are more T tubules

Compared with skeletal muscle, which of the following is not true of smooth muscle?

Large diameter myelinated fiber

Conduction of a nerve impulse would be the fastest in a _________ __________ ___________ _________


Crossing your legs while sitting employs primarily which muscle?

It is not complete until late adolescence

Developmentally, when is myelination complete?


Do elastic filaments fun through the core of thin myofilaments?


Does the Mylohyoid belong to the infrahyoid group of hyoid muscles?


Does the Thyrohyoid produce chewing movements of the mandible?


Does the pectineus attach to the linea aspera?


Does the pronator teres flex the wrist?

unitary smooth muscle

Gap junctions are characteristics of _______ _______ _________


Groups of muscles are separated by _________


Groups of muscles are separated by __________


Groups of neurons in the spinal cord that coordinate the simple, repetitive alternating movements of the lower limbs that facilitate walking are called central _____________ generators.

frontal belly of occipitofrontalis

If a dentist were to slip while giving a novocaine injection and damage the facial nerve, what muscles would be affected?


If a muscle joins a bone without any visible tendon, it is said to have a/an _________ attachment.

Stimulation of the sarcolemma will not be possible and muscles will be paralyzed.

If a person is injected with a toxin that blocks acetylcholine receptors, what will occur?

it grows within a regeneration tube

In PNS nerve fiber regeneration, how is a growing axon directed to its original destination?


In a sarcomere, myosin makes up the _______ myofilaments.


In a sarcomere, thin myofilaments are anchored to a __ disc.


In an adult, the spinal cord ends at which vertebra?

in the middle.

In joints that are first-class levers, the fulcrum is __ ___ ______


In response to disuse, skeletal muscle will shrink in size, or ____________

extracellular fluid

In smooth muscle, where does the calcium needed for contraction come from ?


In the upper and lower appendages, the fasciae divide the muscles into ____________


In the upper and lower appendages, the fasciae divide the muscles into _____________


In which layer does one find numerous blood capillaries that supply oxygen and glucose to muscle cells?


Inflammation at the attachment of the extensor carpi muscles on the lateral epicondyle of the humerus due to activity that requires rotation of the forearm and firm grip of hand is known as ________ elbow


Is autorhythmicity a feature of skeletal muscle?


Is the Levator palpebrae superioris innervated by the facial nerve?


Is the moving of contents through the digestive tract associated with the skeletal muscle?


Is the sternocleidomastoid an intrinsic muscle of the head?


Is the zygomaticus major essential to taking a bite of food and chewing it?

Serratus anterior

Jil has taken up boxing and notices her thoracic musculature becoming more defined. What muscle would show the greatest definition given her new activity?


Major compartments are separated from each other by __________ septa


Membrane enclosed sacs in the axon terminals called synaptic ___________ contain neurotransmitters

Flexor hallucis longus

Mikako has sprained her big toe and can no longer flex it. Which muscle has she likely injured?


Minimus, as in gluteus minimus, means __________


Most brain tumors originate from __________ cells

efferent; effectors

Motor neurons, or _________ neurons, send signals predominantly to muscle and gland cells, which are known as the ____________


Myelin consists mainly of which of the following?


Myelin is mostly composed of 20% protein and 80% ______.


Myelin sheaths in the CNS are formed by _________

Schwann cells

Myelin sheaths in the PNS are formed by ____________.


Nerve fibers are insulated from one another by ____________

visceral motor

Nerves that directly control the motility of the stomach or rate of the heartbeat would be considered part of the _____________ division of the nervous system.


Neurons receive incoming signals by way of specialized processes called ____________


Neurons that convey information to the CNS are called sensory, or ___________, neurons


Neurons that have one axon and numerous dendrites are structurally classified as __________


One motor neuron and all the muscle fibers it innervates constitute a _______ unit


Outside the CNS, the somas of neurons are clustered in swellings called ___________

Slow oxidative (SO)

Posture is maintained mainly by _______ fibers

extensor digitorum

Prominent tendons on the dorsum of the hand belong to the ______ __________ muscle

extensor digitorum

Prominent tendons on the dorsum of the hand belong to which muscle?


Reflex arcs that only use two neurons are called _________ reflex arcs


Second order neurons synapse with third order neurons in the ____________


Sheets of fibrous connective tissue called _________ separate a muscle or muscle group from neighboring muscles.


