Human relations

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A new fire cadet is doing their required duties around the firehouse, cleaning the kitchen, when an alarm comes in. The fire cadet has earphones in and apparently does not hear the alarm. The officer taps them on the shoulder and says, "Let's go - we have an alarm to respond to!" How would you respond to the officer in this situation?

Apologize for having earphones in and not paying better attention. Tell the officer it won't happen again.

Rookie Firefighter Ted Thomas was told by his officer to clean the extrication tools on the apparatus as part of the morning equipment check. Firefighter Thomas is cleaning the tools when one of the veteran firefighters says, "Hey we're making breakfast in here. We're shorthanded and we need you to give us a hand." Another firefighter says, "Yeah come on. We've got a lot to do and scrambled eggs to make. We definitely need your help in here." Firefighter Thomas then proceeds to help the firefighters make breakfast. Later the officer came up to Firefighter Thomas and asked him why he stopped cleaning the tools as he was ordered. How would you respond in this situation?

Apologize to the officer and tell him that in the future you will make sure that whatever assignment is given to you will have first priority.

Two emergency medical technicians arrive on the scene of an emergency; one is Caucasian and the other is Hispanic. The patient is a Caucasian male. The Hispanic EMT starts asking the patient questions and taking his vital signs. However, the patient will only talk to the Caucasian EMT. When the patient does address the Hispanic EMT, he says, "Are you really a firefighter or just someone who wants to become a firefighter?" The patient then asks the Caucasian EMT, "Why is this person taking care of me? Are you sure he's qualified? What credentials does he have to take care of me?" As the firefighters are leaving, the Hispanic EMT tells the patient, "Sir, I've reviewed all your vitals. It's my opinion that you are okay and I'm glad to hear that. If you have any further issues, please give us a call. We'll respond back if you experience any other issues." The patient says, "Okay," and only acknowledges the Caucasian EMT for responding to his call. As the Caucasian EMT, what would you say to your partner as you leave the scene?

Ask your partner if they are okay. Tell them that the patient's behavior was uncalled for.

Two firefighters are in the kitchen. Firefighter A is visibly upset and Firefighter B asks him what's wrong. Firefighter A states that Firefighter C borrowed his air compressor, returned it with the tank damaged, and has yet to pay him for the damage. Firefighter A states that he can't get in touch with Firefighter C. However, he tells the Firefighter B that he doesn't want to handle it at work and asks him to keep the issue to himself. Just then, Firefighter C comes into the kitchen and says, "Hey, guys, how are you doing? Is everything okay?" Firefighter A looks at Firefighter C with a grimace on his face and just walks away. Firefighter C says, "What's going on with him? What's his problem?" As Firefighter B, how would you respond?

Change the subject.

An officer is talking to a firefighter saying, "You need to check our medical kits, air packs, go through the apparatus checklist, and set everything up for the drill of the day first thing in the morning when you arrive on shift." The firefighter says, "Yes, Captain, I got it; first thing every morning." The officer tells him, "I want you to make a habit of this; it could save your life and other lives." Then the officer walks away. The next work day as you and the other firefighters are coming on shift, one of the firefighters says, "I just brought in these great donuts - better get them before they're gone." The firefighter in charge of checking the equipment states, "I've got to check the medical kits, air packs, go through the apparatus checklist and set up for the drill." Another firefighter tells him, "Don't worry about it; last shift didn't have any fires or medical runs so they're fine." As the firefighter in charge of checking the equipment, how would you respond?

Check your medical kit, air pack and go through the apparatus checklist first.

As you walk into the kitchen, you see that the kitchen table is full of the morning newspaper, coffee cups, dishes, etc. You go ahead and clean up the table. You walk back in an hour and a half later and find that the kitchen table is once again is full of the newspaper, coffee cups, and dishes. How would you respond in this situation?

Clean off the table again and then go about your regular firehouse duties.

