Humanities Unit 3

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Charlemagne crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day, 800 c.e.

Charlemagne comes to Rome to help put Leo back in power. Following Christmas mass Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor and was allegedly surprised and with reluctance. Rumor said that he had set it up, rumor also said that the old pope's tongue and eyes got cut out and off.

Great Fire of Rome, 64 c.e. and Niro's Reaction?

Fire burned for six days. Nero blames the fire on Christians and Manicheans as a scapegoat. He then built a palace on the rubbish of the fire.

Justinian promulgates his Legal Code, c. 529

534 c.e.- He had 22 elite jurists who had organized the decrees dating back to Caesar Augustus all the way through Emperor Constantine. It was done in Latin. Code: Body of imperial legislation. Digest: opinions of the most important roman jurists. Institutes: textbook of legal principles.

Contrast Abelard and Aquinas' approaches to philosophy and theology

Abelard: Wrote Sic et Non -Laid out problems so Christians could work out their disputes. Aquinas believed in Respect of opponents as fellow truth-seekers/The nature of knowledge: reason through experience/He believes that knowledge comes from experience/Gained through natural process

Describe the relationship between Peter Abelard and Heloise

An intimate relationship that resulted in a pregnancy and the castration of Abelard. Much older than her but saw her as a gifted mind.

What is Augustine's impression of the Manichaean religious figure, Faustus, when they finally meet?

Augustine met Faustus and was highly disappointed. Faustus was a smooth talker but full of "junk" (did not have any real answers about Manichaeism). Augustine sees right through him and loses hope in Manichaeism

What happened to Augustine's sick friend?

Augustine's friend had a fever and almost died. He was baptized while he was unconscious even though he was not a believer. His friend recovers, has a change of heart and takes his baptism seriously. His friend later dies and Augustine falls into depression

What was the significance of Mecca before, during and after the life of Muhammad?

Before: site of Kabba, nobody could hunt, cut trees, or fight. During: Final Islamic prophet was born and lived here, he received revelation and adopted monotheism in 610, adopted Kabba as the holiest shrine of Islam. After: Muhammed was exiled, established a religious community outside. Promised to make it the center of the religion, Islamic people should make one visit during their life.

Describe the career and teachings of Saint Paul

Formerly Saul, Pharisee who persecuted Christians. Converted to Christianity, traveled and wrote letters throughout the Mediterranean. Taught mostly to gentile communities, resisted efforts to force Jewish laws and customs upon converts. Preached about the death, life, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

How does Augustine answer: What was God doing before creation?

God created time one day at a time, there was nothing before time. This is a foolish question because God could not be doing anything before time if he had not created it yet. Basically calls it a stupid question

What are the definitive elements of gothic architecture and how does it reflect 12th century culture and science?

Gothic architecture had more open space, required heavier material, pointier arches, contained more stained glass windows. These churches brought together many people to build it for example craftsmen, theologians, nobles, and wealthy people. Its main use was a theater for the performing arts.

Battle of Hastings, October 14, 1066

Harold Godwinson and Anglo-Saxons lost the battle, Normans turned the table on them and won, Harold was killed and Duke William of Normandy became King William of England

Assassination of the caliph Uthman

He was murdered by rebels in his own home. He grew an empire and was associated with religion. He was the ruler of the Arabic empire, and was one of the earliest converts to Muhammad's faith. Ali came to power but was assassinated by Uthman's bureaucrats.

Describe and reflect upon several significant incidents from Augustine's early life.

His parents wanted him to get married. He and his friends went and stole pears just to steal, did not need them

How were the outcomes of the Fourth Crusade distinct from the purposes for which it was launched?

Instead of going to the holy lands they sacked Constantinople forgot the whole reason behind their mission. Attacked the place they were supposed to be defending from Muslims

In general, how can the relationship between Christianity and the Roman empire during the first three centuries c.e. be described?

