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Reasons for America's Population Increase in the 1800s

- The number one reason was the higher natural birth rate increased. - Increased Immigration. -- The US was still doubling its population roughly every 25 years

Reasons why the U.S . was slow to embrace the Industrial Revolution (4)

-- Land was cheap; people were so focused on wanting their own land. They were so cooped up on land that they didn't want to work in the cities. More Americans were initially focused on owning and buying their own land. -- Initially, the U.S. didn't have enough workers to support the factory system. An increased amount of Immigrants will solve this problem (i.e. Irish, German). They will provide the labor. -- The U.S. did not have a lot of capital to invest in building factories. So they relied on foreign investments. -- Infrastructure still needed to improve in order to support a successful Industrial Revolution. It isn't good to build a factory in the middle of nowhere. You need access to the cities, consumers, ports, trains, roads, airports so your items can be transported).

The now-Nothing Party (American Party)

A party that was created in the late 1840s. They were anti-immigrant, pro-(native) protestant, and anti-catholic. When they became a political party, they were known as the American party because they thought they were the true Americans. -- They were nicknamed this because when words started to spread about this secret anti-immigrant party. So if someone was a part of the organization and they were called out, they would claim that they know nothing.

National Road (1811)

Also known as the Cumberland Road. It is the first road that was funded by the National Government. Goes from Maryland to Illinois (eventually) and eventually goes across the US.

Significance of Government in the West

Although people had the mindset of Rugged-Individualism/Self-Reliance in the West, part of the reason the West succeeded was that governments were established (both local and national). Many people wanted to remove the government aspect of the West but this was significant. People were looking to move west because they wanted to get away from a government that was too involved; they wanted opportunity. But, establishing local as well as national governments having a role was just as a success of what the West Succeed, it was just overlooked.

Ancient Order of Hibernians

An ancient organization that had initially been established in Ireland to help the Irish protect their land from the British (because the British had power over them). In America, the Ancient Order of Hibernians will serve as an organization to help the New Irish find housing/jobs/teach them how to read/write. Teaching them how to assimilate into the US.

Eli Whitney -Cotton Becomes King in America

Cotton becomes King, especially in the South, and King Cotton replaces the cash crop King Tobacco. It becomes more profitable. -- The unintended consequence of the cotton gin is that this makes a lot of money but, if the need of cotton increases, the need of labor increases, so slavery increases. -- Increased the textile industry in the north.

Who were two Catholic leaders that wanted to make Catholicism stronger in schools?

Elizabeth Ann Seton (nun) was responsible for bringing catholic schools to the city. And Saint, St. John Neumann was influential in establishing catholic schools starting in the 1800s. --- Early on Catholic schools were free since they were supported by the parishes.

What are factory girls?

Factory girls represented women that worked in factories. Most of these were farm-girls that were from the Midwest. -- Normally, they worked in the textile mills.

Van Buren and the 10 hour work day

In 1840, before his last year in office, Congress passed a law that established the 10 hour work day, it doesn't apply to everyone. It applies to anyone who was working for the federal/national government or contracted by the national government. (Did not apply to private factories or non-government factories/jobs)

Industrial Revolution defined

Industrial Revolution is a shift toward mass production and mechanization that included the creation of the modern factory system. Basically, it is going from making products by hand (highly skilled craftsmen) to making products from machines. The U.S. is producing more products. This benefits everything in the long run because people will be making more money and the price of those products are less expensive and more available.

Commonwealth v Hunt (1842)

Initially, workers couldn't unionize. But Commonwealth v Hunt changes that. The Supreme Court ruled that union rules were not illegal as long as their methods were honorable and peaceful. Labor unions will not officially become legal in the U.S. until 1935 (a lot of this had to do with the "honorable and peaceful" part. -- Honorable and peaceful can be seen by different people.

Where were the origins of the Industrial Revolution

It begins in Europe, specifically Britain. In Britain about the 1750s.

The German 48ers

Many Germans came starting in 1848 because of failed Democratic revolutions in Europe. Unlike the Irish, they had more money and bought land out west. They become a strong political force. German Immigrants will be a strong political force but not as strong as the Irish because they were spread out throughout the US.

Impact of Sameul Morse on Communication in America

Morse created the telegraph ("talking wires") that reached from Washington to Baltimore. He also created Morse code that was coded as dots/dashes. (Militaries still use it as a backup and submarines). Mid 1840s (1844). -- This communication changes the world as far as communication goes. Honorable Mention: Cyrus Field is the first who laid the first telegraph cable across the Atlantic Ocean ( from Newfoundland across the Atlantic to Ireland) → 1858. -- This changed methods of politics for example.