You are a probationary firefighter. Part of your responsibilities are to make the coffee in the morning, get the newspaper, raise the station flag and make sure all doors are open for civilians to enter. For the last 5 days, another firefighter has had the responsibility of cleaning the dishes in the sink and emptying the dishwasher. This duty has not been completed by that firefighter and you are now the one picking up his slack. As the probationary firefighter, how would you respond?

Continue to clean the dishes in the sink and empty the dishwasher.

Do you believe that this officer needs to work on his/her teamwork?(If they do need to work...just put)


Firefighters arrive at a scene where five children are screaming and yelling while playing video games and watching tv with the volume up very excessively. The firefighters are knocking at the door with no response. They knock louder. Finally, the mother comes into the room and tells them to come in. The firefighters walk in and loudly state, "We are following up with you on our annual safety check of your residence. On our first safety check, there were some violations and we want to make sure they have been taken care of." The mother says, "What?" The firefighters repeat their request again louder. The mother still can't hear. You look at the other firefighter who looks at the children watching tv with a remote next to them. How would you respond to this situation?

Get closer to the mother and politely ask her children to turn down the tv volume.

While waiting for a training class on appropriate ladder placement at the Fire Academy to begin, a firefighter is on his cellphone with his refrigerator repairperson. He can be heard saying that he needs the refrigerator fixed before all the food is spoiled. The repairperson apparently tells him that he needs more information on the part right now to get the part ordered; otherwise, there will be at least a week delay. Just then, there is an announcement over the intercom that the class is beginning. People pass by the firefighter on the phone on their way into the classroom. If you are the firefighter on the phone, how should you respond?

Get off the phone and contact the repairperson after the class.

At an emergency scene, a paramedic is talking to the patient and says, "It looks like you only sprained your wrist but we will go ahead and take you to the hospital now. You should be okay." The patient says, "Thank you." They are about to load her in the ambulance and she says, "Wait! My wallet is inside the house on the kitchen table; can someone get it for me?" The lead paramedic says, "Sure, I'll run in." The paramedic brings the wallet back and gives it to the woman. The first paramedic says, "Okay, let's go." You start to load her again and she says, "Wait, I'm sorry. I don't have my phone. I need to contact my daughter and let her know I'm going to the hospital. Can you please go in my bedroom and get my phone off my nightstand?" The lead paramedic says, "Sure, I got it." He runs back again and it takes him a while but he comes back with the phone. They start to load up the patient and she stops again. "Wait, someone please go get my sweater. I'm feeling very chilly right now. It's on the chair in the living room." Now you are looking at the lead paramedic. How would you respond to this situation?

Get the sweater but state that this will be the last thing you can get because you need to transport her to the hospital.

An engine and a ladder are responding to a car fire in an abandoned parking lot. The engine is the first arriving unit on the scene. The fire cadet pulls off a line from the rear of the engine to the car fire. This is his first fire; caught up in the emotions, he leaves his protective goggles on the truck. The officer in charge of the engine does not have his protective goggles on either. He is directing the cadet to get as close as possible to the car fire to extinguish the fire. The car is rapidly becoming well involved in fire. The officer is firm in his direction to make sure they extinguish the fire as quickly as possible. If you are the fire cadet on the scene that has forgotten his protective goggles, what would your response be?

Go directly to the car fire and extinguish it.

A firefighter is having a conversation with their officer. The officer stated that he needed some updated address information and current training records from the firefighter. Just then, a junior firefighter walks in with his shirt untucked and shoes untied. The officer looks at him and says, "Billy, I don't like your appearance and don't want to see you dressed like that again." As the junior firefighter, how would you respond?

Immediately apologize to the officer.

Firefighters are gathering on the apparatus floor, including a senior firefighter named Jimmy, along with 4 others. Jimmy assigned 2 firefighters to wash the apparatus and make sure the compartments are cleaned out. He then tells the probationary firefighter to wash the apparatus floor. Everyone starts to do their assigned duties and the probationary firefighter says, I'm really getting sick of having to wash the floor all the time. Doesn't anyone else know how to wash it? He goes over to the bucket and throws the mop into it. If you were Jimmy, what would you tell the probationary firefighter?