Skeletal muscle is called __________ because it is usually subject to conscious control

Myoglobin; lactic acid

Slow oxidative fibers have more _________ and less _________ than fast glycolytic fibers


Soon after a region of the spinal cord is severed, victims exhibit a syndrome called spinal __________


T/F A deficiency of acetylcholine receptors leads to muscle paralysis in myasthenia gravis


T/F As a lever produces more force, it also produces greater speed and distance


T/F Clinically, dystrophin is the most important noncontractile protein to occur in muscle fibers?


T/F Ependymal cells line the inner cavities of the CNS.


T/F Extensibility refers to the ability of a muscle to stretch


T/F In skeletal muscle, Titin is found in a thin myofilament.


T/F Injury to the deep fibular nerve would cause inability to extend one's toes.


T/F Most neurons have multiple dendrites.


T/F Nerve fibers in a given white matter tract are similar in origin, destination, and function.


T/F Oligodendrocytes serve the same purpose in the CNS that satellite cells do in the PNS.


T/F One of the important functions of the muscle in the body is the regulation of blood glucose


T/F Posterior root ganglia contain somas of unipolar neurons


T/F The cervical and lumbosacral enlargements are wide points in the spinal cord marking the emergence of the motor nerves.


T/F The sarcoplasmic reticulum is the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of a muscle fiber.


T/F The somatic reflexes are monosynaptic


T/F The vastus femoris belongs to the quadriceps


T/F locomotion is a function of the spinal cord.

Z discs

The _ ______ move closer together during the contraction of skeletal muscle/

T tubules

The _ _______ propagates action potentials from the surface of a muscle fiber to its interior.

adductor magnus

The _______ _________ muscle adducts and medially rotates the thigh.


The _______ myofilament is predominantly made up of myosin


The _______ plexus gives rise to the femoral nerve.

Palmaris longus

The ________ ________ would be compromised by damage to the median nerve.

Vastus intermedius

The ________ _________ would be compromised from damage to the femoral nerve.


The ________ muscle is under voluntary control.


The ________ nerves arise from the cervical plexus and innervate the diaphragm.

ependymal cells

The _________ _______ line the ventricles of the brain.

Internal intercostals

The _________ _________ contracts when one is bling out birthday candles

iliotibial tract

The _________ _________ is a connective tissue band on the lateral thigh that helps stabilize the knee.

rectus femoris

The _________ _________ muscle is the only muscle of the quadriceps femoris group that flexes the hip.

visceral motor

The _________ __________ division carries signals to the smooth muscle in the large intestine.


The _________ abdominis is an abdominal muscle separated into two halves by the linea alba.


The _________ dorsi is nicknamed the "swimmer's muscle."


The _________ muscles help to open the mouth (depress the mandible)?

posterior root

The __________ _____ ganglion contains the somas of neurons that carry sensory signals to the spinal cord.

Adductor longus

The __________ ________ muscles is in the medial compartment of the thigh.

Biceps brachii

The __________ ________ supinates the forearm

Descending tracts

The __________ __________ carry motor commands from the brain along the spinal cord.

visceral motor

The __________ division carries signals to the smooth muscle in the large intestine


The __________ division of the nervous system tends to prepare the body for action.

dura mater

The __________ is the outermost meninx covering the brain and spinal cord.


The __________ muscle attaches to the coronoid process of the mandible.


The __________ nerve innervates the posterior arm, forearm muscles, and skin.


The __________ plexus gives rise to the tibial nerve


The ___________ are overlapping regions of skin innervated by different spinal nerves


The ___________ cells line the ventricles of the brain.


The ___________ is the connective tissue covering around a single muscle fascicle.


The ___________ muscle's action is to aid in both hip and knee flexion


The ___________ muscles diverge like a V from the middle of the upper thorax to behind the ears.

biceps femoris

The ____________ _________ attaches to the head of the fibula

quadriceps femoris

The ____________ _________ is a group of muscles that extend the knee and all attach to the patella


The ____________ perineal muscle exhibits the greatest difference between males and females.


The ______________ is the connective tissue covering around a single muscle fascicle.

linea alba

The abdominal aponeuroses converge on a median fibrous band on the abdomen called ____________ _____________.