"Nativism" and Anti- Foreignism (Anti-Roman Catholicism) (Anti-Irish and German)

Nativism was a policy or the belief that favored and supported Native inhabitants (English Protestants) as opposed to any new immigrant groups that were coming in (Irish, Germans). They thought that they were the only ones that mattered and they should control everything.

Fulton's Steamboat "the Clermont"

Robert Fulton builds the first commercially successful steamboat (makes a lot of money) going from NYC to Albany up the Hudson River. This is huge for transportation, lowers cost and time. -- Nautically, you can travel a lot faster and this relies on engine (early steamboats had sails just in case something happened) v. sail boat -- Another advantage is that it could go up and down streams.

Impact of Samuel Slater and Eli Whitney on America's Industrial Revolution

Slater, also known as the "Father of the Factory System," brings the first successful machine to thread/spin cotton (known as the textile industry). Eli Whitney made the cotton gin and it separated the seeds from cotton. Before, you had to pick the seeds (which the slaves did). Eli Whitney down in the South to prepare to go to law school, and he overheard somebody complain about someone creating a method that can remove the seeds off cotton. He ended up making the cotton engine.

Tammany Hall

Tammany Hall was the NYCity political machine that was controlled by the Democrats. Symbolized Democratic-controlled politics in NYC. One of its main leaders is named Boss Tweed. He is synonymous with Tammany Hall. He is the one who gets the Irish on board and helps them in order to gain favor/votes (such as finding housing/jobs/helping their families come over/taking care of their families/help with immigration). The more Irish that came over, they became a part of society. It symbolized the way that city politics look at the Irish, now they look at them more favorably because they wanted their vote. Initially, NINA, they are the lowest in society because that was the viewpoint in Europe. Then Tammany Hall changes this --- The Irish are going to gain power, especially in the big cities as more Irish come as immigrants.

Erie Canal (1817-1825) - "Governor Clinton's Big Ditch"

The Eerie Canal will connect Niagara Falls (Buffalo NY) to the Hudson River. Eerie Canal will be built by the state of Ny, not the National Government. Dewitt Clinton did not want the National Government to have too much power so they paid for it by private investors and state taxes. -- Before the EC was built, if you went by land, a ton of grain will cost to 100 bucks a ton to go from Buffalo to NYC, after the EC the cost is 5 dollars a ton. -- The EC will help to make NYC the economic capital of the US.

Why do the Germans Immigrate to the U.S. in the Mid-1800s? + Where were they located in the U.S.?

The Germans came roughly around 1848 because there is a Democratic Movement in Europe that is trying to get rid of the monarchy. They take place in France/Italy/Prussia (all unsuccessful). There were Democratic Revolutions, they wanted democracy in Europe. Many people wanted that change so they left. People who took part in those revolutions that were unsuccessful were punished by the King. (A lot of Germans in the late 1840s will come to America because of failed Democratic Revolutions). -- The Germans had more money and bought more lands west

Impact on U.S. History overall

The History of the U.S. is synonymous with westward expansion. The U.S. cannot expand anywhere else east so we had to go westward (which happened since Jamestown, since the pilgrims of Plymouth and the borderlands, the Louisiana Purchases, etc).

"Manifest Destiny"

The concept/belief that the US was destined to control all the land from Coast to Coast (Atlantic to Pacific). It was a God-given right given to the US by the American people to control this land.

Jacksonian Democracy

The idea of the people having more of a say. This continues because more and more workers (immigrants) were mostly a part of the democratic party overall during this time. They wanted the government to improve their wages. -- Overall, in the mid 1800s, voting participation increased. This was a part of Jacksonian Democracy. So women can still not vote and slaves. But, the working man can now vote. Several states, property rights have been removed as a requirement, immigrants became citizens in a short amount of times.

Describe the Market Revolution and its overall impact on the U.S.

The improvements in transportation are all going to increase the size of markets during the Industrial Revolution. The more transposition/better/quicker, it increases the size of markets for goods to be sold. Expands the markets. -- Now companies/factories aren't selling their products in a regional area but all over the world/country because of these improvements in transportation. -- It helps forge the national/worldwide economy instead of a regional economy. -- Connects to Transportation revolution

More Land Brings More Infrastructure

The more land that we gain, the more it connects to infrastructure. This connects the established East to the new West. For example, Clay's American System ties into this because we build more roads/canals to connect the established east to the new West.

Impact of Immigration on the Industrial Revolution in America in the 1800s

The new immigrant coming to the US during the 1800s will be one of the main catalysts/contributions to the Industrial Revolution in the US. The influx of immigrants will help to fuel the Industrial Revolution. -- Along with new tech/new machines, they will be the fuel that spurred the Industrial Revolution. It was an unintended contributor. We need more workers if we are growing.