In private, ask the probationary firefighter what's wrong.

You are a rookie firefighter with 2 months on the job. Each day you come to work, the engine and ladder companies have different assignments that need to be completed. There is a corresponding checklist made out by your officer to review the day's duties. You are cleaning the bathrooms when one of the senior firefighters comes up to you and says, "Don't worry about the bathroom. This area was cleaned the day before. I already went through it and everything looks good. Come help me - let's clean out the equipment room." As the rookie firefighter, how would you respond in this situation?

Inform the senior firefighter that it is your responsibility to clean out the bathroom every day. Once you complete that job you will come and help him with the equipment room.

You are a probationary firefighter and your engine company is assigned daily tasks with each firefighter having personal duty assignments. You have completed all of your duty assignments but continually find that one of the firefighters on your company is not completing his duty of sweeping and mopping the kitchen floor and cleaning the kitchen table. How would you respond as the probationary firefighter?

Jump in and help out sweeping and mopping the floor and cleaning the kitchen table knowing that it is the responsibility of the entire engine company to complete all of the required duties.

Your firefighter crew pulls up on an industrial accident. One of the workers is conscious but trapped under a collapsed wall. All of the firefighters on the scene have eye protection except for Tony, a senior firefighter, who is preparing to use a sledgehammer to break through the wall to get to the trapped worker. As the junior firefighter on the scene, what would you do in this situation?

Make a call for an immediate stop to work on the scene.

Two emergency medical technicians are coming out of a bank in the downtown area after responding to a patient that was experiencing shortness of breath. Dispatch calls on the radio and asks them if they are available for a medical run. The first EMT answers and states that they are available for another run. The second EMT gets agitated and says, "Why did you tell them we're available? We've been on so many calls today and this is way above and beyond what we normally handle. We should be left alone to get our equipment and paperwork in order." The first EMT says, "It's okay." The second EMT goes on another tirade saying, "This is ridiculous and it's been going on all day. Are we the only EMT unit responding to medical calls today?" Meanwhile, citizens standing outside the bank are watching the EMT go on this unprofessional tirade about all the runs they had to respond to that day. As the first EMT, what would be your response?

Privately take him behind the ambulance and tell him that although he does a good job, his tirade is not okay and he needs to be careful about what he says around the public.

The senior firefighter is completing the daily inventory of needed supplies. A probationary firefighter walks in and opens up his laptop to start studying for an Emergency Medical Technician exam that he has coming up in the next week. The senior firefighter looks at the firefighter and says, "Really? You aren't going to help me do the inventory? Seriously?" As the probationary firefighter in the scene, how would you respond?

Say you're sorry and immediately stop studying for your exam and help the senior firefighter do the inventory.

An engine company arrives at an assisted living senior home to do a safety presentation for the residents. The manager comes out and states that all the residents are ready for the presentation. The firefighters tell the manager that they are ready and they will be right in. The senior firefighter tells the fire cadets he has seen the officer give this presentation 3 times in the last 2 months. As the manager walks away, the officer gets a phone call. He says it's from the Safety Director and he has been expecting this call all day. He tells the crew that he will only be about 15 minutes and walks away. As the senior firefighter, what would be the appropriate thing for you to do in this situation?

Since you've seen the presentation lots of times, start the presentation until the officer is finished with his call.

A female firefighter is having a discussion with her officer in the training conference room. The officer says, "I heard you took a class on pumper relay operations and I want you to teach all the crews what you learned." The female firefighter says, "Great, I'll get started on it." Later, she and 5 other firefighters are on the training grounds. She says, "I just took a class on pumper relay operations to help us pump water more efficiently and get water on the fire quicker. I'm going to go get my turnout gear and helmet and we'll get started." As she walks away, one of the firefighters says, "Why does she need to teach us how to do relay operations? I've been doing this job for over 22 years. You're going to tell me someone is going to show me a better way of doing it? I don't think so." As one of the other firefighters, how do you respond in this situation?

