Human Impact Quiz

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Not all dead organisms are acted on by decomposers. Instead of being immediately recycled, the carbon from some organisms is kept in a type of long term storage, or carbon sink. How do humans use these carbon stores?

For energy source

Sunlight energy, chemical energy and heat energy are all forms of energy. Can organisms use each type of energy equallly

No. Some organisms can transform sunlight into chemical energy, then use chemical energy. Heat is the least useful- not able to be used by cells

What is the most basic level of orginization that contains biotic and abiotic factors


How many beads are stored by zoo plankton

1 bead

1. Make sure you go back and look over the material that was covered in the "Ecology Stations" activity. Especially all of the vocabulary words.

1. Make sure you go back and look over the material that was covered in the "Ecology Stations" activity. Especially all of the vocabulary words.

5. (D2.5) What happens to the amount of available energy as you move up a food chain? Where does the energy go?

10% of the energy consumed is stored in bonds inside the organism (this part can get eaten). 90% is released as heat to the environment.

6. (D2.3) The following organisms live in Pine Hill Park: hawks, rabbits, grass, oak trees (which produce acorns), squirrels, and foxes. Create a food web that includes these organisms (make sure your arrows are pointing in the correct direction).

6. (D2.3) The following organisms live in Pine Hill Park: hawks, rabbits, grass, oak trees (which produce acorns), squirrels, and foxes. Create a food web that includes these organisms (make sure your arrows are pointing in the correct direction).


A community of organisms and their abiotic environment collection of all the organisms that live in a particular place, together with their nonliving enviroment


A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms


A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area


A group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.

Food Chain

A sequence in which energy in transferred from one organism to the next as one eats the other

Based on the amount of precipitation, which clitogram represents to the rainforest

Biome A, there is a lot of precipitation

Based on the temperature rangers, which clitogram was a biome from a southern hemisphere

Biome B, because the colder months are May-August

Based on the amounts of precipitation, which clitogram represents the dester

Biome b, very little precipitation

4. (D2.1) Predict which population, in the desert community, would increase the most if insects were eliminated in this food web? EXPLAIN your answer.

Cacti would increase the most because only rats and insects eat it, so that would eliminate half of the predators.

What kind of energy is usable to organisms?

Chemical energy is usable energy for cells

Not all dead organisms are acted on by decomposers. Instead of being immediately recycled, the carbon from some organisms is kept in a type of long term storage, or carbon sink. List four materials that contain this stored carbon

Coal, oil, peat, natural gas

Not all dead organisms are acted on by decomposers. Instead of being immediately recycled, the carbon from some organisms is kept in a type of long term storage, or carbon sink. What process returns co2 to the atmosphere from the carbon stores?


What species are indirectly affected and how?

Common murre- can't feed young due to lack of rockfish pacific snapper- decreasing, can't eat enough Whales


Conversion of sunlight to chemcial

What happens to the amount of energy as it passes through the food chain?


trophic level

Each step in a food chain or food web

b. What are some other possible conditions that could lead to changes in an ecosystem due to significant changes in lower organizational levels?

Extinction or farming of a producer, introduction of a non-native species that consumes lower trophic levels

What is the purpose of decomposers in nature?

Feed on waste product or bodes of other dead organisms and return untrients to soul, water and atmosphere

energy pyramid

Flounder minnows zoo plankton phyto plankton(producer)

Not all dead organisms are acted on by decomposers. Instead of being immediately recycled, the carbon from some organisms is kept in a type of long term storage, or carbon sink. What is the collective term for these four materials

Fossil fuels

WHich organism is producer, etc.

Grass → producer Grasshopper → primary consumer Frog → secondary consumer Hawk → teritary consumer

Once the energy is used by the organisms, what form does the energy eventually become?


a. What are some possible ways that toxins may get introduced to an ecosystem? (think back to ecology station 3)

Humans - waste runoff or dumping

2. (D2.2) Explain why biomagnification is so dangerous for an ecosystem?

It causes pollutants to get passed along trophic levels to the point where top level consumers get a large amount of toxins, possibly killing them and disrupting homeostasis

Humans tend to be at the top of the food chain. Explain what the risk would be of eating fish from polluted water, or fish that are higher up on the food chain. Write a few sentences explaining the path of mercury from smaller fish to the dinner table

Mercury in the water will be taken in by producers. The smaller fish consume the producers and so the amount of mercury increases in their tissue. Then larger fish eat the smaller fish (accumulating mercury even still) and finally humans are on the top of the food chain so would be at the highest risk of ingesting the highest levels of mercury and suffering the worst consequences

What is the name of the process through which producers obtain their energy to make their food



Phytoplankton- Used 90%, stored 10%. 90 beads used, 10 beads stored. Zoo-Plankton- Used 90%, stored 10%. 9 beads used, 1 bead stored. Minnows- Used 90%, stored 10%. 0.9 beads used, 0.1 beads stored. Flounder- Used 90%, stored 10%. .09 Beads Used, .01 stored.