The "Iron Horse" + early railroad issues

The railroad Iron House will save the most time and money and the greatest impact of the Industrial Revolution, economically, politically, and socially. -- Some issues the early railroads had were that they break down and more accidents. Another disadvantage was that the track sizes were all different depending on what company you used. So the longer the train has to go across the country, the tracks will switch, and each time you have to switch because of a different size track, it causes you more money/time. -- Cornelius Vanderbilt makes sure that the track widths are all the same universally so you don't have to switch. -- There were a lot 75% of all the rail mines were built in the North (alludes to Civil War)

Why do the Irish Immigrate to the U.S. in the Mid-1800s? + Where were they located in the U.S.?

The reason the Irish are coming over is because of the Potato Famine, they are still under the Thumb of Britain and did not gain their independence. The Irish experienced "The Black Forties" → economic hardships during Ireland; many died. - (Those who could afford to come to America came). Predominantly, Irish immigrants went to the cities because they couldn't afford to buy land on the farms (i.e. Boston, NY). Because they didn't have enough money to buy land in the West. They could barely afford to come to America.

What was their (factory girls) marital status? How does this tie into the Cult of Domesticity?

Their marital status was that they were single. Because once they got married, they gave up their jobs to change roles into the Cult of Domesticity. They did not have a lot of freedom working, they were watched like hawks, and in strict living conditions (boarding houses). The cult of domesticity is when the role for women changes especially after they get married (stay home, take care of the family). It was looked down upon for women to work after they get married because the "focus" should be on their families. -- Now marriages start becoming more about relationships than economic reasons/arranged marriages.

Violence Against Catholics

There were many attacks against Catholics. Churches were burned, and convents were burned down in Boston. In Philadelphia, Catholics fought back against the protestants because the Catholics did not take the discrimination, in the mid-1800s, 2 churches were burned down. --- This happened in the city because it was so condensed. This doesn't deter the Catholics, it makes them stronger and eventually started catholic schools because of the discrimination and prejudice they were facing in school systems.

"Biddies" "Paddies" and NINA

These were derogatory nicknames for the Irish. "Biddies" was a nickname for Bridget, and "Paddies" were Patrick. The Irish took the lowest paying jobs/crappiest ones, and these jobs were offered because they were discriminated against. The protestants discriminated again the Irish because they were Catholic (goes back to England) --- The males helped build the railroads/canals because no one would do these jobs NINA means No Irish Need Apply. These were sides put in store/factory windows so that if you were Irish, you were not getting a job. (a lot of this was because of their religion, protestant dominated throughout the time).

Examples of when Americans used God during times of trouble

They used God a lot (slavery, crusades, witch trials). - (When He gets thrown in there, things don't work as they are supposed to work).

Child Labor

They used children to unjam machines that adults wouldn't fit in. (under 10). Families relied on kids working in the factories, especially in the big cities. School wasn't required. Kids were hurt/killed. -- They had whipping rooms to discipline children who didn't work as quickly as the manger wanted them too. Money wise, they got paid a lot less and even were doing more dangerous work than the adults.

Lancaster Turnpike (1790) + Problems with it

This was a turnpike (one of the earliest roads), where you paid to use it. Because the roads were not very good, they made private roads where they charged people to use. It went sixty two miles from Lancaster to Pennsylvania. -- They had a problem with funding, a lot of states didn't want the national government to fund these roads/infrastructure because it could lead to creating higher taxes and that they didn't want the national Governor having too much control/power on their affairs.

"Rugged Individualism"/Self-Reliance

Those that were moving out West, their mindset was that they would be self-sufficient and did not need help from the government or other people. The idea was to have more freedom and opportunity. Self Reliance was an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson that spoke of this idea of individualism and the idea that you could have your own autonomy. -- They thought that the West will provide

Labor Overall (Adult Workers)

Unskilled workers are going to be replacing/dominating the skilled workers more and more as the years go on. -- Wages overall go down as compared to skilled workers. For an immigrant, looking for a job, they didn't really mind getting paid less than a skilled worker. -- Working conditions were extremely dangerous/unsafe. There was no regulation. There was no workmen's compensation. -- The work place was unsanitary and "poorly ventilated, lighted, and heated." And, there were long hours

Western Life Overall

Western Life overall was harsh, cruel, and difficult. These people were the trailblazers. They had to create their own paths/towns. They had to establish this as part of their mindset. They made it out to be this great thing such as freedom but in reality, it was harsh living conditions. -- Anybody who was settling in new areas had to create their own rugged-individualism in order to survive

Describe how the "Factory Girls" will challenge the "Cult of Domesticity" in America

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Describe how the Industrial Revolution in America was impacted by the following

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Describe the many ways that the Industrial Revolution will significantly impact the following

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Immigration and Its Impact on American Society in the Mid-1800s

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Impact of the Transportation Revolution in America during the 1800s

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Impact of the Westward Movement of the American People

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Irish and German Immigration Dominates the Mid 1800s

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