State that she absolutely should do the training because she took a class on it and has information that could help us.

Three firefighters are standing on the apparatus floor around 3:00 pm; one is a senior firefighter with 22 years of service and the other two are fire cadets. The senior firefighter says, "Well, it's about time to take this fatigue uniform shirt, hat and ID badge off." One of the cadets states that it is a policy that you can't change out of your fatigue uniform shirt and hat and take off your ID badge until 5:00 pm. The senior firefighter states, "That's ridiculous. They are always making up useless policies; we don't have to listen to that." He tells the fire cadets to take off their fatigue uniform shirts, hats and ID badges and walks away. The two fire cadets are discussing the matter and one says, "Maybe he's right. This is a terrible policy. I've never seen the policy enforced or seen anyone come in the station after 3:00 pm, so what does it matter?" He starts taking off his fatigue uniform shirt, hat and ID badge. As the other fire cadet, how would you respond?

State that the policy is there for a reason and you need to follow it.

The engineer is pulling the fire truck out of the bay and parks it in front of the station. You are doing your daily responsibilities in the apparatus bay area and you see a pool of antifreeze where the engine was just parked. You see four other firefighters walking towards the spill and stop. You see that they notice the antifreeze spill. How would you respond to this situation?

Stop doing your daily responsibilities, inform the engineer of the spill and go clean it up

A rookie firefighter is trying to study for an upcoming Emergency Medical Technician quarterly exam that is part of her cadet evaluations. As she sits down in the office, she pulls out her book to study. The office is adjacent to the apparatus floor and there is a window between the two areas. The rest of the crew is talking loudly and laughing while they begin to do their required daily duty of washing the apparatus floor. The noise is making it difficult for her to study. As the rookie firefighter, how would you respond?

Stop studying and help them wash the apparatus floor.

As a firefighter, would you take advice from this officer?

Strongly Agree

Do you believe that you could work for this officer?

Strongly Agree

Do you believe that you could work out issues with this firefighter?

Strongly Agree

Do you believe that you could work with this firefighter?

Strongly Agree

As a firefighter, how would you feel being evaluated by this officer?

Strongly Agree.

Do you believe that this officer needs to work on his/her teamwork?

Strongly Disagree

Do you feel that you would get annoyed working with this firefighter?

Strongly Disagree

Which of the following would be the best way to make a contribution to a team:

Suggest an idea that you have and let the team evaluate the idea.

You are the junior firefighter riding in the back of the apparatus on the way to a hazardous materials call in which numerous companies are responding. You notice that the officer and driver have a serious discussion about the appropriate direction to take to get to the incident because of many street closings in the area. What would be the appropriate response for you to make in this situation?

Take out a map and offer help with directions.

A rookie firefighter is walking out of the firehouse after completing his shift. As he walks out, he notices that the medical kit has not been put back on the apparatus from the prior shift. Two other firefighters are walking out to go home and notice that the rookie is heading back towards the medical kit. They tell him "Hey, kid, leave that alone. The next shift can take care of that. It's their responsibility." As the rookie firefighter, how would you respond in this situation?

Take the time to put the medical kit away even though you are off shift.

Three rookie firefighters are going through the apparatus and are questioning the way the new piece of extrication equipment is turned on and shut off. Veteran Firefighter Frank Blake is walking through the apparatus floor. The rookie firefighters ask Firefighter Blake if he knows how to work the piece of equipment and if yes, if he could help them. How would you respond as Firefighter Blake?

Take the time to show the rookie firefighters how to work the piece of equipment. Ask them if they have any other questions.

Two paramedics are working on a patient that needs to be transported immediately. The first paramedic says, I'm going to go around front and we can get out of here quickly; let me know when you are done." The second paramedic is replacing a bloody gauze pad on the patient because of the serious injury causing excessive bleeding while the first paramedic goes to the front to get ready for transport. The second paramedic sees the medical waste container where used gauze pads are disposed of, tries to throw it into container, misses and the pad lands on the floor. He finishes up replacing the gauze pad and tells the driver, "Hey, I'm ready, let's go." After they get the patient to the hospital, they are cleaning up the ambulance. The first paramedic is wiping down the seats and the floor, sees the bloody gauze pad on the floor and says, "Why isn't this in the medical waste container? I could have picked it up and contracted hepatitis or some other disease!" As the second paramedic, how would you respond?

