HW07 Word 1

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Create a 0.5" first line indent in the first body paragraph in the document.

Click in the first body paragraph. Drag the First Line Indent marker to the half-inch mark on the ruler. The first line of the paragraph is indented 0.5

Remove the space before and after the first body paragraph in the document.

Click in the first body paragraph. In the Paragraph group on the Home tab, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button. Word displays a list of line and paragraph spacing options. Click Remove Space Before Paragraph. Word removes the space before the first body paragraph. In the Paragraph group, click the Line and Paragraph Spacing button again. Click Remove Space After Paragraph. Word removes the space after the first body paragraph.

Apply the Intense Quote style to the second body paragraph.

Click in the second body paragraph. In the Styles group on the Home tab, click the More button. Word displays a gallery of styles. In the Styles gallery, click the Intense Quote style. Word applies the set of formatting options in the Intense Quote style to the paragraph, including italics, font color, top and bottom borders, paragraph spacing, and left and right indents.

From the Top of Page gallery, insert an Accent Bar 2 page number. Close Header and Footer.

Click the Insert tab. In the Header & Footer group, click the Page Number button. The Page Number menu opens. On the Page Number menu, point to Top of Page. A gallery of page number formats opens. In the gallery, click the Accent Bar 2 option. The pre-formatted text "Page" and the page number appear in the header. In the Close group, click the Close Header and Footer button.

Insert a built-in bibliography without a preformatted heading in the blank paragraph at the end of the document.

Click the References tab on the Ribbon. In the Citations & Bibliography group, click the Bibliography button. In the Bibliography gallery, click Insert Bibliography. Word generates a list of the sources you referenced or used when writing the paper, and inserts the bibliography at the insertion point. The bibliography is formatted in the selected documentation style, in this case, MLA.

Replace every instance of the word "web" with the word "online" in the document.

In the Editing group on the Home tab, click the Replace button. The Find and Replace dialog box opens. Type web in the Find what text box. Click in the Replace with text box and type online in the text box. Click the Replace All button. Word replaces all instances of "web" with "online" and displays a dialog box notifying you about the replacements. Click the OK button. The notification dialog box closes. Click the Close button to close the Find and Replace dialog box.

At the end of the sentence at the bottom of page 1, before the period, insert a citation to a new source using the following information: Type of Source: Article in a Periodical Author: Cho, Peter Title: Business Lending Periodical Title: Wall Street Journal Year: 2019 Month: May Day: 2 Pages: 4 Medium: Print

Move the insertion point before the period in the last sentence on page 1. Click the References tab on the Ribbon. In the Citations & Bibliography group, click the Insert Citation button. Click Add New Source to open the Create Source dialog box. Click the Type of Source arrow Select the type Article in a Periodical The fields in the Create New Sources dialog box adjust to guide you through entering the correct source information for a periodical article. Enter Cho, Peter in the Author text box. Enter Business Lending in the Title box. Enter Wall Street Journal in the Periodical Title box. Enter 2019 in the Year text box. Enter May in the Month box Enter 2 in the Day box. Enter 4 in the Pages text box Enter Print in the Medium box. Click the OK button. Word inserts a citation to the new source using the selected citation style.

Update the Heading 1 style to match the formatting of the first Heading 1 paragraph in the document.

Select the first Heading 1 paragraph. In the Styles group on the Home tab, right-click the Heading 1 style. Word displays a shortcut menu related to styles. Click Update Heading 1 to Match Selection. Word updates the Heading 1 style and applies the modified style to the other Heading 1 paragraph in the document.

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