It was not until the fourth century that religious tolerance for Christians was granted. In 313 CE, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Mila in the Roman Empire, which helped foster Christianity's rapid expansion throughout the empire

Describe the confrontation between Jesus and the Roman authorities

Jesus traveled through Galilee preaching and healing to gain disciples. Entered temple in Jerusalem to confront authorities and attack moneychangers. Threatened to destroy the temple. Jesus then got crucified (punishment for non-citizens)

Key Events: Magna Carta is promulgated and Fourth Lateran Council, 1215 c.e.

Magna Carta was a legal code. It was commissioned by ruler's subjects instead of ruler. King of England was forced to sign. Showed that King was not above the law.

Who was Perpetua and what was her crime?

Perpetua was a Christian from a noble family and was mauled to death for being a Christian

Distinguish the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes

Pharisees redefined the home as one's entire neighborhoods or cities. Believed in life after death. Less institutionalized preachers of religious doctrine. Sadducees: Temple priesthood (high Jewish priests). Their rival was the Pharisees. Essenes: Were a quasand monastic faction. They sought salvation through repentance, asedisism, and separation from their fellow jews. Pharisees were the biggest group when Jesus was around.

What political, cultural and geographical advantages aided in the rise of Constantinople?

Political: large bureaucracy that welcomed newcomers Cultural: Straddled Europe and Asia, melting pot for races and cultures, Greek, Roman, and Christian ideas due to location. Geographical: Thriving port due to location, natural harbor, water surrounded for defense, trade crossroads

Describe Diocletian's tetrarchy, how it came to be and the extent to which it was effective.

Split the empire into 4 administrative units. 4 regions of the empire, ruled by 2 emperors. Diocletian takes the east side. The other ruler was Maximilians. They were called Augustus and they divided it by 2 again to make a Jr emperor called caesars below them, they did not work at all even the first time they tried to transfer power. The goal was to have a peaceful transition of power, but that ultimately did not happen.

What was the iconoclast controversy in the Byzantine empire?

The controversy was that these objects were being used to aid prayer or are people are praying to these objects. Possibly violating the Ten Commandments by having this item as a god

Describe the First Crusade and those who fought in it. (How did Pope get involved?)

The first crusade started in 1095-1099/ Pople Urban declared this crusade in order to protect Constantinople from non-Christian threats. Pope Urban declared the crusade because Alexius Comnenus from the Byzantine Emperor wanted to protect Constantinople from the Seljuk Turks who were taking over most of Asia. He wanted Constantinople to stay Christian

What were the reasons for the early crusades; what impact did they have on the peoples involved?

The first four crusades focused on taking over other religions. It was mostly Christian religion trying to defeat the Jews or Muslims. Not only that but the power of the church would get involved and involving other powerful parties. Constantinople was threatened by nonChristians, so the pope asked people to go protect the Christian city and reclaim the Holy Lands (Levant)

Describe the house of wisdom and the scholarship housed there

The house of wisdom developed astobales, collected maps, and read ancient systems of knowledge. It safeguarded many different texts from the ancient world and different philosophers. The house of wisdom was destroyed by the Mongols in 1258

Augustine's Conversion to Christianity

Was considering conversion but not fully convinced because he did not understand Christianity and clung to material things.. Heard whispers to read the Bible, opened it and began to read, was convinced and converted. Alypius also converted and his mother was thrilled.

Who were the Donatists?

a member of a Christian group in North Africa that broke with the Roman Catholics in 312 over the election of Caecilian as bishop of Carthage; the name derived from their leader, Donatus (d. c. 355) Priest (Not allow to get married)

What distinct views and interests led to the Shiite/Sunni schism within Islam? Shiites believe the Prophet Mohammed should have been succeeded by his son

in-law, Imam Ali, and leadership of the Muslim world should pass through the prophet's descendants. Sunnis don't believe the leadership of the Muslim world should necessarily pass through hereditary succession.

What was the Edict of Milan?

issued in 313 by Constantine, restored property that had been taken in the persecution, and granted the freedom to practice Christianity and other religions within the empire

Council of Nicaea

was the first council in the history of the Christian church that was intended to address the entire body of believers. It was convened by the emperor Constantine to resolve the controversy of Arianism, a doctrine that held that Christ was not divine but was a created being

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