Tell him that you are sorry; you will be more careful next time with the waste.

An engine company was out doing building inspections for most of the morning. The company officer decides that they need to complete the daily shopping for lunch and dinner while they are out. They are putting groceries in the apparatus when all of a sudden a civilian walks up and says, "Hey, what are you guys doing? You seriously have time to go shopping while you're on duty? Did all of you really need to go inside at one time? This is great how my tax dollars are being spent - for me to feed you and pay you to go grocery shopping. What if there was an emergency out there or someone is having a heart attack?" How would you respond in this situation?

Tell the civilian that you are aware that this might look bad but explain to him that you all pay for your food, not the taxpayers, and are required to go into the store together so you don't get separated in case of a call.

You are en route to a hazardous material situation during rush hour with heavy traffic and a senior firefighter with 18 years on is driving. You are in the back with another fire cadet and you notice through the visor mirror that the firefighter is texting while driving. The officer is preoccupied on the radio getting information from Dispatch about the hazardous materials situation that is rapidly escalating. He is giving directions to incoming companies and discussing options with the Incident Commander. How would you respond in this situation?

Tell the driver to stop texting while driving.

Firefighters were determining what to make for dinner. The subject of brownies came up. A probationary firefighter said he had a great recipe for brownies that he learned from his grandmother. One of the senior firefighters says, Okay, make them. The lieutenant comes into the kitchen and states that they like their brownies a certain way; would you mind if I show you how to make them? If you were the probationary firefighter, how would you respond in this situation?

Tell the lieutenant that you would love to hear how he makes brownies.

An officer approaches two junior firefighters and informs them that there will be training today with two other departments. Station 3 needs to have fire and medical coverage during the training. The officer states that he needs one of the junior firefighters to be detailed at that station. Jimmy, one of the junior firefighters says, "That's a pretty long distance away. Plus, I'm not really used to pumping water with that engine." The officer tells Jimmy, "They need us to help them out and I need you to go." As Jimmy. the junior firefighter, how would you respond to your officer?

Tell the officer that you will go and do your best. It will be an opportunity for you to learn the new equipment.

Three engines, two ladders and a rescue squad are responding to an emergency call. The driver and officer get out of the engine quickly, but the firefighters in back are very slow to get out of the back and bring the required equipment to the scene. In fact, other companies have arrived and their crews have gotten off their apparatus, gotten their gear on, and gone into the building while your firefighters are still bringing in the required forcible entry equipment. After the call, the officer calls the firefighters over and says, "I noticed you were not getting off the apparatus with the equipment quickly enough. We need to be fast, efficient and organized to get in the building and deal with this situation." In this scenario, you are one of the firefighters slow to get off the apparatus and bring in the equipment; how would you respond to the officer?

Tell the officer you are sorry; you didn't realize that you were getting off the apparatus slowly. Tell the officer you will try to do better in the future.

A new junior firefighter is standing by the engine truck cleaning and arranging tools in the compartment. Another firefighter walks by and says, "I heard you passed your cadet evaluation for engine, ladder and squad duties and got 99% - congratulations, great job!" The junior firefighter says, "Thank you, I studied hard for it." That firefighter walks away and the junior firefighter continues his job. A senior firefighter comes by and says, "Congratulations on passing your cadet evaluation! I've been around for over 15 years. I would be happy to tell you some things about the apparatus if you have time." How would you respond to this situation?

Tell the senior firefighter that you would love to hear what they have to say.