Continued muscle contraction

The absence or inhibition of acetylcholinesterase at a synapse would lead to __________ _________ ___________

gray matter

The anterior and posterior horns of the spinal cord are composed of _________ ___________


The anterior rami of the spinal nerves form nerve plexuses in all regions except the ________ region.

visceral motor division

The autonomic nervous system is also called the ___________ __________ ________

Tuberosity of radius

The biceps brachii attaches to the ________ __ ______.

central nervous system

The brain and spinal cord constitute the _________ _____ ______

Cauda equina

The bundle of nerve roots that occupy the vertebral canal from L2 to S5 is called the ___________ ___________


The cervical plexus is the origin of the _______ nerve(s)


The cheek area is known as the _________ region


The connective tissue covering around a bundle of fibers (fascicle) within a nerve is called the _________


The connective tissue covering of an entire nerve is called the ________________


The deepest abdominal muscle is the ______ abdominal


The diaphragm is innervated by the __________ nerve


The division of the nervous system that carries signals from receptors in the skin, muscles, bones, and joints to the CNS is the _________ sensory system.


The dorsal _________ muscles are hand muscles that abduct the fingers.

acetylcholine (ACh)

The events leading to skeletal muscle contraction are initiated by the neurotransmitter ____________.


The extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digiti minimi are both located in the ___________ compartment of the forearm.


The force (effector) is in the middle of a __________-class lever


The forearm flexors (biceps brachii, and brachialis) are innervated by which nerve?


The galea ___________ is the structure that connects the frontal belly and occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis.

monosynaptic reflex

The knee-jerk (patellar) reflex is classified as which of the following?


The largest muscle of the upper back is the ___________

The big toe

The latin term "hallucis" is used to refer to what?

arachnoid mater

The middle meninx around the spinal cord is the ____________


The most medial adductor muscle of the thigh is the long slender ___________

fast glycolytic

The muscle fibers that exhibit the most severe age-related atrophy are _____ _______ fibers.


The muscle that encircles the lips and enables them to pucker, as in a kiss, is the orbicularis __________


The muscle that squeezes the eye shut is the _________ oculi.


The nonvisual awareness of the body's position and movements is called ________________

patellar ligament

The patella is connected to the tibia via the _________ __________.


The patella is embedded in the tendon of the _____________ femoris muscle.


The plasma membrane of a muscle fiber is referred to as the ___________

Triceps brachii

The prime mover for extension of the arm at the elbow is the __________ ___________


The regulatory protein that blocks the myosin binding site on G actin molecule is ______________


The resistance is in the middle of a ___________ class lever


The respiratory center gathers information from a variety of sources in order to set the rate and depth of breathing. This is an example of what type of neural circuit?


The sarcoplasmic __________ stores calcium and releases it into the sarcoplasm


The serratus ___________ is a muscle that attaches to the scapula, wraps around to the ribs to the front and is visible as triangular points on the anterior chest of well muscled individuals.


The skeletal muscle fiber type most susceptible to fatigue is a fast _________ fiber

Orientation of the fascicles.

The strength of the muscle and the direction of pull are in part determined by ___________ __ ___ _________

posterior root

The structure found between the posterior rootlets and the posterior root ganglion is called the __________ __________


The sucking muscle that is well-developed in infants is the __________


The three large muscles on the posterior side of the thigh are collectively known as the _____________ muscles


The tibialis __________ dorsiflexes and inverts the foot.

Gastrocnemius; soleus

The triceps surae includes the _____________ and the __________


The trigger zone of a neuron includes the axon __________


The word ________ indicates that a structure is associated with the neck.


The word __________ in a muscle name indicates a function related to the head


There are ______ pairs of spinal nerves


Three anterior swellings of the neural tube that appear during the fourth week of development are the forebrain, midbrain, and ___________

synaptic vesicles

To stimulate muscle contraction, acetylcholine is released from the ________ _______ into the synaptic cleft

Quadratus lumborum

Unilateral contraction of which muscle causes ipsilateral flexion of the lumbar vertebral column?

Scapula and humerus

What are the attachments of the teres major and teres minor?

-Conduction -Locomotion -Reflexes -Neural integration

What are the functions of the spinal cord?

A defective gene for the protein called dystrophin

What characterizes Duchenne muscular dystrophy?

one nerve fiber and all the muscle fibers innervated by it

What comprises a motor unit?

A band

What contains overlapping thick and thin myofilaments?

Rough Endomplasmic Reticulum

What does the chromatophilic substance in a neuron consist of?

It becomes flatter and aids in inspiration

What happens to the diaphragm when it contracts?

Smooth muscle contracts and relaxes more slowly

What is a good comparison of skeletal muscle to smooth muscle?

The outermost layer of a schwann cell

What is a neurilemma?

a muscle that may stabilize a joint or modify direction of movement at the joint.

What is a synergist?

Semispinalis capitis

What is an extensor of the neck?