Food chain order

Phytoplankton→ zooplankton→ minnows→ founder

What types of organism would you want to eat to gain the most energy


Levels of a food chain in order

Producers, primary consumer, secondary consumer, tertiary consumer

How did can these substances enter an ecosystem?

Runoff, dumping, rainfall, tissues of organisms, transfer

Of the clams, fish and seabirds, which one is the most affected and WHY?

Seabirds, they consumed the most mercury due to the high concentration in their food source.


Several populations of different species

What is the most basic level of organization?


Why is phytoplankton doing with the 10%

Storing it

Ultimate source of Energy on Earth


3. (D2.5) Examine the desert food web above. If these organisms were arranged in a food pyramid, which organism would have the least amount of total energy available? EXPLAIN why you picked the organism that you did.

The coyotes would have the least energy available, energy is reduced by 90% every time it goes up a trophic level. The coyotes consume at least 1 consumer after producers.

What do the arrows in a food chain represent?

The direction of energy flow, transfer of energy

Why is biodiversity important?

The more different kinds of organisms that are present, the more stable the ecosystem because it allows for many different interactions

8. (D2.4) Explain what it means for a population to maintain homeostasis.

The population is balanced and unchanging

What would happen to the food chain if the phyto-plankton died?

all others would die

What types of organisms are most affected by biological magnificaiton

animals near the top of the food chain

Community definition

assemblies of different populations that live together in a defined area

Due to a decrease in krill and plankton, what species are directly affected and how?

auklets- decreasing, only producing a few chicks and abandoning nests rockfish- decreasing

Synonym for producer


What do scientists think has contributed to the decrease in krill and plankton?

climate change increase in ocean temperature

Name two ways that carbon (usually in the form of co2) enters the atmosphere

comubstion, decomposition, cellular respiration

What happens to the energy as it flows through a system


What is another way in which human activity is increasing the amount of atmospheric co2, and what are the potential global effects of these changes in co2 levels

deforestation. Increase accumulation of co2 in atmosphere which traps more heat = more global warming disrupts photosynthesis (prevents co2 from being removed from atmosphere)

What are some effects of biological magnification?

disease, genetic mutations, birth defects, reproductive difficulties, behavioral change and death

How are biomes identified

dominant plants and animals

Differnece between food chain and food web

food chain is transfer of energy in one direction, tracing one pathway a web is many food chains

Wastes and dead organisms must be broken down in order for their components to be used again. a) What organisms in the cycle carry out this process? b) What would happen if decomposition did not occur?

fungi, bacteria, worms there would be a build up of waste

Write the following food chain in order: "grass is eaten by a grasshopper, which is eaten by a frog, which is eaten by hawk

grass→grasshopper → frog→ hawk

What are the 4 types of consumers

herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, decomposers

Synonym for consumer


Not all dead organisms are acted on by decomposers. Instead of being immediately recycled, the carbon from some organisms is kept in a type of long term storage, or carbon sink. How does our use of these stores affect the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere

increase the amount of co2 in the atmosphere


living and once living things, plants, animals, bacteria

What is the toxin in this simulation?


What would happen to the minnows if the flounder dided

minnows would increase


non living things water, rocks, sun


part of Earth in which life exists including land, water, and air or atmosphere

What process uses co2 from the atmosphere


What organisms carry out photosynthesis


What variable are present on the graphs?

precepitiaton, temp, time, montyh

what variable is represented by the bars


Which levels contain only biotic factors?

species, population, community

9. (D2.4) Draw what the graph would look like for a population that is in homeostasis.

straight line

What variable is represented by the line on the graph


What type of biome is found in Ohio

temperate forest

How are biomes determined?

temperature and precipitation average monthly precipitation and temp

What is biomagnification?

the concentration of toxins in an organism as a result of its ingesting other plants or animals in which the toxins are more widely disbursed. Increase in concentration of a pollulant from one link in a food chain

What types of pollulants are usually associated with biological magnification

toxic chemicals and heavy metals

What role does carbon dioxide play in the atmosphere

trap heat

main ingredients for photosynthesis

water, carbon dioxide, and energy Water, co2, sunlight

What happens to the population of zoo plankton if the founder died

zoo plankton would decrease

who eats phytoplankton

zooplankton, recives 10 beads

7. (D2.6) Data shows that carbon dioxide levels are rising in our atmosphere. Considering the fact that carbon cycles, and is not created new, where is the excess carbon dioxide coming from? Give at least two sources.

• Humans - cars • Humans - factories

6b. (D2.3) Imagine that there is a severe drought in the area. How will this affect the community you have drawn above? Describe at least two consequences of the drought.

• Kills grass • No grass means fewer hiding spots for rabbits

6a. (D2.1 & 2.3) Imagine a disease kills all of the hawks in the park. List three effects that this may have on other organisms in your food web.

• More squirrels • Fewer oak trees (squirrels eat acorns) • More foxes (less competition)

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