Firefighters respond to a call with a patient experiencing shortness of breath. There are 2 firefighters doing vitals on the patient and 2 other firefighters in the room standing by with a stretcher for possible transport. It is determined that the patient will need transportation to a hospital and they load the patient onto the stretcher. As they are walking out, one of the firefighters says, I left my stethoscope on the floor; I'm going back to get it. As you watch him, he retrieves his stethoscope and also takes a diamond necklace off the dresser and sticks it in his pocket. As the firefighter who witnessed this incident, what would you do?

Tell the supervisor immediately what you observed.

You are a rookie firefighter and you know that departmental rules state that it is inappropriate for you to watch television during your probation period. The crew has invited you in to watch a movie. As the rookie firefighter, how would you respond in this situation?

Thank the guys for the invite. Tell them that you appreciate it but you are still on probation

The senior paramedic is having a training discussion about new techniques to treat diabetic patients. The firefighters gathered around state that it would be great to learn new techniques because they have been on at least 5 runs in regards to a diabetic emergency in the past 2 months to Big Bertha's house. Every time they go there, the house is messy, there's food left out with bugs all over the place. One of the firefighters states, I'm pretty sick of going over there. If you were one of the firefighters sitting around listening silently and not offering any bad remarks about Big Bertha, what would you say?

Try to direct the conversation towards how to better treat diabetic patients.

Paramedics arrive at a house of a woman who speaks only Spanish. A neighbor comes out and tells you that the woman only speaks Spanish and no one knows how to talk to her or understands what she is saying. The Spanish woman comes out, is obviously stressed, and is trying to talk to the paramedics. The paramedics don't understand what she is saying but think she looks to be fine. One of the paramedics points to the medical bag to show that they are there to take care of her but she does not acknowledge them. How would you respond in this situation?

Try to keep her calm while you request an interpreter to respond to the scene.

In Station 7, the TV room also houses the station's computer. There are 3 firefighters in the TV room; 2 senior firefighters are watching a baseball game with the volume up loud and discussing game strategy together. The other firefighter is a new cadet, sitting down at the computer inside the room. The two firefighters ask him what he is doing. He replies that he has a test tomorrow and needs to study for it. He also states that this is the only computer available right now for him to work on. From the perspective of the senior firefighters, what should be the correct response to the cadet?

Turn the TV off and let the cadet study.

Firefighter Joe Jackson and members of Engine 7 arrived on the scene of a first responder. Firefighter Jackson is talking to the granddaughter of the patient. Her grandfather appears to be showing the signs of having the onset of a heart attack. The granddaughter is very upset and worried about her grandfather. Firefighter Jackson informs the granddaughter that her grandfather will be very well taken care of. He tells her that the individuals on the scene are paramedics and are excellent caregivers. Firefighters have given the patient the appropriate first responder examination and are wheeling him out on a stretcher. As they are taking him out, they are discussing the bachelor party they went to the night before. At that party, three firefighters were having a competition to see who could do the fastest beer bong. At that point, all of the firefighters begin laughing in view of the granddaughter. How would you respond in this situation?

Wait until after you complete the medical run and then inform them that it was not appropriate behavior.

Several firefighters are sitting around the table in the conference training room having a conversation about the training schedule for the day. After that discussion, another firefighter starts talking about some recent news in the city. One of the firefighters at the table is looking at her phone with earbuds around her neck while the conversation is going on. She tries to play a video but the conversation around her is loud and she can't hear. As the firefighter with the earbuds, how would you respond in this situation?

Wait until later to watch the video and join in the conversation at the table.

You and your partner are assigned to the rescue squad for the day. Your third response of the day is a child with a fever. As you arrive on the scene your partner is obviously frustrated. Partner: "Great! Another fever! This is about the 10th one I have had in the past three days." Mother of child: "Thank you for coming! My child has a fever. Is there anything you can do to help her?" Partner: "Lady did you give her anything for the fever today?" Mother: "No, right now she can't keep anything down. She keeps throwing up. Can you please take her to the hospital? I think there is something wrong with her. I think it is more than just a fever." Partner: "Yeah, yeah, okay lady." Mother: "Hey, that was out of line. If this is the way my child is going to be treated by you, I don't want you near her!" How would you respond to your partner in this situation?