What is caused by contraction of smooth muscle?

cerebrospinal fluid

What is found in the central canal of the spinal cord?


What is the Latin term for "short"

It acts in climbing stairs by extending the thigh.

What is the action of the gluteus maximus

Ipsilateral flexion of the neck.

What is the function of the scalenes?


What is the latin term for "lip" ?


What is the longest muscle in the human body?

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

What is the most common inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain?


What is the nonvisual awareness of the body's position in space called?

The dendrites

What is the primary site on a neuron for receiving signals from other neurons?

depressor anguli oris

What is the prime mover for frowning?

They release neurotransmitters onto smooth muscle cells

What is the purpose of motor nerve varicosities as they relate to smooth muscle?

it binds to troponin to expose a myosin binding site

What is the role of calcium in muscle contraction?

Z discs

What marks the boundaries of sarcomere?

Extensor carpi ulnaris

What might you expect to name a muscle that lies alongside the medial bone of the forearm, crosses the wrist and acts to open a fist?

Palmar interosseus

What muscle adducts the fingers?


What muscle attaches at the anterior superior iliac spine, and crosses both the hip and knee joints?

Biceps femoris

What muscle attaches to the head of the fibula?

Adductor magnus

What muscle is an adductor of the thigh that attaches to both the pubis and ischium.

Skeletal muscle

What muscle type depends solely on the sarcoplasmic reticulum as its calcium source?

-Biceps femoris -Semitendinosus -Semimembranosus

What muscles belong to the Hamstrings?

-Rectus femoris -Vastus lateralis -Vastus medialis

What muscles belong to the Quadriceps?

-Supraspinatus -Infraspinatus -Teres minor

What muscles belong to the rotator cuff?

Adipose tissue

What occupies the epidural space around the spinal cord?


What property of neurons allows them to respond to changes in the environment?

the first-order neuron detects the stimulus and transmits a signal to the spinal cord or brain-stem

What role does a first-order neuron play in the passage of a sensory signal to the brain?


What shape would you classify a muscle that is composed of fascicles all running in the same direction?

First class

What type of lever is the atlanto-occipital joint?

The muscles of facial expression would droop on one side.

What would happen if a virus infected one of the two facial nerves (cranial nerve VII)?


What would you expect to be the result of an accident where a person severed the spinal cord at the level of T12?

calcaneal tendon; his triceps surae.

When attempting a jump shot, a man falls to the ground in pain, grasping at the calf of his leg. There is an enormous bulge in his leg immediately below the popliteal fossa, and he is unable to plantar flex that foot. Most likely he has injured his __________ and the bulge is ___________.

Week 3 of development

When does the heart begin beating


When you take a deep bow, which muscles do you use?

the ventral horns of the spinal cord

Where are most lower motor neurons located?

synaptic knob

Where are the synaptic vesicles found?

In the PNS

Where are unmyelinated nerve fibers surrounded by Schwann cells?

The A band

Where in a sarcomere do actin and myosin overlap?

Precentral gyrus of the cerebrum

Where is the soma or an upper motor neuron that controls skeletal muscle found?


Which back muscle connects vertebrae to each other and helps maintain posture?


Which cells form myelin in the spinal cord?


Which cells would you expect to increase in number during an infection of the CNS?

Lateral pterygoid

Which chewing muscle attaches to the sphenoid bone?

amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Which condition is associated with an accumulation of glutamate in the nervous tissue fluid?

Spina bifida

Which condition occurs when the vertebrae fail to develop a complete neural arch and part of the spinal cord is exposed?

sympathetic division

Which division of the nervous system is responsible for accelerating the heart rate in an emergency?

parasympathetic division

Which division of the nervous system is responsible for maintaining day-to-day activities at rest?


Which embryological cells give rise to muscle fibers?


Which embryonic structure gives rise to the retina of the eye?


Which flial cells convert glucose to lactate and contribute to the nourishment of neurons?

rectus femoris

Which head of the quadriceps femoris extends the knee and flexes the thigh at the hip?

erector spinae

Which muscle acts as an antagonist to erectus abdominis?


Which muscle acts as an antagonist to trapezius?


Which muscle attaches to the coronoid process of the mandible?

fibularis longus

Which muscle everts the foot?

rectus abdominis

Which muscle is divided by tendinous insertions into segments externally visible on a well-muscled person?


Which muscle is not part of the suprahyoid group of hyoid muscles?


Which muscle is the prime mover for sticking your tongue out?

Levator ani

Which muscle of the pelvic floor is the deepest?


Which muscle plays a role in erection of the penis and clitoris?


Which muscle pulls the skin of the chin upward?

skeletal muscle

Which muscle type depends solely on the sarcoplasmic reticulum as its calcium source?


Which muscle(s) of respiration is/are innervated by the phrenic nerve?

smooth and cardiac muscle

Which muscle(s) tissue can contract without the need for nervous stimulation?

Serratus anterior

Which muscles(s) might be used to assist breathing if a person was experiencing an asthma attack?


Which nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior arm and forearm?


Which nerve supplies the deltoid muscle?


Which neuron cytoplasmic inclusion is the product of organelle digestion by lysosomes?


Which neuron does not have an axon and communicates over short distances?

thick myofilaments

Which of the following attaches to the M line of a sarcomere?

zygomaticus major

Which of the following contracts when one smiles?


Which of the following is a hamstring muscle?

Gracilie fasciculus

Which of the following is an ascending tract of the spinal cord?

gracile fasciculus

Which of the following is an ascending tract of the spinal cord?


Which of the following is considered to be a myofibril regulatory protein?


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a muscle cell?

production of CSF

Which of the following is not a function of astrocytes?


Which of the following is not a neurotransmitter?

it consists of somas, dendrites, and myelinated axons

Which of the following is not true of gray matter


Which of the following is/are found only in the PNS?


Which of the following is/are supplied by the meningeal branch of a spinal nerve?

biceps femoris

Which of the following muscles attaches to the head of the fibula?

biceps femoris

Which of the following muscles does not extend the knee


Which of the following muscles is innervated by the obturator nerve?

rhomboideus major

Which of the following muscles is located above the knee?


Which of the following muscles is not in the anterior compartment of the forearm?

levator palpebrae superioris

Which of the following muscles of facial expression is not innervated by the facial nerve?


Which of these muscles that act on the foot should not be grouped with the others?

somatic motor division

Which part of the nervous system controls the movement of your hand as you take notes during an anatomy lecture?

The anterior horns

Which part of the spinal cord contains somas of somatic motor neurons?


Which plexus contains nerves that supply the upper limib?


Which plexus is formed from the ventral rami of nerves L4 to S4?


Which protein acts as a calcium receptor in skeletal muscle?


Which sensory function involves neurons in the posterior root ganglion?

to inhibit the function of cholinesterase

Which statement best describes the goal of medications used to treat myasthenia gravis?

The gray commissure

Which structure links the right and left sides of the gray matter in the spinal cord?

Sarcomplasmic reticulum

Which structures store calcium ions that trigger skeletal muscle contraction.


Which term best describes the relationship of the deltoid and SITS muscles during shoulder abduction?


Which term describes nerve fiber tracts that cross from one side of the body to the other?


Which type of neural circuit allows one motor neuron in the brain to cause thousands of muscle fibers to contract?

erector spinae

While sitting at your desk, you drip your pencil onto the floor. You bend over to pick up the pencil, in order to straighten up and continue your exam, you must use the ____________ _______ muscles

The moving and nonmoving ends of muscle may change with different actions.

Why are the attachment points of a muscle no longer referred to as an origin or insertion?

Men have weaker inguinal canal due to the descent of the testes.

Why do men experience inguinal hernias more often than women?

It blocks the release of acetylcholine from motor neurons

Why does botox diminish frown lines?

The resistance is in the middle

Why is the temporomandibular joint considered to be a second-class lever?

spinothalamic tract; thalamus; cerebral cortex

You step on a sharp pin, which pathway does the pain signal follow?


_________ cells form myelin sheaths in the PNS


_________ is a connective tissue sheath that surrounds an individual muscle fiber.


__________ is an excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain.


___________ is a rare, benign muscle tumor usually found in various head and neck muscles.


muscle fibers are arranged in bundles called _______________


second-order neuron syanpse with third-order neurons in the ___________


the regulatory protein that blocks the myosin binding site on G actin molecules is ________

stimulation of the sarcolemma will not be possible, and muscles will be paralyzed

what can occur if a person is injected with a toxin that blocks acetylcholine receptors

it is a sensory pathway

what does the word root "spino" in the name of a spinal tract indicate?


what is the longest muscle in the human body?

a monosynaptic reflex arc

what kind of reflex arc does not require an interneuron?


which paralytic condition is caused by a viral infection that destroys motor neurons in the brainstem and ventral horns of the spinal cord?


which plexus gives rise to the sciatic nerve?

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