You should apologize for your partner's behavior and state that you will be talking to your partner concerning that behavior. The priority is their child and the medical attention needed.

Realizes that safety is

a top priority.

One of the most effective ways to maintain pleasant and cooperative relations with fellow employees is:

avoid expressing any ideas which conflict with theirs

You forgot to attend a battalion party given by a fellow worker. You had looked forward to attending the party. The best choice for you to make would be to:

call your fellow worker and apologize; request that you be invited to the next battalion party

Able to speak

clearly and audibly.

Is willing to accept

constructive criticism from others.

If I were doing a much better job than the other people in my station, the best thing for me to do would be to:

continue as though there were no difference

Willingness to

continue learning new things.



Able to treat all people with

dignity and respect.

Is able to control and keep

emotions on an even keel.

Has a positive and

enthusiastic attitude.

Knows that there is a chain of command and that following

established department procedures is important in an organization.

Two firefighters wish to play a prank on another firefighter. Because you think the prank is dangerous, you do not wish to go along with it. The best choice for this situation would be to:

explain why you think the prank is dangerous and refuse to participate

Your officer at the fire station gives you a rush job to do. Which of the following would be the best way for you to get it done on time:

first look the work over and organize it

Under emergency conditions, can

handle critical decision-making.

Firefighter Y is always playing practical jokes and his fellow firefighters would like him to stop. The best course of action would be to:

ignore Firefighter Y when he is playing practical jokes



A person is most likely to be well thought of by fellow workers if the person does which of the following:

lets his/her accomplishments become known indirectly

Is a self-

motivated individual.

Works with little or

no supervision.

Ability to follow

oral/written directions.

Good .

organizational skills

If a fellow firefighter makes a minor mistake of which the firefighter is apparently unaware, it probably would be best to:

quietly mention the error to the firefighter

When a problem arises in a group setting, it is best to:

recognize the problem and constructively deal with it as a group

Under emergency conditions is able to perform both

repetitive and complex tasks with little or no supervision.

Is flexible, not

rigid, in thinking.

Has a pleasant, good

sense of humor.

Is able to treat the

severely injured and sick.

Is able to handle stress and

stay calm in emergency situations.

Has a positive attitude and believes that a

successful outcome will occur in emergency situations.

Does high quality work and makes

suggestions to improve how things are done.

Has empathy and is

supportive of others in time of need.

As a newly-appointed firefighter, the best way to establish friendly relations with your fellow workers is by:

taking every opportunity to prove how quickly you are learning your work

Is willing to work as a

team member.

Firefighter Y always cooks dinner at the station house. Firefighter X half-jokingly and half-seriously tells Firefighter Y that the food is terrible and he's not going to eat it. The best thing for Firefighter Y to do is which of the following:

tell Firefighter X that he tried to prepare the best meal possible and would not be offended if Firefighter X did not eat the meal

If instructions from your captain for a particular assignment are not sufficiently clear, the best thing for you to do is:

tell the captain that you do not fully understand and ask for additional explanation

Has the sincere desire to serve

the community and help people.

Is able to take charge when

the situation demands it.

Is able to accomplish duties in

tight time frames.

A man has telephoned to request that you mail specific information to him. Later you realize that you have misplaced your notes on him. You remember who called and you can find his address in the files but cannot remember what he requested. The best course of action would be to:

try to contact him to determine specifically what information he needed and apologize forV the inconvenience

When a member of your work team is rude and abrupt with you, it would be best for you to:

try to understand why this person is feeling this way

You are finishing up operations after an apartment building fire. Outside on the ground you find a box containing jewelry and believe it to be of considerable value. There is no owner's name on the box. What is the best thing to do in this situation?

turn the box over to your superior officer

Has strong

values and ethics.

Can render emergency care to anyone regardless of

who they are, where they are and what their beliefs are.

Willing to accept people as they are

without regard to race, creed, or gender.

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